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Printed by R. G. CLARKE, Cannon-Row, Westminster



Turin, December 18, 1793.
ecounts received from Barcelon
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Leghorn, December 22, 1
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Turin, December 18, 1793.

Y accounts received from Barcelona, dated th 11th instant, it appears that intelligence ha arrived there from the Camp at Roussillon, that th Spaniards and Portuguese had obtained a complet victory in a general action over the French, in whic the latter lost between seven and eight hundred me killed or drowned in passing the river Tec, above si hundred taken prisoners, forty-six pieces of canno two howitzers, one mortar, a great number of mus kets, with tents, clothing, ammunition, and stores. The loss of the Spaniards and Portuguese amount to two hundred men.

Leghorn, December 22, 1793.

THE Master of a Neapolitan brig just arrived from Toulon reports, that, on the 17th instant, th French made a general attack on the advanced post and forts, and particularly on Fort Balaguier, o which they gained possession; that on the morning of the 18th the English set fire to the arsenal and French fleet; that on the same day the Neapolita troops embarked, and immediately sailed; that th Englis

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English and Spaniards remained on shore, and at that time, in possession of Fort La Malgue; that the English and Spanish fleets, with some French ships, had anchored out of reach of the cannon of the place; and that transports were preparing for the embarkation of the French Royalists.

Brussels, January 4, 1794.

INTELLIGENCE has been received here that the blockade of Landau is raised. It appears that the French had continued their attacks every day till the 26th ultimo, when they advanced early in the morning in force against the Duke of Brunswick, who was at Bergzabern, with his van guard commanded by Prince Hohenloe. That the grenadier battalion of Kleist, and two companies of chasseurs, advanced to meet the French; that they were at first repulsed, but that Prince Hohenloe then marched forward to their support with some artillery, and that the enemy was at last completely routed: that towards mid-day, however, the attack was renewed on the right of General Wurmser's position, who was compelled to retreat, and has since recrossed the Rhine in two columns. The Duke of Brunswick takes a position to cover Mayence. A garrison is left in Fort Louis.



Whitehall, January 15, 1794.

(APTAIN HILL, Aid-de-Camp to Major-Ge ral Dundas, arrived on the 13th instant at office of the Right Honourable Henry Dundas, Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Ho Department, with dispatches from Vice-Adm Lord Hood and the Major-General, of which following are copies and extracts:

SIR, Victory, Toulon-Road, Dec. 13, 17 NOTHING very material has happened here si the 30th of last month, when I had the honou writing to you, except that the enemy had m approaches nearer to us by some new-erected teries; one against Malbousquet, another against Brun, and a third against the Hauteur de Gra The shells from two of them did us some misc on the 9th and 10th, since which they have b perfectly silent.

The enemy is reported to be fifty thousand, b cannot credit their being much beyond half number. By various deserters that have come which in this respect perfectly agree, we are soo be attacked on all sides at once. From the numer and important posts we have to occupy, the tr are at very hard duty, and without relief some wa other, we shall soon have more men in the host than are fit for service.

I have the honour to be,&c.

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