Imágenes de páginas

morning, joined the Arethufa, and the troops were all landed, in the courfe of the day, under the direction of Captain Wolley, covered by the Favourite floop, about three miles from the town, with out oppofition: The General took poffeffion of the town the fame evening, and the 18th the Governor defired to capitulate for the whole Ifland, and the articles were agreed to, and figned the fame day; a copy of which 1 here transmit.

Capt. Harvey, of his Majefty's fhip Prince of Wales, will have the honour to deliver this dispatch, from whom I have always experienced the greateft zeal and attention to his Majefty's fervice.

I have the honour to be, &c.

Henry Harvey Lift of Spanish Ships of War burnt and captured in Shagaramus Bay, in the Gulph of Paria, Feb. 27, 1797, by the Squadron under the command of RearAdmiral Harvey: San Vincente, 84; Rear-Admiral Don Sebaftien Ruiz de Apodaca, Capt. Don Geronimo Mendoza,burnt.-Gallardo, 74, Capt. Don Gabriel Sorondoa, ditto, Arrogante, 74, Capt. Don Raphael Be. nafa, ditto. San Damafco, 74, Capt. Don IToref Jordan, captured. Santa Cecillia, 36, Capt. Don Manuel Urtefabel, burnt.

Henry Harvey.

From the London Gazette, March 28. The following French veffels have been captured by his Majesty's fhips in the Weft Indies

Corvetre La Cerf Volant, having on board Delegates from the Southern Department of St Domingo to the French Legiflative Body, and concealed difpatches for the Directory, by the Magieienne, Capt. Roberts.

L'Affricaine, of 18 guns, by the Lubeck, Capt, Cook.

The General Leveau, of 16 guns, by the Refource and Mermaid, Captains Warkins and Otway; who alfo captured a Dutch schooner and Spanish brig, the former of which had feveral thoufand dollars on board.

The Maria Topaze privateer, of 10 guns, by the Lapwing, Capt. Barton.

La Legre, of 6 guns, by the Bellona, Capt. Witman.

The Galgo (Spanish) brigantine, of 18 guns, 6 fwivels, and having on board 80,350 dollars, by the Alarm, Captain Fellowes.

And, off the Start, La Bonapartie, of 14 guns, by the Sufifante, Capt. Tomlinfon.

The Gazette likewife contains the names of 12 floops, fchooners, &c. Spanifh property, detained by Admiral Harvey on the Leeward Island ftation-and of 8 veffels recaptured by his squadron.

The London Gazette, April rft, contains an account of the capture of his Catholic Majefty's brig Magallanes, bound with difpatches to Buenos Ayres, pierced for 18 guns had only 4 mounted, by the Dover, armed transport.

Admiralty-Office, April 4

Extract of a letter from Rear-Admiral Pringle, Commander of his Majefty's hips and veffels at the Cape of Good Hope, to Mr Nepean, dated at that fettlement on the 15th of January last.

On the 31ft ult. his Majefty's fhip Jupiter and Sceptre returned here from their cruize off the Mauritius, having captured three small veffels, two of which they deftroyed; the third, a brig, arriv ed the 12th infant. Captain Lofack left that ftation on the 25th of November, having previoufly detached the Crefcent, Braave and Sphynx, to look into Foul Point and Auguftine Bay. On the 13th, these laft fhips returned to this place, having captured five veffels, as per inclofed lift, and alfo deftroyed an Establishment of the enemy at Foul Point upon the Ifland of Madagascar,

Lift of enemy's fhips and veffels captured by the fquadron under the orders of Capt. Spranger, of his Majesty's fhip Crefcent, viz.

Ship La Reunion, 320 tons, in ballaft, bound from the Ifle de Bourbon to Foul Point.

Ship La Navigateur, 300 tons, in ballaft, bound from the Ile de France, to Foul Point,

Brig La Diane, 80 tons, cargo of flaves, Pepper, Salt, &c. bound from Mofambique to the Ifle de France.

Cutter L'Euphrafic, 46 tons, in ballaft, bound from Foul Point to the Ifle de France.

Lug-boat Le Tigre, 18 tons, cargo of flayes, bound from Quiloa to Foul Point,


June 1. The box-mafter of the Fishermen of Muffelburgh and Fisher-row was invefted with a handsome medal and chain, (fimilar to that prefented to the 302 Fishermen

L'Espoir, of 4 guns, and to fwivels, by the Lapwing, Capt. Barton.

Fishermen of Newhaven,) voted by the County, in teftimony of the fenfe entertained of their fpirited and patriotic offer to contribute their affiftance for the defence of the coafts against the common enemy. This honour was conferred by the Duke of Buccleugh, Lord Lieutenant of the County. His Grace was on this occafion accompanied by the Lord Provoft of Edinburgh, the Lord Advocate, Baron Cockburn, Sir James Stirling, Mr Wauchope of Niddry, Mr Wauchope of Edmonton, Mr Trotter of Mortonhall, Mr Hepburn of Clerking. ton, Mr Ramfay of Barnton, Mr She. riff Clerk, Mr M Millan of Karthope, the Rev. Mr Carlisle, the Magiftrates of Muffelburgh, &c. &c.

The Fishermen afterwards partook of a collation provided for the occafion, and after spending the evening with the utmoft harmony and good humour, marched off in proceffion with their colours difplayed, highly gratified with this honourable teftimony of their country's approbation of their spirited and patriotic conduct.

High Court of Justiciary."

June 12. This day came on the Trial of Lieut. James Fyffe, of Edinglaffie, profecuted by Patrick Duff, of Carnouffie, Efq; for Perjury, in taking the Truft Oath, at the Election of a Member of Parliament for the County of Banff, in July 1795. The Court had formerly found the Libel Relevant, to infer the Pains of Law, allowing the pannel to prove all facts and circumftances in his exculpation. After the examination of the witneffes, Mr Tait addreffed the Jury, with great ability, for the Profecutor, as did the Hon. Henry Erfkine, with much eloquence, for the Pannel.The Lord Juftice Clerk fummed up the evidence with great candour and accuracy. The Jury returned their verdict this afternoon, unanimously finding the libel Not Proven, and the Pannel was difmiffed from the bar.

The Court, on application, granted expences to Lieut. Fyffe, Council for the Profecutor, Matthew Rofs.

Univerfity of Edinburgh.

June 24. The University of Edinburgh conferred the Degree of Doctor in Medicine on the following Gentlemen, after the ufual private and public trials :--



J. Francis Coindet, De Variolis.

[blocks in formation]

James Greenhow. De Dyspepfia.
J. W. Bovell,
Samuel Cleverly,
Thomas Hull,
M. B. Clare,
J Ford Davis,
John Perkins,
Jofeph Clark,
Jofeph Bealey,
Robert Cappe,
Stephen Beckwith,
John Barnet,
Richard Heclis,

De Hepatitide,
De Anafarca.

De Plantis Narcoticis.
De Pinguedine Animali.
De Contagio.
De Rubeola.
De Variola.

Thomas Mills,
Sam. Bell Labatt,
Richard Faucett,
Geo. M'Cambridge,
Abraham Colles,
Hill Morgan,
Tho. Macmullen,
G. W. Baldwin,

Standifh O'Hea, Of SCOTLAND. Charles Maclarty,

Robet Buchanan, Robert Ramsay,

Robert Scott,

De Prima Febrium Conti-
nuorum Caufæ Origine.
De Hectica.
De Cholera.
De Hydropum Caufis et
De Hydrope.

De Soris et Auditu.
De Podagra,
De Rheumatismo,
De Dyfenteria.
De Venæfectione.
De Dyspepfia
De Refpiratione.
De Febre Continua Com-
De Variola.

De Typho Regionum

De Imitatione.
De Typhi Contagio
De Hydrope Anafarca.

Total, Thirty-This is a greater number of Gentlemen than ever received a Degree at one time, at the University of Edinburgh, or, we believe, at any other Univerfity, and fhews in a ftriking point of view the eminence of this jufily celebrated Seminary of Medical Inftruction. for a long feries of years the firft in the World.


May 18. Mrs Captain Sutherland of Uppatt, in Sutherlandshire.

26. At his houfe in Queen's Street, the Lady of Colonel Hay, a daughter, 27. At Inverek, the Lady of Francis Charteris, Efq.

30. At Glasgow, Mrs Morehead of Herbertfhire, a fon.

June 4. At his houfe, John Street, Berkeley Square, London, the Lady of Hugh Scott, Efq. of Harden, a daughter.


June 2. At Edinburgh, the Rev. Dr Kemp,

Kemp, to Lady Mary, Anne Carnegie, daughter of the late, and fifter of the present Earl of Northefk.

June 5. At Lainfhaw, Wm. Handyfide, Efq. writer to the fignet, to Mifs Jane Cuninghame, daughter to William Cuninghame, Efq. of Lainfhaw.

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At Ardroffan, William Henry Ralfton of Warrickhill, Efq. to Mifs Nancy Raifton, daughter of Mr Gavin Ralfton, in Chapelhill of Ardrofan.

6. At Edinburgh, Duncan Campbell, Efq. of Rofs, to Mifs Amelia Lamont, daughter of John Lamont of Lamont, Efq. 8. Mr Andrew Dun, Joint Rector of the Grammar School, Aberdeen, to Mifs Eliza Maxwell, daughter of the late Rev. John Maxwell, minifter of New Machar. At Edin. David Kennedy, Efq. of Kirkmichael Airshire, to Miss Henrietta Whitefoord, third daughter of Sir John Whitefoord, Bart.

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At Glasgow, the Rev. Robert Moore, minifter of Oldhamftocks, to Mifs Janet Borland, daughter of Mr John Borland of Woodfide.

12. Mr William Goddard, merchant in Edinburgh, to Mifs Ledinghame, daughter of George Ledinghame, Efq. Burntifland.

- At Glasgow, Mr James Scott, jun. merchant, to Mifs Margaret Norris, daughter of Mr Alexander Norris, jun. manufacturer.


Lately, in his way home from the Weft Indies, William Finlay, Efq. of Tobago, second fon of the late James Finlay, Efq. of Wallyford.

Nov. 1796. At Mangee, near Patna, Colonel Robert Bruce of the Bengal artillery.

March 5. 1797. At Tiverton, Devon, Capt. J. G. Stedman. He entered in the navy, but relinquished it on the laft peace, and accepted an enfign's commiffion in one of the Scots brigade-regiments paid by the Dutch. He had attained the rank of lieutenant when the measure of fending a military force against the rebel negroes on the river Cottica, in Surinam, the most important, and now the only remaining, Dutch poffeffion on the coaft of Africa, was projected. Impelled by a defire of exploring a part of the world not generally known, and the hope of preferment in fuch a dangerous fervice, he obtained admiffion into the corps of 500 volunteers, formed into feven companies, embodied as a regiment of marines, and intended for Surinam, and was

advanced by the Prince of Orange to the rank of captain, by brevet, under Col. Tourgeoud, a Swifs, commander in chief. He quitted the Texel on Christmas-day 1772, and anchored in Surinam river Feb. 2, 1773. He foon formed an attachment with a beautiful negro-girl of 15, one of the natural children of a Dutch planter, whofe goodness of heart, and faithful attachment to him, were fill more endearing than all her personal attractions; but, by the laws of the fettle ment, the could not be redeemed from flavery, or brought home to Europe, but died of poifon, a victim to jealousy, before the captain quitted her. After undergoing a variety of fatigues, and witneffing the moft horrid cruelties, as well as moft extravagant diffipation, in the colony of Surinam, he returned to his native country; and, a little before his death, published an interefting narrative of the expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in two volumes, 4to, illuftrated with 80 elegant engravings from drawings made by himself. He has left a widow and five children.

April 5. At Jamaica, Mr James Duncanfon, only fon of Mr Walter Duncanfon, late town clerk of Dumbarton.

29. At Cambridge, aged 68, Mr John Hoffman, originally of German extraction, but born at Beauvais in Picardy, and naturalized in this country. He was fuperiorly eminent for his skill in chemiftry, and much diftinguished, on account of his medical abilities, by a fuccefsful practice in the university, town, and neighbourhood, of Cambridge, for near 30 years. Dying very rich, he has bequeathed nearly all his property to his relations in France.

May 10. At Rochelle in France, in his 20th year, Captain William Innes, ift battalion of the Rothfay and Caithnefs fencible regiment, fon of William Innes, Efq. Thurfo, Caithness.

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At Montrofe, Mr John Levie

merchant. 14. At Kirkforthar, David Lindsay, Efq. of Kirkforthar.

At Stromnefs, Mr Robert Crookthank, jun. shipmafter.

17. At Edinburgh Mrs Elizabeth Macgowan, widow of the late Mr John Haig, merchant in Alloa.

18. At her house in Candleriggs Glafgow, Mifs Elizabeth Rae.

19. At Abeyhill, Mifs Elizabeth Carmichael, youngest daughter of the deceafed David Carmichael, Esq. of Balmeady. 19. Patrick

May 19. Patrick Campbell, Efq. of Edinchip.

20. At Auchinairn, in the 18th year of her age, Mifs Agnes Kincaid, the only daughter of John Kincaid of Kincaid, Efq.

At Heath-hall, the Rev. Mr Tho. Kirkpatrick, minifter of Bowden, in the Neighbourhood of Dumfries.

21. At Gruline, island of Mull, Mrs Mabella Maclaine, widow of the late John Maclaine, of Lochbuy.

At her house in St Patrick's Square, Mrs Elizabeth White, relict of George Keith Marifchall, Efq. of Northfield.

22. At Newlands, James Mflhofe, Efq. late one of the Magiflrates of Glaf gow.

- At Dumfries, Mr William Auld, late one of the English teachers in that place.

23. At Dumfries, Miss Gordon of Auchendolly.

e. At her house, near Kirkcaldy, Mrs Elizabeth Whyt, relist of the deceased Robert Whyt, Efq.

24. At Edinburgh, Mr James Colqu houn, writer to the Signet.

At Edinburgh, George Chalmers, Efq. late of Pittencrief.

15. At Aberdeen, James Peat, Efq. Collector of Excife.

At Mount Tiviot, Andrew Elliot of Greenwells, Efq.

27. At his houfe in Sloane-ftreet, London, Capt. Samuel Swinton of his Majefty's Navy.

The Hon. James Hay, third son of the late Earl of Errol.

28. At Her houfe Nicolfon's Street, Edinburgh, Mrs Katherine Fraser.

-At Edinburgh, Mr Alexander Mac Glafhan, mufician.

29. At London, Donald Cameron, Efq. of the house of Harley, Cameron, and Son.

At Newmanfwalls, Robert Scott, Efq. of Logic, in the 74th year of his age.

At Edinburgh, Mr Walter Smiton, painter.

31. At Ellon, the Rev. Mr James Milne, minifter of the Gofpel there.

Mrs Elizabeth Wifeman, relict of Archibald Nifbet, Efq. of Carfin.

At Clifton, near Briftol, in his 17th year, Charles Hope, Efq. eldeft fon of William Hope Weir, Efq. of Craigie hall, near Edinburgh. He poffeffed, in an eminent degree, every quality that could endear him to his family and friends, and gave room to the moft fanguine

hopea that he would have proved an-ornament to fociety.

June 1. George Gerard jun. Efq. of Midftrath.

- At Montrofe, Mrs Margaret Kennedy, wife of Mr William Baillie, writer in Montrofe.

Mrs Jean Morten, wife of Thomas Whitlaw, Efq. merchant in Glasgow. 2. At Edinburgh, Walter Ferguson, Efq. writer in Edinburgh.

3. Mrs Jean Young, wife of Mr Archibald Newbigging, manufacturer, Glafgow.

4. At Stonehaven, Robert Burnes, Efq. late Sheriff-fubftitute of Kincardinefhire.

- At Old Aberdeen, Mifs Margaret Gordon, second daughter of the late Profeffor Thomas Gordon of King's College.

At Fulham, Sir Andrew Snape Douglas, Captain of his Majefty's navy, and one of the Colonels of Marines. This excellent efficer received a contufion in his head on the glorious ift of June 1794, apparently flight, but which it is thought was the immediate caufe of his death, as he had never recovered entirely from its effects. He was on that memorable day Captain of the Queen Charlotte.

5. At Perth, Bailie John Gardiner, baker there.

6. At Dumfries, Mr John Clark vint


9. At the Caftle of Roflin, Mifs Lindfay, daughter of the late Mr Martin Lindfay, writer in Edinburgh.

22. At Springfield, county of Warwick, Richard Moland, Efq. an active magiftrate for that county, and chair. man of the quarter feffions. He was a native of Ireland, where he had confiderable property, part of the new cuftom. houfe at Dublin being built on his land ; and fettled at Springfield on his marriage with Mary éldeft daughter of Walter Gough, Efq. of Oldfallings, son of Sir Harry G. knt. of Perry-hall, and relict of Thomas Fisher Efq, of Springfield, who died 1777, and by whom he has left four daughters. Some unexpected delay in his remittances from Ireland, occafioned by the failure of the receiver of his rents, urged him to the rash act which deprived the county of Warwick of a man of refpectability and talents, whofe lofs will be feverely felt in his neighbourhood.

23. At the Marquis of Salisbury's houfe, in Arlington-ftreet, in her 14thyear, Lady Mary Cecil, youngest daugh ter of the Marquis and Marchionefs.

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From January to June, (inclufive,) 1797-


GRICULTURAL Extracts, Page 9, 89

Anecdotes of Monf. de Sartine, 14

General Dampierre, 46; Boify D'An-
glas, 47; General Lefebvre, 48; Treil-
lard and Gregoire, 49; Queen Anne,
104; George I. and Queen Catherine,
105; Frederic Prince of Wales, 106;
Charles IV. 168; the French Direc
tory, 195; Marquis de Bouille, 196;
Octavio May, 290; Sale, the tranfla-
tor of the Alcoran, 291; Top. Beau-
clerc, ib.; Couthon, 293; curious a-
necdotes, biographical and fcientific,
325, 409; Malefherbes, 366; Sir J.
Dryden, 369; Mr Thomas Chriftie,
405; Mr. James Dodfley, 406; Rev.
Mr Parkhurst, 407; William Tell,
409; Lord Lovat, 420; various Jug-
glers, 423; Buonaparte, 439; Ange-
reau, 445; Rufca, 446; Massena,
Arts and Sciences in France, 4th quar-
terly fitting of the National Inftitute
American Whitewashing, defcription of, 279
Answer to the above in the character of
a Lady,
America, remarks on the funded debt,
the commerce, coins, currency of, 331
African's complexion,remarkable change
of an,

[ocr errors]




Berlin, letters from a traveller at, · 3,271
Burke's obfervations on monarchies in
* general, &c.


[ocr errors]

British Empire, ftate of, at the close of
the last century,


[ocr errors][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Chemistry in Germany, ftate of,
Chemical opinion in Britain, ftate of, 106
Crayon painting, obfervations on,
Caftlemilk, view, and defcription of, 325
Calabria, effects of the earthquakes there
in 1783,



Chriftians, on the various claffes of no-
Dahomans, cukoms and manners of the, 4
Deaths, 79, 160, 239, 321, 409, 479
Dale, fome account of David, with his

Dog, account of the fagacity of a favage,339
Events of 1796,

Entrecafteaux,account of the late voyage,
round the world by the French com-
Edinburgh, and the English comedians,
in 1599, two ordinances of K. James
and his council anent the four feffions
of the burgh of,



Elephant hunt in the Eaft Indies, 259
Frederick, life of the late colonel,
Fleming, and Ellen Irvine, authentic fto-
ry of Adam,

[ocr errors]





Female, half-favage, character of a,
Fox and Pitt, parallel between the cha-
racters of,

[ocr errors]

Gazette Intelligence, 71, 154, 232, 311, 395

Generals of the army of Italy, anecdotes
of the French,

[ocr errors]


Henry III. picture of the effeminate, · 38
Hudson's-Bay Indians, customs and man-
ners of the,
Hamilton Palace, view, and defcription

[ocr errors]



[merged small][ocr errors]

Houzouanas,character and and manners
of the,

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Herculaneum, account of,
Hiftory, on the ftudy of,



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Banian tree, account of a,..

[ocr errors][merged small]

Inch-Keith, defcription of the island of, 111.
Ireland, ftrictures on the characters of
the nobility and gentry of,




Berne, remarkable cuftom at,


Italy, flate of literature in,


Chatelherault, view and defcription of,
Colquhoun's treatife on the police of the
metropolis, extracts from,


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13, 16

James I. account of the murder of,
Infurrection of the Negroes at Cape Fran-
cois, in Auguft 1791,

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