TABLE OF THE NUMBER OF BANKRUPTCIES IN ENGLAND, From Dec. 20, 1816, to Dec. 20, 1817, inclusive. Total Bankruptcies.. 1575. Decreased from the last year...454. 94 4 565 | 49 2 | 31 1 | 54 5 A Statement of the Quantity of Porter brewed in London by the Twelve first Houses, from the 5th of July, 1816, to the 5th of The following is the Quantity of Ale brewed by the Seven principal AleBrewers in London, from the 5th July, 1816, to 5th July, 1817 Goding 12,352 Whitmore. LIST OF THE PRINCE REGENT'S MINISTERS, As it stood at the opening of the Session. Earl of Harrow by Lord Fidon ... CABINET MINISTERS. Right Hon. C. Bragge Bathurst.. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan Right Hon. W. W. Pole.. Master of the Mint. NOT OF THE CABINET. PERSONS IN THE MINISTRY IN IRELAND. Lord President of the Council. First Lord of the Treasury (Prime Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of the Exchequer. First Lord of the Admiralty. Master General of the Ordnance. Secretary of State for the Home Department. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Secretary of State for the Depart ment of War and the Colonies President of the Board of Controul for the affairs of India. Caster. Treasurer of the Navy. President of the Board of Trade. Vice-President of the Board of Trade. Paymaster-General of the Forces Joint Postmaster-General. Secretary at War. Secretaries of the Treasury. Masterf the Rolls. Attorney-General. Solicitor General. Lord Lieutenant. Lord High Chancellor. 52 14 36. 18 5.61 54 19 40, 03 1.38 56 28 42.06 2.68 60 17 41. 5 0.25 64 25 43.85 0.29 Dec. 12.. Jan. 9. 30.58 28.53 29.649 Jan. 10.. Feb. 7. 30.58 28.79 29.846 Feb. 8.. Mar. 9. 30.29 28.79 29.592 Mar. 10.. Apr. 7. 30.51 29.72 30.070 Apr. 8.. May 7. 30.37 29.67 30.028 May 8.. June 5. 29.99 29.16 29.533 June 6 July 5. 30.23 29.17 29.751 July 6.. Aug. 4. 30.00 29.06 29.743 Aug. 5.. Sept. 2. 30.05 28.90 29.631 Nov. 2 Dec. 1. 30.45 29.26 29.878 The Year. 29.78 48.26 24.09 STATE PAPERS. Treaty between his Majesty the King of France and Navarre and his Majesty the King of Portugal, of Brazil, and Algarva, concluded ut Paris, August 28, 1817. the two High Contracting Parties will then proceed to other arrangements, under the mediation of Great Britain, and always conformably to the precise sense of the 8th Article of the Treaty of RT. 1, His Most Faithful Ma- Utrecht, concluded under the gua Ajesty, animated with the de- ranty of that power. sue of executing the 107th Article of the Act of the Congress of Vienna, binds himself to deliver up to his Most Christian Majesty, in the space of three months or sooner, if possible, French Guiana, as far as the river Oyapor, of which the mouth is situated between the 4th and 5th degrees of northern latitude, and as far as the 322d degree of longitude to the east of the Isle de Fer (Iron Island) by the parallel of 2 deg. 24 min. of northern latitude. 2. Commissioners on either side are to le immediately nominated and despatched to fix definitively the limits of French and Portuguese Guiana, conformably to the precise sense of the 8th Article of the Treaty of Utrecht, and to the stipulations of the Act of the Congress of Vienna: the abovementioned Commissioners must terminate their labours at the expiration of a year at latest, from the date of their arrival at Guiana. If at the expiration of this term of a year the abovementioned respective Commissioners cannot agree, 3. The fortresses, magazines, and all the military stores shall be surrendered to his Most Christian Majesty, according to the inventory mentioned in the 5th Article of the Capitulation of French Guiana in 1809. 4. In consequence of the abovementioned articles, the necessary orders for effecting the transmission of French Guiana (which orders are at present in the possession of the undersigned Plenipotentiary of his Most Faithful Majesty) shall, immediately after the signature of the present treaty, be communicated to the French government, with an official letter of the same Plenipotentiary, to which a copy of the present treaty shall be annexed; and which will inform the Portuguese Authorities that they are to deliver up in the delay of three days, the said colony to the Commissioners charged by his Most Catholic Majesty to take possession of them as soon as they shail have presented their instructions to that effect. 5. The French government engages R 2 |