those hundreds of millions of the OLD TIMES could not stand pounds,muodon di bagong fossin it had derived from that priority I Corunna, and, indeed of Spain," his by the French, to be contem- of intelligence which it owed solely... plated on by Lord Darnley, to the length of its purse. This a son, Knatchbull, Calcraft, John opinion of mine has not had to Smith, Daddy Coke, Suffield, Parson Smythies, wise. Wode ergow donde de noijoubor wait long for proof of its truth. The house, and Gaffer Gooch. But, fate of Cadiz was a subject of no reduction of interest of Debt: mind that: that they are to stand to. with no one more than with me of 20 ir nudi wawas, therefore, for several days, I am, Gentlemen, who dos da guest or eager (contrary to my usual state) {! to see the morning papers, in order 0110 Most obedient Servant, to know, at as early a moment as i tom bomb tromolled possible, what was going on atest Cadiz. This led me to make a qui very exact estimate of the relative or fuc very berdugh value in this respect, of the two, 9 on Janob on 978d blues papers in question. The CHRONICLE of second October contained the important correspondence be tween the Duc d'Angouleme and the King of Spain; and this same correspondence, copied from the Chronicle, word for word, was in which the THING is now receiv3900760 veg has said of ing from its friends, the Bourbons. When it was announced, that the the OLD TIMES of the next day. MORNING CHRONICLE had passed The CHRONICLE of the fourth of into the hands of its present pro-October gave us the plan of Cadiz prietor, I at once predicted, that and its environs, a most useful thing at such a time. This plan ninth of September. The OLD decided the opinions of all who saw it, as to the fate of the fortress. It is not necessary to say, that the OLD TIMES contained no such Tres, by getting an early printed Chronicle, got this important despatch into a small part of its papers of the eighth, and in the ways time enough to give to this leading journal," as it used to call itself; for, on the eleventh of October, the CHRONICLE (pub thing. Its proprietors and editors whole of its papers of the next and people have not the judgment day. But, the next day is not alnecessary to the selection of such things. But, on this same fourth of October, the CHRONICLE gave us the Note from the Spanish Ministry, a document of great lished early in the morning,) gave importance, which the OLD TIMES us Paris news of the tenth; that (from shame, I suppose) never is to say, in less than twenty-four published at all. On the sixth of hours after it issued from the press October, we had in the CHRONI-in Paris. This news was of the CLE, Paris news of the fourth, most important character it ingiving an account of the election formed us of the voting of the of the Pope, and giving us also Cortes, of the dissolution of that the official report of ADMIRAL body, of the attack on Cadiz, of DUPERRE, and of the attack and the arrival of the ambassadors at other important proceedings at Port St. Mary, and of the fall in Cadiz. All this was very faithfully the French funds. This was on Saturday last. It could not have✨ been in the OLD TIMES until Monday; and so, it was not in at all, the news of the surrender of Cadiz ཉྙོ copied into the OLD TIMES of the next day. The same may be said of the intelligence of the sur render of Lima. On the eighth of October, the CHRONICLE having arrived on the Sunday. But gave us the Duc d'Angouleme's the Saturday's news was of vast telegraphic despatch of the twenty-importance,seeing that it so plainly told us that the surrender must morning newspaper. Earliness is the case appear to be different as up at noon is an early riser com-a to domestic intelligence. Godpared with him who lays abed] knows I think little of Whig Din till sunset; and the OLD TIMES) ners; but, many persons do; and may still be an early paper; for they serve even me to laugh at, there may be papers two days. and to remark on seriously some-behind the CHRONICLE. ———The times. That of Glasgow occupied natural consequence of what I have! nine columns in the CHRONICLE, been observing upon, is, the rapid and the report must have been decline of Walter's paper, and brought express the four hundred the equally rapid rise of its rival and five miles. In the OLD TIMES, and, I shall be much deceived, if the next day, the OLD TIMES made at the meeting of Parliament, the out and published, from the Chro-OLD TIMES do not fall down, as if nicle, à report of about a quarter in a fit ! of a colummedAnd, as to the Whig Dinner at Chester, the report relatives to which must also have been brought up to the Chronicle express, and which oc cupied several columns, not a word of it ever appeared in Old Mother Brodie from first to last Intel-sent themselves. I shall, how ligence, and especially early intel- ever, publish the notification next ligence, is what we want in a week. THESE stand a poor chance of notice when subjects, like those treated of in this Register, pre 1 Friday, Oct. 10. The supply of • JUNI JIGE Sing- 191 asit zeb-Grain is this week only moderate. Average Prices of CORN through out ENGLAND, for the week end ing 4th October. .....46 4 Prime dry samples of Wheat mee buyers on rather better terms than Monday, but other qualities have no improvement, Barley of good quality remains as last quoted, but damp parcels are cheaper. Beans and Peas are unaltered. 30 i ་ ་ Good sweet Oats sell freely at last quo tations, but other kinds go off slowly. Monday, Oct. 13. The arrivals of all descriptions of Grain last week were only moderate, and this morning the quantities fresh up are by no means considerable. Prime dry samples of Wheat, both Old and New, obtain 2s. per quar ter more than this day se'nnight, but other qualities do not partake 225 of this improvement. re S. a. Wheat.. 7,311 for 18,038 19 4 Average, 49 4 Barley for malting obtains 1s. to Peas.... 1,536.... 2,402 15 2. .......31 32s. advance on the terms of this Various Seeds 285; and Hemp 35 qrs-Flour 6,096 sacks. From Ireland.-Oats 4,355 qrs. unsaleable. Flour is unaltered. COUNTRY CORN MARKETS. By the QUARTER, excepting where otherwise named; from Wednesday to Saturday last, inclusive. The Scotch Markets are the Returns of the bon Week before. UxbridHEAT. Reading per 1306; Oats 556; Barley 161; Norwich, Oct. 11.-There was a greater show of business here to-day than for some time past; Food, Wyst, were in demand at samples, particularly of iar bushel. Aylesbury ditto.d1015 08 13. 06. 52s to 548. per qr.; New, 44s. to Ol. Os. 48 0 640 161. Os. Bristol, Oct. 11.-The Corn busi 0.0s. to 7s. 6d. ; inferior ditto, 4s. 6d. to 62 0 6s. 3d.; Barley, 2s. 6d. to 3s. 4d.; Beans, 3s. to 5s.; Oats, 2s. to 3s.; and Malt 4s. 3d. to 6s. 6d. per 0 bushel. Flour, Seconds, 26s. to 48s, per bag. 48 0 #robom |1360 074901 Birmingham.... Lynn Horncastle 40 0 52.04 35 0 52 0 ·Birmingham, Oct. 9. During the last fortnight Old Grain, generally increase in 0 0 25 meine Ỡ000 and also fine dry New, in co Derby, 34 quarts to bush 46,50 Newcastle 32 0 200 Dalkeith, per bolt The Scotch boll is 3 per cent more lo emol dito 550 quence of a short supply of these descriptions. Picked samples of Old Wheat are now worth 7s. per 60 lbs., and those of New 6s. 6d. ; inferior and damp samples are scarcely saleable. Barley of both malting and grinding qualities are in good demand at 25s. to 30s. per quarter; Oats, 22s. to and Beans, 138. 6d. to 145. 6d. per ten scores Peas are beginning to be inquired for at about Liverpool, Oct, 7, Since Tuesday last the demand for Wheats has been gradually improving, and at Saturday's market an advance of 2d, to 3d, per bushel was obtained on sales made to a tolerable fair extent, so that the average prices may be now considered at 7s. 3d. to 9d. per quarter; Winters, to 448. Tares are selling at 54s, to 60s; and Malt 52s. to 56s. Old Fine Flour, at 45s. per sack; Old Seconds, 40s.: 70 lbs. a New fine, 40s. and New Seconds, 37s., and a tolerably free sale. arti cles of the trade there has been so little, done as to leave prices nominally the same as last Ipswich, Oct. 11. Our market to-day was well supplied with Bar Imported into Liveseley, but not much Wheat, and no the 30th September to the 6th Oc- Beans. Prices as follow: Old tober, 1823, inclusive: Wheat Wheat, 50s. to 60s.; New ditto, |