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For the convenience of the court the Mexican laws and decrees materially affecting the Pious Fund case have been collected and chronologically arranged in the following pages.

May 25, 1832.

[Leg. Mex. 1827-1834, p. 435.]

Ley. Que el gobierno proceda al arrendamiento de las fincas rústicas pertenecientes al fondo piadoso de Californias.

ART. 1. El gobierno procederá al arrendamiento de las fincas rústi cas pertenecientes al fondo piadoso de Californias por término que no pase de siete años.

2. Estos arrendamientos se contratarán precisamente en pública subasta, en las capitales de los Estados ó Territorios, ó en la ciudad Federal, segun la ubicacion de las fincas.

3. Estos arrendamientos se sacarán al pregon dentro de tres meses de la fecha de este decreto, por treinta dias, y á lo mémos con el mismo término se anunciarán por rotulones en la ciudad Federal, en las capitales de los Estados y Territorios, en las cabeceras de los Partidos, Departamentos ó Cantones en que se hallen ubicadas las fincas, y en los demas lugares que tuviere á bien el gobierno; y estos anuncios se inserterán á lo menos en un periódico de la ciudad Federal.

4. Se sacarán tambien al pregon dentro de tres meses de concluido cualquier arrendamiento ó cada seis meses sie no hubiere arrendatario.

Law. That the Government proceed with the lease of the rural property belonging to the Pious Fund of the Californias.

ART. 1. The Government shall proceed to rent the rural property belonging to the Pious Fund of the Californias for a term which shall not exceed seven years.

2. These leases shall be contracted at public auction in the capitals of the States or Territories or in the Federal city, according to the location of the property.

3. These leases shall be announced by the public crier within three months of the date of this decree for thirty days, and at least for the same period shall be announced by printed notices in the Federal city, in the capitals of the States and Territories, and in the principal places of the districts, departments, or region in which the properties may be situate, and in such other places as the Government may deem expedient, and these announcements shall be inserted in at least one newspaper of the Federal city.

4. The conclusion of any lease shall, within three months, be announced by the public crier, or, if there be no lessee, the announcement shall be made every six months.


5. La aprobacion del remate de arrendamiento se hará prévia la del gobiernia, á cuyo efecto se le remitirá el expediente dentro de quince dias de verificado aquel.

6. Los productos de estos bienes se depositarán en la casa de moneda de la ciudad Federal, para destinarlos única y precisamente á las misiones de Californias.

7. Lo directivo y económico de estos bienes, así por lo tocante á su administracion, como para conservar é invertir sus productos, estará á cargo de una junta dependiente del gobierno por la Secretaría del despacho de Relaciones.

8. Esta junta se compondrá de tres individuos, uno de ellos eclesiástico, nombrados por el gobierno, que se renovarán saliendo uno cada año, comenzando por el último, y podrán ser continuados.

9. Esta junta tendrá un secretario, con la dotacion de six hundred pesos anuales, pagaderos de los fondos de que se trata.

10. Las atribuciones de la junta serán:

Primera. Cuidar de que se arrienden con oportunidad las fincas rústicas y urbanas, pertenecientes al fondo piadoso de que se trata.

Segunda. Proponer al gobierno las condiciones con que hayan de hacerse los arrendamientos, y la cantidad á que por lo menos deberá ascender la renta de cada finca.

Tercera. Examinar los expedientes de los remates, y consultar al gobierno si es de aprobarse el arrendamiento, ó si las propuestas hechas por algun otro licitante son mas ventajosas.

Cuarta. Proponer al gobierno el número de individuos que juzgue

5. The making of the lease shall be subject to the approval of the Government, to which the papers in the case shall be submitted for this purpose within fifteen days after the making thereof.

6. The proceeds of such properties shall be deposited in the treasury of the Federal city, to be solely and exclusively destined for the missions of the Californias.

7. The direction and management of these properties, not only with respect to their administration but with respect to the collection and employment of their proceeds, shall be under the charge of a board accountable to the Government through the office of the secretary of foreign affairs.

8. This board shall be composed of three persons, appointed by the Government, one of them to be an ecclesiastic. Commencing with the member last appointed, one of the board shall be retired and a person appointed in his place each year; the members are eligible for reappointment.

9. This board shall have a secretary, with a compensation of six hundred dollars per annum, payable from the funds in question.

10. The powers of the board shall be as follows:

First. To see that the rural and city properties belonging to the Pious Fund in question be suitably leased.

Second. To submit to the Goyernment the conditions under which the leases should be made and the minimum sum to which the rent of each estate should amount.

Third. To examine the papers relative to the making of the leases, and to advise the Government if the leases should be approved or if the propositions made by some other applicant are more advantageous.

Fourth. To submit to the Government the number of persons

absolutamente necesarios para la administracion de las fincas rústicas, cuando no puedan arrendarse por falta de postores.

Quinta. Proponer el sueldo de los administradores, y la cantidad con que cada uno haya de caucionar su manejo.

Sexta. Cuidar de que los arrendatarios ó administradores presenten la informacion de idoneidad de sus respectivos fiadores, y la certificacion de supervivencia.

Sétima. Presentar á la contaduría general de propios, la cuenta general de los productos de los bienes del fondo piadoso, acompañando las de los administradores cuandolos haya, á cuyo efecto las exigira de éstos con la oportunidad necesaria.

Octava. Cuidar de que los arrendatarios y los administradores, á su vez, verifiquen á su debido tiempo los enteros en la casa de moneda.

Novena. Proponer al gobierno las cantidades que puedan remitirse á cada una de las Californias, segun sus respectivos gastos, y la existencia que haya de caudales.

11. El secretario llevará un libro de actas de la junta, otro de los caudales que entraren en depósito en la casa de moneda, cuyas partidas se comprobarán con los recibos que expida el superintendente de ella, y otro de las cantidades que se libraren contra éste. Todas las partidas, sean de cargo ó data, á la casa de moneda, las firmarán los individuos de la junta.

12. El superintendente de la casa de moneda se abonará el 1 por ciento de premio sobre las cantidades que recibiere en depósito, será responsable de éstas, y solo se le pasarán en data los pagos que hiciere en virtud de libramiento firmado por los individuos de la

that it deems absolutely necessary for the administration of the rural properties, when the said properties can not be leased for want of bidders.

Fifth. To submit the amount of compensation of the administrators and of the bond with which each must guarantee his management.

Sixth. To see to it that the lessees or administrators submit information as to the qualifications of their respective sureties, and the certification of survivorship.

Seventh. To lay before the auditor-general a general account of the proceeds of the properties of the Pious Fund accompanying those of the administrators, if any, for which purpose these accounts shall be seasonably demanded from the latter.

Eighth. To see to it that the lessees and administrators on their part shall in their turn and at the proper time verify the deposits in the treasury.

Ninth. To name to the Government the amounts which may be remitted to each one of the Californias, in accordance with their respective expenses and available funds.

11. The secretary shall keep a journal of the proceedings of the board, statement of moneys deposited in the treasury, the entries in which shall be supported by the vouchers delivered by the superintendent of said treasury, and another book of the amounts which are drawn against the same. the entries, whether of debit or credit, in the treasury shall be signed by the members of the board.


12. The superintendent of the treasury shall receive 1 per cent premium on the amounts that may be

deposited with him, shall be responsible for the same, and such payments only shall be credited to him as he may make under warrants signed by the members of the

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board, authorized by the secretary of the said board, and with the approval of the secretary of foreign affairs.

13. The board shall, within three months after its organization, frame its internal regulations and submit the same to the approval of the Government.

(Published by the department of foreign affairs on the said 25th day, and promulgated by proclamation on the 1st of June.)

September 19, 1836.

[Leg. Mex., 1835-1840, p. 194.]

Ley: Sobre ereccion de un obispado en las dos Californias.

ART. 1. El gobierno, oyendo á los que por derecho toque, y á los demás que jusgue oportuno, formará un expediente instructivo de la necesidad que haya de erigir un obispado en las dos Californias.

ART. 2. Si del expediente resultare haber aquella necesidad, dará cuenta con él á la Santa Sede para la aprobacion y ereccion de dicha


ART. 3. El gobierno escogerá la persona que creyere mas conveniente, de la terna que al afecto forme el cabildo metropolitano, y la propondrá á Su Santidad.

ART. 4. Al electo se le acudirá del erario público con seis mil pesos anuales mientras el obispado no cuente con rentas suficientes.

ART. 5. Durante las mismas circunstancias se le auxiliará del proprio erario con tres mil pesos para la expedicion de las bulas y traslacion á su silla episcopal.

ART. 6. Se pondrán á disposicion del nuevo obispo y de sus

Law: For the establishment of a bishopric in the two Californias.

ART. 1. The Government after hearing such parties as by law may be entitled to a hearing on the subject, and such other persons as it may think proper to hear, shall thereupon make a report with regard to the necessity of creating a bishopric in the two Californias.

ART. 2. If the report should show that there is such a necessity, the Holy See shall be duly informed of the report, for it to approve of it, and create such a see.

ART. 3. The Government shall select from three nominees, presented by the archbishop's council, the person whom it thinks most suitable, and submit his name for appointment to His Holiness.

ART. 4. The person elected shall receive from the public revenues six thousand dollars per annum, until such time as the bishopric shall be in receipt of a sufficient income.

ART. 5. During a continuation of the same circumstances the public revenue shall furnish a subsidy of three thousand dollars for despatching the bulls and the traveling expenses of the episcopate.

ART. 6. The property belonging to the Pious Fund of the Cali

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