charge three mil lions Exchequer Bills charged thereon. Annual Ditto......... 220,604 0 0 786 0 0 312,7340 &c..... 15 18 4 4,016 18 4 42,105,817 14 0 40,192,218 30 PUBLIC EXPENDITURE. I. For Interest, &c. on the Permanent Debt of Great Britain, unredeemed; including Annuities for Lives and Terms of Years (App. A. 1.2.).... II. Interest on Exchequer Bills (B)..... V. Civil Government of Scotland, (D)......... VI. The other Payments in Anticipation of the Exchequer Receipts; (E.) viz. Bounties for Fisheries, Manufactures, Corn, &c. Pensions on the Hereditary Revenue Militia, and Deserters Warrants... VII. The Navy, (F.)-viz. Wages and General Services.... Victualling Departinent VIII. The Ordnance, (G.)............ IX. The Army, (H.)-viz. Ordinary Services.... Countries... Deduct the Amount of Remittances and Advances to other Countries. included in Appendix I......... PRICE OF STOCKS FOR EACH MONTH IN 1817.- Lowest and Highest. 1816. Stock. red. Stock. Bonds. quer bills. Omnium. 220 6302 79 937 164 1884 15 pr. 6 pr. 674 January... 04 63 80 95 164 1934 27 pr. 17 pr. 674 94 Bank 3p. ct. 3p. ct. | 4 p. ct. 5 p. ct. Long. India India Exche S. Sea Irish cons. cons. Navy. Ann. 34. Stock. 5 p. ct. 257 7273 884 103 ...... 63 83 94 281 79 79 101 TABLE OF THE NUMBER OF BANKRUPTCIES IN ENGLAND, From Dec. 20, 1816, to Dec. 20, 1817, inclusive. Total Bankruptcies.. 1575. Decreased from the last year...454. 94 4 | 5654 | 49 2 | 31 14 | 54 54 A Statement of the Quantity of Porter brewed in London by the Twelve first Houses, from the 5th of July, 1816, to the 5th of Barclay, Perkins, & Co.. 281,484 Calvert and Co..........98,301 Hanbury and Co..... 168,757 | Goodwyn and Co. 60,307 Reid and Co.......... 157,131 | Elliott and Co .. 55,163 Whitbread and Co...... 151,888 Taylor and Co... ......42,920 Henry Meux and Co.... 124,823 Golden-lane brewery..... 25,756 Combe, Delafield, & Co. 110,776 | Hollingsworth. The following is the Quantity of Ale brewed by the Seven principal Ale Brewers in London, from the 5th July, 1816, to 5th July, 1817. |