An act for extending the provisions of an act of the 54th of his present Majesty, for regulating the payment of army prize money; and for authorizing the commissioners of Chelsea-hospital to suspend the pensions of such persons as shall be guilty of frauds in respect of prize money or pensions. An act for fixing the rates of subsistence to be paid to innkeep ers and others on quartering soldiers. An act to permit the transfer of capital from certain public stocks or funds in Great Britain to certain public stocks or funds in Ireland. An act for raising the sum of nine millions, by exchequer bills, for the service of the year 1817. An act for raising the sum of 3,600,000l. British currency, by treasury bills, in Ireland, for the services of the year 1817. An act to continue an act passed in Ireland in the 13th and 14th years of his present Majesty respecting certain annuities, so long as the said annuities shall be payable. An act to amend an act made in the last session of parliament, for providing for the charge of certain additions to the public debt of Ireland. An act to regulate the offices of his Majesty's exchequer in England and Ireland respectively. Anact to permit until the 14th of November, 1817, the importation of corn and other articles in any ship and from any country; to permit such articles which may have been warehoused for exportation only to be entered for home consumption; and for indemnifying all persons who have given directions for the importation of corn and other articles, or the taking the same out of warehouse free of duty, and who have acted in obedience thereto. An act to permit the importation of foreign cambricks and lawns into Ireland, on payment of the like duties as are chargeable in Great Britain. An act to amend two acts passed in the 46th of his present majesty, and in the last session of parliament, for the making more effectual provision for the prevention of smuggling. An act to permit fullers earth, fulling clay, and tobacco pipe clay to be carried coast-wise under certain restrictions. An act to allow the importation of oranges and lemons from the Azores and the Madeiras into the British colonies in North America. An act for the prevention of persons going armed by night for the destruction of game; and for repealing an act, made in the last session of parliament, relating to rogues and vagabonds. An act to enable justices of the peace to settle the fees to be taken by the clerks of the peace of the respective counties and other divisions of England and Wales. An act to regulate the administration of oaths in certain cases to officers in his Majesty's land and sea forces. An act to regulate the costs of distresses levied for payment of small rents. An act to amend an act of the last session of parliament, for the more easy assessing of county rates. An act to exempt the territories within the limits of the East India company's company's charter from certain of the navigation laws. An act for suspending, until the 1st of August 1820. the duties on coals and culm removed coast-wise within the principality of Wales, and granting other duties in lieu thereof. An act for ratifying articles of agreement entered into by the Right Honorable Henry Hall, Viscount Gage, and the Commissioners of his Majesty's woods, forests, and land révenues; and for the better management and improvement of the land revenues of the crown. An act for ratifying the purchase of the impropriate rectory of Saint Mary-le-bone in the county of Middlesex. An act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to spiritual persons holding of farms; and for enforcing the residence of spiritual persons on their benefices; and for the support and maintenance of stipendiary curates in England. An act to renew the powers of exonerating small livings and charitable institutions from the land tax, and for making further provision for the redemption of the land tax. An act to continue an act, inti"tuled an act farther to extend and render more effectual certain provisions of an act passed in the 12th of George 1st. intituled 'An act to prevent frivolous and vexatious arrests; and of an act passed in the 5th of George 2nd, to explain, amend, and render more effectual the said former act: and of two acts, passed in the 19th and 43d of his present Majesty, extending the provisions of the said former acts." An act to defray the charge of the pay, cloathing, and contingent expenses of the disembodied militia in Great Britain, and of the miners of Cornwall and Devon; and for granting allowances in certain cases to subaltern officers, adjutants, quarter-masters, surgeons mates, and serjéant-majors of militia, until the 25th day of March 1818. An act for defraying until the 25th of June 1818, the charge of the pay and cloathing of the militia of Ireland; and for making allowances in certain cases to subaltern officers of the said militia during peace. An act to reduce the number of serjeants, corporals, and drummers in the militia of Ireland, whilst disembodied. An act to encourage the establishment of banks for savings in Ireland. An act to provide for the establishment of asylums for the lunatic poor in Ireland. An act to provide for the more deliberate investigation of presentments to be made by grand juries for roads and public works in Ireland, and for accounting for money raised by such presentments. An act for the regulation of levying tolls at fairs, markets, and ports in Ireland. An act to abolish the subsidy alnage of the old and new draperies, and of all woollen manufactures in Ireland: and to authorize the payment out of the consolidated fund of an annual sum to John Lord de Blaquire, during the continuance of his interest in the office of alnager. An act to make further regula tions for the better collecting and securing the duties upon spirits distilled in Ireland. An act to suspend, until the 10th of October 1819, a part of the duties on sweets or made wines. An act to amend an act of the 25th of his present Majesty, for better regulating the office of treasurer of his Majesty's navy, as far as respects the mode of applications for certain services in the victual ling departinent. An act to prevent the further circulation of dollars and tokens, issued by the governor and company of the Bank of England, for the convenience of the public. An act to continue until the 1st August 1818, two acts of his present Majesty, allowing the bringing of coals, culm, and cinders to London and Westminster. An act to extend the provisions of an act of the 12th of George 1st, and an act of the 22nd George 2nd. against payment of labourers in goods or by truck, and to secure their payment in the lawful money of this realm, to labourers employed in the manufacture of articles made of steel, or of steel and iron conbined, and of plated articles, or of other articles of cutlery. An act for limiting the time now allowed by law for production of the certificate of due delivery of goods removed from one warehousing port in Great Britain to another for the purpose of exportation; for altering the hours for shipping goods in the port of London; and to empower officers of the customs and excise to permit the removal of goods from one bonding warehouse to another in the same port. An act to regulate the issuing of extents in aid. An act for authorising the executors or administrators of deceased licensed navy agents to receive prize money, bounty money, and other allowances of money upon orders given to such deceased agents. An act to exempt British and Irish stone bottles, made and used for the sole purpose of containing liquid blacking, from the duties of excise on stone bottles granted by an act of this session of parliament. An act to authorize the court of directors of the East India company to make extraordinary allowances, in certain cases, to the owners of certain ships in the service of the said company. An act for regulating payments to the treasurer of the navy under the head of old stores and imprests. An act to extend the provisions of an act of the 12th of George I., and an act of the 22d of George II., against payment of labourers in goods or by truck, and to secure their payment in the lawful money of this realm, to labourers employed in the collieries, or in the working and getting of coal, in the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; and for extending the provisions of the said acts to Scotland and Ireland. An act for imposing a duty of excise on the excess of spirits made from corn in England above the proportion of nineteen gallons of spirits for every one hundred gallons of wash; and for further securing the duties on wort of wash made for distilling spirits in England; England; and for authorizing the shipment of rum for stores in casks containing sixty gallons. An act to amend an act made in the present session of parliament, for authorizing the issue of exchequer bills, and the advance of money for carrying on public works and fisheries, and employment of the poor. An act to authorize the driving and keeping a hackney coach or chariot under the same licence. An act to repeal an act, passed in the 54th of his present Majesty, for the punishment of persons destroying stocking or lace frames, and articles in such frames; and to make until the 1st of August, 1820, other provisions in lieu thereof. An act to settle the share of prize money, droits of admiralty, and bounty money payable to Greenwich hospital, and for securing to the said hospital all unclaimed shares of vessels found derelict, and of seizures for breach of revenue, colonial, navigation, and slave abolition laws An act for extending the exemptions from the duties granted by certain acts of the 43rd and 45th of his present Majesty's reign, in dwelling houses in Scotland; and for altering the manner of claiming and ascertaining the exemptions to be granted. An act for vesting in his Majesty a certain part of the open commons and waste lands within the manor or royalty of Rialton and Retraighe, alias Reterth, in the parish of Saint Columb Major, in the county of Cornwall. An act to encourage the establishment of banks for savings in England. An act for the better regulation of polls, and for making other provisions touching the election of members to serve in parliament for places in Ireland. An act for applying certain monies therein mentioned for the service of the year 1817, and for further appropriating the supplies granted in this session of parliament. PATENTS PATENTS. From June 20, 1916, to May 22, 1817. John Burnett, for his convolving iron axle-tree for the reduction of friction and animal labour. John Hawkins Barlow, for certain improvements on tea-urns, teapots, tea-boards, &c. John Barlow, for a new cooking apparatus. John Towers, for a tincture for the cure of coughs, asthmas, &c. Henry Warburton, for a method of distilling certain animal, vegetable, and mineral substances, and manufacturing certain of the products. John Hague, for improvements in the method of expelling the molasses or syrup from sugars. Robert Salmon, for further inprovements in the construction of machines for making hay. John Poole, for brass and copper plating, or plating iron or steel with brass or copper, and working the same into plates, bars, &c. John Chalklen, for improvements on valve water closets. William Henry, for improvements in the manufacture of sulphate of magnesia. John Dayman, for a method of coating iron, steel, and other metals, or mixtures of metals. John Welch, for an improvement in making rollers used in spinning wool, cotton, silk, flax, tow, or any other fibrous sub stance. Samuel Nock, for an improvement in the pans of locks of guns and fire-arms. Robert Tripp, for a hussar garter withelastic springs and fastenings, and also elastic springs for pantaloons, &c. James Neville, for new and improved methods of generating power by means of steam or other fluids for driving or working all kinds of machinery, &c. Edward Biggs, for improvements on the machinery used in making or manufacturing of pans and stails of various kinds. William Moult, for improvements on his former patent for an improved method of acting upon machinery. Jean Samuel Pauly, for a machine for making of nails, screws, and the working all metallic substances. Robert Salmon, for improved instruments for complaints in the urethra and bladder. John Barton, for certain improvements in pistols. John Kirkman, for a method of applying an octave stop to piano fortes. Louis Fauche Borel, for a method of making boots and shoes without sewing, so as entirely to keep out the wet. Lewis Granholm, for a method of making articles of hemp or flax, or |