Imágenes de páginas

116. Where parties settle action without bail, and defendant is discharged on payment of the debt

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£ s. d.


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117. Copy warrant of arrest when required by defendant
118. Executing warrant of arrest, attachment, or execution on pro-

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121. Issuing and serving each subpoena, including copy for service 122. Serving notice on jurors or assessors, each

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

123. For every prisoner discharged by consent indorsed on bail bond

[ocr errors]

124. For sale of personal property under execution when amount under 107...

[ocr errors]

125. For sale of personal property under execution when amount above 107., for every additional 107. or part of 107. ..

126. Poundage for sale of landed property by decree of Court, to the

[merged small][ocr errors]

127. Ditto, on any amount beyond

In every case when the duty to be performed is more than
1 mile from the Court, an additional fee of 1s. per mile
is to be charged.

Keeper of the Gaol.

128. For attending Court with a prisoner as a witness


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0 7 6

1 4 2 2 2


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0 10 0


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129. For every prisoner discharged by consent indorsed on bail

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

134. For service of notice on each juror or assessor (to Marshal) 135. On trial with a jury..

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1 6

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0 1 0

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The Court may suspend or remit any of the above fees when
it shall deem it to be in the interest of justice to do so.

Counsel's Fees.

To be calculated on the basis of those appointed to be taken
on the Plenary side of the Supreme Court of Gibraltar,
with such extra allowance for distance, extra trouble, &c.,
as the Court may think right. Subject in all cases to
revision by the Supreme Court.

0 10 0

CONVENTION between Denmark and Italy, respecting certain Taxes (Gabella Hereditaria and Census Emigrationis).— Signed at Copenhagen, November 7, 1891.

[Ratifications exchanged at Copenhagen, March 31, 1892.]

SA Majesté le Roi d'Italie et Sa Majesté le Roi de Danemark, désirant que leurs sujets respectifs dans les États et possessions de l'autre Haute Puissance soient exempts de tout droit ou impôt de détraction et d'émigration, les Soussignés, dûment autorisés à cet effet, sont convenus de ce qui suit:

ART. I. Aucun des droits connus sous le nom de "Gabella Hereditaria" et "Census Emigrationis" ne sera exigé ou perçu, lorsqu'en cas de succession, donation, émigration, ou autres, il y aura lieu à une translation de biens du Royaume d'Italie dans le Royaume de Danemark, ou de celui-ci dans le Royaume d'Italie; toutes les impositions de cette nature étant abolies entre les deux pays, à l'exception de celles qui, soit à raison de droit de succession, de vente, ou d'autres, seraient acquittées dans le cas même où les biens resteraient dans le pays en question.

II. Cette disposition s'étend non seulement aux droits et impositions du geure indiqué qui font partie des revenus publics, mais encore à ceux qui jusqu'à présent pourraient avoir été levés par quelques particuliers, communes, ou corporations.

III. La présente Convention est applicable non seulement à toutes les successions à échoir à l'avenir, mais à toutes les translations de biens en général où l'exportation n'a pas encore été effectuée.

IV. Comme cette Convention ne s'applique qu'aux biens et à leur libre exportation, toutes les lois relatives aux émigrants euxmêmes et au service militaire restent en pleine vigueur dans les deux pays, et les Gouvernements Contractants ne sont nullement restreints par la présente Convention dans leur future législation à ce sujet.

V. La présente Convention sera ratifiée, et les ratifications en seront échangées le plus tôt que faire se pourra. Elle entrera en vigueur à dater du jour où les ratifications auront été échangées.

En foi de quoi les Soussignés ont signé la présente Convention et l'ont revêtue du cachet de leurs armes.

Faite en double à Copenhague, le 7 Novembre, 1891.



CONVENTION between Guatemala and Mexico, for the Settlement of Claims. Signed at Guatemala, December 22, 1891.

[Ratifications exchanged at Guatemala, July 9, 1892.]


WHEREAS on the 26th January, 1888,* a Convention was concluded between the Republic of Guatemala and the United States of Mexico for the adjustment of claims of both Republics by means of a Mixed Commission, the duration of which was limited to one year reckoning from the date of its first meeting; and inasmuch as this period has been insufficient to settle all the claims presented within the stipulated term:

The President of the Republic of Guatemala and the President of the United States of Mexico, both animated with the desire not to injure the reciprocal interests of the claimants of both nations, and in order that the whole matter may be brought to a conclusion as was originally stipulated, thus maintaining the friendly relations which unite the two Republics, have named as their Plenipotentiaries the following, viz. :

For the President of the Republic of Guatemala, Señor Emilio de Léon, Licentiate and Minister for Foreign Affairs; and

For the President of the United States of Mexico, Señor Carlos Américo Lera, Licentiate and Acting Chargé d'Affaires of Mexico to the Republics of Central America;

Who, after having presented their respective full powers, which have been found to be in good and due form, have agreed on the following Articles:

ART. I. The High Contracting Parties agree to renew, for once only, and for a period not exceeding six months, the Convention of the 26th January, 1888, with the exclusive object that the Mixed Commission appointed thereunder shall occupy itself solely in deciding

cases which were submitted in due time, and which were not settled by the 31st July of the present year.

II. The Commissioners shall meet within four months counting from the exchange of ratifications of this Convention.

The six months referred to in the preceding Article shall be reckoned from the date of the first meeting of the Commissioners. During the first of these months the Commissioners will receive the statements submitted to them by the respective Governments, or their Agents, in support or in defence of the claims, and in the four

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succeeding months will be decided without further procedure all the matters for which the present Convention has been concluded. If the Commissioners fail to agree upon any point, they will state in writing their respective opinions, and will forward immediately to the Arbitrator all the particulars of the case, in order that judgment may be given, after the evidence for and against has been examined, and, if necessary, after having heard the Agents of the two Governments.

The last month is to be devoted by the Arbitrator to the solution of any questions which may be still awaiting his decision.

III. With the exception of the stipulations contained in the two preceding Articles, the above-named Convention of the 26th January, 1888, is renewed in every particular.

IV. The present Convention shall be ratified in conformity with the laws in force in both Republics, and the exchange of the ratifications shall be made in the city of Guatemala at as early a date as may be possible.

In faith of which the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed in duplicate the present Convention, and have affixed thereto their respective seals on the 22nd day of December, 1891.


ADDITIONAL ARTICLE between Italy and Spain, regulating the Transit through the Territories of either Country of Persons under Extradition to a third State.-Signed at Madrid, May 6, 1891.


THE Government of His Majesty the King of Italy and the Government of His Majesty the King of Spain, desiring to regulate, upon the basis of the Convention of Extradition of the 3rd June, 1868, the transit through their respective territories of persons under extradition to a third State, the Undersigned, duly authorized, have signed the following Additional Article to the aforesaid Convention, which shall also be of the same duration ::

Article. The extradition in transit through Italian or Spanish territory, or by means of the ships or maritime service of the two countries, of an individual not belonging to the country through which he is to pass, and under extradition to a third State, shall be authorized upon a simple request through, the diplomatic channel,

* Vol. LXIII page 783.

accompanied by all the documents necessary to show that the offence in question is not of a political or of a purely military character.

The person transported shall travel by the most expeditious routes, in the charge of the agents of the country making the request, and at the expense of the Government which has put forward the claim.

The present Article shall not go into force until it has been approved by the two Parties in the usual constitutional manner. Done in duplicate at Madrid, the 6th May, 1891.


MAFFEI, Ambassador of His Majesty the King of Italy.

(L.S.) DUKE OF TETUAN, Minister of

Foreign Affairs of Spain.

TREATY of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between the United States and the Independent State of the Congo.Signed at Brussels, January 24, 1891.*

[Ratifications exchanged at Brussels, February 2, 1892.]

THE United States of America and His Majesty Leopold II, King of the Belgians, Sovereign of the Independent State of the Congo, desiring to perpetuate, confirm, and encourage the relations of commerce and of good understanding existing already between the two respective countries by the conclusion of a Treaty of Amity, Commerce, Navigation, and Extradition, have for this purpose named as their respective Plenipotentiaries, viz. :

His Excellency the President of the United States of America, Edwin H. Terrell, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America near His Majesty the King of the Belgians; and

His Majesty Leopold II, King of the Belgians, Sovereign of the Independent State of the Congo, Edm. van Eetvelde, AdministratorGeneral of the Department of Foreign Affairs, officer of his Order of Leopold;

Who, after having communicated to each other their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

ART. I. There shall be full, entire, and reciprocal liberty of

*Signed also in the French language.

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