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3) That reftitution be made the Company of their factories and fettlements at Calcutta, Coffimbazar, Dacca &c. which have been taken from them, That all money and effects taken from the English Company, their factors and dependents, at their feveral fettlements and aurùngs, be reftored in the fame condition. That an equivalent in money be given for fuch goods as are demaged, plundered, or loft, which fhall be left to the Nabob's inftice to determine.

Whatever has been seized by the government shall be restored.

4) That the Company be allowed to fortify Calcutra in fuch a manner as they fhall efteem proper for their defence, without anv hindrance or obstruction. It is agreed to.

5) That ficcas be coined at Allenagore (Calcutta) in the fame manner as at Murshedabâd, and that the money ftruck in Calcutta be of equal weight and fineness with that of Murthedabad. There be no demand made for a deduction of batra.

It is agreed, that bullion imported by Company be coined into ficcas.

6) That these proposals be ratified in the strongest manner in the prefence of God and his Prophet, and figned and fealed to by the Nabob and fome of his principal people.

In the prefence of God and his Prophet, these articles are figned and sealed.

7) And Admiral Charles Watfon and Colonel Clive promife in behalf of the English nation, and of the English Company, that from henceforth all hoftilities hall ceafe in Bengal, and the English will always remain in peace and friendship with the Nabob, as long as thefe articles are kept in force, and remain unviolated. On condition that an agreement under the Company's feal. and figned by the Company's Council, and fworn to according to their religion, be fent me; agree to the articles which have countersigned.


Signed Aez al Mulok Morad al Dowlah Nowarish Ally
Khawn Bahader Zaooer Jung, a Servant of king
Allum Gueer the Invincible.


Meer Jaffer Khawn Bahader, a Servant of king 1757

Allum Gueer the Invincible.

Rajah Doolubram Bahader, a Servant of king

Allum Gueer the Invincible.

Witnefs, Mohinder Narraio, Canongo.
Witnefs, Lucki Narrain, Canongo,

Agreement of the Company, figned by the Governor and
Committee, the 9the February 1757.

We the Eaft India Company, in the prefence of his Excellency the Nabob Munfur al Muluk Serajah al Dowlah Shah Kuly Khawn Bahader Hybut Jung, Nazim of Bengal, Bahar, and Oriffa, by the hands and feal of the Council, and by firm agreement and folemn atteftation, do declare, That the business of the Company's factories within the jurisdiction of the Nabab hall go on in its former coarse; that we will never opprefs or do violence to any perfons without caufe: that we will never, offter protection to any perfons having accounts with the governement, any of the king's Talookdars or Zemindars, nor murderers, nor robbers; that we will never at contrary to the tenor of the articles agreed to by the Nabob: that we will carry on our business as formerly; and will never, in any refpect, deviate from this agreement,

Agreement of Colonel Clive with the Nabob the 7th February 1757.

Colonel Clive, Sabut Jung Bahader Commander of the English land- forces in Bengal, do folemnly declare, in the prefence of God and our Saviour, that there is peace between the Nabob Serajah al Dowlah and the English: they, the English, will inviolably adhere to the articles of the treaty made with the Nabob; that, as long as he fhall obferve his agreement, the English will always look upon his enemies as their ennemies; and, whe never called upon, will grant him all the affiftance in their power.


1757 Copies of perwanahs from Serajah at Dowlah, Nabob of Bengal, granted to the East India Company for erecting a mint at Calcutta, and for the currency of their bufinefs; with a copy of the Nabob's duftuck, dated in March 1757.


(BOLTS confiderations Vol. I. Appendix p. 3.)

Perwanah for duftucks from Serajah al Dowlah, dated 9th of the Moon Rajeb.

The English Company's goods have been carried


backward and forward by land and water, always through the provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Oriffa, by, the duftuck and feal of the faid Company, by virtue of the King's Firmaun, which is alfo now confirmed by Take care, on no pretence to interupt their carrying their goods backwards and forwards through all the chokeys whatfoever, and not to demand any ghatbarry, mangon &c. according to the King's Firmaur. Let them pafs and repafs without receiving a single cowrie from any of their people; and interfere not with the English Company's gomaftahs on any account, but rather take care, that through all your diftricts their bufinefs be not obftructed in any way.

(Quinze perwanahs de même teneur et date furent donnés fous le fceau du Nabob Serajah al Dowlah aux Rajahs et Zemindars.)

Perwanah under the feal of Nabob Munfur al Muluk
Serajah al Dowlah Bahader Hy but Jung, dated

9th of Rajeb (31st March 1757) in the 3d year
of the glorious reign Mohunlol.

All goods belonging to the English Company, which by virtue of the royal mandate ufed to pafs and repafs with the faid Company's duftucks by land or wather, through the province of Bengal, Bahar, and Oriffa, I have at this time granted a free currency to, in the fame manner, and with the fame privileges as formerly: it is neceffary that your Excellency write to the Officiers at Dacca, Chittigung, Jugdea, Akbarnagur,


Silhett, Rangamatty, Chilmary, and Mahudabad Purnea, 1757 that they foffer the fame goods to pafs up and down the rivers without any moleftation or impofition of ghatbarry (a tax laid upon boats) or any other articles forbidden by the royal court; nor exact the fmallest fum from them, nor any ways opprefs the Company's gomaftahs or dependents. Let them be punctual in this duftuck.

Under the feal of the Nabob Serajah al Dowlab &e. dated (about the 9th March 1757) 17th Jemmade Sauni, the third year of the King's glorious reign.

To all Fowzdars, Zemindars, Chokeydars, and overfeers of the way of the provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Qriffa.

All goods belonging to the English Company, which by virtue of the royal mandate ufed to pass and repafs through the foregoing provinces, by land and water, with the Company's duftucks, I have at this time granted a free currency to, in the fame manner as formerly, and with the confirmation of their former privileges. Let all goods, having the English Company's duftuck, pafs as before, up and down the river, without any moleftation or impofition of ghatbarry, or any other articles forbidden by the royal court; nor exact the fmalleft fum from them, nor opprefs the Company's dependents. In this be punctual, and act conformably to this writing.

Perwanah of the Nabob Serajah al Dowlah to the Honourable Company, for erecting a mint in Calcutta.

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From the date of the firft of the moon, the fourth fan ficcas are begun to be ftampt, and through all the minthoufes the new ficcas of the fourth fun are coined. Take care and erect a mint in Calcutta (called Allenagore) and ftamp gold and filver rupees out of the bullion and gold imported by your nation, of the weight of rupees of gold and filver coined at Murfhedabâd, under the name of Allenagore (Calcutta) fhall you coin your money, it fhall pafs for land revenues &c. and no body will afk or fet any batta upon them; only take care not to coin the gold and filver of other nations.


1757 Traité entre la Compagnie Anglaife des Indes Orientales et le Meer Jaffier Ally Khawn nommé par elle Nabab di Bengale 1757.


Copy of a Treaty between Colonel Robert Clive, on
the Part of the English East India Company, and
Meer Faffier Ally Khawn, upon the Colonel's
placing that officer in the Nabobship of Bengal
in June 1757

(BOLTS confiderations Vol. I. Appendix p. 5.)

I fwear by God and the Prophet of God, to abide by the terms of this treaty whilft I have life *).

Signed Meer Mahomed Jaffier Khawn Bahader, Servant to King Allum Gueer.


Whatever articles were agreed upon in the time

of peace with the Nabob Serajah al Dowlah Munfur al Muluz Shah Kuly Khawn Bahader Hybut Jung, I agree to comply with,

2) The enemies of the English are my enemies, whether they be Indians or Europeans.

3) All the effects and factories belonging to the French in the province of Bengal (the Paradife of nations) and Bahar, and Oriffa, fhall remain in the poffeffion of the English, nor will I ever allow them any more to fettle in the three Provinces.

4) In confideration of the loffes wich the English Company have fuftained by the capture and plunder of Calcutta by the Nabob, and the charges occafioned by the maintenance of forces, I will give them one crore of rupees.

5) For the effects plundered from the English inhabitants at Calcutta, I agree to give fifty lacks of rupees.

*) Cés mots font écrits de la propre maîn du Nabob.


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