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Military Promotions.

gent, to be ensign, vice Hutton. Royal York rangers, captain John Fry, from the 39th foot, to be captain of a company, vice Thorpe, who exchanges. 2d garrison battalion, quarter-master George Guy to be adjutant, (with the rank of ensign) vice Kelly, who resigns the adjutantcy only; quarter-master-serjeant Edward Loggan to be quarter-master, vice Guy. 6th ditto, George Bertles, gent. to be ensign, vice Earle, appointed to the 5th royal veteran battalion. 3d royal veteran battalion, serjeant John M'Kay to be ensign, vice Garrett, who returns to his former half-pay. The King's German legion: 2d battalion of the line: to be ensigns, Alexander Patterson, gent. vice Schmidt, promoted; James Hamilton, gent. vice Bilch, promoted; Patrick Gairdner, gent. vice Queade, promoted. 6th ditto, Edward Martin Müller, gent. to be ensign, vice Benne, promoted. Watteville's regiment, Joseph Pelican, gent. to be ensign, vice Delapierre, promoted. Southern Manx volunteers, Robert Stewart, esq. to be lieutenant-colonelcommandant, vice Taubman, deceased.

Steff-Assistant-commissary Augustus Schmidchen to be a deputy commissary-general

to the forces.

OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, July 28, 1812.

Royal Foreign artillery-1812-Charles Leneuf Lenox to be second lieutenant, vice Le Quiu, promoted, dated July 23. Royal artillery drivers, first lieutenant John Batedeceased, dated June 13; second lieutenant John

man, to be captain, vice Heaton,
Dalton to be first lieutenant, vice Bateman, dated as above.

OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, July 30, 1812.

Royal regiment of artillery-1812-second captain William H. C. Beneyett to be captain, vice Napier, deceased, dated April 18; first lieutenant Alexander Maclachiane, to be second captain, vice Beneyett, dated June 17; second lieutenant Michael Tweedie to be first lieutenant, vice Maclachlane, dated as above; second captain Thomas Á. Brandreth to be captain, vice Eligé, deceased, dated June 20; first lieutenant Thomas Scott to be second captain, vice Brandreth, dated as above; second lieutenant Charles H. Small to be first lieutenant, vice Scott, dated as above. Royal artillery drivers, David Wilkie, gent. to be second lieutenant, vice Dalton, promoted, dated July 25.

Commissions in the 2d Durham local militia, signed by the lord lieutenant-1812— Thomas Burdon, esq. to be lieutenant-colonel-commandant, dated April 10; John Thomas Gosli, esq. to be lieutenant-colonel, dated as above; Robert Johnson, esq. to be major, dated as above; Edward Hall Campbell, esq. to be captain, dated as above; John Johnson, esq. to be ditto, dated as above; George Greenwell, esq. to be ditto, dated as above; James Simpson, esq to be ditto, dated as above; Thomas Loggan, esq. to be ditto, dated as above; Thomas Burdon, esq. to be ditto, dated as above; Robert Robinson Taylor, esq. to be ditto, dated as above; John Lipton Hutton, esq. to be ditto, dated June 24; Joseph Sowler, gent. to be lieutenant, dated April 10; George Cummins, gent. to be lieutenant, dated as above; William Hodson, gent, to be ditto, dated as above; William Harvey, gent. to be ditto, dated as above; Joseph Dalton, gent. to be ditto, dated as above; George Johnson, gent. to be ditto, dated as above; Thomas Lowry, gent. to be ditto, dated as above; John Johnson, gent. to be ditto, dated as above; Matthew Hall, gent. to be ditto, dated as above; Richard William Elliot, gent. to be ditto, dated as above; Thomas Fenwick, gent, to be ensign, dated as above; Edward Baynes Fletcher, gent. to be ditto, dated as above; William Marley,

London Gazette.-Dispatches from Lord Wellington.

gent. to be ditto, dated as above; John King, gent, to be ditto, dated as above; Richard Pybus, gent. to be ditto, dated as above; George Bold, gent., to be ditto, dated as above; Robert Matthew Parke, lieutenant by brevet, to be adjutant, dated as above; William Pybus, gent. to be quarter-master, dated as above; William Jackson, esq. to be surgeon, dated as above,

Commissions signed by the vice lieutenant of the county of Surry: 1st regiment of soyal Surry militia-1812-James B. Delap, esq. to be lieutenant-colonel, vice Thompson, displaced, dated July 28. 2d ditto, the honourable John Perceval to be lieutenant, on a vacancy, dated July 29.


Downing-street, July 27, 1812.-A dispatch, of which the following is an extract, has been this day received at Earl Bathurst's office, addressed to his lordship, by General the Earl of Wellington, dated Rueda, July 7, 1812.-THE army broke up from the encampment on the Guarena, on the morning of the 1st instant, and the enemy having retired from Alaejos, encamped on the Trabancos, with the advanced guard at La Nava del Rey. Having heard that the enemy had destroyed the bridge of Tordesillas, our advanced guard crossed the Zapardiel, and moved upon Rueda, on the morning of the 2d, supported by the left of the army, while the right and centre moved towards Medina del Campo. The enemy, however, had not destroyed the bridge over the Douro, as reported; and the main body of the army had retired upon Tordesillas, leaving the rear guard at Rueda. Lieutenant-general Sir Stapleton Cotton immediately attacked the rear guard, with major-general Anson's, and major-general Victor Alten's brigades. of cavalry, and drove them in upon the main body at Tordesillas. As the right and centre of the army were at a considerable distance, I could not bring up a sufficient body of troops in time to attack the enemy during their passage of the Douro, and they effected that operation without material loss; and took their position on that river, with their right on the heights opposite Pollos, their centre at Tordesillas, and their left at Simancas, on the Pisuerga. I moved our left to Pollos on the 3d, and obtained possession of the ford over the Douro at that place. But as the ford was scarcely practicable for infantry, and the enemy's corps was strongly posted, with a considerable quantity of cannon, on the heights which command the plain on which the troops must have formed after crossing the ford, and as I could not establish the ariny on the right of the Douro, till I should have adequate means of passing the river, I did not think it proper to push our troops further. General Bonnet was at Aquilar del Campo, in the end of last month.

Admiralty-office, July 28, 1812.-ADMIRAL LORD KEITH has transmitted to John Wilson Croker, esq. dispatches from captain Sir Home Popham, of his Majesty's ship Venerable, giving an account of his further proceedings subsequent to those reported in his former letters, and inserted in the Gazette of the 14th instant. On the 2d, the squadron under his orders being off Guetaria, an attack was intended to be made upon that place, and two companies of royal marines were landed, under major Williams, aecompanied by general Carrol, for the purpose of reconnoitring; but some parties of the enemy being discovered crossing the hills, and the guerillas, whose co-operation had been expected, being engaged with the enemy in a different quarter, the plan of attack was relinquished, and the marines re-embarked, but without loss. The guerillas had been employed in an action with a detachment of the enemy conducting eighty prisoners from Asturias. One hundred and thirty of the enemy are stated to have been

London Gazette.-Dispatches from Sir Home Popham.

killed, and fifty taken, who had been left wounded on the field of battle, and the Spanish prisoners were liberated. On the 6th, Sir Home Popham arrived off Castro, where a twenty-four-pounder, and a company of marines had been landed by Sir George Collier. from the Surveillante, to assist Colonel Longa in an attack on the place. Information was however received of the approach of two thousand five hundred French troops, whose arrival obliged Longa to retire, and the parties landed from the squadron were again re-embarked without loss. In the evening the enemy were seen marching into the town. On the 7th the enemy were driven from the town by the fire of the squadron, and took post on the hills, and preparations were made for a landing, and attack on the castle on the following morning, which accordingly took place on the 8th, when the commandant of the castle surrendered with one hundred and fifty men, the remainder of the enemy's force having marched towards Larido. Twenty-six guns of different sizes were found in the town and castle of Castro; those in the former were withdrawn, and the latter was put into a state of defence, and garrisoned by the marines and Spanish artillerymen of the Iris, captain Christian. On the 10th the squadron proceeded off Puerta Galletta, to co-operate in an attack upon it with the Spanish troops under Longa; and on the 11th much firing was kept up against the batteries; but the enemy being found to be stronger than the Spaniards had expected, the attack was abandoned. During the morning, captain Bloye of the Lyra, landed with a party of marines, and knocked off the trunnions of the guns in the Bagona battery, and destroyed one mounted on a height. On the 12th the Venerable anchored off Castro, which had been feebly attacked by the enemy the evening before; one of the imperial guards was wounded, and brought in a prisoner. On the 15th, the enemy's moveable column having been drawn by a faint to Santona, from whence it could not reach Guetaria, in less than four days, another attack was intended to be made upon the latter place, in concert with the guerillas under Don Gaspar, and with the promised aid of one of the battalions under General Mina. Early in the morning of the 18th, one twenty-four pounder under lieutenant Groves, and a howitzer under lieutenant Lawrence, of the marine artillery, were landed from the Venerable, and mounted on a bill to the westward of Guetaria, under the directions of captain Malcolm, of the Rhin, while the honourable captain Bouverie landed with two guns (one short twenty-four-pounder and one twelve-pounder carronade)* from the Medusa, and after many difficulties in drawing them up, mounted them on the top of a hill to the eastward. The Venerable's guns began firing at noon, and continued till sun-set, when those of the enemy on that side were silenced; and the Medusa's were put in readiness to open on the following morning. During the night, however, intelli-' gence was received of the approach of a body of French troops, which afterwards proved to be a division of between two and three thousand men, that had just arrived at Saint Sebastians from France, and was immediately sent forward by forced marches to Guetaria. The uncertainty with respect to the enemy's force, and the disposition of the Guerillas to oppose their advance, prevented the re-embarkation of the guns and men landed from the squadron, until the retreat of the Spaniards, after some skirmishing with the superior numbers of the French, in which the latter are stated to have suffered severely. Captain Bouverie then destroyed the two guns from the Medusa, and re-embarked with › all his men, and every thing belonging to the guns. Captain Malcolm was detained longer, by a message brought to him by one of Don Gaspar's aid-de-camps, stating that the enemy had been beaten back, and urging him to remain in his battery; finding, however, that the enemy was advancing fast, he gave orders to re-embark, and brought off his party, with the exception of three midshipmen and twenty-nine men, who were taken prisoners, but fortunately without having one man killed or wounded. Sir Home

Military Promotions.

Popham had sent to propose an exchange of the men taken on this occasion, for some of the French prisoners on board the squadron, and was in hopes of succeeding in this proposal. The Spaniards lost a captain of artillery, and had a serjeant and ten men badly wounded. Those in want of surgical aid were received on board the Venerable. The detachment expected from general Mina's army arrived the morning after the action, and joined Don Gaspar, having marched eighteen Spanish leagues in two days.

WAR OFFICE, July 28, 1812.

1st regiment of life guards, cornet Edward Trant Bontein, from the 12th light dragoons, to be cornet and sub-lieutenant, by purchase, vice Adair, promoted. 3d regiment of dragoon guards, lieutenant J. J. C. Harrison, from the 7th foot, to be cornet, by purchase, vice Macklin, promoted. 4th ditto, Richard Crookshank, gent, to be cornet, without purchase, vice Horn, promoted. 5th ditto, lieutenant John Hewett, from the 25th light dragoons, to be lieutenant, without purchase. 3d regiment of dragoons, John Jones, esq. to be paymaster, vice Dodgson, deceased. 13th regiment of light dragoons, cornet John Pym to be lieutenant, by purchase, vice lord Marsh, promoted in the 92d foot. 14th ditto, cornet Henry White to be lieutenant, by purchase, vice T. T. Ellis, who retires; Daniel James Webb, gent. to be cornet, without purchase, vice White. 15th ditto, captain the honourable Archibald Macdonald, from half-pay of the 10th light" dragoons, to be captain of a troop, vice Williams, who exchanges.

Coldstream regiment of foot guards, lieutenant-colonel Henry Loftus, from the staff in America, to be captain of a company, vice Cooke, who exchanges; gentleman-cadet Henry Gooch, from the royal military college, to be ensign, without purchase. 1st regiment of foot, ensign James Conran to be lieutenant, without purchase, vice Halliday, who retires; lieutenant M. H. Reynolds, from the Donegal militia, to be ensign, without * purchase. 5th ditto, ensign James B. Hamilton to be lieutenant, by purchase, vice Dundas, who retires. 6th ditto, serjeant-major John Price to be adjutant (with the rank of ensign), vice Clarke, who resigns the adjutantcy only. 18th ditto, Samuel M'Caul, gent, to be ensign, without purchase; ensign Henry Vereker to be adjutant, vice Wood, who resigns the adjutantcy only. 23d ditto, second lieutenant William Lloyd to be first lieutenant, vice Leonard, killed in action; W. T. Graham, gent. to be second lieutenant, vice Lloyd. 25th ditto, J. W. C. Reid, gent. to be ensign, vice Jameson, deceased. 28th ditto, John Delmar, gent. to be ensign, by purchase, vice Maxwell, appointed to the 2d dragoon guards. 29th ditto, Edward Ruffo, gent. to be ensign, by purchase, vice Ensor, appointed to the 3d West India regiment. 31st ditto, lieutenant John Edwards, from the king's county militia, to be ensign, without purchase. 33d ditto, lieutenant William Hewett, from the Bourbon regiment, to be lieutenant, vice Anderson, deceased. 37th ditto; to be ensigns, without purchase, lieutenant Percy Scott, from the South Cork militia; ensign Samuel Hamilton Walker, from the Longford militia. 39th ditto, lieutenant Samuel Curtis, from the Donegal militia, to be ensign, without purchase. 40th ditto, lieutenant William Queade to be captain of a company, vice Porter, appointed to the 3d royal veteran battalion. 42d ditto, Thomas M'Niven, gent. to be ensign, without purchase, vice Crawford, promoted in the 1st garrison battalion. 43d" ditto, Thomas Tierney, esq. to be paymaster of the 1st battalion, vice Richards, deceased. 45th ditto, lieutenant James Henry Reynett to be captain of a company, without purchase, vice Scott, placed upon half-pay. 47th ditto, bospital-mate Thomas M'Curdy to be assistant-surgeon, vice James, deceased. 80th ditto, Richard Robertus Hälahan, gent." to be ensign, without purchase, vice Richard Halahan, whose appointment has not taken

Military Promotions.

place. 81st ditto, gentleman-cadet John Smith O'Donnell, from the royal military college, to be ensign, without purchase, vice Imlach, promoted in the 85th foot. 85th ditto, ensign James Imlach, from the 81st foot, to be lieutenant, vice Appelius, dismissed89th ditto, captain Robert Spunner, from the 5th West India regiment, to be captain of a company,, vice Orde, who resigns; ensign John Petrie, from the Carlow militia, to be ensign, without purchase. 96th ditto, Colin Campbell, gent. to be ensign, without pur. chase, vice Barney, promoted in the Chasseurs Britanniques. 102d ditto, quartermaster-serjeant William Haven to be quarter-master, vice Field, appointed to the 5th royal veteran battalion. 4th garrison battalion, ensign Joseph Crawford, from the 428 foot, to be lieutenant, vice Jones, placed upon half-pay. 1st royal veteran battalion, ensign John Martin, from the 5th royal veteran battalion, to be ensign, vice Ragg, pro moted in the 7th royal veteran battalion. 3d ditto, captain William Poster, from the 40th foot, to be captain of a company, vice Schackerley, appointed to the 9th royal ve teran battalion. 5th ditto: to be ensigns, ensign Hamiltou Earle, from the 6th garrison battalion, vice Kewin, appointed quarter-master; quarter-master William Field, from the 102d foot, vice Martin, appointed to the 1st royal veteran battalion. 6th ditto, lieutenant Poter Perry, from the 8th royal veteran battalion, to be lieutenant, vice Macalpine, whose appointment has not taken place; quarter-master-serjeant Alexander Mackenzie to be ensign, vice Grant, placed on the retired list. 9th ditto, captain W. Hope Schackerley; from the 38 royal veteran battalion, to be captain of a company, vice Mac Pherson, deceased: to be ensigns, quarter-inaster Robert Forsyth, from the royal Hibernian school in Dublin, vice Brownhill, placed on the retired list; serjeant Robert Beavan, from the Aberdeenshire militia, vice Hamilton, placed on the retired list. Royal West India rangers, ensign Dugal M'Vicoll to be lieutenant, without purchase, vice Gregg, appointed to the 6th West India regiment; John Cooke, gent, to be ensign, vice M'Vicoll. The King's German legion: 2d dragoons, John Uessler, gent. to be cornet. The duke of Brunswick Oel's corps: infantry, lieutenant Louis Nassau to be captain of a company (with temporary rank) vice Keiche, dead of his wounds: to be lieutenants, ensign William Ritterholm, vice Gillern, promoted; ensign William Meyer, vice Nassau: to be ensigns, serjeant Frederick Berg, vice Ellertein, deceased; serjeant Augustus Gruttemann, vice Ritterholm; serjeant August Dinar, vice Meyer. York light infantry volunteers, William Alexander Anderson, gent. to be ensign, without purchase, vice Fitz Gibbon, whose appointment has not taken place.

Brevet.-To be majors in the army, captain John Owen, of the 61st foot; captain P. M. Hobart, of the 36th foot.

Staff.-Lieutenant-colonel Henry Frederick Cooke, from the Coldstream regiment of foot guards, to be inspecting field officer of militia, in Nova Scotia, vice Loftus, who exchanges.

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Hospital Staff. To be hospital-mates for general service, Thomas Clark, gent. Georg Scott, gent. Robert Dundas, gent. Stephen Burke, gent. Frederick Dix, gent. Thomas W. Jeston, gent.

Memorandum.-Lieutenant Tennent, of the 78th regiment of foot, is superseded, being absent without leave.

Commissions in the Dorsetshire regiment of militia, signed by the lord lieutenant, major Richard Tucker Steward to be lieutenant-colonel, vice Pitt, resigned, dated July 7, 1812; Nathaniel Tryon Still, esq. to be major, vice Steward, promoted, dated as above.

W. Mcowall, Printer, Pemberton kow, Gough Square, London.

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