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Printed and published by G. CLEMENT, No. 188, Fleet Street.



Contents of Volume XLVIII.





Bancroft Library

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"This Bill (Mr. Peel's) was grounded on concurrent Reports of both
"Houses; it was passed by unanimous votes of both Houses; it was, at the
"close of the Session, a subject of high eulogium in the Speaker's Speech to
the Regent, and in the Regent's Speech to the two Houses: now, then, I,
William Cobbett, assert, that, to carry this Bill into effect is impossible; and
"I say, that, if this Bill be carried into full effect, I will give Castlereagh
66 leave to lay me on a Gridiron and broil me alive, while Sidmouth may stir
"the coals, and Canning stand by and laugh at my groans."-Taken from
Cobbett's Register, written at North Hempstead, Long Island, on the 24th of September,.
1819, and published in England in November, 1819.

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expressed in the above motto, has
been verified, instead of having
been falsified, as has been so
many thousand times asserted by
the lying and ignorant and pros
tituted press of the Wen. My
assertion, as I stated it before,
was, that it was impossible to
carry your Bill into full effect;
and, I am now going to prove,
that it has not been carried into


Printed and Published by J. M. COBBETT, No. 183, Fleet-street.


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full effect; but, that it has been, [has put forth five hundred lies, as to a material part of its object, perhaps, each of them as comrepealed by subsequent Acts of plete a lie as the butcher's shop Parliament. lie. The vile wretches of the

I said enough in my last Regis-press have known, that all wellter about Mr. BROUGHAM's press, informed men would know that and I have only further to observe, these were lies; but these miswith regard to that infamous thing, creant dealers in paragraphs, that, amongst all the mischiefs these prostituted venders of praise which it has done, I do not know at so much an inch, these vile that I can find one to surpass the wretches, worse than SHIMEI's mischiefs which it has done to" dead dog;" these worse than the farmers and landlords; and, toads or tadpoles or any thing indeed, any to equal this; because most poisonous and disgusting; this has been and will be pro- these creatures well knew, that a ductive of more injustice and large part of their readers were misery than any other. In this not, as to those matters, well incase, I shall, however, confine formed; and as to contempt; as myself to a narrow view of its to the contempt of wise and good operations. It has, as I have men, what cared they for that, if observed in the first paragraph of it were unattended with a diminumy last latter, been for months, tion of their profits? According to exulting in what it calls, the falsi-Walter's own declaration, "The fication of my prophecies. It has "rascals would sell their country, published, according to its usual" if they could get a farthing custom, lies of all sizes and in" by it." all shapes. It has extracted, or, rather, pretended to extract, words from my writings, which are not

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That which encouraged them to enter upon these strings of lies and other efforts of delusion was

to be found in those writings. It the rise, which, about the middle

of winter, took place in the price thing, and they knew, that, on the of corn, and, indeed, in the price contrary, when speaking of the low state to which prices would come, I always spoke of an average of years; that I expressly

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of all the produce of the land. I had all along insisted that the fall in the price of the produce was the effect of your Bill. Others, observed, that I spoke, barring and the bullocking press along the effect of seasons; and that, with those others, had maintained upon more than one occasion, I the contrary. The moment, there- said expressly, that, if the cashfore, that prices took a rise, out payments continued, I expected came the curs full cry; "There! the bushel of wheat to vibrate "there! he is wrong; for the Bill between three shillings and seven. “is still in force, and prices have And yet, the moment the wheat " risen!" Excessively stupid got even to six, the "caitiffs," beasts as the London newspaper Mr. Brougham's "highly respectpeople are, they could not say this able people," who call one another

from ignorance alone. It was "rascals and forgers," bellowed

Then came the first of May, and your Bill was still unrepealed. Oh! there I was a false prophet in a still greater degree; and

impossible for them to believe, out, that my predictions were that I could ever have thought falsified! that your Bill would prevent bad crops or bad harvest weather. It was impossible for them to believe, that I could ever have thought, that your Bill would some of the "caitiffs," as WALTER prevent blight or mildew. The justly calls them, published witty "caitiffs," as WALTER himself accounts of my being broiled, a calls them, the "wretches," as he thing which was done with more calls them, could believe none of than ordinary display by the this. But, indeed, they knew well" caitiff and rascal" of the READthat I had never said any such ING MERCURY, under the auspices,

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