Imágenes de páginas

Wisbech, Oct. 25.—Every article in the Corn line here was exceedingly heavy in sale, and lower in price than last week, except for very prime articles. 1

* City, 29 October 1823. BACON.

The stock of new being short, Boston, Oct. 23. There has been prices have advanced here; and but a very scanty supply of sam- this has induced the buyers to enples of Grain at this day's market,

which has occasioned prime sam-gage for forward shipments, at ples to be brisk in demand, and higher rates than they could have


sold readily a to 48sing prices;

-Wheat, 42s.

Oats, 17s, bought at some time ago. On per Board: 40s. to 41s. for immediate

to 21s.; and Barley, 22s market.

quarter. Beans, none at

Shipments; 34s. to 36s. for for

› Malton, Oct. 25. The Corn marward Shipments.-Landed: New, ket here appears rather more lively 44s. to 46s.; Old, 38s. to 42s. P* than for some weeks.Old Wheat, 60s: to 62s; New ditto, 48s. to 52s. per quarter, five stone per bushel. Barley, 28s. to 328. per quarter. Oats, 10 d. to 114d. per stone.

pest you) bas 220$ 94 205 206 1. POND 199 us at

SMITHFIELD, Monday, Oct. 27.

Per Stone of 8 pounds (alive).

d. .2 6 to 3 6


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.3 6 Pork. .3 8 Beasts... 3,284 | Sheep...23,350 Calves 210 Pigs...... 210.


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We thought the present month would not pass over without an effort on the part of the holders to cause an advance; and which effort has now been successfully made. Every one began to say, that, if no advance took place for a month six weeks to come, mischief must ensue; for as the time of payment was coming, sales must be made, and if made at reduced prices, it would be obvious to all what was the cause for selling. But, as the business is all done amongst the jobbers themselves, we think it very likely that, after the bustle is over, prices will go back again; especially as the quantity of Foreign continues very great. On board: Carlow, 78s. to 80s.-Belfast, 77s. to 78s.-Newry, 72s.- Waterford, or Dublin, 73s. to 74s.—Cork, 73s. Limerick, 71s.-Landed: Carlow, 80s. to 82s.-Belfast, 80s.-Water


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HAY and STRAW, per Load. Smithfield.Hay ..100s. to 107s.

Straw...40s. to 488.
Clover 95s. to 130s.

St. James's.-Hay....68s. to 110s.
Straw...36s. to 48s.
Clover..84s. to 115s.
Whitechapel.--Hay....95s. to 115s.

Straw...38s. to 46s.
Clover 110s. to 135s.

Price of HOPS, per Cwt. in the BOROUGH.

Monday, Oct. 27.—Our market for New Hops is rather dull, the Planters holding out for prices the trade do not like to give: rather more inquiry for good Old, which are much below their relative value: the Currency may be statedNew Sussex, 11. 11s. to 137, 13s.; New Kent, 12. to 15.; 1822, 81. to 11. 11s.; 1821, 5l. 12s. to 6l. 6s.; 1819 and 1820, 3ł. 16s. to 4l. 10s.

* Maidstone, Oct. 22.-Our Hop market continues so very dull that we have hardly a lot sold, in fact we cannot give any information about prices this week.

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I adhered to my prophesy; and ring guns thuiser ast

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my own readers, has been fui- ver Jews are Jovorn, av filled. course, have bat e I am now going to prophesy spirit" to morgage the again. The French have got aut independen ba't Spain into their hands; that is to So that we are now pretty depo say, European Spain; but, there dipped in the affam of the is another part of Spain, which States, former curve of ban, is of importance nearly equal to and going, with us, uuter its g that of European Spain; namely, neral name of DuTTE ÄLSKÄ Spanish America. This country, Now, fren with the reach, or chain of countries, has long who are now master of any been engaged in a revolution. ~ } suffer these valuatie countries to


Printed and Published by J. M. CORRETT, No. 153, Feet-IESEL

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BOROUGH.-per Ton.




£2 5 to £3 10
.1 10

2 0 0.0

HAY and STRAW, per Load. Smithfield.Hay ..100s. to 107s. Straw...40s. to 48s.

Clover 95s. to 130s.

St. James's.-Hay....68s. to 110s.
Straw...36s. to 48s.
Clover..84s. to 115s.
Whitechapel.--Hay....95s. to 115s.

Straw...38s. to 46s.
Clover 110s. to 135s.

Price of HOPS, per Cwt. in the

Monday, Oct. 27.-Our market for New Hops is rather dull, the Planters holding out for prices the trade do not like to give: rather more inquiry for good Old, which are much below their relative value: the Currency may be statedNew Sussex, 11. 11s. to 134, 13s.; New Kent, 12. to 15l.; 1822, 81. to 11. 11s.; 1821, 5l. 12s. to 6l. 6s.; 1819 and 1820, 3ł. 16s. to 4l. 10s.

f Maidstone, Oct. 22.-Our Hop market continues so very dull that we have hardly a lot sold, in fact we cannot give any information Onions..Os. Od.-Os. Od. per bush. about prices this week..

1 10

Common Red..0

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VOL. 48.-No. 6.] LONDON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1923. [Price 6d. Published every Saturday Morning, at Seven o'Clock.



has been divided, by the revolters, into separate States. Governments have been formed in these, and these new States have declared themselves to be (like the United

On the intentions of France with States of North America) inderegard to South America, and be independent nations, in which regard to South America, and pendent of Spain, and, indeed, to on the probable consequences of capacity some of them have been those intentions.

Kensington, 5 November, 1823.


acknowledged by the Congress of the UNITED STATES.

The new States (colonies of Spain until now) abound in all THERE is one of my prophecies the means of giving wealth and falfilled, at any rate. France has power. A fuller description of got possession of the fortresses, these will follow presently; but, the arsenals, the ports, the fleets that these possessions must be and all the resources of Spain. very valuable, is a thing that no I said, that this was her object, one doubts. While under the and I gave it as my opinion that power of Spain, we were shut out the Hobhouses and Wilsons and of them. They were of no advanErskines and Whitbreads, wise tage to us: But, since they have as they are, would not be able to shaken off the power of Spain, prevent her from accomplishing we have got a great footing in this object. The Ministers, some them. We send to them our maof them, said, that France would nufactures in great quantities; our fail; others prayed that she might. shipping finds employment in carI adhered to my prophesy; and rying goods thither, and in bringthat prophesy, contrary to the ing produce away. The new opinions even of the greater part governments have made loans of of my own readers, has been ful-our Jews and Lobbers, and, of filled. course, have had the "public I am now going to prophesy spirit" to mortgage the " free again. The French have got and independent States" to them. Spain into their hands; that is to So that we are now pretty deeply say, European Spain; but, there dipped in the affairs of these new is another part of Spain, which States, formerly colonies of Spain, is of importance nearly equal to and going, with us, under the gethat of European Spain; namely, neral name of SOUTH AMERICA. Spanish America. This country, Now, then, will the French, or chain of countries, has long who are now masters of Spain, been engaged in a revolution. It suffer these valuable countries to

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Printed and Published by J. M. COBBETT, No. 183, Fleet-street.

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