BRITISH AND FOREIGN STATE PAPERS. 1816-1817. COMPILED BY THE LIBRARIAN AND KEEPER OF THE PAPERS, LONDON: JAMES RIDGWAY AND SONS, PICCADILLY. 1838. ADVERTISEMENT. This Publication is intended to comprize the principal Documents which have been made public, relating to the Political and Commercial Affairs of Nations, and to their Relations with each other, from the termination of the War in 1814 to the latest Period. The Work was formerly printed, exclusively for the use of the Government, and of its Diplomatic Agents Abroad: but the general interest attached to these Collections has led to its Publication. The Volumes published FOR SALE, previously to the present Volume, are those for 1817-1818; 1818-1819; 1819-1820; 1828-1829; 1829-1830;18301831; 1831-1832; and 1832-1833. The intermediate Volumes, between the Volume for 1819-1820, and that for 1828–1829, will be reprinted for the same purpose. The present Volume will form Vol. IV. of the entire Series. PRINTED BY J. HARRISON AND SON, ORCHARD STREET, WESTMINSTER, PRINTERS TO THE FOREIGN OFFICE. Buenos Ayres, 14th February, 1817... 983 CONFERENCE between the Plenipotentiaries of Austria, France, Paris, 13th March, 1817... 956 ANNEX. Declaration of France. Interpretation of the French Constitutional Char- ter.............Rome, 15th July, 1817... 516 CONVENTION with Portugal, relative to the Limits of Guiana. Paris, 28th August, 1817... 818 Law relative to the Finances......... ........25th March, 1817... 396 NOTE of the Plenipotentiaries of Austria, Great Britain, Prus- sia, and Russia, to the French Government, relative to NOTE of the Plenipotentiaries of the 5 Powers to the Portuguese Government in Brazil, offering the Mediation of the Allied Courts between Portugal and Spain, upon the Paris, 16th March, 1817... 954 to carry into effect the Post Office Conventions with Sardinia, of 1817.......6th November, 1817... 467 relative to the Commercial Relations between the Islands of Bourbon and the Mauritius. ANNEX. Proclamation of the Authorities of Bour- TREATY with Austria, Great Britain, Prussia, and Russia, and Spain, relative to the Duchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla ANNEX. Extract. Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748... 82 TREATY with Monaco, relative to the Protection of the Princi- |