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NOTA. - All nouns ending in -o (unaccented) are masculine; those ending in -a (unaccented), -dad, -tad, -tud, -ión, -umbre, and -ie are feminine. The gender of other nouns is marked. It is expected that the student will

be familiar with the forms of radical changing and irregular verbs and with the feminine form of adjectives.

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a. de J. C. antes de Jesucristo, before Christ; B.C.

abajo, below, beneath, down;

de arriba, from head to foot. abandonar, to forsake, abandon. abarcar, to comprise, include. abatimiento, depression, low spirits. abatir, to overthrow, humble, discourage, depress. abdicación, abdication. abierto, see abrir.

abigarrado, motley, variegated.
abismo, abyss, gulf.
ablandar, to soften, melt.

abnegación, self-denial.

prep. preposition

pron. pronoun

r. ch. radical changing



abnegado, self-denying. abogado, lawyer, counsellor.

abonar, to credit, guarantee, pay. abordaje, m., boarding (a ship). abordar, to board (a ship). abrasar, to burn.

abrazar, to embrace, clasp, include. abrigar, to shelter, lodge, nourish. abrigo, shelter, protection, harbor. abril, m., April.

abrir, to open, uncover, rend. abrumar,

to crush, overwhelm,

weary, oppress.

absolución, pardon.

absoluto, absolute.

abstener, irr., to abstain.

absurdo, absurd, senseless.

abundancia, abundance, plenty.


abundant, plentiful, | acibarar, to embitter.

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acceso, access.

accesorio, accessory.

accidente, m., accident, happening. acción, action, battle; stock, share; de gracias, thanksgiving, vote of thanks.

accionista, m., stockholder. aceleradamente, speedily. acelerar, to hasten, expedite. acémila, mule, beast of burden. acendrado, stainless, pure. acento, accent.

acentuar, to accentuate. aceptación, acceptance.

aceptar, to accept, receive.

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acierto, skill, ability.

aclamación, acclamation. aclamar, to applaud. aclarar, to make clear. acobardar, to daunt, frighten. acoger, to receive, protect, shelter; -se, to take refuge.

acometer, to attack, assault; to undertake.

acometida, attack, assault. acomodar, to adjust, arrange. acompañar, to accompany, escort. aconcagüino, of the Aconcagua River.

acongojarse, to be afflicted, vexed. aconsejar, to advise, counsel; —se, to take advice.

acontecer, impers. irr., to happen; con, to happen to. acontecimiento, event, occurrence. acopiar, to store up.

acorazado, ironclad, armored ship. acordar, r. ch. I, to agree; —se, to remember; to assent.

acorde, of the same mind, agreed. acorralar, to confine.

acortar, to shorten, curtail, reduce. acosar, to harass.

acostarse, r. ch. I, to lie down. acostumbrado, customary, usual. acostumbrar, to accustom, use; be accustomed.


acrecer, irr., to increase, advance. acreditar, to assure, verify, prove; to authorize, recommend. acreedor, deserving.

acribillar, to pierce like a sieve, riddle.

acta, act, record, certificate, declaration.

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acurrucarse, to crowd together. acusación, accusation, charge. acusar, to accuse, denounce. achupalla, kind of shrub. adalid, m., chief, commander. Adán, Adam.

adaptable, adaptable. adaptar, to adapt.

adecuado, adequate, suitable.

adelantado, noun, governor of a province; adj., progressive, advanced.

adelantar, to progress, advance, send ahead; -se, to go ahead, outstrip.

adelante, ahead, forward; en henceforth, thenceforth; más further on.

adelgazar, to make thin, to narrow. ademán, m., gesture, attitude.

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adueñarse, to take possession, seize; -en, to take possession of. adulación, flattery.

advenimiento, arrival.

adversario, adversary. adverso, adverse.

advertir, r. ch. II, to take notice of, warn, observe.

adyacencia, adjacency; —s, vicinity. adyacente, adjacent.

afabilidad, graciousness, courtesy. afable, courteous, civil.

afán, m., solicitude, eagerness, anxiety.

afear, to disfigure, condemn, cen

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agitar, to disturb, agitate, ruffle,


aglomerar, to heap up.

agolparse, to crowd, press. agonía, agony, torment. agonizante, dying.

agonizar, to be in death's agony. agosto, August. agotar, to exhaust. agradable, agreeable. agradar, to please. agradecer, irr., to thank. agradecimiento, gratitude. agravar, to add to, intensify. agraviar, to offend, injure. agravio, offense, insult, injury. agredir, to attack, assault. agregar, to add, join. agresión, offense, attack.

agresor, m., aggressor. agriar, to sour, irritate.

agricultura, agriculture.

agrimensor, m., land surveyor.

agrupación, group, cluster.

agrupar, to cluster.

agua, water.

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