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people who were inspired with high notions of their national rights. Accordingly it failed, like all other addresses of the kind, and the final appeal was made to the sword.

The war began with a naval action. The Norwegians had stationed a flotilla near the Hualorn islands, protected by a number of batteries raised upon them. On July 26th, the Swedish admiral, Baron Pike, made a signal for his fleet and flotilla to weigh and move to the attack of the Norwegians, but a calm prevented them from reaching a proper station during that day, so that the attack was postponed till the following morning. The Norwegian commander, however, did not wait for the event, but during the night evacuated the islands in such haste, that the cannon of the batteries for the most part were thrown into the sca; and, when day approached, he was seen in full retreat to Frederickstadt. This success was obtained by the Swedes without the loss of a man. On the 27th the Crown Prince put himself in march with his whole army for Norway. The King of Sweden, who had formerly been a naval commander, chose to take a personal part in this expedition, by going on board the Great Gustavus at Stromstad. On July 30 the second Swedish corps d'armée, near 20,000 strong, cro-sed the frontier with very little resistance, and occupied two advanced posts; and, on the same day, the Crown Prince, with the Duke of Sudermania, made a reconnoisance into Norway from his head-quarters at Stromstad.

It would be uninteresting to

give a narrative of all the incidents of this miniature campaign, which would not be understood without better maps then are usually met with of the south-eastern part of Norway; and we shall confine ourselves to a notice of the more important transactions. MajorGeneral Gahn, who, on July 31, had entered Norway, making an an attempt on August 2d to force a strong position, was driven back with some loss; and on the following day found the enemy, who had taken a circuitous route, in his rear, with a superior force. An obstinate and sanguinary action ensued, in which the Swedes made good their retreat with the loss of a gun, 20 baggage waggons, and a considerable number of men killed, wounded, and prisoners. Admiral Pike having on the 2d of August received orders from the Crown Prince to attack Kragero, three bodies of troops were landed upon the island, supported by gunboats and armed vessels. The Norwegians retreated, and a battery surrendered after a cannonade. Frederickstadt was summoned, and on refusal was attacked by the gunboats and bomb-vessels. On the 4th this fortress desired to capitulate, and the conditions being settled, the Swedish troops entered it and Kongsteen in the evening. The garrison of 1500 or 2000 men were not made prisoners of war, but having signified their submission to the King of Sweden, were permitted to return home. Frederickstadt commands the passage of the Glommen, and is regarded as the key of Christiania.

A bulletin, dated Aug. 11, from the Swedish bead-quarters, mentions other successes on their side,


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and that they were masters of the left bank of the Glommen from Lake Oejorn to Frederickstadt. It charges the Danish officers with being the cause of keeping up the hostility of the Norwegians, who, nevertheless, are said to desert the army in numbers, and that the inhabitants of the towns and villages come in crowds to take the oath of allegiance. This unequal contest was now rapidly drawing to a conclusion. The next Swedish bulletin mentioned that General Alderereutz had forced the strong position of the Norwegians at Isebro on the 1oth; that on the 11th the abandoned port and batteries of Slesvig had been taken possession of; and that General Vegesac had defeated, with great loss, the enemy, who had 6000 men and 10 pieces of cannon. On the 12th preparations were made for passing the Glommen, and on the next day the bombardment of Frederickstein was commenced. The passage of Kgolberg was forced after a brave resistance, and the Crown Prince made dispositions for surrounding, with a very superior force, the army of Prince Christian posted near Moss. Further resistance would now have been mere desperation and an useless sacrifice of lives. Christian made proposals, which the Crown Prince accepted. He resigned the government, and gave orders for the surrender of Frederickstein, that famous fortress of Frederickshall before which Charles XII. lost his life, just as orders were about to be given for planting the scaling ladders. A convention was signed on August 14th, at Moss, between the Crown Prince, in the name of

King of Sweden, and the Nor


wegian government, of which the following are the articles: Prince Christian shall, as soon as possible, convoke the States-general of Norway according to the mode prescribed by the existing constitution: 2. The King of Sweden shall communicate with the diet by his commissioners: 3. The King promises to accept the constitution framed by the diet of Eswold, with no other changes than are necessary to the union of the two kingdoms, and will make no further alterations but in concert with the diet: 4. The promises of the King and Prince Royal to the Norwegians shall be strictly fulfilled: 5. The diet shall assemble at Christiania: 6. Amnesty is declared for all past expression of opinions, and good treatment is promised to all Norwegian civil and military functionaries: 7. The King of Sweden engages his good offices with the King of Denmark to obtain a revocation of all ordinances promulgated since January 14, 1814, against the public functionaries and the kingdom of Norway. A convention was at the same time concluded between the Swedish and the Norwegian troops, by which were declared a cessation of hostilities, and the raising of the blockade of the Norwegian ports, with various regulations as to the disbanding of the Norwegian national troops, four regular regiments excepted, to the number of the Swedish troops to remain in the kingdom, the line of demarkation, &c. with a particular stipulation that, in order to secure the freedom of deliberation in the diet, no troops of either country should approach within three miles (Swedish) of the place of its sitting.

tiania, that if they did not possess sufficient authority to preserve the public tranquillity, he should be obliged to order his troops to pass the line of demarkation in order to protect the peaceable inhabitants of the capital. Haxthausen, it appears, was charged with having suffered the Norwegian army to be three days without provisions. Among the circumstances preceding the convention of Moss, it is mentioned that the commiandant of Frederickstadt gave up his fortress without a shot; that two generals behaved so ill that they were cashiered; but that the commandant of Frederickstein, General Ohme, had declared that he would defend himself to the last extremity; and that Colonel Kreds had assembled about 10,000 peasants near Kongsvinger with the intention of falling upon the rear of the Swedish army. But this would have been a fruitless attempt against such regular troops as the Swedes, and such a general as the Crown Prince. Further, if the war had been protracted by drawing it to the northern parts of the kingdom, the blockade of the ports would have involved. those steril regions in the miseries of famine. The mercantile part of the nation deserted the cause of inde

This convention was ratified by the Danish and Swedish princes, Prince Christian, on August 16th, issued a proclamation to the Norwegians, in which he informed them of the steps which brought on the war, of the circumstances attending the Swedish invasion, and of the events which had rendered necessary the acceptance of the conditions proposed in the armistice and convention. He farther mentioned having, by a rescript, summoned an extraordinary diet to meet at Christiania on the 7th of October next; and concluded with assuring them, that nothing but imperious necessity could have induced him to act as he had done, and that their welfare had always been the object which he pursued. Although it was evident that the Danish prince had not given up the cause of Norwegian independence until its maintenance was placed beyond all buman probability, there was still the remnant of a party which, in the disappointment of their eager hopes, regarded the termination of the contest as the result of perfidy. Some persons, who in the Swedish account are qualified as "professing the principles of jacobinism," excited on the 19th a popular tumult in Christiania, in which the house of General Haxt-pendence as soon as they found that hausen, the friend and confident England had declared against it. - of Prince Christian, was attacked, and its windows and furniture destroyed. The General being at that time at his country house, the mob pursued him thither, and his -life was saved only by the speedy arrival of a body of Norwegian cavalry. The Crown Prince, informed of this occurrence, intimated to the council of state at Chris

The Diet of Norway having assembled, Prince Christian, whose health and spirits had been affected by the mortifications he had undergone, sent in his resignation; and on the next day set out for Lauwig, accompanied by General Haxthausen and several others of the late ruling members who would not quit him. Although a British


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sloop of war was in waiting to convey him wherever he pleased, he refused the offer, and meant to embark in a Danish cutter. He declared that he would not go to Copenhagen, but would be landed at Sanderberg in the Belt; and thus terminated his short-lived royalty, the assumption of which, whether dictated by patriotism or ambition, was an indication rather of spirit than of political wisdom. On October 20th, the Norwegian Diet, by a majority of 74 voices to 5, came to the following resolution. Norway shall, as an integral state, be united to Sweden under one king, with the preservation of its constitution, subject to such necessary alterations as the welfare of the country may require, having at the same time regard to the union with Sweden. These alterations, which his Swedish Majesty has recognised in the convention of Moss, are to be considered and determined on by the Diet as speedily as possible; and as soon as this has been done, the Diet will solemnly elect and acknowledge the King of Sweden, his Majesty Charles XIII, as the constitutional King of Norway." This resolution was made public in a proclamation of the representatives of Norway to their countrymen. The election of the king by the Diet took place with entire unanimity on November 4th, and seven of its members were deputed to convey the intelligence of this event to the Crown Prince of Sweden. His Royal Highness, accompanied by his son Prince Oscar, set out from Frederickshall for Christiania on the 8th, and on the 10th repaired in state to the hall of the

Diet. He delivered a speech, which was repeated in the Swedish language by Prince Oscar; after which the assembly took the oath of fidelity to the king, and his Royal Highness delivered to the president his Majesty's promise of governing according to the national laws. On the following day Fieldmarshal Count d'Essen was invested with the dignity of Stadtholder of the kingdom of Norway. On the 18th a solemn Te Deum was celebrated in the cathedral church of Christiania, and an eloquent discourse composed for the occasion was delivered by the Bishop of Aggerhuus. Thus the great national act was completed, in a manner which at least bore every semblance of being free and voluntary.

The Diet was closed on the 26th with a speech from the Crown Prince, the following paragraph of which affords an intimation of what may have occurred in the discussions on the constitution: "If, in passing rapidly from an absolute government, to one founded on the laws, the wishes which you have sometimes expressed have been mixed with fears and disquietudes, they must be ascribed to the recollection of times and of relations which no longer exist. You were animated with the zeal of defending the rights of the people; the king was desirous of recognizing them, and he was induced so to do, as much by his particular sentiments, as by the free constitution of Sweden."

For the articles of the Norwegian constitution we refer to the State Papers.



Entrance of Louis XVIII. to Compeigne and Paris.-His Declaration respecting the Constitution.-His Address to the Nation on the Armies of the Allies.-Funeral Service for Louis XVI. &c.-Military Promotions of Princes of the Blood.-Buonaparte's Departure to Elba.Peace signed with the Allied Powers, and Conditions.-Constitution presented by the King to the Legislative Body.—State of Parties in France.-Discussions on the Liberty of the Press. -Exposé of the State of the Nation-Legion of Honour continued.-French BudgetKing's Debts.-Emigrant Property, and Debates thereon.-Clerical Education.-Civil List.


HE King of France made his entry into Compeigne on April 29th, under different military escorts, the Marshals Ney and Marmont riding by the side of the carriage in which were his Majesty and the Duchess of Angouleme. Six other marshals of France, Moncey, Mortier, Lefebvre, Jourdan, Brune, and Serrurier, with Prince Berthier, were in waiting for him at that town, so generally had these great officers conformed to the new order of things. They all had the honour of dining with the king. On the same day he received a deputation from the legisJative body, the president of which addressed him in a congratulatory speech. One of its sentences declared the political expectations entertained by that body: "By you will be cemented the bases of a government wisely and prudently balanced. Your Majesty wishes only to enter into the exercise of rights which suffice for the royal authority; and the execution of the general will, intrusted to your paternal bands, will thereby beVOL. LVI,

come more respectable and more assured." Similar sentiments were expressed in an address by the president of the senate.

On May 3d, the grand and interesting ceremonial took place of the solemn entrance of Louis XVIII into his capital. He was attended by a great concourse of people who had gone to meet him, to the gate of St. Denis, whence he slowly proceeded to the metropolitan church of Notre Dame. He was there seated under a canopy, over which was the figure of St. Louis; and having on his knees devoutly kissed the relic of the true cross, and received the holy water, he was addressed by the vicar-general, M. Lamyre, as the organ of the Parisian clergy. "The God of St. Louis (said he) has re-established your throne, you will reestablish his altars. God and the king, such is our motto; such has ever been that of the clergy of France." Te Deum was then celebrated, in the presence of the senate, the legislative body, and a vast assembly of distinguished [E]


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