POLITICAL REGISTER. VOL. V. FROM JANUARY TO JUNE, 1804. LONDON: PRINTED BY COX AND BAYLIS, GREAT QUEEN STREET; PURSISHED BY RICHARD BAGSHAW, BOW STREET, COVENT GARDEN; 1804. ADVERTISEMENT. THE reasons why the Supplements to the half-yearly Volumes of this work are no longer to be published the reader will find stated in the present Volume, p. 479, to which I beg leave to refer him.In the Supplements to the former volumes several Public Papers and other official documents were inserted; but, because there is now no supplement, it is not to be supposed, that any papers of that description have been excluded from the work. Great care has been taken to preserve them all, and to make the work in this respect the most complete that ever was published. In order, however, to obtain room for this purpose, I have published occasionally a double sheet; having, however, fixed the number of sheets at thirty-three in the half-year, or volume, thereby establishing the annual cost of the Register at £2. 15. 0.—The Par liamentary Debates, which formed so large a part of the Supplements, are now become a separate work, amounting to two volumes in a year, of nearly the same thickness, and of exactly the same form and print as the Register. For more ample information respecting the Parliamentary Debates the reader will please to refer to p. 863, Duke Street, June 30, 1801. W. COBBETT. |