Imágenes de páginas

ten miles from the town we met not a house of any description market gardeners' carts in great here, till you come to the district

numbers making their way to the market. It was a cold and very clear morning, so that, when we got upon the top of Broadway


town, where three or four hungry looking greyhounds, and men not unlike them, are standing about at the Inn-doors.-Near, however,

Hill and looked back, the view to one of these towns (Chippingwas magnificent. You had almost a bird's eye view of the little town

of 19sido ed

beneath, and, beyond it, a view

to espinup bong bill an

Norton), I counted eight old wheat ricks in one rick yard! A great deal of wheat is sown and up


proportionate to the goodness of here, and I see nothing out but bas gosde to 2002 Hors

your eyes; for it was boundless. bears. Coming through Wood

new vods of bis 13908 917, HRY

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The country, as far as BROAD-STOCK to OXFORD, I have come yed WAY (which is about twenty miles thus far (High Wycombe) over Jud groaned v197 916 eyes from WORCESTER), is as pretty as the same ground that I travelled any I have seen, save that it has in coming from LONDON, and all not the constant hill and dale of the corn that was uncarted as, I The woods are, was going down, is now in; and and where before I saw them carrying elm trees are suffered to grow corn, I now hear them threshing Ton biges 19nWo 90

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nevertheless, very pretty

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without being subject to the hor-it.-As to the apple crop, I have Testing, rible practice of shaving off all no reason for unsaying any thing the limbs. Turning from this I said in my former letter upon view to sit down and look straight this subject; but I am confirmed 1 before you again, you see plainly in all I said upon it. Here and that at you are, if not if not in OXFORD there, you see a tree loaded even to it. I believe to its owne destruction; but a great, YANG y near VÄHETY the top of the hill is in OXFORD- very great many trees, have SHIRE and the bottom in W WORCES- Scarcely an apple on them, and t


TERSHIRE. At any rate, E. At any rate, you now be-none of the apples have arrived gin with the stone walls again, and at their usual and proper size and

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with the dreary, though rich, corn

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country. I saw one field of

PRE wheat

somewhere up in th
in this country with

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one man reaping in it; and he,

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poor fellow, looked hungry enough to eat it too. You see not a cottage,

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Malt ..2,729





THE SCOTCH HARVEST, Quarters of English Grain, &a." arrived. Coastwise, from Sept. 22 I HAVE just heard, is short; to Sept. 27, inclusive. and the wheat not half cut. This Wheat...7,500 Pease may make some little difference Barley.. 2,958 Tares.. in the price in general; but, not much. Scotland consumes so Oats....15, 105 Rape.... small a part of the produce of the whole kingdom, that its wants may be supplied without any great deduction from the general quantity.



17 Brank.


Mustard....369 Various Seeds 586qrs-Flour

7,168 sacks.

From Ireland Oats 6,530 qrs.
Foreign- Linseed 3,845 qrs. —

Flour 845 barrels.

Friday, Sept. 26.—The arrivals of grain in general this week are tolerably good, and of Oats the quantity is large. Prime dry samples of Wheat find a more ready sale, but there is no improvement in the prices. Barley is rather cheaper. Grey Peas are further declined 2s, per quarter. Oats find scarcely any buyers, and this article is rather cheaper.

Ar a Sheriff's Dinner in the City, these two heroes were on the boards. The silliness and impudence that Mr. Canning showed occasion could be upon this equalled only by his meanness; but this now seems, with him and some of his colleagues, to be the "order of the day.' In my next, Monday, Sept. 29. There was a I shall endeavour to do something tolerably good supply of grain in Jike justice to the braggings, the general last week, and of Oats the shameless braggings of the pre-quantities were large. This mornsent Lord Mayor and Mr. Canning.

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ing there are moderate quantities of Wheat and Beans from Essex, Kent, and Suffolk, but large fresh arrivals of Barley, Grey Peas, and Oats. The new parcels of Wheat come for the most part cold in hand, that our millers purchased dry samples of both old and new more freely, and an advance was obtained on such of 1s. to 2s. per qr., but the damp qualities sell very badly.

Barley is abundant, and 2s. per quarter cheaper. Grey Peas are also very plentiful, and have suffered a further decline of 2s. to 3s. per quarter. Beans sell heavily, and are rather cheaper. There are so few boiling Peas that will break well, that this article obtains rather higher prices; but White Peas that will not break are cheaper. Oats are far too plentiful for the present demand, and although the factors are not disposed to submit to less prices for old samples, yet new are reduced full' 1s. per quarter.

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Dorchester, per load
Exeter, per bushel

Guildford, per load.
Winchester, ditto
Chelmsford, per load


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[blocks in formation]


40 9 54 0
91. Os. 131. 10s.





City, 1 October 1823. BACON.

There is not much demand for this article; but as it is known that great numbers are ready to buy, if it go a little lower, that will probably prevent any material decline: 45 0 we mean in regard to the new; as 28 048 0 to the old that must go lower yet.— 360 48 0 On board, for immediate ship18 10 00 ments, 37s.; for forward shipments, 89,00 32s. to 33s.-Landed, Old, 36s. to 10 40 40 New, 42%, to 43s.

36 0



Derby, 34 quarts to bush.

40 0

55 0



27 0

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Dalkeith, per boll
Haddington, ditto 25 0

The Scotch boll is 3 per
than 4 bushels.

56 0
34 6


cent more

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The present stock of Butter would leave a loss to the holders, if sold at the present prices; they are therefore induced to look to the old remedy-a speculation. There is a very general disposition to buy Butter, and we should not be surprised if a considerable advance should take place.--On board, Carlow, 80s.-Waterford, 74s. to 75s.-Dublin, 75s.-Cork, 73s.— Limerick, 72s.-Landed: Carlow, 80s. to 82s.-Waterford, 75s. to 77s.

Dublin, 76s-Cork, or Limerick, 75s Dutch, 88s. to 90s.-Holstein, 70s. to 80s. the quality being various.


The demand for Cheese is im310 proving-Old Cheshire, of the best

quality, 70s. to 78s.; inferior, 60s. Price of HOPS, per Cwt. in the

to 70s.-Coloured Derby, (old) 72s. to 74s.; New, 58s. to 63s.-Double Gloucester, 56s. to 62s.; Single, 48s, to 60s.

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Onions...Os. Od.―0s. Od. per bush.

HAY and STRAW, per Load.
Smithfield.-Hay....80s. to 100s
...40s. to 46s.
Clover 100s. to 110s.
St. James's.-Hay....70s. to 120s.
Straw...31s. to 51s.
Clover..95s. to 126s.

Whitechapel.--Hay....80s. to 115s.
Straw...40s. to 44s.
Clover, .90s. to 130s.


Monday, Sept. 29.-The picking is now general, and in many districts will be finished this week; the accounts all state the produce as overrated. Some growth of Canterbury have been sold from 15. 15s. to 17. 17s. Duty 20,000T to 22,000l. Currency of Yearlings and old remain the same.

Maidstone, Sept. 25.-Our Hop picking will generally finish this week, as the grounds are cleared so much sooner than expected; every body appears to have overrated their growth, which falls very short of what they were laid at. We have not heard of any sales yet. The Duty called about 20,000l.

COAL MARKET, Sept. 26. Ships at Market. Ships sold. Price. 284 Newcastle..174..37s. 44s. 6d. 64 Sunderland... 64.. 33s. 6d. -46s. Od.

VOL. 48.-No. 2.] LONDON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1923. [Price 6d. Published every Saturday Morning, at Seven o' Clock.

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and be it long remembered by all, that, when a statement was made, in the House of Commons, that you had received an irreparable bodily hurt from being dragged about in chains under the powers of SIDMOUTH'S Power-of-Imprisonment Bill, Canning called you "the revered and ruptured Ogden;" and, be it remembered, that, thereupon, the House broke out into an universal and a loud laugh. Let us bear this in mind

On the 29th of last month, there was a City Feast, at which were when we read of the fall of the present, Mr. WAITHMAN, Mr. landlords. When we see the CANNING, and Mr. HUSKISSON. Jews grasping their estates, let us Some curious things took place at bear this scene in mind; and it is this dinner; and I, in remarking now a time to recal to our meon them, address myself to you, mory all the circumstances, bebecause it was on you that cause we are now going to witness the once-insolent jester, Canning, the humiliation of our jesting foe. sported the most insolent of all I shall, before I go any further, his jests. To those who do not insert the Report of the proceedalready know it, be it known, ings upon this occasion. They


Printed and Published by J. M. COBBETT, No. 183, Fleet-street.

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