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Three white young men were taken prisoners, and carried to Dorsetshire Hill; where, where, upon the following Saturday, they were ordered out by Chatoyer, and massacred in the most shocking manner. Every exertion was used by the French and Caribs to render this position as strong as possible. With great labour they dragged one six and one four-pounder from Stubb's Bay, and had them mounted by Saturday night.

The English, in the meantime, removed their records, &c. to the fort on Berkshire Hill. Measures were also taken to secure the town; and the surrounding canes to a certain distance were burnt, that they might not conceal the approach of the Caribs. A post was established on Sion Hill. The Caribs were frequently seen on the estates belonging to Messrs. Kean and Sharp and once a small party advanced as far as the government house, none of which places are six furlongs from Kingston. The troops upon Sion Hill kept the enemy in awe, by a constant discharge of shot and shells.

On Wednesday morning, Captain Campbell, with a company of the 46th, arrived from Martinico; and in the course of the week, the Zebra sloop of war, and the Roebuck. These were opportune reinforcements; for the Caribs and French would have begun to bombard the town on the Sunday morning.

On Saturday at midnight, Captain Skinner, of his Majesty's sloop Zebra, led a party to storm Dorsetshire Hill. Lieutenants Hill and Samuel Grove of the navy followed. The company of the 46th, under Captain Carry, came next; and Major Whytell and Captain Campbell brought up the rear, with the militia and some armed Negroes. The ascent was by a winding and rugged path, and they got within eighty yards of the main post before they were discovered. Nothing could exceed the intrepidity of the assailants: they did not fire till they had approached within twenty yards, when Captain Skinner gave orders to fire and chargehe led the way himself, and was ably seconded by Lieutenants Hill and Grove. Captain Campbell of the 46th, and Major Whytell, stormed at another place; and in fifteen minutes the fate of the hill was decided. "Are you Chatoyer?" was the question asked the huge Carib chief, who fell, as he replied, "oui, be!" Major Leith, of the militia, killed him in single combat. His Royal Highness Prince William Henry had given Chatoyer a silver gorget, and this was found upon him.

The assailants had only five men killed and four wounded. Lieutenant Hill, of the Zebra, was one of the latter. Some of the enemy escaped, but several French and Caribs lay dead on the field.

In consequence of this defeat, the French abandoned their allies;

Coke's West Indies, vol. ii. pp. 205. 207.-The facts, which are not in Dr. Coke's West Indies, were given to the author by his old messmate, Captain S. Grove.

but the Negroes on the plantations through which they were obliged to pass lay lurking for their prey, and caught great numbers of them. Mr. Dumont, the secretary of the conspiracy, fell into their hands about twenty were hanged with him.

Two hundred Negroes were armed, and sent in pursuit of the fugitives. These returned the same evening, driving before them the French inhabitants of Calliaqua, men, women, and children, the plunder of whose houses had been more tempting than following the Caribs. Neither was English property safe from the hands of these destructive assistants. The governor and council, therefore, forbade any similar expeditions.

The Caribs soon formed three camps in the neighbourhood of Calliaqua, about three miles from Sion Hill. From these strong holds they sent various parties to plunder the adjacent country. At the very base of Sion Hill, and under its guns, they set fire to the sugar-works on Greathead's estate, and totally destroyed them.

On the 5th of April, two transports arrived with the 46th regiment, under convoy of his Majesty's ship Montague. The troops were landed the next morning, and marched to Berkshire Hill. These men had been prepared for the climate by a previous residence of three years at Gibraltar: preparations were made for storming the Carib camp.

About ten o'clock on the night of the 10th, the different parties marched for their respective stations. Captain Campbell of the 46th, at the head of the grenadiers, was to make the attack. In case of success, Captain Hall, with the light infantry, was to cut off the enemy's retreat to Calliaqua in one direction, and Colonel Loman, with the militia, and a detachment of sailors from his Majesty's ship Roebuck, in another. The light infantry reached their station about one o'clock, and were immediately attacked by very superior numbers it had rained heavily, and the arms of the assailants were wet. They halted: Colonel Loman, with his party, were near their appointed station, when orders to retreat were given by some unknown person in the advanced files. The arrival of Captain Campbell with the grenadiers of the 46th, and Lieutenant Farquharson, with a detachment of the 60th, stopped the confusion. The whole charged the enemy, who, unable to withstand the bayonet, fled in all directions.

Five Within

After destroying the encampments, the troops marched to the barrack-ground above Calliaqua, and intrenched themselves. hundred Negroes were ordered to be armed and drilled. a few days they appeared on the parade, and in a few weeks acquitted themselves beyond mediocrity in the discharge of their duty.

On Saturday the 25th of April, two armed schooners sailed from Kingston to attack the settlement of Duvalle, the Carib chief, at the north end of the island. The troops were commanded by

Lieutenant-Colonel Seton, and a detachment of seamen from the Roebuck, by Lieutenant Samuel Grove. On the 26th they attempted to land in the rear of some batteries and houses, but the road was found impracticable, and Colonel Seton determined to attack the batteries in front. A landing was effected under cover of the armed vessels; and the assailants, though exposed to a heavy fire of grape shot and musketry, and numbers of large rocky fragments, which were rolled from the height upon them, ascended the angular path, and drove all before them. Vast quantities of provisions were destroyed, all the houses were burnt, sixteen of their canoes were also taken. Our loss was three seamen killed and ten wounded, and nine soldiers wounded. The French sent reinforcements to the Caribs, and took post on the Vigie. From Dorsetshire Hill their fortifications soon appeared respectable.

On the 7th of May, nine columns of the enemy, estimated at 1000 men, descended the hills, and marched toward the camp at Calliaqua. They halted upon the discharge of the first gun, beat a parley, and sent a French officer with a flag of truce to summon the British commander to surrender. The Hon. Captain Molesworth returned a proper answer. In an hour the young Frenchman returned: he exhorted Captain Molesworth not to provoke an attack, as he was too feeble to resist; said that he came to make the last overtures he was to expect, which were, that he might march to Kingston unmolested, provided he laid down his arms and left the camp as it then was, with all the ammunition and stores it contained. Captain Molesworth repeated his determination to defend the place to the last extremity.

While these negociations were carrying on, the Alarm frigate hove in sight. If Captain Molesworth had surrendered, a party of Caribs were stationed in the mill and Negro houses belonging to Sir William Young, on the road to Kingston, to attack the unarmed soldiers; and this was the French plan: they then intended to throw the blame upon their allies.

The Alarm stood for Calliaqua: in less than an hour she anchored near the camp, commenced a well-directed and destructive fire upon the enemy, and landed a body of seamen, who drove all before them.

About one o'clock the next morning, the French, with a body of disaffected Negroes and Mulattoes, attacked the British out-posts, drove them from Dorsetshire Hill, and obtained a six pounder.

During the attack, the troops on Berkshire Hill were drawn up, "waiting in suspense the result of the conflict." When that was known, they were ordered to march, and retake a place which had been suffered to fall without their assistance. At daybreak, the troops, under the command of Captain Forster, Major Seton, and Major Whytell, had gained the summit of the hill; and, after a

Coke's West Indies, vol. ii. pp. 212, 213, 214.

sharp conflict of two hours, regained possession of it. Numbers of the enemy threw themselves headlong from the precipices, and were dashed to pieces. Forty-eight lay dead, nineteen of whom were Whites. Only five prisoners were taken.

Those who escaped from Dorsetshire Hill retired to the Vigie, which they fortified with the greatest diligence. The hill is about one hundred yards in length, and twenty in breadth, bounded almost wholly by vallies, hardly passable. This hill they barricaded with sugar hogsheads filled with sand. Within musket shot to the N.W., was another small conical hill, which became their first redoubt. About cannon shot, nearly in the same direction, was another hill that commanded the road from Kingston: this was their advanced post. Lieutenant-Colonel Ritchie, with 600 of the 60th, and Major Malcolm's rangers, having joined the forces, it was determined that the Vigie should be attacked.

On the night of the 11th of June, the troops destined for the attack, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Leighton of the 46th, halted, about ten o'clock, at Warawarow River, four miles from the Vigie: separated into four corps, and marched in different directions to invest the enemy. It was necessary to storm the advanced posts first: the westernmost was carried without much opposition- the fugitives were followed to the next, which was as easily won. To regain these posts the French made a sortie; but perceiving they were liable to be flanked by another corps coming up, they retreated within their works, and commenced a heavy cannonade. Two six pounders and a mortar were brought to play upon them, and a mutual firing kept up for five hours; by that time the French had expended all their shot. They therefore beat a parley, and sent a shabby-looking officer to Colonel Leighton, with an offer to surrender the place, if they might be permitted to carry their arms and wounded to the Carib country. Colonel Leighton insisted upon their surrendering at discretion. The negociation was a feint to gain time, whilst they abandoned the Vigie. They were discovered and charged. Numbers perished, but several escaped. Very few prisoners were taken: the Vigie was covered with their dead and dying. The killed and wounded of the British did not exceed thirty.

Colonel Leighton left Captain Cope of the 60th, with fifty men, to garrison the Vigie, and marched for Mount Young, with such rapidity, that some men died from fatigue; but no other loss was suffered in taking it. Upon Mount Young the English entrenched themselves, and sent some troops, under the command of Major Ecuyer, to assist Captain Otway, of his Majesty's sloop Thorn, in the capture of a promontory called Ouia, on the north-west coast. which defended a landing-place, where the enemy received their

supplies. This was effected without much loss, and the enemy were supposed to be shut up from all possibility of relief; but they crossed the mountains, and took possession of Morne Rhonde, and afterwards of a hill near the English camp at Chateaubellair. Until now, these mountains had been deemed impassable: they are very high, very rugged, and covered with wood.

This unexpected change of situation enabled them to receive reinforcements from St. Lucia, and changed the appearance of the campaign. Colonel Gordon commanded at Chateaubellair; but Lieutenant-Colonel Prevost arriving with reinforcements, the command became his. It was then ordered that the enemy's position should be stormed. Some sailors were landed from his Majesty's sloop Thorn, to assist at the operation. The different parties marched to their respective stations about two o'clock, and the assault was made before day-light. The fall of Lieutenant Moore, who led the way, threw the van into confusion. The enemy came forward to every little eminence, kept up an incessant fire of small arms, and turned the confusion into a flight.

The loss in killed and wounded was very severe, and the savages refused to part with the body of a Mr. Gregg, one of the most respectable men on the island.

Colonel Leighton, with the 46th, was now recalled from Mount Young, and landed at Walliabou, four miles from Colonel Gordon's camp at Chateaubellair: he ascended the heights unperceived by the enemy, and sat down in their rear, with two pieces of ordnance. In the night the enemy retreated, but were so closely pursued, that all their efforts to save a field-piece were ineffectual. In forty-eight hours they were again on Morne Rhonde, which was only accessible in one direction, and that through a very thick wood.

Colonel Leighton was soon encamped on an opposite ridge; and, for the first time, found the enemy were possessed of a mortar. A mutual bombardment continued for some days; but on the 4th of July, the Morne was stormed. The advance were discovered by the enemy's piquet, and suffered severely from their ambushed foes; but, with a rapid and determined march, they reached the advanced redoubt. After an hour's defence, the place was stormed, and then the savages fled in all directions. One four pounder and one mortar were found in the camp, and the commandant and aidde-camp of the redoubt made prisoners. The English loss was sixteen killed, and several wounded. Colonel Leighton garrisoned the newly-acquired post, and returned to Mount Young.

General Grey left General Prescott to command in Martinico, and proceeded himself, on the 31st of March, with Sir J. Jervis, to attack St. Lucia.

On the 2d of April, several landings were made on St. Lucia;

Coke's West Indies, vol. ii. pp. 226, 227. Edwards, vol. iii. p. 458.
Naval Chronicle, vol. xvii. p. 389.

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