16 Principal Musicians 1,536 80 Captains 38,400 17,520 80 First Lieutenants 28,800 17,520 80 Second Lieutenants 24,000 17,520 320 Sergeants 30,720 320 Corporals 26,880 17,664 160 Musicians 11,520 5,440 Privates 244 Private Servants 326,400 Clothing. 13,440 15,352 8,323 Dollars. 537,984 83,096 25,987 ESTIMATE of Appropriations for 1817.-- Continued. REGIMENT OF RIFLEMEN. Riflemen 81,048 Miscellaneous 174,500 Replacing Deserters and those rendered unfit for duty, including bounties and premiums for enlisting 32,000 Subsistence to the non-commissioned Officers, Artificers, Musicians, and Privates of the Army.-4,284,005 rations, estimated at an average of 19 cents per ration 813,960 Clothing for the non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, and Privates. 646,430 barracks, and hire of quarters 460,000 Medicines, instruments, and stores for hospitals, posts, garrisons, and regiments, and for paying Assistants, Nurses, Matrons, and Attending Physicians not of the Army 100,000 Ordnance and ordnance stores, and Arsenals, and for the public Armouries at Spring field and Harper's Ferry 1,066,000 Fortifications 838,000 Contingencies 100,000 Maps, plans, books, and instruments for the War Department 2,500 Buildings at West Point 47,500 Maps, plans, books, instruments, fuel, and stationery for the Military Academy; repairing buildings at West Point, &c. 16,750 350 Boys Advance by the State of Pennsylvania, for defraying the expenses of the Militia of that State , 300,000 Running the lines of the Territory ceded by the Creek Nation, on the 14th of August, TOTAL FOR MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT AND INDIAN DEPARTMENT.... Dollars. 7,699,625 NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. Pay, Rations, and Subsistence of the Officers, Seamen, Ordinary Seamen and Boys, of the Navy of The United States. 1,900 Seamen 1,600 Ordinary Seamen 5,444 Dollars 1,092,782 Provisions for 5,444 persons; making 1,987,060 rations, at 25 cents 496,765 Hospital stores, medicines, instruments, &c. including the Marine Corps 10,000 Repairs of Vessels, exclusive of the Macedonian 275,000 Repairs of the Frigate Macedonian 50,000 Ordnance and Ordnance stores 100,000 Salt-petre and sulphur, &c. 20,000 Repairs of Navy Yards, construction of Docks, &c. 350,000 Contingent Expenses 300,000 To cover deficit of the year 1816, in consequence of arrearage claims for the last year of the War 50,000 TOTAL FOR NAVY Dollars 2,744,497 Extra Pay to Adjutant, Pay-master and Quarter-master, at 30 dollars per month 1,080 77,015 187,308 Dol. C. Dollars. 934 Suits. 23 00 21,482 1 50 150 1 75 1,750 300 3,000 1 25 5,000 10 00 1,000 34,166 CONTINGENT ACCOUNT. Camp-kettles, barrack furniture, beds, stationery, &c. Fuel for the Officers and Corps, Forage for the Commandant, &c. TOTAL FOR MARINE CORPS TOTAL FOR NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT AND MARINE CORPS 100 1,187 4,000 10,000 4,000 1,500 19,500 242,161 Dollars. 2,986,658 |