Drawbacks, Discounts, NFT PRODUCE applicarle to Nati nal [Cbjec's, and Fa ments into the Excheque GROSS RECEIPT: HEADS OF REVENUE. Total Sum to be ac10. ed fur. £ 'S. 2.985,098 12 2,05,980 5 341 876 7 10 304.504 12 52 547 933 8 6 453 11 7 663 10 d £ 3. 148,169.780 !! 7 219,01,630 9 0.84.288 10 51 7.257,906 17 1,659.854 16 4 22,576 6 10 4 13,660 4 I 4,515 7 10 3,002 S 26,496 6 10 2,036 10 of 7.181 13 43| 147 8 99 Fr 6,513 14 1 PUBLIC INCOME OF GREAT BRITAIN, For the Year ending Fifth January, 1817. An Account of the ORDINAKY REVENUES and EXTRAORDINARY RESOURCES Constituting the PUBLIC INCOME of GREAT BRITAIN. ORDINARY REVENUES. Customs. Excise. ...... Stamps. Lan and Assessed faxes. Post Office. Pensions and is in the Permanent and Annual Taxes. Sa'aries. God in the L Hackney Coaches. Hawkers and Pedlars. Total Permanent and Amaal Dutics. Alienation Fines Small Branches of the Hereditary Revenue. £ 3. d. 25,038 15 34 42,370,230 12 55 49,216,258 13 6 6,846,528 1 7,661 2 -I Post Fines .... -Seizures.. Composit-outs and Proffers Crown Lands. 14.584 0 608 9 138,759 10 2 2,688 17 6 136.00 12 71 HEADS OF REVENUE. ACID EXTRAORDINARY RESOURCES. Property Tax. Arrears of Income Duty, &c.. Lottery, Net Profit (of which one-third part is for the service of Ireland). Monies paid on Acrount of the Interest of Loans raised for the Service of Ireland... dom. On Account of the Commissioners, appointed by Act 35 Geo. 3. cap. 127, and ........ Imprest Monies repaid by sundry Public Accountants, and other Monies paid to the Public Total, independent of Loans...... Loans paid into the Exchequer, (including the amount of those raised for the 8. d. s. d. 252,166 13 4,558,558 8 5,091 17 1 303,506 18 6 28,619 10 84 5,091 17. I 303,506 18 6 28,619 10 84 101,259 8 91 101,259 8 9 75,376,885 9 9 8,797,465 o 8366,579,420 9 0 8,939,802 16 3 8.939,802 16 3 GRAND TOTAL. 84,316,688 60 8,797,46500 8175,519,223 5 3 CONSOLIDATED FUND AND PERMANENT TAXES.-INCOME AND CHARGE, 1817. 14,802,552 15 71 44 ...... 52. EX ISE. Consolidated after reserving British Spirits, Anno 1856, Schedule A 292.00 O STAMPS. Consolidated, after reserv- Licences for seiling Lottery Tickets INCID NTS .... 4.289 11 10 Surplus Duty on Sugar. Malt, and Tobacco, annually granted 1,594,112 9 83. Sheriffs of England and Wales ..... Henry John Hinchliffe, Esq. Jamaica the Cnoidated une, in the Year ended 5th Jan 17. upon the Consolate! mad, as it re01 5th Jan. 1817. £. 7321,567.765 £ 21,613.206 1 d. 898,000 13,050 4.000 0 0 CHARGE. d. John Whishaw, Esq. 139,793 14 150,000 O о 8 Salaries and Contingencies in the Office of said Comunissioners. COMMISSIONERS OF WEST-INDIA 34,040 Acualtament out of £. s. d. 1,200 O о 438,400 8 8 John Halkett, Esq. Chairman. 6,717 17 I Uncertain. 550,624 15 23 449,156 8 2 Total of incidental Charges upon the 1,724,741 12 10 1,530,327 1 34 INCOME. DUTIES pro Anno 1808. £. s. Surplus Consolidated Duties on Assessed Taxes.. Surplus Consolidated Stamps Interest, Management, &c. on Loan for! 148,606 14 Total.. 1,500 DUTIES pro Anno 18c9. James Chapman, Esq.. 1,000 105.000 o John Wilson, Esq. 1,000 472,051 13 C Salaries and Contingencies in the Office of said Commissioners.... 530,931 8 113 177,156 4 9 MISCELLANEOUS and Pensions (Sec Total.. 1,285,139 6 9 DUTIES pro Anno 1810. Surplus Consolidated Stamps, per Act Interest, Management, &c. on Loan for Total.... 1,630,132 10 DUTTES pro Anno 1811. Brought from War Taxes.. 235,077 15 Total Charge for debt incurred prior to 1807... 21,613,206 1 721,567,765 18 114 |