not of mere domiciled merchants, such as the claimants. A vessel found without the documents re ARTICULO XVI. Esta libertad de navegacion y de comercio debe extenderse à toda especie de mercaderías exceptuando solo las que se comprehenden baxo nombre de contrabando, 6 de mercaderias prohibidas, quales son las armas, canones, bombas con sus mechas, y demas cosas pertenecientes à lo mismo, balas, pólvora, mechas, picas, espadas, lanzas, dardos, alabardas, morteros, petardos, granadas, salitre, fusiles, balas, escudos, casquetes, corazas, cotas de malla, y otras armas de esta especie propias para armar á los soldados, portamosquetes, bandoleras, caballos con sus armas y otros instrumentos de guerra sean los que fueren. Pero los generos y mercaderías que se nombrarán ahora, no se comprehenderán entre los de contrabando ó cosas prohibidas, à saber: toda especie de panos y qualesquiera otras telas de lana, lino, seda, algodon, ú otras qualesquiera materias, toda especie de vestidos con las telas de que se acostumbrad hacer, el oro y la plata labrada en moneda 6 no, el estano, hierro, laton, cobre, bronce, carbon, del mismo modo que la cevada, el trigo, la avena, y qualquiera otro género de legumbres. El tabaco y toda la especería, carne salada y ahumada, pescado salado, queso y manteca, ARTICLE XVI.-This liberty of navigation and commerce shall extend to all kinds of merchandises, excepting those only which are distinguished by the name of contraband and under this name of contraband, or prohibited goods, shall be comprehended arms, great guns, bombs, with the fusees, and the other things belonging to them, cannon-ball, gunpowder, match, pikes, swords, lances, spears, halberds, mortars, petards, grenades, saltpetre, musquets, musquet-ball, bucklers, helmets, breast-plates, coats of mail, and the like kinds of arms, proper for arming soldiers, musquet-rests, belts, horses with their furniture, and all other warlike instruments whatever. These merchandises which follow shall not be reckoned among contraband or prohibited goods: That is to say, all sorts of cloths, and all other manufactures woven of any wool, flax, silk, cotton, or any other materials whatever; all kinds of wearing apparel, together with all species whereof they are used to be made; gold and silver, as well coined as uncoined, tin, iron, latten, copper, brass, coals; as also wheat, barley and oats, and any other kind of corn and pulse; tobacco, and likewise all manner of spices, salted and smoked flesh, salted fish, cheese and butter, beer, oils, 1817. The Pizarro. 1817. The Pizarro. quired by the 17th article is presumptively in the same situation as if she were without any wines, sugars, and all sorts of documents cerveza, aceytes, vinos, azúcar, and no equivalent proof can be admitted, because the pre-existing law of nations, and the practice of in which case they may stop the said vessel or vessels, and furnish themselves with necessaries, giving a receipt, in order that the power to whom the said ship of war belongs, may pay for the articles so taken, according to the price thereof, at the port to which they may appear to have been destined by the ship's papers: and the two contracting parties engage, that the vessels shall not be detained longer than may be absolutely neeessary for their said ships to supply themselves with necessaries: That they will immediately pay the value of the receipts, and indemnify the proprietor for all loss es which he may have sustained in consequence of such transaction. "ARTICLE XVII. To the end, that all manner of dissentions and quarrels may be avoided and prevented on one side and the other, it is agreed, that in case either of the parties hereto should be engaged in a war, the ships and vessels belonging to the subjects or people of the other party must be furnished with sea-letters or passports, expressing the name, property, and bulk of the ship, as also the name and place of habitation of the master or commander of the said ship, that it may appear thereby that the ship really and truly belongs to the subjects of en necesidad de tomar los efectos que conduzca el buque ó buques de comercio, pues en tal caso podrá detenerlos para aprovisionarse, y dar un recibo para que la potencia cuyo sea el buque que tome los efectos, los pague segun el valor que tendrian en el puerto adonde se dirigiese el propietario, segun lo expresen sus cartas de navegacion: obligandose las dos partes contratantes á no detener los buques mas de lo que sea ab. solutamente necesario paro aprovisionarse, pagar inmediatamente los recibos, é indemnizar todos los danos que sufra el propietario á conseqüencia de semejante suceso. "ARTICULO XVII. A fin de evitar entre ambas patres toda especie de disputas y quejas, se ha convenido que en el caso de que una de las dos potencias se hallase empenada en una guerra, los buques y bastimentos pertenecientes á los súbditos 6 pueblos de la otra, deberán llevar consigo patentes de mar 6 pasaportes que expresen el nombre, la propiedad, y el porte del buque, como tambien el nombre y morada de su dueno y comandante de dicho buque, para que de este modo conste que pertenece real y verdaderamente á los súbditos de 1817. The Pizarro. 1817. The Pizarro. prize courts under that law, though they exempt neutral property from confiscation, refuse farther proof where there has been spoliation of papers one of the parties, which passport shall be made out and granted according to the form annexed to this treaty. They shall likewise be recalled every year, that is, if the ship happens to return home within the space of a year. It is likewise agreed, that such ships being laden, are to be provided not only with passports as above mentioned, but also with certificates, containing the several particulars of the cargo, the place whence the ship sailed, that so it may be known whether any forbidden or contraband goods be on board the same: which certificates shall be made out by the officers of the place whence the ship sailed, in the accustomed form: And if any one shall think it fit or advisable to express in the said certificates the person to whom the goods on board belong, he may freely do so: Without which requisites they may be sent to one of the ports of the other contracting party, and adjudged by the competent tribunal, according to what is above set forth, that all the circumstances of this omission having been well examined, they shall be adjudged to be legal prizes, unless they shall give legal satisfaction of their property by testimony entirely equivalent. una de las dos partes contratantes; y que dichos pasaportes deberán expedirse segun el modelo adjunto al presente tratado. Todos los anos deberán renovarse estos pasaportes en el caso de que el buque vuelva á su pais en el espacio de un ano. "Igualmente se ha conveindo en que los buques mencionados arriba, si estuviesen cargados, deberán llevar no solo los pasaportes sino tambien certificados que contengan el pormenor del cargamento, el lugar de donde ha salido el buque, y la declaracion de las mercaderías de contrabando que pudiesen hallarse a bordo, cuyos certificados deberán expedirse en la forma acostumbrada por los oficiales empleados en el lugar de donde el navio se hiciese á la vela, y si se juzgase útil y prudente expresar en dichos pasaportes la persona propietaria de las mercaderías se podrá hacer libremente, sin cuyos requisitos será conducido á uno de los puertos de la potencia respectiva, y juzgado por el tribunal competente, con arreglo á lo arriba dicho, para que exâminadas bien las circunstancias de su falta, sea condenado por de buena presa si no satisfaciese legalmente con los testimonios equivalentes en un tode. mala fide, and condemn the property as enemy's. So, also, in this case, the Spanish character of the ship cannot be established, because the claimants have forfeited the privilege of farther proof by the misconduct of their own agents, and, consequently, cannot furnish the equivalent testimony required by the 17th article. The justifiable inference is, that the property in the ship and cargo belongs to the enemy, or to citizens of the United States trading "ARTICLE XVIII. If the ships of the said subjects, people, or inhabitants, of either of the parties, shall be met with, either sailing along the coasts or on the high seas, by any ship of war of the other, or by any privateer, the said ship of war or privateer, for the avoiding of any disorder, shall remain out of cannon shot, and may send their boats a-board the merchant ship, which they shall so meet with, and may enter her to number of two or three men only, to whom the master or commander of such ship or vessel shall exhibit his passports, concerning the property of the ship, made out according to the form inserted in this present treaty, and the ship when she shall have showed such passport, shall be free and at liberty to pursue her voyage, so as it shall not be lawful to molest or give her chace in any manner, or force her to quit her intended course." "ARTICULO XVIII. Quando un buque perteneciente á los dichos súbditos pueblos y habitantes de una de las dos partes fuese encontrado navegando á lo largo de la costa 6 en plena mar por un buque de guerra de la otra ó por un corsario, dicho buque de guerra 6 corsario, á fin de evitar todo desórden, se mantendrá fuera del tiro de canon, y podrá enviar su chalupa á bordo del buque mercante, hacer entrar en él dos tres hombres á los quales ensenará el patron ó comandante del buque su pasaporte y demas documentos, que deberán ser conformes á lo prevenido en el presente tratrado, y probará la propiedad del buque, y despues de haber exhibido semejante pasaporte y documentos, se les dexará seguir libremente su viage, sin que les sea lícito el molestarle ni procurar de modo alguno darle caza, ú obligarle á dexar el rumbo que seguia." 1817. The Pizarro. |