Imágenes de páginas
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alicates, m., fine-pointed pincers. aliciente, m., inducement.

aliento, m., breath, spirit, vigor; de largo -, requiring much time to accomplish; long-winded.

alimaña, ƒ., insect or animal pests. aliviar, to lighten, to mitigate, to relieve.

aljibe, m., cistern, reservoir. almacén, m., warehouse; (Sp. A.)

grocery. almendra, f., almond. alondra, f., lark.

alpaca, f., a ruminant of South America, bearing a certain kind of wool. alrededor, around, roundabout. alteroso, -a (Obs.), high, tall. altiplanicie, f. (Sp. A.), plateau, high tableland.

altisonante, high-sounding. altivo, -a, haughty, proud. alto, m., a piece of high ground. altozano, m., a height of land, a hill. altura, f., height, top (of a hill). alusivo, -a, suggestive, making allusion to, alluding to.

alza, f., rise.

alzada, f., height (of horse). allá, there.

allasito (Sp. A.), dim. from allá. ama, f., mistress of the house;


casa, housewife, housekeeper. amagamiento, m., suggestion. amalgamar, to mix, to put together;

to construe.

amañado, -a, possessed (of an evil spirit).

amargura, f., bitterness, sorrow.

amarrar, to tie, to bind.

amasado, -a, kneaded. amasar, to knead. amén de, besides.

americano, -a, belonging to the western hemisphere; del norte, North American, referring particularly to the United States. amistades, f. pl., friends, acquaintances; friendships; friendly relations.

amoldar, to mold.

amordazar, to gag, to deprive of liberty of speech.

ampararse, refl., to claim or enjoy protection.

amparo, m., favor, aid, protection. ampuloso, -a, pompous. ánade, m. and f., duck.

analfabeto, m., one unable to read or write.

angarilla, f., a kind of pack-saddle. anhelar, to desire earnestly. animal, m., applied to any kind of live stock; - fino or de raza or de pura sangre, thoroughbred. antes, before, beforehand; before; de que, before;



rather than; cuanto · as soon as possible; de-, formerly, in olden times.

antiguo, -a, ancient, de; from long ago.

antiparras, f. pl., spectacles with colored lenses, closed at the sides by wire gauze. antorcha, f., torch. anudar, to tie. añadir, to add.

añicos, m. pl., bits, small pieces. año, m., year; ahora —s, years ago. añoso, -a, old.

apacentar, to graze, to pasture. apacible, affable, gentle, quiet, placid, pleasant, calm.

aparador, m.,


aparcero, -a (River Plate), friend. aparejado, -a, equipped.

aparejar, to equip.

aparejo, m., harness; apparatus,

equipment in any trade; fish-hooks and tackle.

aparta, f., the act of dividing herds

into groups.

apasionarse, refl., to become excessively fond of a person or thing. apearse, refl., to alight.

apego, m., attachment, fondness. apio, m., celery.

aplastar, to flatten, to crush. apodo, m., nickname; name. aporrear, to beat, to knock about. aportar, to contribute, to bring in; to set aside.

aposento, m., bedroom.

apoyar, to approve, to second, to back.

apreciar, to estimate, to value, to appreciate.

apremio, m., pressure, strain, insistence, constriction, constraint. aprendiz, m., apprentice. apropósito, m., a one-act play which alludes to current events; a "curtain-raiser."

aprovechar, to profit, to take advantage.

apuntar, to point out, to mark, to take note of.

apurar, to consume; to clear up; (Sp. A.) to press, to hasten. arado, -a, plowed; m., plow. araguato, m., a species of monkey. araguida, m., a bird with brilliant red plumage.

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armar, to arm, to adjust, to frame, to put together; refl. (Sp. A.), to balk.

armario, m., cabinet, closet. armazón, f., framework. armiño, m., ermine. arqueado, -a, arched. arquear, to form an arch. arraigar, to take root; to found, to institute.

arrancar, to pull up by the roots; to start (off).

arrapiezo, m., street urchin. arrebatar, to take away by violence. arredrarse, refl., to become terrified. arreglillo, m., an amorous adventure or episode.

arremetida, f., attack, assault. arrendar, to bridle a horse.

arriate, m., border in garden beds. arriero, m., driver of mules or cattle. arrinconar, to put a thing in a

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asentir, to acquiesce, to assent. así, so, thus; como, in the same way as; como, any way; que, so that; ¿cómo -? how so? asistencia, f., attendance. asolar, to devastate, to pillage. áspero, -a, rough, rugged, harsh. astillero, m., shipyard, navy-yard. asustarse, refl., to shy (a horse). atajar, to stop, to intercept. atambor (Obs.), drum. atar, to tie, to bind.

atenacear, to tear off with pincers. atender, to attend. atenerse, refl., to abide.

aterciopelado, -a, smooth, velvety. atesorar, to hoard, to save. atestado, packed full. atestar, to pack full. atezado, -a, black.

atiplado, -a, sharp, acute, out of


atisbar, to watch.

atrapar, to overtake, to catch. atraso, m., backwardness.

atrio, m., the open space before a church.

aturdido, -a, stupefied with a blow. aturdir, to stupefy with a blow. aura, f., gentle breeze (Poetical). aureo, -a, golden, gilt.

auto, m., judicial decree or sentence. autóctono, native to the country. avalúo, m., appraisal, valuation. avanzado, m., outpost, advance guard.

avellano, m., hazelnut tree.

aventajado, -a, surpassing the ordinary or common. aventajar, to surpass.

aventar, to move the air, to toss in the wind, to winnow grain. avergonzarse, refl., to be ashamed. averiado, -a, damaged. averiar, to damage.

averiguar, to verify, to inquire into. avestruz, m., ostrich. avezado, -a, accustomed. avistar, to descry at a distance. avivar, to quicken, to enliven.

avizor, -a,


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terciada, brown sugar;

morena or

negra or -pie

prieta, coarse brown sugar;
dra or cande, crystallized sugar;
parda, clayed sugar.

azufre, m., sulphur.
azulejo, m., glazed tile.

bagaje, m., baggage; beast of burden.

baja, f., fall in price.

bajío, m., shoal, sand-bank, shallow or flat.

bajito, -a, dim. of bajo. bajo, low, short (referring to stature). balandra, f., small one-masted vessel. balanza, f., scale, balance.

balazo, m., shot; also, the wound from a shot.

balcón, m., balcony.

baldío, -a, untilled, uncultivated, vacant (land).

baldosa, f., square tile.

bambuco, m. (Sp. A.), a popular dance in Colombia.

bancario, -a, pertaining to banks and banking. bandada, f., flock.

banderola, f. (Sp. A.), fanlight, tran


bando, m., edict or law solemnly published by superior authority. bandola, f., a small musical instrument resembling a tambourine. banqueta, f., footstool, seat. bañado, m. (Sp. A.), also bañadero, water-hole, swamp.

baño, m., bath; maría, steam

cooker, double boiler. barajar, to shuffle cards; to catch on the wing.

baratillero, m., peddler.

barbudo, -a, bearded, having a long beard.

barca, f., boat; de pesca, fishing boat.

barco, m., boat (this word applies to all kinds of floating craft); de vapor, steamer. bardo, m., bard. barquero, m., boatman.

barra, f., bar, reef, or sand-bank at the mouth of a harbor; fango, mud-bank.


barranca, f., ravine, precipice, cliff. barrio, m., city ward or district. barro, m., clay; loza de



bastardo, -a, spurious, illegitimate. basura, f., sweepings; withered leaves in a forest.

basurero, m., dust or garbage col

lector; dungyard.

batata, f. (Sp. A.), sweet potato. batey, m., machinery and other appurtenances of a sugar-mill; (Cuba) the factory itself. batir, to beat, to stir briskly. baúl-cómoda, m., wardrobe trunk. bautismo, m., baptism.

bazar, m. (Sp. A.), store where household goods are sold. becerro, m., yearling calf. beduino, -a, Bedouin, Arab of the desert.

begona, f., a S. A. fish.

bejucos, m., creeping plants which climb on trees.

beneficiar, to work and improve a mine; (Sp. A.) to quarter cattle or sheep.

benteveo, m., South American bird,

so named because of its curious cry. berenjena, f., egg-plant. bergantín, m., brig, brigantine. bermejo, -a, of a bright reddish color.

berrear, to bleat like a calf.

berza, f., cabbage.

biblioteca, f., library; bookcase; · giratoria, revolving bookcase. bienes raíces, m. pl., real estate. billete, m., ticket.

bisagra, f., hinge.

bisoñería, f. (Sp. A.), lack of experience in the habits of a country. bizcochuelo, m. (Sp. A.), spongecake.

blanquear, to whitewash. blanquecino, -a, whitish. bocado, m., bit of a bridle. boceto, m., sketch; - cómico, a short comedy.

bocha, f., wooden ball; the game of bowls.

bodega, f., storehouse; wine vault, hence, the establishment where wine is made; (Sp. A.), grocery. bodegón, m., a squalid eating-house. bofetada, f., slap, box, blow in the face with the open hand. boga, f., a fish.

bohío, m., palm-thatched hut (West Indies).

boina, f., flat, round woolen cap;

cap originally worn by the Carlists. boldo, m., a medicinal plant found in Chile, used also to color wine. boleadora, f. (Sp. A.), bifurcated ropes, with weights at the extremities of the bifurcated sections, thrown about the legs of cattle to be caught.

boliche, m. (Sp. A.), the game of ten-pins.

bolos, the game of ten-pins. bolsa, f., bag, purse; de comercio, stock exchange.

bollo, m., small roll made of fine flour. bomba, f., pump.

bombilla, f., narrow metal tube ending in a spoon-shaped covered, but perforated, bowl used in drinking mate.

bonetería, f., department in drygoods stores where knitted goods are sold.

bonito, m., South American fish of fine flavor.

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boscaje, m., cluster of trees, grove. bostezo, m., yawn, yawning. bota, f., boot; de potro, a crude kind of boot made from the hide covering the joints of the horse's hind legs; granadera, boot with a stiff cuff, worn by Napoleon's grenadiers. botafuego, m., a very highly seasoned dish.

botica, f., drug-store.

boudoir, m. (French), small parlor. The resulting neologism budoar is now in current use. bóveda, f.,vault, arch,-celeste, sky. bovino, -a, relating to cattle. boyero, m., ox-driver; a South American bird.

bozal, m., muzzle; head-stall for a horse.

bracero, m., day laborer.

bramido, m., roar of wild beasts; bellowing.

brasileño, -a, Brazilian.

bravío, -a, ferocious, savage, wild, untamed.

bravo, -a, brave; savage, wild; also applied to beasts; indio , savage Indian.

brazo, m., arm; bracket.

breva, f., name applied to the first yearly crop of fruit from a fig-tree. brida, f., bridle, reins. brinco, m., leap, jump.

brindar, to drink one's health, to toast. brío, m., strength, force, vigor; manliness, spirit, resolution, courage. brizna, f., blade of grass. brocal, m., curbstone of a well. broma, f., joke.

bronceado, -a, brass-paved, brazen. brotar, to gush, to flow or rush out; to bud.

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burgués, -esa, common, not refined. burla, f., mockery, abuse, sneer. burlón, m., mocking-bird. busca, f., search.

butaca, f., armchair; proscenium seat in a theater.

cabalgadura, f., the horse or mule one is riding.

cabalgar, to ride on horse-back. caballeriza, f., stable. caballero, m., knight, gentleman; andante, knight-errant. caballerosidad, f., the condition or quality of being a gentleman. cabaña, f., shepherd's hut; (Sp. A.) stock-breeding establishment. cabañero, m. (Sp. A.), stock-breeder. cabecera, f., railroad terminal; head waters, source of a river.

cabeza, f., head; (Sp. A.) pommel of a saddle.

cabezada, f., head-stall of a bridle. cabo, m., extreme, extremity, end; de tabaco, stub of a cigar or cigarette; al, at last. cabotaje, m., coasting trade. cabrería, f., place where goat's milk is sold.

cacao, m., the tree, also the fruit from

which the cocoa-bean is obtained. cacerola, f., stewpan, saucepan. cacharro, m., coarse earthen pot. cachupín, also gachupín, m., formerly,

a Spaniard who settled in Spanish America.

cada, each, every; —uno (-a), each,

each one; día, each or every day; vez que, every time that. cafetal, m., plantation of coffee-trees.

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