Imágenes de páginas

A Subscription of Sixty Guineas or upwards, at one time, constitutes a hereditary Governor.-Of Thirty Guineas at one time, a Governor for Life.-Of Three Guineas Annually, an Annual Governor.-Of Ten Guineas at one time, a Member for Life.-Of One Guinea Annually, an Annual Member.

The Board of Directors is chosen from among the Governors.

SUBSCRIPTIONS are received by the following Bankers, viz. Messrs. Down, Thornton, Free & Down, No. 1, Bartholomew-lane; Messrs. Hoare, Barnett & Co. No. 62, Lombard Street; Meffrs. Smith, Payne, and Smiths, George Street, Mansion-house; Messrs. Hoares, 37, Fleet Street; Messrs. Drummonds, Charing Cross; Messrs. Ransom, Morland & Co. Pall Mall; by the Treasurer, Henry Thornton, Esq. by the Secretary, Mr. Z. Macaulay, or by Mr. John Crisp, the Collector, 26, Birchin Lane; to whom, or to the Secretary, Communications relative to the Institution may be addressed.

N. B. The First Report of the Institution, containing a full exposition of its design, and a copy of the Laws and Regulations adopted for its government, may be obtained from Mr. CRISP, as above, or from J. HATCHARD, 190, Piccadilly,


SINCE the following Report was made to the Subscribers, some Resolutions have been adopted by the Board of Directors, to which it is important to give early publicity. They are as follows, viz.


That it appears expedient to encourage and promote the study of the native languages of Africa, by the Europeans and others resident at Sierra Leone.

That, with that view, proper persons be engaged to teach the Arabic and Susoo languages at that Colony.*

That the Governor and Council, the Chief Judge, the Mayor or other principal municipal officer, and the Chaplain of the Colony, for the time being, be requested to draw up the rules and regulations under which these teachers shall act, and by which their pupils shall be governed, subject to the approbation of the Board of Directors at home; and also to institute periodical examinations, and to distribute medals or other honorary rewards, in cases of extraordinary proficiency;

* See Appendix F.


transmitting from time to time an account of the state of the Seminary, and of the result of such examinations, to this country.

That the same persons be requested to institute similar examinations, and to distribute similar rewards, for proficiency in the English language, at the seminary which has been formed at Sierra Leone, at the Society's expence, for the instruction of native youth.

The Board of Directors have also Resolved,

That the following premiums be proposed, with a view to encourage, in Africa, the cultivation of exportable produce, viz.

1. To the person who shall first import into this country the largest quantity, not less than a ton, of cotton wool, the produce of the Western coast of Africa, and which shall be pronounced by competent judges to be fit for the English market, a piece of plate of the value of fifty guineas, or the same sum in money, at the option of the claimant. 2. To the person who shall first import into this country the greatest quantity of manufactured indigo, not less than one hundred weight, the produce of the Western coast of Africa, in a marketable state, a piece of plate of the value of fifty guineas, or the same sum in money, at the option of the claimant.


3. To the person who shall first import into this country the largest quantity, not less than ten tons, of white rice, the produce of the Western coast of Africa, in a clean and marketable state, a piece of plate of the value of fifty guineas, or the same sum in money, at the option of the claimant.

N. B. A certificate must be produced by the person claiming the reward, in any of the above cases, signed by the governor or presiding officer of the settlement at which the articles shall have been shipped, certifying that they are the produce of the Western Coast of Africa, and specifying, if possible, the place of their growth.

4. To the person who, before the first of January, 1810, shall plant, within the Colony of Sierra Leone, the greatest number of acres, not less than ten, with coffee plants, agreeably to the annexed regulations, a piece of plate of the value of fifty guineas, or the same sum in money, at the option of the claimants.

The regulations are, that the coffee shall be of that kind, now growing at Sierra Leone, which is deemed the best for the European market; that it shall be planted on new ground; that the plants shall be eight feet apart; and that they shall be kept clean and free from weeds. A certificate to that effect must be produced from the governor or presiding officer of the settlement.


THE Report made by the Committee, on the 15th of July last, contained a general view of the objects proposed by the Institution, with an answer to some popular objections that had been urged against the practicability of its plans. This Report has been printed, and largely circulated, both in London and in every part of the united kingdom, and, as the Committee have reason to believe, has produced, wherever it has been circulated, an impression in favour of the Institution: And if the funds of the Society have not increased in proportion to its apparent popularity, this appears to have arisen from its not having been sufficiently known that Subscriptions would be immediately wanted, rather than from any other cause. The Committee cannot but entertain a confident persuasion, that the necessary support will not be withheld, if the friends of the Institution shall make it be understood in their several


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