The Scotch Markets are the Returns of the ters. Oatmeal, 250 packs of 240 lbs. Week before. WHEAT. Uxbridge, per load............. s. d. 101. Os. s. d. 161. 10s. Aylesbury..ditto 91. Os. 121. Os. Newbury 35 0 Reading Northampton Truro, 24 galls. to a bush Derby, 34 quarts to bush. Newcastle Flour, 895 sacks. Bristol, Nov. 29.-There is more 720 business doing here in Corn, &c. 41 0 56 0 630 than has been for some time past, at nearly the following rates: 0 0 001s. per quarter; the same of Bar00ley. Flour also was lower. Wheat, 57 0 550 of best quality and condition, fully 300 maintained the currency of this 34 0 day se'nnight. Oats, Peas, Malt, The Scotch boll is 3 per cent more &c. without alteration. The retail than 4 bushels. price of Flour has fallen 24. per 16 lbs. Haddington, ditto*.. 21 6 Liverpool, Nov. 25.—In the course of last week there was a good deal of animation in this market, and Ipswich, Nov. 29.-Our market fine Wheats sold at a further im-to-day was not so largely supplied with Barley, and the quality was generally middling and inferior. Wheat came more freely, but the quality was very damp and thin. Prices were rather lower, as follow: Old Wheat, 50s. to 60s.; New ditto, 44s. to 54s.; Barley, 24s. to 30s,; Beans, old, 37s.; New ditto, 30s. to 32s.; Peas, 30s. ; and Oats, 20s. to 24s. per quarter. Wisbech, Nov. 29. Our market was not only dull in the sale of Wheat, but the article was from 1s. to 2s. per quarter lower, except for a prime dry sample or two. Oats and Beans without any variation from last week. Bristol, Nov. 27.-Beef from 41d. to 54d.; Mutton 5d. to 5d.; and Pork 4d. to 5d. per lb. sinking offal. At Morpeth market on Wednesday, there were a good many Cattle, but only a short supply of Sheep: there being few buyers, prices continue much the same.— Beef from 4s. 3d. to 5s.; and Mutton 4s. 3d. to 5s. 6d. per stone, sinking offals. At Uttoxeter Fair, a great quantity of Cheese was pitched, which sold very briskly from 50s. to 56s. per 120 lbs. ; a few dairies fetched rather more money. The very great improvement in the quality of the Cheese exhibited in these Fairs Wakefield, Nov. 28.-We have had a good supply of all kinds of Grain up the river, excepting may be attributable partly to the Wheat and Oats. Not having great degree of emulation excited many buyers, Fine Wheats are very dull, at a decline of Is. to 2s. per quarter; secondary and stale Wheats are very dull sale, at full 3s. per quarter less. In Mealing Oats no alteration; but Shelling is 6d. per load lower. The supply of Malting Barley being larger, the trade has been very dull, at a reduction of 2s. to 3s. per quarter. No alteration in Malt, Flour, or Rapeseed. by the public exhibition of it, but mainly to the taking off the greater part of the exorbitant tax on salt. City, 3 December 1823. BACON. The sudden and rapid advance in price has alarmed those who had made extensive time-bargains at 33s. or 34s. on board; and they are resorting to every possible contrivance to evade the fulfilment. With some of them it is a matter of necessity; for they are not in a condition to be able to ship Bacon at a loss of 35s. or 40s. per bale; and this same necessity has removed a SMITHFIELD, Monday, Dec. 1. great many scruples which, some Price of Bread.-The price of years ago, encumbered operations the 4lb. Loaf is stated at from 7d. of this kind. If we have a long to 9d, continuance of cold weather (as last year) it will enable the Agents of the Belfast houses, who possess great means, to keep up the price of pork; but if, on the contrary, the weather should be mild, the high price of that article will make it dangerous to hold; and any indication of a giving way on their part would probably occasion a great fall both in Bacon and Pork. -On board, 48s. to 50s.-Landed, 50s. to 52s. BUTTER. There is a good demand for Butter, and the price being moderate, as compared with Bacon and Cheese, there is no probability of its going down, for the present at any rate. -On board: Carlow, 84s. to 86s.Belfast, 84s.-Waterford, 78s. to 80s.-Dublin, 80s.-Cork or Limerick, 76s. Landed: Carlow, 86s. to 88s.-Waterford, 78s. to 80s. -Dublin, 80s. to 82s.-Belfast, 86s. -Cork and Limerick, 80s.-Dutch, 94s. to 96s.-Pork, landed, 50s. to 52s. S. d. ..2 10 to 3 10 S. d. ..3 4 4 0 ..4 4 5 4 4 10 Beef.... Beasts... 3,243 | Sheep...21,780 .... ...... NEWGATE (same day). Per Stone of 8 pounds (dead). Beef 240 Common Red..2 1 10 5 0 0 3 0 Maidstone, Nov. 27.-In consequence of the advance in London, we have experienced rather better trade, and some few lots have been disposed of, but not to any great amount, as the principal part of Onions..Os. Od.-Os. Od. per bush. the Hops round this neighbourhood HAY and STRAW, per Load. Straw...36s. to 42s. St. James's.-Hay....65s. to 110s. Whitechapel.--Hay....84s. to 110s. Straw...36s. to 44s. Clover..90s. to 126s, HOPS. Monday, Dec. 1.-No alteration in the price of Hops since our last. are put in bags, which are not much enquired after. of Old Hops were this day weighed Worcester, Nov. 22.-56 pockets in our Market. Prices as follow: 1818, 31. 10s. to 4l. 4s. ; 1819, 37. 15s. to 41. 15s.; 1820, 37. 10s. to 4l. 10s.; 1821, 4/. 10s. to 5/. 12s. ; 1822, 71. 7s. to 91. Rumours are various as to the duty of the kingdom; it is now stated from 20,000l. to 23,000/%. COAL MARKET, Nov. 28. Ships at Market. Ships sold. Price. 34 Newcastle..264..39s. 45s. 6d. 14 Sunderland..114., $Ss. 6d.—47s. Od VOL. 48.-No. 11.] LONDON, SATURDAY, December 13, 1923. [Price 6d. Published every Saturday Morning, at Seven o'clock. ΤΟ MR. WILBERFORCE. On his Pamphlet, entitled, " An Appeal to the Religion, Jus-defend a pretty numerous body of "tice and Humanity of the our fellow subjects against your “Inhabitants of the British calumnies. I am aware, that you, "Empire, in behalf of the in your quality of Saint, may Negro Slaves in the West claim a right to becall and to "Indies." blackguard, as much as you please, any portion of the rest of mankind; but, though the leaders may SIR, Kensington, Dec. 10th, 1823. of mean and corrupt factions You conclude the above- submit to this claim, I shall pro mentioned Pamphlet with ex-test against it; and shall treat you pressing your expectation that as if you were no Saint at all. "the grossest and most unfounded 66 The object, which you profess "calumnies will be poured out to have in view, is, to rouse the "against" you. This shows, that people of this country, which, in you do not rightly understand the pompous slang of the newswhat calumny means. If the papers and of Saint Stephen's, charge be founded, it cannot be you call an Empire;" your calumny; and, as to a thing being object is, to rouse the people of most unfounded, that is sheer non-this country to use their influence sense. I shall certainly not pour with the Government and Legis out calumny upon you, though so lature in order to make the strongly pressed by your exam- BLACKS in the West Indies ple; but, I shall, I think, prove FREE; and this, too, without you to be what a very large part suffering the WHITES in the X Printed and Published by J. M. COBBETT, No. 183, Fleet-street. |