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The Sprague Publishing Company,

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To Be Ready in January, 1903.

An Important New Work for Law Schools and Law Students.






Author of "Daniel on Negotiable Instruments,



of the Bar of the District of Columbia, and Professor of the Law of Negotiable Instruments in Georgetown University of Washington, D. C.

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This work is designed primarily for the use of law students and instructors in law schools. It is based upon the well known and popular work of "Daniel on Negotiable Instruments," and the lectures upon the subject by Professor Douglass after eight years experience as instructor in the law of Negotiable Instruments in the law school of the Georgetown University of Washington, D. C.

So much of the standard work by Senator Daniel as would be appropriate to a students' book has been used, but the subject matter has been re-arranged and transposed, and new matter added. Everything has been done that seemed to the authors necessary to make the subject both intelligible and attractive.

Especial care has been taken to regulate and apportion the space devoted to the many sub-subjects as their relative importance, from the standpoint of the student, requires. It is believed that in this respect this work differs materially from, and is superior to, most, if not all, other students' books on this subject.

One of the special features of the book is the orderly and logical sequence of discussion. The work is divided into five books, and the subject taken up in logical and chronological order. As the system and classification constitute nearly half of the battle with the law student in mastering any given subject, unusual attention has been given to this in the structure and arrangement of this new book.

A radical departure in this work is the absence of any comments or statements in the notes— everything of this kind having been put into the text, the notes containing only the bare citation of the cases, and these have been carefully selected from leading cases, taken principally from "Daniel on Negotiable Instruments," with such additional cases as have stood the test of review and discussion. The experience, both of teacher and pupil, amply establishes the fact that comments and statements in the notes, especially when in conflict with, or in modification of, the law as announced in the text, are well-springs of confusion, doubt, and difficulty to the student, however diligently he may seek to master the subject in hand⚫

The student, in this new work, is vouchsafed the substantial benefits, on the one hand, of the point of view and professional experience of the lawyer-author, and on the other, of the lecturers' practical appreciation of the usual difficulties attendant upon the study of the law.

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How to Build up a Successful Commercial Law Business in Towns of Less Than 10,000 Population.

(Continued from December.)

Have the appearance of being busy. Every one admires the busy man. Just as we admire success, so we admire the man who is bending all his energies in that direction. Of course, a man may appear to be busy and yet not be. Many men spend their whole time preparing to do things, who really never accomplish anything. The way some men work reminds me of the puffing and blowing of an engine with the belts all unconnected. They make a profound impression by their noise, but they don't turn any machinery. Still, it is better to appear to be busy than not to be busy at all; the general public gets the impression that a man is accomplishing something and that he is capable of doing things. It is a sad condition of things when a young man, particularly a young professional man who is apt to fall into this error, gets to the point where he forgets that there is nothing in this world worth having that doesn't come by hard work. I never envied a man whose riches or social position came to him by birth, or by marriage, or by luck. My observation is that he is to be pitied. There is a great deal written for young men who start out poor in the way of sympathizing with them and giving them good advice. I don't consider that that sort of a young man needs either sympathy or advice, as a rule. The man who needs it is the man who starts with position, or money, or both, or who gets it by some turn of fortune. He has really more to contend with than has the poor boy, for there is nothing more strengthening or more ennobling than the necessity of making the dollar before it is spent, and nothing more weakening and more tending to destroy character than the possession of money that somebody else has made. There is a genuine admiration on the part of people generally for men who have made their way by hard, incessant labor, while the other sort of a man may gather about him a few friends like unto himself, whose friendship is hardly worth having, and can never hope to overcome the popular feeling that he is a beneficiary.

So this word of advice to the lawyer applies not only to him who must work, but to him who does not need to work in order to earn his daily bread. There is no use talking, there is no incentive to good work like necessity. The lack of necessity dwarfs the inventive genius of a man, which is the largest attribute of his intellectual nature.

Justice Joseph P. Bradley said, "All that I ever did was done by dogged and unyielding perserverance." Benjamin F. Butler, who died worth $7,000,000, said, "I want here to record, for the benefit of young men, that dilligence, hard study

By Wm. C. Sprague.

and careful thought are the only roads to success in any branch of the law." It is said of Lord Erskine that on his first appearance in court a friend asked him how it came that he got through so trying an ordeal. He said that it was because all the time that he was talking to the court and jury he thought of the little ones at home tugging at his coat tails. A man is lifted on to the very highest plane of manhood when before him is a hard task that must be accomplished by his own good right arm, and behind him are those who are to enjoy or suffer the consequences of his action. The man who doesn't have to work never reaches these high altitudes of manhood. When Jesus Christ told the young man who came to Him to ask the way to Eternal life, to go and sell all that he had and give the money to the poor, He struck at the very root of the matter. In every respect but one the young man was a model young man, but his money stood in the way of his becoming that of which the Master knew him to be capable. Henry Watterson's recent utterances with reference to the "400" of New York need to be read in every city and hamlet in the United States. New York is not the only city with its "400." The same conditions exist everywherewherever there is money in the hands of men, particularly young men and young women who have never known what it means to work and to sacrifice to get it. When the young lawyer, or the old lawyer, for that mater, in the country town or in the city, begins to realize that life is earnest and that real success can never crown the man whose power and wealth are simply thrown into his lap and who takes life easy, then we may expect to see fewer wrecks of character among professional men and fewer drones in the hive.

My advice, then, is to keep busy. If there must be loafing done, do it out of sight-not where the general public may witness it. It is hard, however, to conceive of a business man with nothing to do. There is no business that I know of in which something may not be continually learned. There is no business in which there are not yet some higher flights of success that a man may not learn to take. Particularly is this so in the law. If there is not the counseling with clients, there is the preparation of pleadings; if there is not the preparation of pleadings there is the preparation of evidence. There never was a case yet that was perfectly prepared. Then there is the reading, the study-and when is that ever completely done? No lawyer should let a day go by that does not mark the reading of some law. If the reading is not necessary for a proposition in hand, then read law generally.

Rufus Choate, the most eloquent of our jurists

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