Imágenes de páginas
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Nota Bene. In the sum of L11,700 is comprised a fixed expense of L672 for the table of the English officers on guard at Longwood. The Statement, No. 2, is in every respect similar to this, with the single difference, that it enters less into detail, and is made in round numbers to L19,450, including the emoluments attached as a memorandum to the present statement.

No. V.

Supplies allowed by Government to the establishment at Longwood, consisting of forty-five persons, from Oc tober, 1816, to June, 1817.


MEAT, Beef and Mutton included, (lbs.)

Fowls (No.)

Bread (lbs.)

Butter (lbs.)

Lard (lbs.)

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Salad Oil (pints)

Sugarcandy (lbs.)

Coffee (lbs.)

Tea, Green (lbs.)

Tea, Black (lbs.)

Candles, Wax (lbs.)

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Eggs (No.)


Common Sugar (lbs.)


Flour (lbs.)

Cheese (lbs.)

Vinegar (quarts)

Salt Meat (lbs.)

Fire Wood (cwt.)

Porter, or Ale (bottles)

Vegetables (in value)

Fruit (in value)

Confectionary (in value)









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Fish (in value)

Milk (in value)

Fresh Butter, Salt, Mustard, Pepper, Capers,
Lamp Oil, Peas, (not to exceed in value)


Champaign, or Vin de Grave (bottles)

Madeira (bottles)

Constantia (bottles)

Claret* (bottles)

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N. B. After the departure of the Count de Las Cases and Piontkowski, the meat was reduced to 72lbs. daily, and the number of fowls to five.


One dozen of Eggs

Eight pounds of Butter, at 3s. per pound

Three Fowls, at 6s. each

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Two pounds of Wax Candles, at 3s. 6d.

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Four pounds of Sugarcandy

Two pounds of Loaf Sugar

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One pound of Cheese

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3 0

Cape and Teneriffe wine for the servants, at the rate of a bottle a day, was also given by government, not included in the Schedule; being one pint more than the quantity daily allowed to the soldiers and sailors stationed at St. Helena.

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One pound of Rice, and one of Flour
Five pounds of common Sugar

One bottle of Vinegar

Paper for Kitchen, and Packthread -
Four loaves of Bread, at 1s. 6d. each

0 10 0

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The above expenditure does not contain the quantity of meat bought by the French, amounting to from three to five sheep weekly, and two calves monthly.

No. VI.

Restrictions made by Sir Hudson Lowe, and communicated at Longwood, on the 9th of October, 1816; but which he had already put in execution by different orders, ever since the month of August preceding, and which he never communicated to the English officers of the service, ashamed, no doubt, of their contents.

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Heads of some proposed Alterations in the Regulations hitherto established for the persons under charge at Longwood.

I. LONGWOOD, with the road along the ridge, by Hut's Gate, to the signal-gun near the alarm-house will be established as the limits.

II. Sentries will designate the external boundary, as well as that beyond which no person can approach Longwood House and garden, without the governor's permission.

III. The road to the left of Hut's Gate, and returning by Woody-ridge to Longwood, never having been frequented by General Bonaparte, since the governor's arrival, the posts which observed it will for the greater part be withdrawn. Should he however wish at any time to ride in that direction, by giving the orderly officer timely notice of it, he will meet with no impediment.

IV. If he is desirous to extend his ride in any other direction, an officer of the governor's personal staff will always (on being informed in sufficient time,) be prepared to attend him; and, should time not admit, the orderly officer at Longwood.

The officer who attends him, will be instructed not to approach towards him, unless so requested, nor to interfere in any respect with him during his ride, except so far as duty may require, on observing any departure from the established rules, when he will ride up and respectfully inform him of it.

V. The regulations already in force, for preventing communication with any persons without the governor's permission, will be required to be strictly adhered to: it is requested! therefore, General Bonaparte will abstain from entering any houses, or engaging in conversation with the persons he may meet, (except so far as the ordinary salutations of politeness, with which every one will be instructed to treat him, may appear to require,) unless in the presence of a British officer.

VI. Persons, who, with General Bonaparte's acquiescence may at any time receive passes from the govern

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