who are not in the secret, wonder] what can induce the jobbers to go on bringing goods from Ireland, with almost a certainty of loss: the reason is, that they can obtain credit in Ireland, when they cannot get it here: and the Bills of Lading are very convenient to put into the hands of those who have always "MONEY READY TO BE AD 2 0 BOROUGH -per Ton. 1 10- 00 HAY and STRAW, per Load. VANCED UPON GOODS INTENDED FOR CHEESE. Straw...30s. to 45s. Clover 100s. to 120s. James's.-Hay....70s. to 118s. Straw...33s. to 45s. Straw...40s, to 46s. Price of HOPS, per Cwt. in the Monday, Nov. 3.-More inquiry for 1819 and 1821 Hops; little or no variation in other sorts. Present Prices, 1823, Kent Pockets, 91, to 157.; Sussex ditto, Sl. 8s. to 117. 4s. Maidstone, Oct. 30.-The Hop Trade, if it may be called so, is totally at a stand here; we have, scarcely heard of a sale this week, therefore quoting prices is out of question. Worcester, Oct. 25.-99 pockets of Old Hops were this day weighed in our Market, and one tump of New, weighing only 13 lbs., the only Hops which have yet been sold here, the produce of this piantation.-1819's and 1821's sell well, if good the sale of 1822's is very flat. Prices: 1822's, 8l. 8s. to 10. 10s.; 1821's, 4l. 6s. to 5l. VOL. 48.-No.7.] LONDON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1923. [Price 6d. Published every Saturday Morning, at Seven o’Clock. TO THE REFORMERS. On the prospect which now presents itself with regard to the South American States. tended scale, the doctrine of the "SOVEREIGNTY OF THE PEOPLE?" Such, however, as I shall presently show you, is the fact; and, I trust, that we shall now call to mind all the deeds of the infamous sons and daughters of corruption, perpetrated against us in the years 1817 and 1819; all the insults, Kensington, November 12th, 1823 all the robberies, all the murders FRIENDS AND FELLOW COUNTRYMEN, which they committed upon us, IT often happens that, after men only because we claim for ourappear to have lost all chance selves a very small portion of of accomplishing an object, the those political rights for the eschance forces itself upon them. tablishing of which in South Who would have thought, only a America, this fraudulent, base very few months ago, that we and bloody newspaper is now should, in the month of November, endeavouring to work us up to 1823, have found the base and spend our money in war. bloody newspaper, called the COURIER; that lying, that fraudulent, that stanchest of all the vehicles of corruption; who would have thought that we should have found in that newspaper, a series of articles manifestly intended to who were called the representarouse us up to spend our money tives of the people. The answers in carrying on a war for the pur-to this petition were Acts of Parpose of establishing in practice, liament making new treasons, and that, too, upon the most ex- divers new causes for putting men You will bear in mind that, in 1817, a million, and a half of Englishmen petitioned the people called the House of Commons, to give them, or, rather to restore to them, the right of choosing those N Printed and Published by J. M. Cobbett, No, 183, Fleet c petition, or rather, to take measures to obtain the exercise of the right of choosing those who were called their representatives; some to death; and, more especially, a law to authorize the Ministers to put into goal whomsoever they pleased; into which gaol they pleased; into solitary dungeons of these persons were punished if they pleased; to forbid the pri- with almost unparalleled severity soners the use of pen, ink and for, it would almost appear, havpaper; and to keep them in those ing escaped with life from the gaols and those dungeons as long sabres of the soldiers. But, need as they pleased. In 1819 a nu- we go further than to look at merous body of Englishmen met Joseph Swann at this moment? at Manchester for the purpose of The Magistrates of Cheshire; the taking into consideration the most Justices of the Peace from their effectual lawful means of bringing Quarter Sessions, in the spring of about such a reform in the body the year 1820, committed him to called the House of Commons as Chester gaol for FOUR YEARS would give the people at large AND A HALF, in which gaol he the power of choosing those who now is. And what was his crime? were called the people's repre- He had committed three crimes: sentatives. Being assembled for he had sold two pamphlets. For this purpose; and for this pur- this they gave him two years and pose explicitly declared, they a half of imprisonment; and the were attacked by horse soldiers, other two years they gave him for chopped, hacked, trampled upon; having been present at a meeting many of them were killed; hun-held to petition for Reform.. He dreds of them were wounded; did not speak at that meeting; and and those who attacked them, and it was not alleged that he had who ordered the attack upon them spoken at that meeting; and yet, two years were on this account added to the other two years and a half; and he was dragged from his poor wife and four small children, and consigned to all the horrors of a gaol for four long years and a half, nearly one whole year of which has yet to expire. Talk of the Spanish Inquisition ! were thanked for what they had done, by a letter conveyed to them by Sidmouth, the then Secretary of State. The persons who had suffered, or the relations of those who had suffered, endeavoured in vain to obtain redress for this. And, some of the persons who had taken a lead in this meeting to 1 Talk of meetings held by the Bourbons; I challenge them to patriotic members for Westmin-produce an instance of a sentence ster and the Borough of South- a tenth part so severe as this, inwark, the county of Middlesex flicted on a man for what has and the great city of Eastern wis-never been called, and for what dom, which has Lord Waithman was now called, nothing but a for a sovereign and Thomas Cur-misdemeanor. Do I, then, justify zon Hansard for a lawgiver; talk the tyranny of Ferdinand and of of meetings of these patriotic per- the Bourbons? Oh, no! But I sons, and talk of giving them hold it to be base; I hold it to be money to buy swords and guns to infamous; I hold it to be a thing prevent the re-establishment of worthy of the detestation of manthe Spanish Inquisition! Talk kind to affect to be anxious for the of giving money for this purpose, putting down of that tyranny, while Joseph Swann is absolutely while I see pass almost wholly wasting away in Chester gaol, unnoticed, pass as a thing not at while his wife and four small chil-all improper, the terrible punishdren are little better than starving, ment inflicted upon Joseph Swann. and while there is a year of his I do not know what is the real siimprisonment yet to expire! What tuation of the people of Spain. I base hypocrisy, my friends; what know that the people of France, base hypocrisy to affect to pity the that the labouring classes in France Spaniards, or even the slaves in are well off indeed, compared to Jamaica, while we have Joseph the same classes here; but, sup Swann and his family before our pose I knew them to be miserable eyes! Several times have I given in both those countries; what has the challenge; again I repeat the that to do with the matter? I am challenge, to produce proof, that sorry for it; but I can do nothing the Spanish Inquisition has, dur- for the people of Spain or of ing the last quarter of a century, France. I am in no respect aninflicted any sentence equal to swerable for their ill treatment. that inflicted upon Joseph Swann; I am not, indeed, answerable for and this, recollect, was inflicted by the Justices of the Peace at their Quarter Sessions. I challenge all the bawlers about the tyranny of Ferdinand and the the ill treatment of Joseph Swann ; but if, while I see him suffering and do nothing to relieve him, I give my money to deliver, as call it, the French or Spaniards ment. " from slavery, I certainly am either | themselves a new form of governhypocrite or fool. But, we are now to see how Before I proceed any further, this punishment of Joseph Swann I will here insert two of the artiapplies to the case before us. cles, to which I have alluded His crime was selling pamphlets above. You will observe that I and being present at a meeting; take them from our old inveterate the object of which pamphlets and and bloody-minded enemy the which meeting was, to cause a Courier. The wretches who conreform to take place in that body duct which have been guilty of of men which are called the re-every atrocity against the people presentatives of the people; and that can be imagined. Whenever that reform was intended to be there has been a meeting to petisuch as would give to the people tion for the redress of any griev a voice in the choosing of their ance, these wretches have called representatives. Amongst all the upon the Government to shed the revilers of Joseph Swann and of blood of the people, They openly men like Joseph Swann, the vile justified the bloodshed of the sixwretches who own this, newspaper teenth of August; they have concalled the Courier were the fore- stantly justified every act of semost. To endeavour to get such verity that has been committed; reform they represented as sedi- they applauded the terrible Six tious, rebellious, treasonable. And Acts; and, in short, there has been yet, these same wretches are now no one act of cruelty or of seve laying down the doctrine, that it rity; no one deed hostile to our is right for England to go to war; liberties; no act by which life has that it is right for her to contract been taken from some of us, which new debts, to lay on new taxes, to these horrible miscreants have not draw, sweat and blood from the applauded; and all this, observe, people of this country, in order to for no other reason, than because uphold the right, in the people of the objects of their sanguinary South America; not merely of assaults prayed to be permitted choosing their representatives in to exercise the right of giving a the legislative assembly; not voice for those who were called merely that; but the right of their representatives abo TURNING OFF THEIR Let me further observe, in the KING; and of choosing for way of preface, that, in 1817, the ' dt bis, 2999 li barqze et ;77229990 16 www tuck und „bdu, gerollo?! zmoillum to eberboard arora 2015/ |