Imágenes de páginas

MAGNIFICENT, 74 G. E. Bowater. Built at Deptford in 1766. In the action of April 12, 1782. Length of gundeck, 168 feet, 6 inches: of keel, 138 feet, 2 inches and three quarters. Tons, 1612. Now in the Channel, MAJESTIC, 74 G. R. Cuthbert. Built on the River Thames in 1785. Was in the action of April 12, 1782, and June 1, 1794. Cominanced by Capt. Weftcott in the action of August 1, 1798. Length of gun-deck, 170 feet, 6 inches of keel, 141 feet. Breadth, 46 feet, 9 inches and a half. Depth, 20 feet, 6 incns. Tons, 1642. In the Mediterranean.

MARLBOROUGH, 74 G. T. Sotheby. In the action of April 12, 1782; alfo in that of June 1, commanded by Capt.
Бега.1 у.
Built in 1767 at Deptford. Length of gun-deck, 168 feet, 8 inches and a half: of keel, 140 feet, 3
inches and one eighth. Tons, 1642. She is now at Lisbon.

MARS, 74 G. J. Manley. Built at Deptford in 1794.
and captured it; but with the lots of his life.
Breadth, 49 feet. Depth, 20 feet. Tous, 1942.
MINOTAUR, 74 G. T. Louis. Built at oolwich in 1793. as in the action of August 1, 1798. Length of gun-
deck, 172 feet, 3 inches of keel, 140 feet, 5 inches and a quarter. Tons, 1703. In the Mediterranean,
MONARCH, 74 G. Vice-Admiral Sir R Orflow and Capt. S. Sutton. Built at Deptford in 1765. This Ship led the
Van in Admiral Keppel's action, July 27, 1778, commanded by Capt. Rowley. She was alfo Admiral Elphin-
ftone'a Flag Ship at Saldanha Bay; and Vice-Admiral Onflow's, in the action of the 11th of October, 1797.
Length of gun-aeck, 168 fect, 5 inc es: of keel, 139 feet, 2 inches and three quarters. Breadth, 46 feet, io
inches. Depta, 19 feet, 9 incaes Tons, 1612. On the North Sea Station.

The Sip in which Capt. Hood fought the Hercule fo gallantly.
Length of gun-deck, 175 feet of keel, 144 feet, 3 inches.
In the Channel.

MONTAGUE, 74 G. J Knight. Built at Chatham in 1779. Was commanded by Capt. Bowen, in Lord Rodney's action, April 12, 1792. Was in Lord Howe's, June is and in Lord Duncan's, October 11, 1797 Length of gun-deck, 169 feet of kec, 159 feet, 4 inches. Breadth, 47 feet, I inch. Depth, 19 feet, 11 inches and a half. Ton, 1631. The Montague, in 1658, was commanded by Rear-Admiral Berkeley, and Lieutenants Conway and Every. At Lisbon,

MILFORD, 74 G. Building at Jacob's Yard at Milford.

NORTHUMBERLAND, 74 G. G. Martin. Built in Barnard's Yard, Deptford, in 1795. Now at Lisbon.

ORION, 74 G. Sir J. Saumarez. Built on the River Thames in 1787. Was in the action of June 1, 1794; and of the Ift of August, 1778. Length of gun-deck, 170 feet, 5 inches of keel, 140 feet, 9 inches and a half. Breadth, 46 feet, 10 inches and a half. Depth, 20 feet, 6 inches and a half. Tons, 1645. Portimouth.

PRINCESS AMELIA, 74 G. Building in the King's Dock-Yard at Chatham. The Princess Amelia, of % Guns, is 1741, was in Admiral Vernon's Fleet, commanded by Capt. Hemington, and led with the ftarboard tack on board, when the failed from Jamaica.

LE PEGASE, 74 G. Lieut. G Morey. T.F. in 1792, by the 011 Foudroyant, off Ereft, then commanded by Sir J. Jervis. Length of gun-deck, 178 fect, I inch and three quarters : of kech, 145 feet. Tuns, 1778. Portimouth, PUISSANT, 74 G. A. Allen, T.F. by Lord Hood, at Toulon, December, 1793. Serving as a Receiving Hulk, at Portsmouth.

PLANTAGENET, 74 G. Building in the King's Dock-Yard at Woolwich.

POWERFUL, 74 G. . O'Brien.

Brilt on the River Thames in 1783. Was in Admiral Duncan's action, October 11, 1797. Length of gun-deck, 168 rect, 6 inches: of keel, 139 fuit, I inch. Tons, 1627. Now at Lisbon. RAMILLIES, 74 G. H. Inman. Commanded by Capt. J. Harvey, June 1, 1794. Built on the River Thames in 1785. Length of gun-duck, 170 feet, 4 inches: of keel, 139 feet, 9 inches. Tuns, 1677. Cruifing.

RESOLUTION, 74 G. W. Lecamere. Built at Deptford in 1770. This Ship was commanded by the late Lord Robert Manner, in the action of the 29th of April, 1781; was alio in Lord Rodney's action, 12th of April, 1784. Length of sun-deck, 16% felt, 6 inches; of the kucl, 137 flet, 7 inches and three quarters. Breadth, 46 feet, 11 inches. Depth, 19 feet, 9 inches. Tons, 1612. Is now at Portimouth.

ROBUST, 74 G. E. Theboro gh. Built at Harwich in 1764. Was commanded by Capt. Hood, in the action of July 27, 1778. Length of gun-deck, 168 feet, siches and a half; of keel, 138 feet, 3 inches. breadth, 47 fect. Depth, 1) feet, 9 inches and a quarter. Tons, 1624. Ireland.

ROYAL OAK, 74 G. T. Rawe. Euilt at Plymouth in 1769. Commanded by Capt. Burnett, in Lord Rodney's action, 1752. Now Terves as a Prifon Ship at Portimouth. Length of gun-deck, 168 feet, 6 inches: of kecl, 138 feet, à inches. Breath, 46 feet, 9 inches. Depth, 20 fe:t. Tous, 1606.

RENOWN, 74 G. A. Bertie. Built in 1799 at Dudman's Yard, Deptford. Fitting at Woolwich,
REVENGE, 74 G. Building in the King's Yard at Chatham.

RUSSELL, 74 G. Sir H. Trollope. Built in 1764 on the River Thames. Was comman led by Capt, Sutherland, in the action of April 9, 1781, between Sir S. Hood and Count & Graife. Afterwards by Sir J. Saumarez. Capt. Payne commanded her on the ift of June, 1794 Admin. Pringle and Micbride tucce :ded him. She was out of the Saps in Lord Bridport's actin, June 23, 1795. On the 1t of October, in the tame year, the was nearly 14 in a dreadful team of lie thing : her kit Lieutenant was ftruck utad whilft converting with the Offce.s in the Ward-Room. Capt. Grindail ficceeded Capt Larcom, who was Admiral M.cbride's Captain; and ater him, Sir H. Trelepe has catinued the command of per. The Runell brought the news to Aduiral Dances of the Dutch Fleet being out, and was particularly dilinguished in the action. Lonth of gun-deck, 168 feet, 6 inches; of kel, 136 feet, 11 me es ad feven tighths. Beauch, 47 fect, 5 inches and three quarters. Depth, 19 fest, 9 inches. Tons, 1642. Cru.fing.

SAN DAMASO, 74 G. Lieut. J. Love. T.S. by Admiral Harvey, at Shaggaramus Bay, in the vett Indies, Feb. 17, 1797. Now ferving as a Prifon ship at Portimoutn.

SAN YSIDRO, 74 G. Lieut. R. illiams. T.S. by Sir John Jervis, off Cape St. Vincent, February 14, 1797. Now ferving as a Prifon Sip at Plymouth.

SATURN, 74 G. Thomas Tatty. Built at Northam in 1786. Length of gun-deck, 168 feet, 2 inches: of keel, 138 feet, inch and a quarter. Tos, 1616. Spitnead.

Length of

SUFFOLK, 74 G. Rear-Aumiral P. Rainier, and Capt. R. Lambert. Built on the River Thames in 1765. gun-dec, 168 feet, 1 inch and a half: of keel, 159 feet, 9 inche. Tons, 16.5. At prefent in the Eat Indies. SULTAN, 74 G. Lieut. C. Woodger. Built at Harwich in 1775. Length of sun-deck, 168 flet, 6 inches: of keel, 137 feet, 11 inches. Tenis, 1014. Serving as a Prion Ship at Portimouth. SWIFTSURE, 74 G. B. Halfwell. Built on the River Thames in 1787. The Swiftfure, 74 G. was in Admiral Bofcawen's action with M. de la Clue, Auguit 17, 1759; was in the action of Auguit 1, 179. Length of gun-deck, 168 fet, 9 inches and a half: of keel, 157 feet, 11 inches. Breadth, 47 feet. Depth, 19 flet, 9 inches. Tons, 16:1. Mediteranean.

SPENCER, 74 G. Bunding in Adams's Yard at Bucklerhand,

SUPERB, 74 G. J. Sutton. Built in 1798, at Pitcher's Yard, Northfleet. Above two hundred perfons food under het bottom at the time the Dog Shores were knocked away. It was allowed to be one of the most regular and wil conducted launches ever remembered. Tons, 1919, which is nearly the burthen a go Gan Ship wild to be. The King's Arms form the only ornament at her head, there being no carved figure. The Superb was commanded in 1741 by Capt. Hervey, and by Capt. Faulkner in 1769, when the was nearly in on a rock in cerring into Curk Harbour, owing to the ignorance of a Pilot. She was afterwards driven on thore, and los off Tellicherry, in the Eat Indies, November 6, 175. She had at that time Vice-Admiral Sir E. Hughes's Flag on board, and was commanded by Capt. H. N.wcome. At Portfmouth.

Two armed Row-Boats have been built at Mr. Pitcher's Yard, on a new construction, measuring 7 feet wite, 18 feet deep, a d 60 feet in keel. They carry one cannon on the prow, two short carronades in the fern, and carry és mCO. Their great utisty is to go in every direction against wind and tide.

TERRIBLE, 74 G. Sir R. Bickerton. Built on the River Thames in 1785. Length of gun-deck, 10 feet, 7 inches : of keel, 139 feet, 11 inche. Tons, 1679 Te Old Terrible, Hon. C. Finch, was burnt off the Chefapek, in 1781, being fo much damaged in the action between Rear-Admiral Graves and Monfieur du Barras, of Cape Henry, on the 6th of September, that it was found necellary to destroy her. The Terrible was taken from the French Admiral Hawke, October 14, 1747. Ireland.

THESEUS, 74 G. R. W. Miller. Built on the River Thames in 1786. Was in the action of Augul 1, 1998. Lenga of gun-deck, 170 fett, 8 inches of heel, 140 fect. Breadth, 47 feet, 6 inches. Depth, 20 feet. Tons, 1880.


THUNDERER, 74 G. J. Cocket. Built on the River Thames in 1793. Was in the action of June 1, 1794. Length
of yun-dick, 170 feet, 8 inches of Feel, 159 fret, 5 inches. Tons, 1679. The Old Thunderer was loft on the
Jamica Station, in a hurricane, in 1780. She was commanded by Commodore Walfingham, and Capt. R. B
Nicholas. The crew perished. Jam.ica.

TREMENDOUS, 74 G. Rear-Admiral Sir H. C. Chriftian, and Capt. J. C. Searle. Built on the River Thames in 1784
Was the Flag Ship of Amiral Pringle, fecond in command at the Cape, August 17, 1796. Length of gun-deck,
170 feet, 4 inches: of k cl, 1,9 feet, 3 inches and a quarter. Tone, 1690. Cape of Good Hope.
TRIUMPH, 74 G. W. H. Effington. Built at Woolwich in 1764. Was in the action of the 17th of October, 1797-
Length of gun-deck, 171 feet, 3 inches: of keel, 1,8 feet, 8 inches. Tons, 1825. Portimouth.

VALIANT, 74 G. J. Crawley. Built at Chatham in 1759. Was commanded by te Hon. Levifor Gower, ia Adm. Keppel's action, July 27, 1778; by Capt. Gooda, in Rodne, 's action, in 1792; and during the prefent war bas been in the actions of the 1ft of June, 1794, and the 23d of June, 1795. Length of gun-deck, 171 feet, a inches and three quarters: of keel, 159 fect. Breadth, 49 feet, 4 inches. Depth, 21 feet, 2 inches and three quarter Tons, 1799. At Jamaica.

VANGUARD, 74 G. Rear-Admiral, Right Hon. Lord Nelfon. Capt.

Bore Lord Nelfon's Flag in the action off the Nile, Auguft 1, 179. Built at Deptford in 1787. Length of gun-deck, 168 feet of keel, 137 feet, 8 inches and a half. Breadth, 45 feet, to inches and a half. Depth, 19 feet, 9 inches. Tons, 1609. The Vangard is an old name in the British Navy, and appears in Pepy's Lift, in 1688. She was in Admira' Ruffel's action, of Cape La Hogue, May, 1692, in the Blue Squadron; and was then a fecond rate, go guns, and 660 men. Mediterranean. VENERABLE, 74 G. Built on the River Thames in 1784. Was Admiral Duncan's Fiag Ship in his action off Carperdown, October 11, 1797. Length of gun-deck, 170 feet, 6 inches of keel, 139 feet, to inches. Breadib, 47 feet, 4 inches and three eighths. Depth, 17 feet, 11 inches, Tons, 1669. At Chatham, fitting. VENGEANCE, 74 G. T. M. Ruffell.

Built on the River Thames in 1774. Was commanded by Capt. Clements, in the action of July 27, 1778. Length of gun-deck, 168 feet, 10 inches: of keel, 133 text, 5 inches. Tuns, 16.7. In the West Indies.

VICTORIOUS, 74 G. William Clarke.

Built on the River Thames in 1785. Length of gun-deck, 170 feet, 6 inches: of keel, 139 feet, 10 inches. Tens, 108. East Indies.

VRYHEID, 74 G. Lieut. J. Maton. T.D. by Acmiral Duncan, Oftobor 11, 1797. Now ferving as a Prifon Ship at


WARRIOR, 74 G. H. Savage. inches and three quarters.


Built at Portsmouth in 1781. Length of gun-deck, 169 feet of keel, 138 feet, a
Tons, 1642. Was in Rodney's action, 1782, commanded by Sir James Wallace. At

WARSPIGHT, 74 G Built on the River Thames in 1758. This is one of the old names in the Navy; the appears to have belonged to it in 1688, and was with the Vanguard in Admiral Ruffel's Squadron, off La Hogue, in roga. Her compliment of men at that time was 420, with 70 Guns. The Wartpight was in Admiral Bofcawen's action, Auguft 17, 1759, with M. de la Clue, and in 1759, was one of Admiral Hawke's Flet, in his action on the anth of November, with M. de Conflans. Length of gun-deck of the prefent Warfpight, 169 feet, 9 inches anda kaif: of keel, 134 feet, 11 inches and a quarter. Breadth, 46 feet, 11 inches. Depth, 19 feet, 9 inches and a hafi Tons, 1580. Receiving Ship at Portsmouth.

ZEALOUS, 74 G. S. Hood. Built on the River Thames in 1785. Length of gun-deck, 169 feet, 4 inches: of keel, 138 feet. Tons, 1627. Mediterranean.

ADMIRAL DEVRIES, 68 G. T D. by Admiral Duncan, in 1797. Gravesend, in the Transport Service.

GELYKHEID, 68 G. T D. in 1797, by Admiral Duncan. Prifon Ship at Chatham.

HAARLEM, 68 G. G. Buriton. T.D. by Admiral Duncan, in 1797. At Sheerness.

AFRICA, 64 G. Built on the River Thames in 1781 Length of gun-deck, 160 feet, 10 inches: of keel, 132 feet, 9 inches. Tons, 1415. Now an Hofpital Ship at Sheerncis.

AGAMEMNON, 64 G. R. D. Fancourt.

Built at Bucklerfhard in 1791. Was in Admiral Hotham's engagement. March 14, 1795. She alfo rendered much fervice when Admiral Nelfon was her Captain, in August, 1775, Length of gun-deck, 160 feet, 2 inches: of keel, 151 feet, 10 inches and a quarter. Tuns, 1384. At prefent in

the North Seas.

AGINCOURT, 64 G Vice-Admiral Hon. W. Waldegrave, and Captain J. Bligh. Built at Perry's Dock, Blackwall, in 1796. At Portsmouth.

AMERICA, 64 G. J. Smith. Built at Deptford in 1777. Was in the action of the 12th of April, 1782, corumanded by Capt. S. Thompson. Was with Admiral Eip inftone at the taking of the Dutch Ficet, in Saldanha Bay, August 17, 1796. Length of gun-deck, 159 fet, 6 inches: of keel, 131 feet. Tons, 1370 At Sheerness. Built at Burfledon in 1792. Capt. Keppel commanded the Ardent in 1778, being part of ARDENT, 64 G. T. Bertie. Lord Howe's Fleet, in America. Was in the action of the 11th of October, commanded by Capt. Burgets, who was killed. Length of gun-deck, 180 feet, 8 inches: of keel, 131 feet, 11 inches and three quarters. Breadth 44 feet, 7 inches and a half. Depth, 19 feet, 4 inches and a half. Tons, 1997. North Seas.

ARGONANT, 64 G. Lieut. P. Hue. T.F. Was captured in the Mona paffage, West Indies, by Rear-Admiral Lord Hood's Squadron, on the 19th of April, 1782. Was named the Jafon, when in the French fervice. Now ferving as an Hospital Ship in the River Medway.

ASIA, 64 G. The Afia, 64 Guns, was one of the Spanish Ships at the Havannah, when attacked in 1762 by the Earl of Albemarle, and Commodore Keppel. Vice-Admiral G. Vandeput, and Capt. R. Murray. Built at Portsmouth in 1764. Length of gun-deck, 158 feet: of keel, 129 feet, 6 inches and a half. Breadth, 44 feet, 6 inches. Depth, 18 feet, 10 inches. On the Hallifax Station.

BELLIQUEUX, 64 G. J. Inglis. Built on the River Thames in 1790. Was in the following actions:-29th of April, 1781; 12th of April, 1782; and 11th of October, 1797. Length of gun-deck, I^o fect: uf keel, 131 feet, 6 inches and feven eighths. Tuns, 1379. North Sea.

BIENFAISANT, 64 G. Lieut. E Collingwood. T.F. in 1759, and towed triumphantly out of the Harbour of Louisbourg, by a detachment of Seamen under the command of Captains Laforey and Balfour, who were also in poffeffion of the Prudent, but finding her aground, they were obliged to fet her on fire. Commanded by Capt. J. Macbride, when the captured the Count D'Artois, of 64 Guns, off Cape Clear, in 1780. Length of gun-deck, 158 feet, 9 inches: of keel, 129 feet, I inch and a half. Breadth, 44 feet, 6 inches. Depth, 19 feet, 4 inches and a quarter. Tons, 1360. Now a Prifon Ship at Plymouth.


feet, 6 inches:

Lieut. S. Blow. of keel, 131 feet.

LE CATON, 84 G. Lieut. R. Brown.

Late the Monmouth. Built at Plymouth in 1772. Length of gun-deck, 159
Tons, 1370. Pritun Ship at Fortinouth

T.F. in 1782, by Rear-Admiral Lord Hood, April 19. Length of gun-deck, 166 feet: of keel, 136 feet, 4 inches and three quarters. Breadth, 44 feet, and half an inch. Depth, 19 feet, 4 inches. Tons, 1407. Serving as an Hofpital Ship at Plymouth.

CROWN, 64 G. Lieut. Baker. Built on the River Thames in 1781. The Crown was among the Fourth Rates, in 1668, 50 Guns, 250 Men. Was commanded by Capt. C. Rubinfon, on the 18th of December, 1688, in the Channel Service. Dimensions of the prefent Ship are length of gun-deck, 160 feet, 5 inches: of keel, 131 feet, 5 inches. Tons, 1405. A Prifon Ship at Portsmouth.

DIADEM. 64 G. G. H. Towry Built at Chatham in 1792. Was in Admiral Hotham's action, March 14, 1795, and Sir J. Jervis's, February 14, 1797. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet, to inches: of keel, 11 feet, I inch. Tons, 1376. Pertímouth.

DICTATOR, 64 G. J. Hardy. Built on the River Thames in 1783. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet, 4 inches of keel, 130 feet, 8 inches. Tons, 1388. At Spithead.

DIRECTOR, 64 G. William Bligh. Built at Gravefend in 1784. Was in the action of October 11, 1777. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet, 1 inch: of keel, 130 feet, 4 inches and three quarters. Tons, 1388. North Sea. DORDRECHT, 64 G. D. Atkins. T.D. by Admiral Elphinstone, in Saldanha Bay, August 17, 1796. At the Nore. EAGLE, 64 G. Lieut. J. James. Built in 1774 on the River Thames. Lord Rodney was Captain of the Old Eagle, on the Irish Station, in 1746, and in Rear-Aumiral Hawke's action with the French, October 14, 1747. Capt. Pallifer commanded the Eagle, of 6o Guns, in 1755. Vice-Admiral Lord Howe had his Flag un board the prefent Eagle in 1778, in America; Captains Duncan and Curtis. Dimensions of the prefent-length of gun-deck, 159 feet, 8 inches and a half: of keel, 131 feet, 3 inches. Breadth, 44 feet, 4 inches. Depth, 19 feet. Ton, 1372. Prifon Ship at Gillingham.

ESSEX, 64 G. Built in 1760, on the River Thames. The Effex, in 1741, was commanded by Capt Robinson, 70 Guns. It was in this Ship that Sir Hugh Fallifer first ferved as a Li utenant, in 1742, when commanded by Capt. R. Norris. The Effex was one of Admiral Hawke's Fleet, in his action, November 20, 1759, with M. de Conflans; and was lost on the Lefour Sand-Bank. The Ellex, in 1762, 64 Guns, was one of Sir E. Hawke's Squadron, fent to affift the Portuguese. Dimenfions of the prefent-length of gun-deck, 159 feet, I inch and a quarter: of keel, 129 feet, 6 inches and feven eighths. Tons, 1379. Receiving Ship at Portimouth.

EUROPE, 64 G. Lieut. J. Gardner. Built in 1765, at Leap. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet: of keel, 130 feet, 9 inches. Tons, 1369. Pritun Ship at Plymouth.

HERCULES, 64 G. T.D. by Admiral Duncan, off Camperdown, in 1797. At Chatham.

INFLEXIBLE, 64 G. S. Ferris Built at Harwich in 1780. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet, 8 inches. Breadth, 44 feet, 7 inches. Tons, 1386. The Downs.

INTREPID, 64 G. W. Hargood. Built at Woolwich in 1770. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet, 6 inches. Breadth, 44 feet, 5 inches. Tons, 1374. Eaft Indies deft.

LION, 64 G. Manley Dixon. Gallant action with the Spanish Frigates, in July, 1799. Built at Portsmouth in 1777. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet: of keel, 130 feet, 4 inches. Breadth, 48 feet, 8 inches. Depth, 19 feet. Tons, 1378. Mediterranean.

LANCASTER, 64 G. J. Wells. Built in Randall's Yard, Rotherhithe, in 1797. Was in Admiral Duncan's action, 11th of October. The Lancaster, 66 Guns, was, in 1756, in Admiral Byng's Fleet. At Plymouth. MODESTE, 64 G. Taken in 1759 from the French. Length of gun-deck, 158 feet, 6 inches: of keel, 129 feet. Breadth, 44 feet, 5 inches and a half. Depth, 19 feet, 8 inches. Tons, 1357. Receiving Ship at Portsmouth. MONMOUTH, 64 G. R. Deans. Built at Deptford in 1796. Was in the action of October 11, 1797. The Monmouth, in 1758, was commanded by the gallant Capt. Gardiner, who, in the month of April, in that year, lott his life n the engagement with the Foudroyant, greatly his fuperior both in Guns and Men. He brought his Ship within piftol-flot of his antagonist. Capt. Gardiner was killed about nine o'clock, A. M. The Foudroyant ftruck a little after one, P. M. Before his death, the First Lie tenant, at Capt. Gardiner's requeft, nailed the Flag to the Enfign Staff. North Sea.

NASSAU, 64 G. G. Tripp. Built at Briftol in 1785. The Naffau, of 70 Guns, in 1741, was commanded by Capt. Medley. In 1762, the Nassau, 64 G. was in the Squadron fent to Lisbon under Sir E. Hawke, June 25th. Dimenfions of the prefent-length of gun-deck, 160 feet, 1 inch of keel, 131 feet, 8 inches. Breadth, 44 feet, s inches. Depth, 19 feet, 1 inch. Tons, 1384. At the Nore.

NONSUCH, 64 G. J. Wolley. Built at Plymouth in 1774. This Ship was commanded by Sir James Wallace, when he captured the Beile Poule, in the Bay, 1779. Capt. Trufcott commanded her in Admiral Rodney's action, 1782. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet, 5 inches. Breadth, 44 feet, 4 inches and feven eighths. Tons, 1373. Guard Ship

in the Humber.

OVERYSSEL, 64 G. J. Bazely. T.D. Captured by the Folyphemus, at Cork, October 22, 1795. A Guard Ship at Sheerness.

POLYPHEMUS, 64 G. G. Lumfdaine. Built at Sheerness in 1782. Length of gun-deck, 160 feet. Breadth, 44 feet, 7 inches. Tons, 1409. Ireland.

PRINCE FREDERICK, 64 G. T.D. Lats the Revolution, taken by Admiral Elphinstone, in Saldanha Bay, Auguft 17, 1796. The Prince Frederick, in 1758, was in Admiral Boscawen's Fleet that failed from St Helens on February 19, to affift in the reduction of Louisbourg. She was then corumanded by Capt. Man. At Chatham. PROTHEE, 64 G. Lieut. Mackenzie. T.F. in 1780, by Rear-Admiral Digby's Squadron, off Breft. Was commanded by Capt. Buckner, in the action of April 12, 1782. Length of gun-deck, 164 feet, 1 inch of keel, 140 feet, and feven eighths of an inch. Breadth, 44 feet, 7 inches. Depth, 19 feet. Tons, 1481. Prifon Ship at Portfimouth.

PRUDENT, 64 G. C. H. Lane.

Built at Woolwich in 1768. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet. Breadth, 44 feely 4 inches. Tons, 1367. Prifon Ship at Plymouth.

RAISONABLE, 64 G. C. Boyles.

Built at Chatham in 1768. Length of gun-deck, 160 feet, 1 inch. Breadth, 44 feet, 6 inches. Tons, 1396. Cape of Good Hope. REPULSE, 64 G. J. Alins. Built at Eaft Cowes in 1780. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet, 6 inches: of keel, 130 feet, II inches. Toas, 157. Portimouth.

RUBY, 64 G. Built at Woolwich in 1776. The Ruby, in 1702, commanded by Capt. George Walton, war one of Admiral Ferhow's Sacron, in the Weft Indies. Was in company with the Eol s and Jamaica, when they captured Le Prudente frigate, in 1779. One of Admiral Elphinstone's Fleet, at the capture of the Dutch Ship, in Saldanha Bay, 1776. Length of gun-deck, 159 fee, 6 inches: of keel, 131 feet. Tons, 1370. At Chatham. ST. ALBANS, 64 G. F. Pender. Built on the River Th mes in 1764. In 1759, the St. Albans was in Admin Boscawen's action with M. de la Clue, Auguft 17. Commanded by Capt. Inglis, in Admiral Sir 5. Hood's Flet, off Baleterre Road, St. Chriftopher's, January, 1788. In December, 1688, the St. Albans was a fourth rate so Guns, commanded by C. Conftable; and was 11 Admiral Ruffell's Fleet, off La Hogue, in 1692. In 1741, 2 was commanded by Capt. Vincent. Dimerfions of the prefent-length of gun-deck, 159 feet, 3 inches and three quarters: of keel, 150 feet, 9 inches and a half. Tons, 1380. On the Halifax Station. SAMPSON, 64 G. Lieut. W. Bevians. Built at Woolwich in 1781. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet, 5 inches and a half of kech, 151 flet, 2 inches and a quarter. Tuns, 1381. Prifon Ship at Plymouth, SCEPTRF, 64 G. V. Edwards. Built on the River Thames in 1781. One of Admiral Elphinstone's Squadron, st Saldanha Bay, in 1796. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet, 9 inches. Breadth, 44 feet, 9 inches. Tons, 1. Cape of Good Hope. STANDARD, 64 G. Built at Deptford in 1782. Length of gun-deck, 159 feet, 6 inches: of keel, 131 feet. Depth, 19 feet. Tons, 170. At Chatham.

STATELY, 64 G. J. W. Spanger. Built at Northam in 1784. One of Admiral Elphinstone's Fleet in 1706. Length of gun-deck, 150 feet, and half an inch : of keel, 131 feet, 7 inche.. Tons, 1388, and forty-three ninety-fourths. Cape of Good Hope.

TRIDENT, 64 G. Built at Plymouth in 1763. The Trident, 64 Guns, was in Admiral Byng's Fleet in 1756, and was alfo in the Fleet commanded by Admirals Saunders and Holmes, that failed in 1759 for America. The Trident was taken from the French by Admiral Hawke, in 1747. In the Van Divifion of Admiral Byron's Fleet, in the action off Grenada, July 6, 1779, commande by Capt. Malloy. One of Admiral Elphandtune's Squadra in 1796. Length of gun-deck, 159 fect: of keel, 130 feet, 9 inches. Breadth, 44 feet, 4 inches. Depth, 16 feet, 4 inches. Tons, 1566. Eaft Indies.

VETERAN, 64 G. J. R. Moffe. Built at East Cowes in 1787. In Admiral Duncan's action, 1797. Length of gundeck, the feet, 4 inches and a quarter: of keel, 131 fect, 3 inches and feven eighths. Tons, 1396, and feventyeight ninety-fourths. North Sea.

VIGILANT, 64 G. Lieut. Hewitt. Commanded by Capt. Kingfmill, in the action of the 27th of July, 1775, Is Admiral Byron's action, off Grenada, Jly 6, 1779, commanded by Sir Digby Dent. Built at Buckler and in 1774- Length of gun-deck, 159 feet, 6 inches and a half: of keel, 130 fect, 3 inches and three eighth. Tom, 1347. Prifon Ship at Portfmouth.


Admiral Jofeph Peyton, and Capt. C. Craven. T.D. by Admiral Duncan, in 1797. The

YARMOUTH, 64 G. Built in 1745 at Deptford, Commanded by Capt. Bret, in Lord Anfon's action with Monfieur de la Jonquiere, May 3, 1747. The Yarmouth was in Admiral Pocock's action with M. D'Ache, in 1758, of Pondicherry. She was alfo in the Rear Divifion of Admiral Pyron's Fleet, off Grenada, in 1779, commanded by Capt. Bateman. Length of gun-deck, 160 feet: of keel, 130 fest, 6 inches and a quarter. Breadth, 44 feet, 3 inches. Depth, 19 feet. Tons, 1359. Receiving Ship at Plymouth.

YORK, 64 G. J. Ferrier. Built at Barnard's Yard, Deptfora, in 1795. The York is mentioned in Pepys's Lift for 1699, commanded by C. Delavall, 340 men. In 1741, the York, a fourth rate, 60 Guns, was commanded by Capt. Cotes. At prefent on the Jamaica Station.

ZEALAND, 64 G. Vice-Admiral S. Lutwidge, and Capt. T. Parr. T.D. in Hamoaze, March, 1796, by Admiral Onslow, and the Ship, of War at Plymouth. At the Nore."

(To be carxluded in cur next.)

It is our Intention to give this LIST on the commencement of every Year, whilft our Labours are approved, in order to form An ANNUAL CHRONICLE of the BRITISH NAVAL FORCE, with a fhort Hiftory of each ship. We are, however, fearful, left our Readers fhould think some have been neglected; but we requeft Indulgence on fo extensive a Subject, and hope to receive considerable Additions from them. Whatever is fent us, either for this, or any other Artitis in our Work, will be refpectfully attended to.



Arranged according to their Rates.

No. II.


ABBREVIATIONS.-G. Guns. B. when built. T.F. T.S. T.D. taken from the French, Spaniards, or Dutch.

[The First Part of this LIST was intended to include all Ships with two decks, but we found ourselves obliged, although it was printed in a small type, to omit the following Ships of so Guns, which are now in confequence added.]

Fourth Rates.

SHIPS WITH TWO DECKS OMITTED IN OUR FIRST NUMBER FOR WANT OF ROOM. MEDWAY, 60 G. Built at Deptford in 1755. Receiving Ship at Plymouth. Length of gun-deck, 149 feet, 4 inches; of keel, 123 feet, and half an inch. Tons, 1204. The Medway formed one of the Fleet, under Admirals Saunders and Holmes, that failed from England in 1759 to affift the British Army in America, under the command of General Wolfe.

PRINCE EDWARD, 60 G. Late Mars. Taken from the Dutch in 1781 by the Squadron under Lord Rodney in the Weft Indies. Length of gun-deck, 143 feet, 8 inches and three quarters; of keel, 116 feet, 3 inches and five eighths. Breadth, 41 feet, 8 inches and a half. Depth, 15 feet. Tuns, 1075. Receiving Ship at Chatham. RIPPON, 60 G. Built at Woolwich in 1758. The fecund Ship Earl Howe commanded when made Poft. Length of gun-deck, 155 feet, 5 inches: of keel, 128 feet. Breadth, 42 feet, 6 inches. Depth, 18 feet, 7 inches. Tons, 1229. Now a Receiving Ship at Plymouth.

ALKMAAR, 56 G. G. Burdon. Taken by Admiral Duncan, October 11, 1797. The Alkmaar, in 1702, belonged to the Dutch Squadron with Sir G. Rooke. Guard Ship at Portsmouth.

ABERGAVENNY, 54 G. S. P. Forfter. Purchafed by Government in 1795. Built for the India fervice. Now at Jamaica.

BRAAKEL, 54 G. J. Walker. T.D. Taken poffeffion of in Hamoaze, March 1796, by Vice-Admiral Onflow and the Ships of War at Plymouth. Now in the North Seas.

GLATTON, 54 G. C. Cubb. Built for the India fervice, but purchased by Government in 1795. Captain Trollope entirely fitted her with carronades; the only Ship we believe in which it was ever tried to the exclusion of long Guns. He fought the gallant action in her, when he attacked a French Squadron confifting of a 50 Gun Ship, five Frigates, a Brig, and Cutter, and drove them into Flushing, July 16, 1796. In the North Seas.

GRAMPUS, 54 G. G. Hall. Built for the India fervice, but purchafed by Government in 1795. The old Grampus was built at Liverpool in 1781. her dimenfions were as follow-Length of gun-deck, 148 feet, 1 inch: of keel, 121 feet, 8 inches. Breadth, 40 feet, 8 inches. Depth, 17 feet, 9 inches and a half. Tons, 1070. Store Ship at Sheerness.

HINDOSTAN, 54 G. J. Mulock.

MADRASS, 54 G. J. Dilkes.

VAN TROMP, 54 G. R. Hill.

Built for the India fervice, but purchased by Government in 1795. At Cork. Built for the India fervice, and purchased by Government in 1795. Now at the Nore. Taken by Admiral Elphinflone in Saldanha Bay, August 17, 1796. Ireland.

ADAMANT, 50 G. W. Hotham. Was put into the line of battle by Admiral Duncan, October 11, 1797. Built at Liverpool in 1780. Length of gun-deck, 146 feet, 3 inches: of keel, 120 feet. Breadth, 40 feet, 9 inches. Depth, 17 feet, 7 inches and a half. Tons, 1060. The Eaft Indies.

ANTELOPE, 50 G. Length of gun-deck, 150 feet: of the keel, Depth, 17 feet, 8 inches. Tons, 1106. The Antelope, in the Mediterranean, commanded by Capt. Legge; 280 men. ASSISTANCE, 50 G. J. O. Hardy. Built at Liverpool in 1781. feet, 9 inches. Tons, 1053. At Hallifax.

123 feet, 8 inches and an half. Breadth, 41 feet. 1704, of 5o Guns, was in Sir G. Rooke's Fleet in At prefent building in the King's Yard at Sheerness. Length of gun-deck, 146 feet, 1 inch: of keel, 119

BRISTOL, 50 G. Built in 1775 at Sheerness. Length of gun-deck, 146 feet: of keel, 119 feet, 9 inches. Breadth, 40 feet, 7 inches. Depth, 17 feet, 7 inches. Toas, 1049. This is an old name in the British Navy. In Pepys's Litt for 1688, we find the Briftol ferving in the Channel, commanded by Capt. C. Leighton. At prefent a Prifon Ship at Chatham.

CENTURION, so G. J. S. Rainier. Built at Harwich in 1774. This is among the felect names in the Navy. The Centurion, in 1858, ferved in the Channel, commanded by Capt. Elliot. Was in the Red Squadron in Admiral Ruffell's action, of La Hogue, in 1692. The Centurion, of 60 Guns, was Ld. Anfon's Ship in his memorable voyage: the head of which was for a long time preferved by the Duke of Richmond at Goodwood. Dimenfions of the prefent Centurion are -Length of gun-deck, 146 feet: of the keel, 120 feet, a inches. Breadth, 40 feet, sinche. Depth, 17 feet, 3 inches and an half. Tons, 1044. The Eat Indies.

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