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is not equally secured to the other.

Done at Paris, November 25, 1893.

avantage qui ne soit également assuré à l'autre.

Fait à Paris, le 25 Novembre,




NOTES exchanged between the British and French Governments, renouncing the intention of securing exclusive Privileges in the State of Kyaing Hung.-Paris, December 1, 1893.

The Marquess of Dufferin to M. Develle.


Paris, December 1, 1893. IN answer to the question that you were good enough to address to me on Tuesday, with reference to the rumour that we had come to an agreement with China concerning the State of Kyaing Hung, I beg to inform you that at present no such Treaty has been signed, and that we have no intention of seeking to obtain any monopoly, either for railways, steam-boat companies, or any other mode of transit or communication, to the detriment of any similar French commercial undertakings. It is understood that in the above respects the field is left as open to French as to English enterprise.

In acknowledging the receipt of this note, perhaps you will kindly intimate the willingness of the French Government to accede to a reciprocal engagement.

M. Develle.

Believe me,



M. Develle to the Marquess of Dufferin.

CHER LORD DUFFERIN, Paris, le 1er Décembre, 1893. Vous avez bien voulu me faire savoir, par votre lettre de ce jour, qu'aucun Traité n'a été signé jusqu'ici entre la Grande-Bretagne et la Chine au sujet de l'État de Xieng Hung, et que l'Angleterre n'a nullement l'intention de chercher à obtenir aucun monopole, soit pour les chemins-de-fer ou compagnies de navigation, soit pour tout autre mode de transit ou communication, au détriment d'entreprises commerciales Françaises de même ordre. Il est entendu que le champ devra demeurer libre, à cet égard, pour les entreprises Françaises et Anglaises. Je m'empresse de vous accuser réception

de cette communication, dont je prends acte bien volontiers. proquement et conformément à votre demande, j'ai l'honn vous faire savoir que la délimitation des possessions Françai côté de Xieng Hung n'a pas encore été faite, mais que, da négociations que le Gouvernement de la République aura à su ce sujet, avec le Gouvernement Chinois, il compte se guider d les principes mêmes que vous avez bien voulu énoncer dans lettre de ce jour, et auxquels je ne peux qu'adhérer sans réserv Agréez, &c.,

Le Marquis de Dufferin.


AGREEMENT between Great Britain and Germany, respec the Rio del Rey on the West Coast of Africa.-Signed Berlin, April 14, 1893.*

THE Undersigned:

1. The Honourable P. Le Poer Trench, Her Britannic Majes Chargé d'Affaires and First Secretary of Embassy;

2. Sir Claude MacDonald, Her Britannic Majesty's Commissio and Consul-General of the Oil Rivers Protectorate;

3. Dr. Kayser, Privy Councillor, Chief of the Colonial Depa ment of the Imperial German Foreign Office;

4. B. von Schuckmann, Imperial Councillor in the Forei Office;

After discussion of various questions affecting the fiscal intere of Germany and Great Britain in their respective territories in t Gulf of Guinea, and without prejudice to the conditions laid dow in section 2, Article IV, of the Anglo-German Agreement of the 1 July, 1890, as also the conditions laid down in the Anglo-Germa Agreements of the 20th April, 1885, and the 27th July 1886,§ have con to the following Agreement on behalf of their respective Gover


7th May

2nd August,

ART. I. That the point named in section 2, Article IV of th Anglo-German Agreement of the 1st July, 1890, as the head upper end of the Rio del Rey Creek shall be the point at th north-west end of the island lying to the west of Oron, where th two waterways, named Urüfian and Ikankan, on the German Admi ralty Chart of 1889-90, meet.

II. From this upper end of the Rio del Rey to the sea, that is to say, to the promontory marked West Huk on the above-mentioned

Signed also in the German language.
Vol. LXXVI, page 772.

+ Vol. LXXXII, page 35. § Vol. LXXVII, page 1049.

chart, the right bank of the Rio del Rey waterway shall be the boundary between the Oil Rivers Protectorate and the Colony of the Cameroons.

III. The German Colonial Administration engages not to allow any trade settlements to exist or be erected on the right bank of the Rio del Rey Creek or waterway. In like manner, the Administration of the Oil Rivers Protectorate engages not to allow any trade settlements to exist or be erected on the western bank of the Backusay (Bakassey) Peninsula from the first creek below Archibong's (Arsibon's) village to the sea, and eastwards from this bank to the Rio del Rey waterway.

Berlin, April 14, 1893.



AGREEMENT between Great Britain and Germany, respecting Boundaries in East Africa.-Signed at Berlin, July 25, 1893.*

THE Undersigned, Sir Edward Baldwin Malet, Her Britannic Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; Mr. Charles Stewart Smith, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul at Zanzibar; Baron Marschall von Bieberstein, Privy Councillor, Imperial German Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; and Dr. Carl Peters, Imperial Commissioner, have agreed, on behalf of their respective Governments, in partial execution of the provisions of Article I of the Anglo-German Agreement of the 1st July, 1890,† that the boundary between the British and German spheres of interest in East Africa from the Indian Ocean to the northern side of the Kilimandsharo shall run as follows:

§ 1. On the coast the line shall start from the high-water mark on Ras Jimbo, and shall run from thence in a straight line to the point where the parallel of 3° 40′ 403" S. (astronomically determined) cuts the eastern bank of Lake Jipe. But on the coast the boundary shall be deflected as follows: It shall run from the Indian Ocean along the northern bank of the Jimbo Creek, making the foreshore in the British sphere, as far as the eastern mouth of the Ngobwe Ndogo. It shall then follow the eastern bank of the

Signed also in the German language. + Vol. LXXXII, page 35.

Ngobwe Creek to its end, and then run to the point where the above-described straight line from Ras Jimbo to Lake Jipe meets the rising ground on which the village of Jasini stands.

§ 2. From the point on Lake Jipe described in § 1 the boundaryline shall follow the eastern side of Lake Jipe, and round the northern side of the lake, crossing the River Lumi, and following the northern bank of the Rufu River (by which is also understood its swamp), as far as the point which is distant 1 English mile east of the German road going from the Marangu station to the coast. From thence it shall run to the summit of Chala Hill in the manner shown in the annexed map. The boundary-line shall then bisect the Chala Lake. From the north side of the Chala Lake onwards the boundary-line shall run parallel to the track, as shown in the aunexed map, and 1 English mile west of it, as far as the latitude of the so-called Useri Camp. It shall then run at a distance of 1 kilɔm. south-west of the track shown in the annexed map as going to Laitokitok, as far as the point where it crosses the Ngare Longei (Rongei).

§ 3. With reference to the annexed maps, the provisions of the attached Protocol of the 8th instant shall hold good.

Berlin, the 25th July, 1893.



PROTOCOL of July 8, 1893, referred to in the above Agreement.

THE Undersigned, Mr. Charles Stewart Smith, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul at Zanzibar, the British Commissioner, and Dr. Carl Peters, the Imperial German Commissioner for the delimitation of the Anglo-German boundary in East Equatorial Africa, agree to adopt as the basis for the negotiations respecting the Anglo-German boundary in East Equatorial Africa the maps constructed on the triangulation of Commissioner Smith, together with the survey of the neighbourhood of Vauga conducted by Lieutenant Fromm, of the Imperial German navy.

The future correction of mistakes, if such should be proved to exist by further examination, is mutually reserved. Berlin, the 8th July, 1893.

(L.S.) C. S. SMITH, British Commissioner.

(L.S.) DR. CARL PETERS, Kaiserlicher Kommissar.

AGREEMENT between Great Britain and Germany, respecting Boundaries in Africa.--Signed at Berlin, November 15, 1893.*

THE Undersigned,

1. Mr. Martin Gosselin, Her Britannic Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires ;

2. Baron von Marschall, Actual Privy Councillor, Imperial German Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;

After discussion of points connected with the question of the delimitation of the boundary between the territories under the influence of their respective Governments in the region extending into the interior from the Gulf of Guinea, which question has already been partially determined by the Anglo-German Agreements of the th April, 1885,† 1886, 1st July, 1890,8 and 14th April, 1893,|| have come to the following Agreement on behalf of their respective Governments:

7th May

27th July
2nd August'

ART. I. The above-quoted Agreement of 1886 having stipulated that the point where the boundary shall reach the River Benue shall be fixed to such a point to the east of, and close to, Yola as may be found on examination to be practically suited for the demarcation of a boundary, that point shall be fixed as follows:

The boundary, drawn from the point on the right bank of the Old Calabar or Cross River, about 9° 8' of longitude east of Greenwich, marked "Rapids" in the English Admiralty Chart referred to in the above-quoted Agreement of 1885, shall follow a straight line directed towards the centre of the present town of Yola.

From that centre a measuring line shall be drawn to a point on the left bank of the River Benue 5 kilom. below the centre of the main mouth of River Faro; from the latter point the circumference of a circle, the centre of which is that of the present town of Yola, and the radius of which is the aforesaid measuring line, shall be described south of the Benue, continuing till it shall meet the straight line drawn from the Old Calabar or Cross River. The boundary, deflecting from that straight line at this point of intersection, shall follow the circumference of the circle till it shall arrive at the point where the circumference reaches the Benue. This point on the Benue shall henceforth be accepted as the point to the east of, and close to, Yola, mentioned in the Agreement of 1886.

II. The boundary determined in the preceding Article shall be continued northward as follows:

*Signed also in the German language.

+ Vol. LXXVI, page 772.

§ Vol. LXXXII, page 35.

Vol. LXXVII, page 1049.

Page 38.

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