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To speak of living characters "in the language of truth, and not of adulation," is a most unwelcome but the imperious duty of the biographer; unwelcome, because it is not garnished with the sweets of flattery; imperious, because the Historic Muse forbids the use of false-colouring.

TRUTH is the sturdy mastiff which guards the portals of the Historic Muse. In whatever way the votaries of a false ambition may have attempted to elude his vigilance, he is certain to let them arrive at the destined goal, simply garbed in their own habiliments, regardless of the mantle of patriotism or infamy, attempted to be thrown over them, by themselves, their friends, or their foes, in defiance of

their own actions. To Truth, the saccharine juice of the former, and the tart of the latter, are equally unpalatable.

Chance and circumstances have sometimes thrown men into stations to which, by their religion, education, and habits, it would seem nature never intended them. When hurled into the current, Fortune, regardless of their real merits, oft appears to roll her favours upon them in a ceaseless stream. Like birds in borrowed plumage, they bask in the sunshine of power, robed in others' fame.

When a man worms himself into public notice, his motives are quickly scanned: He flutters his ephemeral day like the gaudy butterfly, and the winter of Time displays nought but the corruptions of his carcase. His actions are only appreciated from his motives, and his good or ill fame is proportionate to their favourable or successful results.

The attainment of a theoretic and practical knowledge of the military art, sufficient for the higher grades of command, with some men, is the employment of years; with others, apparently, the business of a day. Solid worth flows from experience, talents, integrity, and capacity. Animal courage alone, is but a small constituent in the formation of a great military character.

These remarks are of general, not individual import, inasmuch as their bearings are intended alone for the meridian of those who owe their elevation to their being the mere heralds of great events; or who fawn and flatter those to whom a nation has confided the direction of its most important




American Military and Naval Heroes.



THE fortuitous events of moments, like the throes of a volcano, sometimes belch forth heroes, while others become so from their birth, habits and education. The family of General Pike, were among the first settlers of New-Jersey, and tradition preserves the name, in remote ancestry, of Captain John Pike, as a distinguished, gallant and brave soldier in defence of that colony, in the early Indian wars to which it was subjected.

Zebulon M. Pike was born at a place called Alamatunk, now by corruption Lamberton,* in New-Jersey. His father, whose name was Zebulon, was an officer in the army of the United States, at the time of his son's birth, and never rose higher than the rank of a Major. After having received a common school education, in early youth, Zebulon Montgomery entered as a cadet into a company then under his father's command, in which he served some time on the U. S. western

* Another Biographer makes him a native of Woodbridge.

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