any State whatever. And for securing the object of this Stipulation, it is further stipulated and agreed, that no communication or correspondence with any Foreign State whatever shall be holden by the said Rajah, without the previous knowledge and sanction of the said English Company Behauder. VII. The Rajah of Cochin stipulates and agrees, that he will not admit any European Foreigners into his service, without the concurrence of the English Company Behauder; and that he will apprehend and deliver to the Company's Government all Europeans, of whatever description, who shall be found within the Territories of the said Rajah without regular Passports from the English Government; it being the said Rajah's determined resolution not to suffer, even for a day, any European Foreigners to remain within the Territories now subjected to his authority, unless by consent of the said Company. VIII. Whereas the complete protection of the said Rajah's Territories may require that such Fortresses as are situated within the said Territories should be dismantled or garrisoned, as well in time of Peace as of War, by British Troops and Officers; the said Rajah hereby engages, that the said English Company Behauder shall, at all times, be at liberty to dismantle or garrison, in whatever manner they may judge proper, such Fortresses and strong Places within the Territories of the said Rajah, as it shall appear to them advisable to take charge of. IX. The Rajah of Cochin hereby promises to pay at all times the utmost attention to such advice as the English Company shall occasionally judge it necessary to offer to him, with a view to the economy of his Finances, the better collection of his Revenues, the administration of Justice, the extension of Commerce, the encouragement of Trade, Agriculture and Industry, or any other objects connected with the advancement of the Interests of the said Rajah, the happiness of his People, and the mutual welfare of both States. X. This Treaty, consisting of 10 Articles, being this day, the 6th day of May, 1809, settled and concluded at the Palace of Anjekanall, near Cochin, by Lieutenant Colonel Colin Macaulay, Resident at Travancore, on the one part, on behalf and in the name of the Honourable Sir George Hilaro Barlow, Baronet, and Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Governor in Council of Fort St. George, on the part of the Honourable East India Company; and, on the other part, by the Rajah of Cochin, for himself and Successors. The Lieutenant Colonel aforesaid has delivered to the said Rajah 1 Copy of the same in English and Tamul, signed and sealed by him; and the said Rajah has delivered to the Lieutenant Colonel aforesaid another Copy, also in Tamul and English, bearing his Seal and Signature. And the aforesaid Lieutenant Colonel has engaged to procure and deliver to the said Rajah, without delay, a Copy of the same, under the Seal and Signature of the Honourable the Governor in Council; on the receipt of which by the said Rajah, the present Treaty shall be deemed complete and binding on the Honourable the English East India Company, and on the Rajah of Cochin; and the Copy of it now delivered to the said Rajah shall be returned. G. H. BARLOW. W. PETRIE. J. H. CASAMAJOR. No. 22.-TREATY with the King of Caubul.- 17th June, 1809. WHEREAS, in consequence of the Confederacy with the State of Persia, projected by the French, for the purpose of invading the Dominion of His Majesty the King of the Dooraunees, and ultimately those of the British Government in India, the Honourable Mountstuart Elphinstone was dispatched to the Court of His Majesty, in quality of Envoy Plenipotentiary, on the part of the Right Honourable Lord Minto, Governor-General, exercising the supreme authority over all Affairs, civil, political and military, in the British Possessions in the East Indies, for the purpose of concerting with His Majesty's Ministers the means of mutual defence against the expected invasion of the French and Persians: And whereas the said Ambassador having had the honour of being presented to His Majesty, and of explaining the friendly and beneficial object of his Mission, His Majesty, sensible of the advantages of alliance and co-operation between the 2 States, for the purpose above described, directed his Ministers to confer with the Honourable Mr. Elphinstone, and, consulting the welfare of both States, to conclude a friendly Alliance: And certain Articles of Treaty having accordingly been agreed to between His Majesty's Ministers and the British Ambassador, and, confirmed by the Royal Signet, a Copy of the Treaty so framed has been transmitted by the Ambassador, for the Ratification of the Governor-General, who, consenting to the Stipulations therein contained, without variation, a Copy of these Articles, as hereunder written, is now returned, duly ratified by the Seal and Signature of the Governor-General, and the Signatures of the Members of the British Government in India; and the obligations upon both Governments, both now and for ever, shall be exclusively regulated and determined by the tenour of those Articles, which are as follows: ART. I. As the French and Persians have entered into a Confederacy against the State of Caubul, if they should wish to pass through the King's Dominions, the Servants of the Heavenly Throne shall prevent their passage; and, exerting themselves to the extent of their power in making War on them and repelling them, shall not permit them to cross into British India. II. If the French and Persians, in pursuance of their Confederacy, should advance towards the King of Caubul's Country in a hostile manner, the British State, endeavouring heartily to repel them, shall hold themselves liable to afford the expenses necessary for the abovementioned service, to the extent of their ability. While the Confederacy between the French and Persians continues in force, these Arti. cles shall be in force, and be acted on by both Parties. III. Friendship and union shall continue for ever between these 2 States; the veil of separation shall be lifted up from between them, and they shall in no manner interfere in each other's Countries; and the King of Caubul shall permit no Individual of the French to enter his Territories. The faithful Servants of both States having agreed to this Treaty, the conditions of confirmation and ratification have been perforined, and this Document has been sealed and signed by the Right Honourable the Governor-General, and the Honourable the Members of the Supreme British Government in India, this 17th day of June, 1809, answering to 1224 of the Higera. No. 23.-TREATY with the Ameers of Scind.-Hyderabad, 22d August, 1809. Treaty of Friendship between the Honourable English East India Company and the Government of Scind. ART. I. There shall be eternal Friendship between the British Government and that of Scind, namely, Meer Ghalam Allee, Meer Kurreem Allee, and Meer Moorad Allee. II. Enmity shall never appear between the 2 States. III. The mutual dispatch of the Vakeels of both Governments, namely, the British Government and Scindian Government, shall always continue. IV. The Government of Scind will not allow the establishment of the Tribe of the French in Scind. Written on the 10th of the month of Rujubool Morijub, in the year of the Hijree 1226, corresponding with the 22nd of August, 1809 Camp near Hyderabad, 22nd of August, 1809. No. 24.-AGREEMENT with Futteh Mahomed of Cutch. 1809. Articles of Agreement between the Honourable East India Company, entered into by Captain Samuel Adam Greenwood, under the orders of Lieutenant-Colonel Walker, Resident with the Vizurat Jemadar Futteh Mahomed, and his Son Notiar Hussain Meeja, on behalf of the Maha Row Shree Raidhunjee; viz. ART. I. As Friendship exists between the Government of the Honourable Company, and the Government of the Maha Rajah Anund Row Guicowar Sena Khas Kheyl, on the one part, and the Government of the Maha Rao Shree Raidhun, on the other, it is agreed, that no Troops shall cross to the Country to the East, or opposite side of the Gulph and Run, lying between Kutchand Guzerat, nor shall any claim or interference be therein maintained. II. The above Article is indispensable, but as the Maharao Mirza Raidhun possesses old claims on Noanuggur, it is agreed that these, as well as any other demands, either pecuniary or otherwise, which exist or may arise, shall be settled agreeably to equity and justice, and with due regard to the character of Maha Row Shree, by the decision of 3 People, 1 on behalf of the Honourable Company, I on behalf of the Maha Row Shree, and a 3rd on behalf of the Parties on whom the claims are made. III. The Maha Row Shree Raidhun engages, that Piracy shall be eradicated throughout the Country of Kutch: should any Piracy take place, the Pirates shall be punished, and expelled from the Country. IV. Maha Row Shree Raidhun engages not to permit any Establishment whatever to be made in the Country by any European or American Power, or any of those Nations to remain therein. To the truth of the above God is witness. Dated 16th of Ramzan, 1224 Hejeree, corresponding with the 3rd of Asivoud.-1809. No. 25. ENGAGEMENT with Dewan Hansraj, of Mandavie. 28th October, 1809. Articles of Engagement entered into by Dewan Hansraj Samidoss, of Mandavie Bunder, with Captain Samuel A. Greenwood, on behalf of the Honourable Company, as follows : ART. I. As Friendship exists between the Government of the Honourable Company, and the Government of the Maha Rajah Sena Khas Kheyl Shumsheir Behauder, on the one part, and the Government of Maha Rao Shree Raidhun, on the other; I do hereby agree that no Troops shall cross to the Country on the opposite side of the Gulph and Run, (lying between Kutch and Guzerat;) nor shall any claim or interference be maintained therein. Should any claim or dispute arise, the same shall be settled by Arbitration, under the mediation of the Company. II. Hansraj Sa Dewan engages, on behalf of the Maha Rao Raidhun, that Piracy shall be eradicated throughout the Territories subject to Mandavie: should any act of Piracy occur, the Pirates shall be punished and expelled the Country. III. Hansraj Sa Dewan also engages, on behalf of the Maha Rao Raidhun, not to permit any European or American Power to form an Establishment at Mandavie and its Dependencies, nor to permit any of these Nations to remain therein. Dated 1865, Assainvud 5th; corresponding with 28th October, 1809. A. D. What is above written is truth. HANSRAJ SAMIDOSS. No. 26.-ENGAGEMENT with the Rajah of Macherry-16th July, 1811. Engagement on the part of Maha Rao Rajah Bukhtawar Singh, Rajah of Macherry. WHEREAS the strictest unity of interests is firmly established between the British Government and Maha Rao Rajah Sinac Bukhtawar Singh; and whereas it is expedient that this should be universally known and understood: the Maha Rao Rajah hereby engages, for Himself and his Heirs and Successors, that he will never enter into any Engagement or Negotiation whatever, with any other State or Chief, without the knowledge and consent of the British Government. With this view the present Engagement is written, on the part of Maha Rao Rajah Sinac Bukhtawar Singh, this 16th day of July, 1811, of the Christian æra, corresponding with the 24th of Jumadee oul Sawee, 1226 Hijeree: it being understood, that the Treaty formerly concluded between the 2 States is by no means annulled by the present Engagement; but, on the contrary, is hereby confirmed and strengthened. (L. S.) MAHA RAO RAJAH BUKHTAWAR SINGH. No. 27.-TREATY with the Vizier of Oude.-Lucknow, 14th January, 1812. WHEREAS disputes and contentions have arisen betweon the Subjects of the Honourable Company and the Government of His Excellency the Vizier, regarding the Boundaries of their respective Villages, the possession of Lands acquired by alluvion, and of Islands formed in the Rivers which constitute the Frontier of the 2 States; therefore, and with the view of settling and obviating such disputes at the present and in all future times, the following Treaty is concluded by His Excellency the Nawab Vizier ool Murmaulik Yeemeen oo Dowlah Nazin ool Moolk Saudut Aly Khaun Behauder Mobaurez Jung, for Himself, his Heirs and Successors; and by Major John Baillie, Resident at Lucknow, by virtue of Full Powers vested in him for this purpose, on |