PUBLIC INCOME OF GREAT BRITAIN, For the Year ending Fifth January, 1817. An Account of the ORDINARY REVENUES and EXTRAORDINARY RESOURCES Constituting the PUBLIC INCOME of GREAT BRITAIN. 7,661 7.181 13 43 14.584 0 21 2,147 8 99 11 5 608 9 4 Alienation Fines... Post Fines Seizures..... Compositions and Proffers Crown Lands. 138,759 10 2 2,688 17 6 Customs... Property Tax..... Arrears of Income Duty. &c.... Lottery, Net Profit (of which one-third part is for the service of Ireland). Monies paid on Acrount of the Interest of Loans raised for the Service of Ireland... On Account of Balance due by Ireland on joint Expenditure of the United King dom On Account of the Commissioners, appointed by Act 35 Geo. 3. cap. 127, and $7 Geo. 3, tap 47, for issuing Exchequer Bills for Grenada, &c.. Unclaimed Dividends paid into the Exchequer by the Chief Cashier of the Bank of Enghmd.... Surplus Fees of Regulated Public Offices..... Imprest Monies repaid by sundry Public Accountants, and other Monies paid to the Public Total, independent of Loans. Loans paid into the Exchequer, (including the amount of those raised for the Service of Ireland).... GRAND TOTAL.. .... 9. 34 £ 1,246,409 79 6,035,302 11 95 12,276,870 18 36 18 252,166 13 4 4,558,558 8 I £ 238,599 8. d. £ S. 2 1,453,664 15 14 1,007,810 5 4,581,637 16 74 23.950 7 11 12,039,120 10 Ο 18 0 36 00 17,486 0 234,680 13 4 4,558,558 8 1 8,797,465 0 303,506 18 6 28,619 10 84 101,259 8 9 8366,579,420 9 8.939,802 16 3 8475,519,223 5 34 Pensions, Otlices, and personal Estates, Money reserved on account of Nomi nees appointed by the Lords of the Total Income of Duties applicable to 23.622 19 44 374,005 6 요 Clerk Chiet Cashier of the Bank, for Fees at For the Encouragement of the growth 33-553-925 4 24 Messenger of the Great Seal, per 53 DUTIFS pro Anno 1807. 603,072 4 9 War Duties of Customs made perma- 596,927 15 21 Interest, Management, and £1. per cent. 222,685 19 6 180, το 1816 Income Duty, Anno 1.801....... o Loan for Ireland.... Total.. ... 1.422,685 19 6 CHARGE. 1,285,139 6 9 d. John Whishaw, Esq. .. Sakuries and Contingencies in the Office 438,400 8 8 472,051 13 Salaries and Contingencies in the Office MISCELLANEOUS and Pensions (Sec Total of incidental Charges upon the 105.000 00 of said Commissioners.. 8 113 177,156 4 9 1,324,547 10 83 9 RECAPITULATION. Total..... 1,630,132 10 5 INCOME. 530,931 Total... Surplus Consolidated Stamps, per Act DUTIES pro Anno 1808. 6.8. Surplus Consolidated Duties on Assessed Tuxes.. Surplus Consolidated Stamps 139,793 14 Interest, Management, &c. on Lean for Ireland. 148,606 14 8 Total.... DUTTES pro Anno 1809. Ireland.. DUTIES Pro Anno 1810. 48 Geo 3 ..... Interest, Management, &c. on Loan for Ireland 305.584 19 DUTTES pro Anno 1811. Brought from War Taxes..... Total Charge for debt incurred prior to 235,077 15 7 1807.. 21,613,206 1 73 21,567,765 18 14 |