Cardiganshire, J. Davies, of Glanrhocca, Esq. Anglesey, Rice Thomas, of Cemaes, Esq. Flintshire, W. Rigby, of Norton Hall, Esq. APPOINTED BY THE PRINCE OF WALES. Cornwall, W. A. Harris, of Keneggy. APPENDIX APPENDIX TO CHRONICLE.. ARTICLES FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. TREATY OF COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION Between His Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies, together with a separate and additional Article thereunto annexed. Art. 1. HIS IS Britannic Majesty consents that all the privileges and exemptions which his subjects, their commerce, and shipping, have enjoyed, and do enjoy in the dominions, ports, and domains of his Sicilian Majesty, in virtue of the Treaty of Peace and Commerce, concluded at Madrid, the 10th (28th) of May, 1667, between Great Britain and Spain; of the Treaties of Commerce between the same Powers, signed at Utrecht the 9th of December, 1713, and at Madrid the 13th of December, 1715; and of the Convention concluded at Utrecht the 25th of February, 1712 (March 8, 1713,) between Great Britain and the kingdom of Sicily, shall be abolished; and it is agreed upon in consequence, between their said Britannic and Sicilian Majesties, their heirs and successors, that the said privileges and exemptions, whether of per sons or of flag and shipping, are and shall continue for ever abolished. Art. 2. His Sicilian Majesty engages not to continue, nor hereafter to grant to the subjects of any other Power whatever, the privileges and exemptions abolished by the present Convention. Art. 3. His Sicilian Majesty promises that the subjects of his Britannic Majesty shall not be subjected within his dominions to a more rigorous system of examination and search by the officers of customs, than that to which the subjects of his said Sicilian Majesty are liable. Art. 4. His Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies promises that British commerce in general, and the British subjects who carry it on, shall be treated throughout his dominions upon the same footing as the most favoured nations, not only with respect to the persons and property of the said British subjects, but also with regard to every species of article in which they may traffic, and the taxes or other charges payable on the said articles, or on the shipping in which the importations shall be made. Art Art. 5. With respect to the personal privileges to be enjoyed by the subjects of his Britannic Majesty in the kingdom of the Two Sicilies, his Sicilian Majesty promises that they shall have a free and undoubted right to travel, and to reside, in the territories and dominions of his said Majesty, subject to the same precautions of Police which are practised towards the most favoured nations. They shall be entitled to occupy dwellings and warehouses, and to dispose of their personal property of every kind and description, by sale, gift, exchange, or will, and in any other way whatever, without the smallest loss, or hinderance being given them on that head. They shall not be obliged to pay, under any pretence whatever, other taxes or rates than those which are paid, or that hereafter may be paid, by the most favoured nations in the dominions of his said Sicilian Majesty. They shall be exempt from all military service, whether by land or sea; their dwellings, warehouses, and every thing belonging or appertaining thereto for objects of commerce or residence, shall be respected. They shall not be subjected to any vexatious search or visits. No arbitrary examination or inspection of their books, papers, or accounts, shall be made, under the pretence of the supreme authority of the State, but these shall alone be executed by the legal sentence of the competent tribunals. His Sicilian Majesty engages on all these occasions to guarantee to the subjects of his Britannic Majesty who shall reside in his states and dominions the preservation of their property and personal security, in the same manner as those are guaranteed to his subjects, and to all foreigners belonging to the most favoured and most highly privileged nations. Art. 6. According to the tenour of the articles 1 and 2 of this treaty, his Sicilian Majesty engages not to declare null and void the privileges and exemptions which actually exist in favour of British commerce within his dominions, till the same day, and except by the same act, by which the privileges and exemptions, whatsoever they are, of all other nations, shall be declared null and void within the same. Art. 7. His Sicilian Majesty promises, from the date when the general abolition of the privileges according to the articles 1, 2, and 6 shall take place, to make a reduction of 10 per cent. upon the amount of the duties, payable according to the tariff in force the 1st of January, 1816, upon the total of the merchandize or productions of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, her colonies, possessions, and dependencies, imported into the States of his said Sicilian Majesty, according to the tenour of article 4 of the present convention; it being understood that nothing in this artiticle shall be construed to prevent the King of the Two Sicilies from granting, if he shall think proper, the same reduction of duty to other foreign nations. Art. 8. The subjects of the Ionian islands shall, in consequence of their being actually under the immediate protection of his Britannic Majesty, enjoy all the advantages which are granted to the commerce and to the subjects of Great Great Britain by the present treaty; it being well understood that, to prevent all abuses, and to prove its identity, every Ionian vessel shall be furnished with a patent, signed by the Lord High Commissioner, or his representative. Art. 9. The present convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof exchanged in London, within the space of six months, or sooner if possible. Done at London, the 26th of September, 1816. (L.S.) CASTLEREAGH. Separate and Additional Article. In order to avoid all doubt respecting the reduction upon the duties in favour of British commerce, which his Sicilian Majesty has promised in the 7th Art. of the Convention, signed this day between his Britannic Majesty and his Sicilian Majesty, it is declared by this present separate and additional article, that by the concession of ten per cent of diminution, it is understood that, in case the amount of the duty should be twenty per cent. upon the value of the merchandize, the effect of the reduction of ten per cent. is to reduce the duty from twenty to eighteen; and so for other cases in proportion. And that for the articles which are not taxed ad valorem in the tariff, the reduction of the duty shall be proportionate; that is to say, a deduction of a tenth part upon the amount of the sum payable shall be granted. The present separate and additional article shall have the same force and validity as if it had been inserted, word for word, in the Extract from a Dispatch from the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone, the resident at the Court of the Peishwa, to the Governor-General, dated Poona, April 7. Since I had last the honour to address your lordship, Trimbuckjee has gone on increasing his force as usual. He has persons scattered through the villages for a considerable extent of country, recruiting for him, but finds some difficulty in raising men; some refuse to join him, unless he will show a warrant from the Peishwa, in whose name he recruits; while others join him with less difficulty, but desert whenever there is any report of an attack. Trimbuckjee himself remains separate from his troops, and often changes his ground. He is now stated to have retired across the Kistma, towards Darwar, but the fact is uncertain. His troops are now chiefly in the district of Jut, between Punder poor a smart poor and Bejapoor; troops also still continue to be raised in Candeish. Copy of a Dispatch from Captain George Sydenham, Political Agent in Berar, to Mr. Elphin stone (no date), with an En closure. SIR,-I have the honour to forward to you a copy of Captain Davis's report of a very brilliant and successful attack which he lately made on the insurgent horse in Candeish. As the enemy have left the frontier, the troops engaged in the attack have for the present been recalled to Aurungabad. The Risala, which was on the way to join them, has been stationed at Kannur; and the post at the Gootalla Ghaut in its front strengthened by a company of regular infantry. My hirkarrahs are watching the enemy's movements; and if they should again approach the frontier, the Nizam's troops will be reinforced. the foot of the Ghaut, at ten o'clock at night, where I waited one hour to collect the men, who had scattered, owing to the badness of the Ghaut. By the * patell of this village I was informed, that the enemy had stationed mounted videttes at every village between that place and their camp, which was about 12 coss distant; but there was a road leading to it through the jungle, frequented only by † Brinjarries, by which I might advance unobserved, and he offered to conduct me. I accordingly mounted him on a horse, and proceeding by the route he pointed out, arrived at the village they were reported to be encamped at, ten coss distant, a little after day-break, when I found that they had marched from thence the evening before to Gunnaispoor, about two coss. I advanced with five or six horsemen to reconnoitre, leaving orders with Captain Pedlar to bring up the horse, and desiring Captain Pedlar to leave the knapsacks of the infantry in a ravine, and to follow with the utmost expedition. I had advanced about a mile, when I dis a covered one of the patrols of the enemy, whom I immediately pursued, and took two of them prisoners; third man escaped through the jungle to the left: from the two prisoners I ascertained that the enemy had their horses ready saddled, but had not received any information of our approach. I sent back to desire Captain Pedlar to advance at a brisk pace; he overtook me in a short time, and we pushed on at • The Patell, or Potail, is the head man of a village, who collects the rents, and has the general superintendance of its concerns. ↑ Brinjarries collect grain for the army. |