Imágenes de páginas

the Manner of Sterne," contains
the happiest imitations that we have
met with, of that whimsical and ec-
centric author, and will be read
with pleasure by his admirers. It
confifts, chiefly, of dialogues, in
which the interlocutors, who are of
the Shandy family and connection,
appear in much of their original
character, and hold fimilar opinions
and language as in their first ap-
pearance before the public. To
thefe the author has added a beau-
tiful and pathetic tale.
greatest excellence of this work
But the
confifts in the moral, humane, and
benevolent fentiments which it in-
variably inculcates.

"Vaurien, or Sketches of the
Times, exhibiting Views of the
Philofophies, Religions, Politics, Li-
terature, and Manners of the Age,"
in 2 Vols. "in the form rather
than the matter of a novel," con-
tains firewd remarks on men and,
manners, by a writer who appears to
have been pretty much converfant
with the world, and not an inatten-
tive obferver of the diverfified cha-
racters which it prefents to us; and
who applies the powers of wit and
lively fatire in ridiculing modern
philofophers and reformers, political
and theological. With the excep
tion of fome paffages, which will
ftrike every enlightened reader as
not being easily reconcilable with
candour and liberality, we recom.
mend his labours as what have af-
forded us confiderable entertain-


In the following catalogue of the Novels, Romances, &c. of the year 1797, the first ten articles poffefs fuperior claims to commendation: The Adventures of Hugh Trevor, by Thomas Holcroft. Vols. IV, V. and VI.;" Canterbury Tales for the Year 1797, by Harriet Lee;"


ture, a Domeftic Story, by Mary "Walfingham, or the Pupil of NaRobinson, in 4 Vols;" "Cinthelia, G. Walker, Author of Theodore or a Woman of Ten Thoufand, by Cyphon, &c. in 4 Vols;" "Moral Tales, confifting of the Reconciliation, &c. by Jofeph Mofer, in 2 Vols;" Gonzales, furnamed the Merry Ba"The History of Vanillo chelor, from the French of Le Sage, in 2 Vols;" "Emily de Varmont, or Divorce demonftrated by Necefvet, in 3 Vols;" "Eftelle, by M. fity, &c. from the French of Loude Florian, with an Effay upon Paftoral, tranflated from the French, Vols;""The Genius, or the Mys by Mrs. Sufanna Cummins, in 2 terious Adventures of Don Carlos de Grandez, by the Marquis Von Groffe, tranflated from the German, by Jofeph Trapp, in 2 Vols;" the Hiftory of a Family of Emi"Clara Dupleffis, and Clairant, grants, tranflated from the German, in 3 Vols;" "The Beggar Girl and her Benefactors, by Mrs. Bennet, in 7 Vols;" "Parental Duplicity, or the Power of Artifice, by P. Š. M. in 3 Vols;" "The Knights, or Sketches of the Heroic Age;" "The Inquifition, in Pregnancy, by J. Fox, in 3 Vols;" "Santa Maria, or the Myfterious 2 Vols;" Integrity, by Ellen of Exeter, in 3 "The Neapolitan, or the Teft of Vols;" Vols;" "A Welch Story, in 3 printed in the Lady's Magazine, in "Grafville Abbey, firit Vols;" "Clara Lennox, or the 2 Vols;" "An Old Friend with a Diftreffed Widow, by Mrs. Lee, in New Face, by Mrs. Parfons, in 3 Vols;" "The Girl of the Mountains, by the fame Lady, in 4 Vols;" E. Leigh, in 3 Vols;" "The "Munfter Abbey, by the late Sir Shrovetide Child, or the Son of a Monk, in 2 Vols;" "The Submif


fions of Dependence;" "TheCount de Santerre, by a Lady, in 2 Vols;" "The Orphan of Bollenbach, or Polycarp the Adventurer;" "The Mysterious Wife, by Gabrielli, in 4 Vols;' ;""The Church of St. Siffrid, in 4 Vols;","Azemia, a Defcriptive and Sentimental Novel, by J.A. M. Jenks, in 2 Vols;" "Jocelina, or the Reward of Benevolence, by Ifabella Kelly, in 2 Vols;" "The Caftie of Bucktholme, in 3 Vols;" "Miliftina, or the Double Intereft, in 2 Vols;" "Count Donamar, tranflated from the German, in 3 Vols;" "Advertisement for a Huf band, in 2 Vols;" "The Orphans of Snowdon, by Mifs Gunning, in 3 Vols;" "The Spoiled Child, by Mrs. Howell, in. Vols;" "Dif obedience, by the Author of Plain Sente, in 2 Vols;" "Henry Sommerville, a Tale, in 2 Vols; The Days of Chivalry, in 2 Vols;"


"The Irish Heirefs, in 3 Vok?" "Percy, or the Friends;" "Love at first Sight, altered from the French, by Mrs. Gunning, in 5 Vols;" "Edmund and Eleonora, or Memoirs of the Houfes of Sommer. field and Gratton, by E. Marfhall, A. M. in 2 Vols;" Phedora, or the Foreft of Minki, by Mary Charlton, in 4 Vols;” “Edmund of the Foreft, in 4 Vols;" "The Sorrows of Edith, or the Hermitage of the Cliffs, by Mrs. Burke, in 2 Vols;" "TheHiftory of Sir George Warrington, or the Political Quixote, by the Author of the Female Quixote, in 3 Vols;" "Rofe Cecil;" "The Governefs, or Courtland Abbey;" "Ifidora of Galicia, by Mrs. Hugill, in 2 Vols;" "Bungay Caftle, by Mrs. Bonhote, in 2 Vols;" and "The Contradiction, by the Rev. W. Cole."



Of the Year 1797.


N our fhort and imperfect Catalogue of the Foreign Literature of the Year 1797, we have very few articles to infert belonging to the Ruffian Empire. At Riga, Mr. Herder has published two treatises in Theology, in which his wellknown abilities and liberality appear to eminent advantage. The first is entitled "of the Redeemer of Men, according to our three firft Gofpels," and the fecond, which completes his defign, "of the Son of God, the Saviour of the World, according to the Gospel of John, &c." The object of the author is, to affift the unprejudiced in diftinguifhing fact from fiction, and to folve the queftions, What are the Gofpels? What is Chrifti, anity? What was it in the beginning? What is it to us? In profecuting it, Mr. Herder rejects all dogmatifin and myfticifm, and has afforded fuch a practical view of our religion, as may be read with pleafure and profit by every rational believer. We cannot, however, furmife what were the grounds on which the author built his hypothefis, that Mark was neither an epitomiser of Matthew, nor a compiler from him and Luke, but that he wrote his gofpel before either of them, and adhered more closely to the most ancient Hebrew gofpel, to which the others made additions.

At the fame place, M. H. Storch has published the fecond volume of his valuable collections on the subject of the hiftory of Ruffia, and given to his work the title of "Au Hiftorico-ftatistical Picture of the Ruffian Empire at the Clofe of the Eighteenth Century." Eighteenth Century." From his long refidence in Ruffia, and travels into its remoteft parts, and from the documents to which he has had accefs, we may entertain the expectation that our author will be enabled to give us a full and interefting account of that country."Catherine the Second at the Bar of Humanity," ftated to be publifhed at Petersburgh, is a fhort, but fpirited sketch of the principal features of that extraordinary woman, and the principal tranfactions of her reign, which the author has brought forwards in order to determine, in what point of view the philanthropist fhould confider Catherine, and whether he can juftly give her the name of Great? A fufficient knowledge of Ruffian politics, manly fentiment, and ftrict impartiality, mark our author's pages, and induce him, with great juftice, in our opinion, to decide the queftion in the negative.-At Peteríburgh, a fplendid edition of "the Poems of Anacreon" has been publifhed, in the original Greek, accompanied with a Ruffian tranflation.

tranflation. AtRiga, Mr.Fr.Schulz has published the first volume of "a Selection of Mifcellaneous Maxins, for the ufe of those who know the World, or who wifh to know it, with a German Tranflation." The pieces which form this collection, are chiefly extracted from D'Agueffeau, D'Alembert, Bellegarde, Crebillon the younger, Duclos, Fontenelle, Pafcal, Rouffeau, and Vol


The first work which we have to announce in Swedith literature, is the fixteen la volume of the "Tranfactions of the Royal Swedish Aca demy," Part I-IV. published at Stockholm. This volume contains feveral valuable papers in mathematics, natural history, and mechanics, by Meffrs. Schroeter, Ol. Swartz, Modeer, Achard, Swederus, Lidbeck, and Vice-admiral Chapman. The communications of the latter are ftated in the foreign Reviews to be of very great importance to the fcience of fhip-building. At the fame place have ap. peared"New Tranfactions of the Royal Academy of Sciences, for the Year 1766," Parts I-IV. To this volume, likewife, vice-admiral Chapman has contributed a valuable effay on the best form for anchors, the proper proportion of their parts, and the weight they fhould have in a fhip of a given fize. Of the other fcientific papers which it contains, the most important belong to the heads of aftronomy, natural history, and anatomy; and were communicated by M. O. von Acrel, M. Profperin, M. Schroeter, M. L. Nordmark, Dr. Melanderhielm, Mr. S. Cdman, M. P. N. von Gedda, and M. J. L. Odhelius. Among the curious articles which it prefents to us, is a defcription of a man, born without hands, arms, feet, or legs, who can write, carve wood, draw,

paint, turn, make watches, &c. and who has acted as counfellor in feveral caufes.-The fourth and fifth volumes of the "Tranfactions of the Royal Academy of Belles Lettres, Hiftory, and Antiquities,” publifhed at the fame place, among other lefs important articles,fpeeches on the creation of members, and biographical notices, contains a curious effay on the origin and names of the celeftial conftellations, by Dr. Melanderhielm, intended to prove that the Hindoos were the inventors of aftronomy; an answer in the affirmative to the queftion, whether we can form any certain judgment of the manners of a people from the decline or flourishing of the fine arts among them? by A. G. Silfverftolpe; Remarks on the Situation and State of the Finnifa Nation, at the Time when it was first reduced under permanent Subjection to Sweden, by Prof. H. G. Porthan; Hiftory of Belles Lettres among the Romans, by F. H. Eberhardt; and an Enquiry into the Antiquity of Gunpowder in general, and in Sweden in particular, bvM. J. Murberg.-At Stockholm, likewife, Dr. C. W. Lüdeke has publifhed the seventh volume of his curious and interefting "General Archive of Swedish Literature, under the Reign of Guftavus III." noticed in the department of our Regifter for the year 1795.-At the fame place, M. Olave Agrel, who was formerly fecretary to the Swedifh confulate at Morocco, has published "Letters on Morocco, &c.” which appear to furaith authentic information respecting the prefem ftate, policy, manners, &c. of that empire, written in a lively and interefting manner. On his way out the author fpent fome time at Gib. raltar, and other parts of Spain, of which he gives a brief account.

At Wexio, Dr. Olave Wallavift, bishop of that fee, has published "A Sketch of a Manual of Promotion to ecclefiaftical Offices, with biftorical Remarks on the Laws and Cuftoms refpecting it fince the Reformation," which will give full information to those who wish to be acquainted with the modes of obtaining church dignities in Sweden. With respect to the state of lite rature in Denmark, our information fill continues exceedingly fcanty. We hope that the paucity of Danih productions (for few indeed have we met with, or heard of is not to be attributed to restrictions which rumour reports to have taken place in that country on the liberty of the prefs. The circumftances which we mentioned when noticing Mr. Cramer's publication, in our laft votume, would feem, however, to countenance fuch a report. If it be well founded, the meafure has originated in a fhort-fighted policy, incompatable with the liberal views which for fome years paft have appeared to actuate the Danish government, and will ultimately defeat its own ends.-At Copenhagen, M. C. J. R. Chriftiani, German preacher to the court, has publish ed a work entitled "Ellays for the Improvement of Mankind, &c." confifting of valuable treatifes, part ly written by the editor, and partly by Venturini, Marezoll, and others, the object of which is to diffeminate knowledge by promoting and recommending regular fyftems of education for youth. It fhould feem that M. Chriftiani is at the head of an inftitution at Copenhagen, in which the principles developed in thefe effays are carried into practice, with no fmall degree of reputation to the worthy tutor.-At the fame place, M. Chev. de Hauch has pub. lifhed "Elements of experimental

Phyfics;" which are spoken of as forming a judicious and useful work, comprehending the most modern difcoveries in phyfics and chemistry. In this department of our Regifter for the year 1792, we had the opportunity of announcing the first part of an important work entitled "Symbola Botanica, &c. or more accurate Defcriptions chiefly of Plants, collected by P. Forikaol, in his Travels in the Eaft, &c." published by profeffor Vahl. During the prefent year the third part has made its appearance, and is fpoken of in high terms of approbation by the foreign journalists. Of the date of the fecond part of the fame work, we have not been able to obtain any information. At Copenhagen hath appeared "An Alphabetical Index to the corrected and enlarged Edition of Fabricius's Syftem of Entomology, containing the Orders, Genera, and Species," which is faid to be on a good plan, and well executed. At Kiel, profeffor Olivarius has commenced a refpectable periodical work, of which a'number is to appear once in three months; intended to prefent the public with a regulas account of the ftate of literature, &c. in the north of Europe. Its title is "Le Nord Littéraire, Phylique, Polis tique, et Morale."

On turning our view towards the Batavian republic, we still find our materials for a sketch of Dutch literary productions very limited and imperfect. At Amfterdam, the fociety for promoting the general weal has published two "Prize Effays concerning the Duties of a worthy Mafter and Mistress of a Family in common Life, with Remarks on the Caufes of the little Happiness apparent in many Households," abounding in fenfible and judicious advice, that may prove ufeful in


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