Imágenes de páginas


No. 185.]

JUNE 1, 1809.

[5 of VOL. 27.

As long as thofe who write are ambitious of making Converts, and of giving to their Opinions a Maximum of Influence and Celebrity, the most extenfively circulated Mifcellany will repay with the greatest Effect the "Curiafity of those who read either for Amusement or Intruction."- —JOHNSON.


To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.


N No. 183 of your very useful

tions it acts rather the part of an acid; it prefers evidently an alkali, an earth, or a metal, to any acid whatever; and the most

I miscellany, there are some obser- complete combinations in nature are those

vations respecting the formation of flints, from which your Correspondent concludes, that these substances are merely a modification of calcareous earth. This theory, however plausible it may appear, is not new; for, in my remarks" on the Identity of Siles and Oxygen," published in the Philosophical Magazine for March, April, May, and July, 1808, I here al luded to it, and offered some reasons for opposing it, considering the doctrine as totally inadmissible. At present I do not recollect precisely where I had read it, there being more than one authority in which similar observations are to be found; but the first who noticed this supposed transmutation was, I think, M. Girod-Chantrans, whose ideas on this subject are detailed in one of the numbers of the " Journal des Mines."

The compound nature of every species of calcareous earth, particularly of common chalk, in which flints most abound, is an insuperable objection to this opinion. Siliceous earth is comparatively one of the most simple of terrestrial substances; and hence it seems absurd to suppose such a mixture as chalk, or carbonate of lime, should so readily lose all the cha racters of its respective ingredients, and that the lime, carbonic acid, water, iron, and silex in the state of fine sand, should all concur to form such a sinple, primitive, and indecomposable matter as flint.

Not only lime, but the whole list of the earths, differ so manifestly in their nature and properties from silex, that it seems preposterous to associate them as one class. The earths possess the powers of alkaline bodies; they neutralize acids, form peculiar salts with each species, and have all that distinctly marked attraction for acids as the alkalies them selves.

Silex, on the contrary, has not only no such character, but in all its combina MONTHLY MAG. No. 185,.

in which this element predominates. Thus, in precious stones, and in numberless mineral productions, as well as in glass, porcelain, and other such articles, the alkalies, earths, and metals are efecteally neutralized: the most caustic are rendered tasteless, the most opaque become transparent, and the most poisonous mineral may be subdued into perfeet inertness, by this singular and most universal of all bodies in nature.

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I am aware of the objection respecting that solitary case of fluoric acid; but having seen no such salt as the fluate of silex, or any combination of the kind that did not contain other matters, or that had not some palpable defect, I shall, for the present at least, pass the question.

The circular or nodular figure of flints that are found in chalk, does not demonstrate a progressive accumulation; this circumstance is rather a decided mark of solution or abrasion. This may be readily illustrated by familiar examples, such as pieces of wax or metals while melting, the solution of earths, stones, or metals in acids, or even that of a piece of crystallized sugar in water; for, in all these instances, the projecting or angular parts are the first that yield to the solvent.

There is no necessity to pursue this subject farther, as, in the remarks which I have quoted, it may be seen, that I have already espoused the converse of this question, being rather inclined to conclude, that lime derives its existence from silex: for, besides the pieces of flint that are obvious, and often in strata, there is not an atom of the purest chalk that is free from sand, or most minutely divided silex: and this, with other corroborating circumstances, has contributed to lead my opinion.

Controversies of this kind cannot, however, be very lasting, since so much has lately been accomplished through the SK wonderful

wonderful and omnipotent efficacy of
voltaic electricity. The earths, alkalies,
and other bodies, have submitted and un-
folded their most secret connections, and
the door seems to be opening to the most
inward recesses of Nature. Lime, among
other substances, has yielded its consti-
tuent principles, and proves to be a me-
tallic oxide; but the case is not so de-
cided in regard to silex. When this re-
fractory body shall have also parted with
its elementary character, and its com-
ponents are fairly demonstrated, I shall,
with unfeigned satisfaction, reject a doc-
trine which originated with myself, viz.
that pure silex is the base of oxygen gas.
Whatever shall be the fate of this opi-
nion, it will always give me pleasure to
reflect, that it was inibibed, encouraged,
and even published, before the late very
interesting discoveries respecting the al-
kalies and the earths, and, consequently,
I cannot be accused of an attempt to
subvert or anticipate the just claims of
others, whose meritorious labours are
stamped with so much genius and success.
Your's, &c.
April 17, 1809.

Jos. HUME.

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.


ERMIT me, through the channel of

tions on the primitive Inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland.-Having sought this book, in vain at all the booksellers' in London, I was induced to apply to a friend in Dublin, to procure for me all the General's publications on the history and antiquities of Ireland. My friend could only obtain two, viz. the Essay beforementioned, and the " Vindication of the Ancient History of Ireland,” translated from various Irish manuscripts, with notes and observations.

This Vindication was printed in 1786, in which the author shews, that the Cati of Ireland were the Indo-Scythe of the ancients, the Coti of the Alps, and the Cuthi of Scripture (that is, the ancient Persians), and that Persia was the centre of population of the western world. In this he was followed by Sir William Jones in 1792 (see Asiatic Researches, vol. I.), and afterwards by Pinkerton.

Goropus, a German or Dutchman, in his Historia Mundi, written in the last century, shews that the Indo-Scythæ first peopled Germany; and the General proves from language, that the Coti of the Alps were the Coti of Ireland. These Alpes Coi have been taken for Celta by some writers: but Procopius calls them Exera, Scythe; and he must be allowed, as the General observes, to have

very and instruc. the best judge of origin

tive Magazine, to offer a few remarks to your learned readers, on what appears to me, a very extraordinary circumstance in the literary world.

There actually exist at this moment two learned Englishmen, who, by strict enquiry I find, have no communication or correspondence with each other. One (Captain Wilford) situated at Calcutta, in the East Indies, a perfect master of the Sanscrit tongue; the other (General Vallaacy) situated in Ireland, who is also acquainted with the ancient language of that country. The first, from exploring the Puranas of the East, asserts, that the old Hindus had a knowledge of these western islands, Britain and Ireland. The second, from very ancient Irish manuscripts, asserts, and with strong reason, that the ancient Hindu mythology prevailed in Ireland, introduced by a colony of Scythians from India, known to the Greek writers by the name of Indo-Scythæ, and that with these came a colony of Chaldæans.

I have been led to these remarks by a letter in your Magazine of June last, signed Agricola, who there gives a short Analysis of the General's recent Observa

people, having been Secretary to Belisarius during his wars in Italy. They were known afterwards by the names of Valdois, Waldetises, &c. and their country was called the Pays de Vaud by the French.

Alex, on the ancient Churches of Piedmont, p. 169. acquaints us, that in his time, in Cambridge, were written copies of divers pieces of the Wal. denses, and amongst them an old manuscript of some books of the Old and New Testament; these, it was said, were brought over by Morland, sent ambassa dor from England to Turin in behalf of these people. (Essay, p. 69.)

In 1700 Chamberlayne published his Oratio Dominica plus centum linguis. Among these we find that of the Waldenses. The reader will be surprised to find, that so little alteration had been made in the language of the Alper Coti and the Coti of Ireland of this day, in that distance of time.

The General then proceeds to the col lation, which appears to me to be as curious a subject in literature, as is to be met with, and well worth recording in your learned Magazine.


[blocks in formation]

5. Tabhar dhim an mugh ar naràn limbhail, 5. Tabhar dhuin aniugh ar naràn laean›hail, Give us this day, &c.

6. Agus mai dhuine ar fiack, amhail mear marhmhid ar fiecha,§

And forgive us our trespasses, &c.

7. Na leig sin ambharibh;

Leave us not in temptation,

8. Ach soarsa shin on olc.

But deliver us from evil.

9. Or 'sieatsa rioghta, comhta, agus gloir gn sibhri.¶

For thine is the kingdom, &c.

The General then observes, that the old British and Cornish are supposed to be genuine remains of the old Celtic, and he gives the Oratio Dominica, in each of those dialects, from the same author (Chamberlayne). They differ toto calo from the Irish, and he adds, "the inge. nious and accurate translator of Mallet has collected specimens of the PaterNoster in all the Celtic and Gothic dialects." After many observations on them, he acknowledges, that he cannot think the Irish and Welsh equally derived from one Celtic stock, at least not in the same manner as any two branches of the Gothic. Scarce any resemblance

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6. Agus maith (pron. mai) dhuine ar fiach, amhail mar maithmhidne ar fiacha,

7. Na leig sin am bhuaribh.

8. Acht saorsa sin on olc.

9. Or is leatsa rioghacta, cumhacta, agus gloir gan siorraid be.

appears between them, (says he) so that if the learned will have them to be streams from one cominon fountain, it must be allowed, that one or both have been greatly polluted."

This similarity, or rather identity, between the Lord's prayer, in the language of the above-mentioned Coti, adds the General, is not less strong, than the similarity of the theology and mythology of certain sects of the Irish Coti, and of the ancient Persians, and Brahmins of India. (Essay, p. 73.)

From a very ancient vellum MSS. now in Trinity College, the General makes the following extract:

"The colony of the Dedanites, named Tuatha Dedan, or the Haruspices of Dedan, in Irish history, descended from Cush, the son of Ham, and arrived in Ireland, A. M. 3303 or 705, before the birth of Christ." According to Bochart, Dedan the son of Rhegma, the son of Cush, settled in or about Oman, whence this colony in Irish history is sometimes named Fir d'Omhan, or men of Oman. To this succeeds a list of the deities and sub-deities introduced into Ireland by these Dedanites.

As iat so sios Maike Tuatha-Dedan; ie. there follows a list of the Maih (or sub-deities) of the Tuatha-Dedan.

1. Mogh nua dhat, airgid lamh; i. e. the Magus of the new law, the silverhanded, that is, Zordust the first (Soros


aster) whose name in Persian implies, gold or silver-handed.

Dile Ruaid, Noah's flood (Shaw's Gaelic Dict. &c.) Easar Ruaid, the cataract of Ruad, the name of the great water-fail at Ballyshannon-Ruadh boine, floodwater (idem.)—boine in Irish, and bin

2. Lugh, Lu-lamh fada; i. e. Lu, the tall, Lama or priest. The office of Lama was common to all the Southern Scythians: it is now written luamh, and translated in Arabic, signifies a tract of abbot, by the Irish lexiconists. More country and in the Chaldæan 877, Rudu, Tibetanorum Lou est Lo, presbyter, nomen angeli pluviis et irrigationi ter sacerdos, princeps, summus. Lamam ita ræ præfecti (Buxtorf).-Essay, p. 25. habeas supremum Chatava. Lama Reimboiche, Tibetanorum pontifex maximus. (Georgius Alpab. Tibet. p. 689.)

3. Eo cad, ill dathac, Dia Teibith, i. e. Penis sanctus variorum colorum, Deus Naturæ. Pasupati vocant Nepallenses phallum seu Lingam, quadriformem; flavi, rubri, viridis, albique coloris. (Georgius Alp. Tib. p. 152.)

4. Budh dearg; i. e. ruddy BudhMany lamas or priests of Budh, says Sir William Jones, have been found settled in Siberia; but it can hardly be doubted, that lamas had travelled from Tibet, whence it is more probable, that the religion of Budha was imported into Southern Chinese Tartary; since we know that rolls of Tibetian writing have been brought even from the borders of the Caspian. The complexion of Budha himself, which, according to the Hindus, was between white and ruddy, would perhaps have convinced Mons. Bailly, had he known the Indian tradition, that the last great legislator, and god of the East, was a Tartar.

5. Seaccha so, craobh dearg; i. e. Seaccha the good, of the ruddy branch or family. According to Georgius and La Croze, Seaccha was the same as Budha. Xacam cundem esse ac Buddum, La Croze aliique non dubitant. Xacæ nominis origo a Saca Babiloniorum, Persarum numine repetenda. (Georg. p. 21.) 6. Phearaman, mac Budh dearg; i. e. Pearaman, son of ruddy Budh. This was Paraman, the founder of the Bramins, "Jai remarqué que les Brames aimaient à etre appellès Paramunes, par respect pour la memoire de leur ancestres qui portoient ce nom (Bailly, Lettr, sur les Sciences," p. 202). "Pausanias nous dit, que Mercure, le même que Butta ou Budha un des fondateurs de la doctrine des Paramenes ou Brames, est appelle Parammon." (Gebelin, Hist. Cal. Pref.)

7. Ill breac Easa Ruaid; i.e. the ever blessed Rund of torrents and cataracts. It appears that Ruad was the presiding deity over waters. The great flood of Noah, they say was perfected by Ruad.

To this I must add, that the General in another place shews that Budha, or Butta, had his temple in Ireland, named Butta-fan, the temple of Butta, now Butta-vant, in the county of Cork.

These examples, and many others, Mr. Editor, which would be too long for insertion in your valuable Magazine, appear to me to form such a mass of evidence, in favour of the general's system, of these western islands being peopled by Indo-Scythians, mixed with a body of Chaldæans, which (to use the words of Agricola) it will not be easy to overthrow.

Why so learned a work, so new in its principles and discoveries, should be confined to Ireland, and esteemed contraband in England, I cannot imagine. Certain I am, that the more it is communicated, the more it will be admired, and will make it appear more than probable, that the Hindus had a knowledge of this part of the globe, of which Mr. Wilford seems so positive. I beg leave to conclude with an extract from that gentleman's last publication, and hope I shall not trespass on your patience.

In the last volume of the Asiatic Researches, Mr. Wilford resumes the subject of the sacred isles in the west.


"I have (says he,) omitted no endeavour to render this work as free from

imperfections as my abilities would allow; but the subject is so novel, and the source of information so remote from the learned in Europe, that I must confess I feel no small degree of uneasiness on that account.

"The grand outline, and principal feature of this Essay, are also well known to pandits and learned men in India. A few passages, anecdotes, and circumstances may be, perhaps, unknown to many of them; but these are perfectly immaterial; and whether allowed to remain or not, neither my foundation nor superstructure can be affected.

"The sacred isles in the west, of which Swita-dwipa, or the white island, is the principal and the most famous, are in fact the Holy Land of the Hindus. There the fundamental

fundamental and mysterious transactions of the history of their religion, in its rise and progress, took place. The White Island, this holy island in the west, is so intimately connected with their religion and mythology, that they cannot be separated: and of course, divines in India are necessarily acquainted with it, as distant Mussulmans are with Arabia.

"This I conceive to be a most favour able circumstance; as, in the present case, the learned have little more to do, than to ascertain whether the White Island be England, and the sacred isles of the Hindus, the British Isles. After having maturely considered the subject, I think they are.

"It will appear in the course of this work, that the language of the followers of Brahma, their geographical knowledge, their history and mythology, have extended through a range, or belt, about forty degrees broad, across the old Continent in a south-east, and north-west direction, from the eastern shores of the Malayan Peninsula, to the western extremities of the British isles.

"The principal object I have in view in this Essay, is to prove that the sacred isles of the Hindus, if not the British isles, are at least some remote country to the North-west of the old Continent; for I cannot conceive that they are altogether utopian, or imaginary. But, a secondary one, is also to prove that the greatest part of the legends, which formerly obtained all over the western parts of the world from India, to the British isles, were originally the same with those found in the mythology of the Hindus.”

That these legends and mythologies of the Hindus did extend to the western part of the world, General Vallancey's writings fully prove-a circumstance very rationally accounted for by the General, who traces the emigrations of the IndoScythians, to the Caspian and Euxine, from thence to Spain, and lastly to the

British isles. Cheapside, April 16, 1809.

Your's, &c. HORTENSIS.

lected book, "The Elements of SpeechLondon, printed for F. and C. Dilly, 1773;" or, if no such memoir be extant, who could furnish any particulars relative to him, and to his public lectures in particular; and also to any Cor respondent who could supply any par ticulars relative to Mr. Cockin, author of the Art of delivering written Language. Lond. Dodsley, 1775." A still greater obligation would be conferred by any authentic particulars relative to Mr, Joshua Steele, author of the invaluable. but, till of late years, unaccountably neglected, "Prosodia Rationalis, or Essay on the Measure and Melody of Speech-Payne 1779." Such information would, I believe (ultimately, at least), be found to gratify a numerous class of readers, as well as in particu lar. Your's, &c. J. T.

Bedford-Place, April 17, 1809.

For the Monthly Magazine.





HE desire you expressed that I should commit to paper the circumstances of my confinement in the Bastille, in the year 1746, is a sufficient motive for my endeavouring to satisfy a curiosity arising from your enlarged ideas, and love of humanity. An additional reason for my complying with your request, is the apprehension that the fact I had mentioned it in my work of the may hereafter be disputed, since though Antiquities of Paestum, I have omitted it in the French edition, being unwilling to offend a nation, to which I had so many obligations for my improvement in the

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. arts. To them, the name of the Bastille


SHOULD be much obliged

is accompanied with very disagreeable ideas. The horror which every citizen

I of your ingenious Corticondenny, entertains of this state-prison), c(size Cardinal Richelieu, and Louis XIV. com.

who could furnish, through the modium of your valuable miscellany, any intination relative to any existing memoir of ⚫ Of 14, Cumberland-street, PortmanMr. John Herries, A. M. author of a neg


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