Imágenes de páginas
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Calendar for
Calendar for
New-York City;
New-England, New-Connecticut, N. Jersey,
York State, Mich. Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Wisconsin & Iowa. Indiana & Illinois.

Sun Sun Moon H. w. Sun Sun Moon] H. w.

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Sun Sun Moon H. w. rises sets. rises. Ch'n.

Sun Sun Moon

rises sets. sets. Bostn rises sets. sets. N. Y. rises sets. sets.

H.M. H.M. H. M. H. M. H.M. H.M. H. M. H. MH.M. H.M. H. M. H.M. H.M. H. M. H. M. 74 31 7 10 10 11 7 34 35 7 146 47 4 52 7 30 8 47 84 31 8 21 10 577 44 35 8 256 47 4 52 8 389 33 94 31 9 33 11 467 54 35 9 356 484 52 9 45 10 228 10 4 31 10 43 morn. 7 64 35 10 44 6 49 4 52 10 50 11 131 13 7 11 4 31 11 51 0 37 7 74 35 11 516 504 52 11 54 morn. 8 7 12 4 31 morn. 1 327

7 12 4 26 7 5 0 17 7 13 4 26 8 17 7 14 4 26 9 29 7 15 4 26 10 40 7 16 4 25 11 49 7 17 4 25 morn.

5 586 554 53 5 43 rises. 6 56 4 53 5 46 6 574 53 6 406 57 4 54 7 356 584 54 8 316 594 54

6 24 rises. 7 8 6 1 7 47 6 54 8 25 7 47 8 58 8 40 9 33

0 477 1 33 7 2 22 7



84 35 morn. 6 514 52 morn.


7 18 4 25 0 56


6 7 13 4 30 0 56

2 307

94 35 0 56 6 514 52 0 55

1 6

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rises. 11 8 7 18 4 31 5 37 11 47 7 19 4 31 6 31 ev. 25 7 20 4 31 7 26 4 26 7 28 0 58 7 20 4 32 7 26 4 27 8 25 1 33 7 21 4 32 7 27 4 27 9 23 2 7 7 22 4 32 9 25 11 31 7 17 4 37 9 276 59 4 55 9 34 10 7

7 48 7 13 4 35 8 32 7 14 4 35 5 42 9 117 15 4 35 6 36 9 49 7 15 4 36 7 32 10 22 7 16 4 36 8 28 10 577 174 36

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17 W 23 23 18 Th 23 25

19 Fr 23 26 m 20 Sa 23 27 m 21 E 23 27 m 22 M 23 27 23 Tu 23 27

24 W 23 26 m

Louisiana purchased, 1803.7

28 4 27 10 21 [Advent. 7 284 28 11 20 St. Thomas. 4th Sunday in 7 29 4 28 morn.. Jupiter South 7 51. 7 29 4 29 0 21 Newton born, 1642. 7 30 4 29 1 24 Seven stars South 9.24. 2 29 3 36

5Seven stars South 8 56.

7 32 4 34 7 8 morn. 7 26 4 40 17 32 4 35 8 23 0 38 7 27 4 40

67 18 4 37 10 24 7

0 44 7 19 4 38 11 21 7 1 23 7 19 4 38 morn.7 8 7 204 39 0 20|7 57 20 4 39 1 21 7

2 257 3 317 4 37 7 5 43 7 sets. 7

4 15 7 214 40 5 24 7 214 40 6 32 7 214 41 7 297 22 4 41 8 20 7 22 4 42 5 57 9 10 7 224 43 6 17 7 12 10 27 22 4 44

04 55 10 27 10 42 04 56 11 22 11 20 14 56 morn. 11 59. 14 57 0 17 ev. 44 24 57 1 15 1 41 24 58 2 16 2 512 34 58 3 19 4 02 34 59 4 23 5 87 35 0 5 28 6 5

45 0 sets.

6 56

45 1 6 16 7 46

25 Th 23 24 m Christmas. 26 Fr 23 22

St. Stephen.


THE year 1844, just ended, has witnessed over to the opposite party; thousands were one of the most extraordinary Political contests Naturalized expressly to oppose Nativism, that ever occurred. So nice and equal a bal- and voted the Polk tickets mainly to that end; ance of parties, so universal and intense an in-thousands more, we have good reason to beterest, so desperate and protracted a struggle, lieve, voted that way without being naturalare entirely without parallel. The result, ized at all. Mr. Polk on this single question though showing a large preponderance of gained more than enough votes in the State of Electoral Votes for the victorious party, exhib- New-York to elect him.

its no corresponding disparity of moral or nu- But all the losses sustained by the Whigs merical strength. James K. Polk is chosen through Fraudulent Voting, with the diverPresident by less than an absolute majority of sions from their ranks by Abolition and repugthe People's Votes. Allow him Fifty Thou- nance to Nativism, would have been unavailsand more than Clay, in a Vote of Three Mil-ing, had the People been permitted to know lions, and there are still to be considered the what were the main questions in difference Sixty-odd Thousand votes thrown away on between the two great parties, and so to dethe Birney or Abolition ticket-every one op- cide intelligently upon them. But this Locoposed to Polk's views on the Texas Question, Focoism resisted and prevented. It could and nine-tenths of them in favor of the Protec- not do otherwise and not be beaten. Theretion of Home Industry, and Whigs in every fore, while its public meetings, its speakers, thing but their Political hostility to Slavery. its journals, in the South, were open, bold and So that, while one party has secured the Of-ardent in their advocacy of the Immediate fices and the Executive power, there is a clear Annexation of Texas to this Country, regardpopular majority for the Principles and Mea-less of consequences, this question was widesures of its antagonist. ly declared at the North to be by no means

But this is only an item. James K. Polk distinctly or decisively in issue. The Eveowes his election to the Birney or Liberty ning Post, the most respectable and influential Party. Had there been no such party, draw- Polk paper in this City, repudiated the issue ing its votes nine-tenths from the Whig ranks, and opposed Annexation. Silas Wright, who Mr. Clay would have received at least the had powerfully opposed the Texas Treaty in votes of New-York and Michigan, in addition the Senate, was made the Polk candidate for to those actually cast for him, giving him 146 Governor of New-York, by which nomination votes to Polk's 129. To Birney and Co. there- the Van Buren anti-Texas men were drawn fore, is the Country indebted for the election into the support of Polk, New-York carried of Polk, and an Annexation, anti-Tariff ascen- for him, and his election secured. Thus while dency in the Federal Government. Texas gained for Polk the votes of Georgia Yet Abolition alone could not have made a and Louisiana, the game was so played as not? sufficient diversion in favor of Loco-Focoism to lose him a single Northern vote.

to defeat Mr. Clay. Native Americanism, or On the Tariff question the fraud planned the apprehension studiously inculcated by and perpetrated to prevent a clear popular Mr. Polk's partisans that the Whigs, if suc- verdict was still more glaring. In the first cessful, would abolish or greatly restrict the place, a resolution, which might be interpreted privilege of becoming citizens now accorded to mean any thing or nothing, was passed at to Immigrants from Foreign Countries, struck the Convention by which Polk and Dallas us a hard blow. Thousands of Adopted Citi- were nominated. The Free Traders interzens, heretofore Whigs, were impelled to go preted it as declaring hostility to all Protective

Legislation. The Tariff men in the party re-up to the Nation as a gambler, a profane garded it as meaning practically just nothing swearer, and a general profligate in morals at all. Thus both were satisfied. Coming and life, while those who had through twenty before the People, those of the Cotton States years supported and idolized Crawford and were assured that Mr. Polk was a genuine Jackson, each of whom had killed his man in Free Trader, and his votes and speeches in personal encounter, while Jackson had tried Congress and on the stump were cited to hard to kill the two Bentons without even the prove it. At the same time, Pennsylvania formalities of a combat, were horrified at Mr. and other Tariff States were assured that Polk Clay's bloodless and regretted duels! The was for moderate and reasonable Protection contest was widely represented as one beto Home Industry, and a letter from him to tween a dueling and an anti-dueling candidate, John K. Kane of Philadelphia (the only avow-and thousands were on this ground induced al of principle he made for the public eye' to vote against their own views of National after his nomination) was produced to prove Policy and practical beneficence. If an unit. This letter was written after the pattern just seizure of foreign territory, resulting in of the Baltimore Resolution aforesaid, and, war and ten thousand deaths, shall be the rewhile it looked toward a Protective Tariff, sult of this squeamishness, on whom will rest was cautiously worded so as not to give um- the responsibility? brage to the Free Traders. Thus Georgia and Alabama supported Mr. Polk as the consistent, uncompromising enemy of the Protective Policy, while Pennsylvania and the Wool-growing or Manufacturing sections of New-York and other Free States were assured that he was as favorable to Protection as Mr. Clay! In Pittsburgh and vicinity, he was even commended as more favorable to Protection than his great competitor! No expenditure of sophistry or falsehood was deemed too great to cover this weak point of their line of defence. The success was such as ill

But Calumny and Fraud have done their work, and Mr. Clay is defeated. That is the extent of the verdict. Would that its consequences might extend no farther than their authors intended! The People have not intended to decide against a Protective Tariff? nor in favor of the Annexation of Texas; and yet both these are among the probable results of Polk's election. The Sub-Treasury pro-2 ject, if there be any sincerity and consistency in the victors, must also be revived and pressed upon the Country. Mr. Polk stands expressly and publicly committed to it; his chief

deserving often meets in the outset. The ap-advisers are Calhoun, Van Buren, Woodbury, prehensions of the Tariff section of the party &c. Pride of opinion and the taunts of the were entirely lulled to rest, and Mr. Polk received large majorities in nearly every Iron County of New-York, New-Jersey and Pennsylvania. Let us see the end before we conclude that such iniquity has prospered.

more reckless Destructives will probably compel 'the party,' however reluctantly, to march up to the line of its former professions. Those, therefore, who hope for a quiet, peaceful, conservative Administration. are doomed to

And yet so palpable was the cheat prac-disappointment. Mr. Polk is not the man to ticed upon the Tariff section of Mr. Polk's rise superior to the circumstances by which supporters that it seemed hardly possible that he finds himself surrounded. He will submit it should succeed. No intelligent man could to be moulded and governed by them. He be deceived by it, and even the ignorant sus- must carry Proscription down to low water pected while they yielded to it. But the old mark, for the hungry pack behind him will prejudices, the old hatreds, the old slanders, have it so. He must press the Annexation of against Mr. Clay, were vehemently invoked, Texas, for those who forced his nomination at and new and grosser calumnies were invent- Baltimore regard this as the primary consided for the occasion, to be credited on the eration, and chose him for his known devotion strength of the old ones. Mr. Clay was held to their darling scheme. He must do his best



1840. 1844. Whig.Loco. Whig.Loco. Whig. Loco. Clay. Polk. 40 250....93 179....36 $10....37 1007. The vote for Polk exceeds the whole num

to undermine and overthrow the Protective hold Plaquemines, an old Parish, not rapidly features of the Tariff, all the time talking increasing its population, lying below New. smooth generalities and specious clap-trap Orleans, toward the mouth of the Mississippi. about 'equalizing the burthens of the Govern- Here the vote has been swelled after this exment,' 'equal Protection,' 'correcting the ex-traordinary fashion: cesses of former legislation,' &c. while sapping the great bulwark of the National well-being. In short, the new Administration will be compelled, by the original sin attending its con- ber of white males of all ages in the Parish in ception, to war at once upon the Public Inte- 1840, although Louisiana exacts a Property rests and the Public Faith. qualification of her voters! And the excessWhat, then, is the duty of the Whigs?-ive majority for Polk over that given for his Evidently, to stand fast by their Principles party at any former Election has given him and their Country. They should offer no fac- the vote of the State. In other words-if tious opposition to the new dynasty-no op- Plaquemines had given no more than her honest vote, the Electoral Vote of Louisiana position for opposition's sake. But they would have been cast for Clay. should renew and perfect their organization, That this vote of Plaquemines was abominabe vigilant in the diffusion of facts and argu-bly fraudulent rests on no inference or calcu ments bearing on the great questions which lation. John Gibney, steward of the steammust continue to divide the Country, maintain from New-Orleans with a full load of passenboat Agnes, swears that the boat went down? their ascendency wherever the majority is gers, under the charge of Judge Leonard, (the) with them, and strengthen their ranks in Con-great man of Plaquemines;) that he himself, a minor, not residing in Plaquemines, being gress so far as possible. To these ends no persuaded by the Captain, voted three times noisy or vehement effort is requisite. Let at different Polls in that Parish-every time them but adhere firmly to their principles and for Polk and Dallas. Dr. J. B. Wilkinson, a their measures, discarding all solicitations to voter of Plaquemines, swears that he noticed disband and adopt new names and new pur-hour, and were then surrounded by a crowd that the Polls were opened before the legal poses. Thus prepared, thus guarded, let of strangers, one of whom he ventured to chalthem patiently, hopefully bide their time.-lenge; but, as the Clerk reached out the book, The punishment of the temporarily successful body should be sworn! the Sheriff pulled away, declaring that ncAfter this the foreign frauds and deceptions of 1844 cannot fail to votes went in pell-mell. Alfred Vail, a pasbe signal and certain. senger, and E. Seymour Austin, pilot of the Agnes, swear to a state of facts within their

Were the Whigs beaten by Fraud? knowledge similar to that sworn to by John Gibney. Albert Savage, Engineer of the If any man doubts that systematic, enor-steamboat Planter, swears that his boat went? mous, atrocious frauds were perpetrated in down with one hundred and forty Loco-Focos) our late Election, and that James K. Polk is from New-Orleans, who voted after the fashion chosen President by virtue of these frauds, it being a Clay one—it was refused, the above described; but when he offered a vote) we ask his attention to the following facts: Sheriff saying he would swear him! Paul The total vote of Louisiana in the vehement Cormen testifies that he went with other? contest of 1840 was 18,912; in the late Elec- Whigs to vote, but were deterred by seeing Charles Bruland driven out of the voting tion it was 26,295-an increase of about thirty-room, wounded, bloody, and without his hat, five per cent. Accordingly, it will be found having been beaten by the Sheriff for offering by a scrutiny of the Parish returns that the a Whig vote. There being a large Loco-Foco increase averages very nearly that ratio a threatening, the few Whigs were obliged to mob around the Polls, excited, swearing and little higher in the new and rapidly growing leave without voting. Parishes; a little lower in those that are old This is the way one State was carried for and stationary; though the strong Loco-Foco Polk and Dallas. Had we room, we could Parishes are apt to swell their vote the most. carried by means equally foul and flagitious.) satisfy any candid mind that New-York was The single exception is the Loco-Foco strong--Can such victories profit the winners?


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Martin Van B's.170
W H Harrison. 73
Hugh L. White. 26
**i Daniel Webster.. 14
W. P. Mangum. il
(W. H. Harrison.234
Martin Van B'n. 60
Har 19 Sts. V. B'n 7
James K. Polk..170
Henry Clay......105





Martin Van Buren....189
Jon Sergeant.
William Wilkins...... 30
Henry Lee...
Amos Ellmaker..
Richard M. Johnson...147
Fiancis Granger..
John Tyler....
William Smith......


John Tyler
Richard M. Johnson... 48
Polk 1, Tazewell..
George M Dallas......170
Theo. Frelinghuysen..105

*At the four first elections, no discrimination was made between votes for President and Vice President; each elector voting for two candidates, and the highest on the poll being President and the next Vice Rreside t. +Under the Constitution as it then stood, there was no choice for President; the votes for Jefferson and Burr, the Demo ratic candidates, being equal. The House, after a protracted and most exciting struggle. elected Mr. Jefferson President; whereupon Burr became Vice President.

+ Mr. Ingersoll received only the Federal votes; Mr. Clinton those of New-York in addition.

Gov. Wm. Plumer, of N. H. voted for J. Q. Adams, who was not a candidate.

In the House of Representatives, Adams received the votes of 13 States, Jackson of 7, Crawford of 4. South Carolina voted for Ex-Gov. Floyd of Virginia, and H. Lee of Boston. Pennsylvania voted for Jackson, but eschewed Va Buren, and cast her vote for Wilkins. Vermont voted for Wirt und Ellmaker, (Anti-Masonic.)

**Tennessee and Georgia voted for White and Tyler; Maryland for Harrison and Tyler: South Carolina for Mangum and Tyler; Massachusetts for Webster and Granger. Virginia for Martin Van Buren and Judge Smith of Alabama. Col. R. M, Johnson having just half the votes for Vice-President, the Senate proceeded to elect; whereupon Col. Johnson received 33 votes and Francis Granger 16.

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Statement of Votes cast in this State for Governor, at the several Electians of Chief Magistrate, since the

adoption of the Federal Constitution.

Votes. Majority. Year. Candidates.

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1824-De Witt Clinton..

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Robert Yates....



Samuel Young..



1792-George Clinton..


1826-De Witt Cl nton...


John Jay



William B. Roche ter...96,135

1795-Jon Jay.


1828-Martin Van Buren...

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Robert Yates..



Smith Thompson..

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1798-John Jav.


Solomos Southwick.


Robert R. Livingston.....13,632

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1801-George Clinton..


Francis Granger.


Stephen Van Rensselaer..20,843




Ezekiel Williams..


1804-Morgan Lewis..


1832-William L. Marcy.


Aaron Burr....



Francis Granger



1807-Daniel D. Tompkins..


1834-William L. Marey


Morgan Lewis..

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1810-Daniel D. Tompkins.


1836-William L. Murcy.


Jonas Piatt....



Jesse Buel.


1813-Daniel D. Tompkins.



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Stephen Van Rensselaer..39,713

3,606 1838-William H. Seward..


1816-Daniel D. Tompkins.


Rufus King.


William L. Marcy..




1840-William H. Seward..


1817-De Witt Clinton..


William C. Bouck..

216, 26

Peter B. Po ter.


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1820-De Witt Clinton..


1842-William C. Bouck.


Daniel D. Tompkins.
[New Constitution.



Luther Bradish.



Alvan Stewart.


1822-Joseph C. Yates..

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Solomon Southwick......2,910


Miliard Fillmore.


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* Votes of Otsego and Tioga Counties rejected, which it is said would have reversed the majority.

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