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the constitution. It is for those who pro pose such a measure to shew, that it cannot be done without; and this they must shew before any just man will give his consent to it. The measure would be no protection to the farmer; it would do him no good; it would do the landowner no good: what it gave in prohibition, it would take away in tax, and give it to the military, naval, and official part of the community, the tendency of which must inevitably be to give these a predominance over all the peaceful arts and professions, and to produce all the lamentable consequences which I have above described. For these reasons, I, who am a farmer by taste as well as in fact, and who am deeply interested in the prosperity of agriculture, detest and abhor, from the bottom of my soul, the idea of any measure tending to raise, or keep up, the price of corn; and, if there be but one man in all England found to petition against such a measure, I will be that man,

staff. Do this, and there will be quite enough left to discharge the just debts of the country and to support the Crown with sufficient splendour, though Wheat should again fall (as I hope it will) to the old 5 shillings a bushel of JETHROTULL; and agriculture will flourish and farmers will thrive as much as they have done for the last twenty years; and, what is still of more importance, pauperism will almost disappear, hospitality will reviye, and honesty, the constant companion of competence, will curtail the long and dismal lists of crimes, commitments, convictions, banishments, and executions, which now fill the mind with horror and dismay. "Here" say the writers, we take our stand. The English farmer cannot grow corn, unless," by an importation duty, the foreign farmer be made to bear part "of the English farmer's taxes".But, he will not bear part then; for, he will not bring his corn, and it is meant that he should not. Here I take my stand. Reduce the taxes of the English farmer, and then he will grow corn enough without the aid of foreign supply; and the COTINENTAL AFFAIRS.It is im manufacturers, eating cheap food, will be possible to peruse the information which able to sell cheaper than the manufacturers now daily arrives from the Continent, of other nations; and, thus, all will thrive without experiencing the most aweful sentogether; make corn dear, by continued sations as to the critical state of affairs heavy taxation, and all will decline toge-in that quarter. It is true, appearances ther, except the military and naval official part of the community, who will, in the end, obtain a predominance, such as they possess in the Austrian, Prussian, Russian and German dominions, and English freedom and English manners and English morals and English tastes and English learning and eloquence will take their flight for ever to the other side of the Atlantic. I hardly think it possi-vived. The dawn of liberty having open, ble, that such men as Mr. Coke and Mr. Western should be the partizans of a measure having such a tendency. They may doubt, whether it be practicable, without injury to the fund-holders, to reduce the taxes so as to enable the farmer to sell wheat at 5s, a bushel. For my part, I have no doubt at all upon the subject; but, before I give myself the trouble of proving, and my readers the trouble of reading what I have to say upon the subject, let the advocates of a new and odious measure give us their arguments to prove, that the measure is indispensably necessary to the discharge of the just debts of the country and to the support of our government agreeably to

are very often deceitful, and lowering clouds frequently subside; but there never was a period known in universal history when the "din of preparation" seemed so great. Let us turn our eyes from the Mediterranean to the Baltic, peace and tranquility is no where to be found. In Italy, all the convulsions of the thirteenth century appear to have re

ed on that delightful country, its inhabitants cannot without difficulty return under the yoke of slavery. We find the court of Vienna in the most feverish alarm on the subject. Long accustomed as the Austrian monarchy has been to look with anxiety to the entire possession of the Adriatic Gulf, from the possession of the ports of which, she might indulge a prospective hope of possessing "ships, "colonies, and commerce," it cannot be, but with the utmost apprehension, that she finds the voice of public opinion decidedly against her views. Little doubt can be entertained by the most commonplace politician, that a great motive which influenced Austria to join the Allies, at


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the present system, and his very name so seldom occurs, except when he himself introduces it, that there is every appear ance of his sinking fast, as I fervently hope he will, into his old denomination of Bishop of Rome; when Pope, conclave, and cardinals would soon be forgotten, was it not for the persecutions which religion, from time immemorial, has brought upon mankind.

the critical period when by Francis's unnatural desertion of his son-in-law—a de sertion so totally unlooked for, that it produced, as it could not fail to do, the inost decisive consequences.I say, the Emperor Francis must have been greatly stimulated to this act, by the jealousy with which he viewed the Iron Crown on the head of Napoleon; shutting out, as it did for ever, all his Italian prospects. The information from Italy is rather bar--In Spain, the beloved Ferdinand has ren; but no doubt can be entertained that outrage every feeling, which the Austria, finding Murat necessary to her laws of policy and humanity ought to views, has entered into a secret alliance have dictated. His friends and his foes with him to secure his throne, on condi- have fallen in one universal conscription. tion that the upper part of Italy shall be- Neither age nor sex is spared. The come Austrian. Insurmountable difficul- reign of priesthood is revived, in all its ties have been thrown in the way of this horrors. That bloody tribunal the luproject. Among others, the sudden requisition, is proceeding with gigantic vival of the King of Sardinia, who, in the strides. Horror and desolation mark its present rage for the resuscitation of legi-progress, and universal destruction is the timate monarchs, has, of course, asserted only trace it leaves behind. In France, his claim to his "lawful possessions." little of tranquillity appears to have been But great part of the former kingdom of established. Louis XVIII. whem all parSardinia had so often changed owners, ties agree to be a mild, benificent, and that it was impossible almost to recollect good man, appears to be too much under its dispersed masters. Austria has there the influence of the priests to be as popufore been contented to secure at present laras he might be, if he would shake off what she could lay hold of, leaving to their odious yoke. The revolution in that tane and fortune the completion of her country, unexampled as it has been in -nitimate views. The sacrifice of the free extent, both of moral and political influstate of Genoa to the Sardinian throne ence, has so completely opened the eyes has been a part of this system. Tuis of all mankind, that the delusions of measure is said, it almost all our news-religion now excite little else than ridito believe the Times papers, to be tyrannical and oppressive; cule. If I am to be in palpable contradiction to every newspaper which, to use an approprideclaration of the allied powers; and ate phrase on this subject, is always apoviolatory of every profession they made cryphal, a most serious convulsion was as to the liberating of Europe. True, or on the point of lately breaking forth false, as these accusations may be, I have in Paris, in consequence of a fanatic little doubt the poor Genoese must submit monk, wishing, and endeavouring, to to" existing circumstances." I have also revive one of those monstrous absurdities uy fears that Murat himself will ultimate- which disgraced the dark and barbarons Ivfall. Alone as he stands among the periods of ignorance and superstition. gitimate monarchs, can it be supposed Nor was it prevented until the king had that his existence will be endured, re- been twice sent to, and, from its increasing minding them of the great man by whom violence, the most alarming consequences they were set up, and put down at plea-were to be apprehended; and all this sure? Constant reports and hints are circulated in the continental papers, of the advantageous exchanges offered to hit for his present kingdom; and if, like Beauharnois, he should not choose to go with a good grace, he has every reason to dread the result. It may not happen immediately; but if the new organization of Europe remain, his eventual fate may be considered as already sealed. As to the Pope, he is so little thought of under


because a wretched priest thought proper to deny the rights of sepulchre to a respectable woman, who had for sixty years been an artist in a profession cer tainly more harmless, if not more rational, than his own. From every thing which I can perecive in that country, her affairs are in a most unsettled state. Soult, who wishes to out Hered-Herod, hes excited a flame in the matter of General Excelmans, whicle will require more skill

and ability than he possesses, to extin- the monstrous aggression which all Euguish.---Proceeding northward, the affairs rope, and, I lament to say, Great Britain of Holland next meet the eye. Here, we also, have committed against the brave find the most unnatural union between the Norwegiaus. The historian will blush, Dutchman and the Brabanter men as when he indites the page in which he opposite in their pursuits, composition, records the detestable fact, that a British and constitution as two animals of the Fleet blockaded the Norwegian ports, to same species can possible be. An army starve that wretched country into subto their new of 75,000 troops, in the pay of England, mission masters, by one half our own countrymen, is in gar- preventing the entry of all the common rison in that country. Where the people articles of necessay, even to food; are satisfied, such an army is unnecessary, and this in violation of the general wish and if they are not satisfied, twice the of the whole country, expressed in the number will not make them so.-It is ut- strongest manner almost by acclamation. terly impossible to describe the state of The mind revolts at a picture like this; Germany, for here calculation is perfectly and yet this is the state of peace and haplost. Report contradicts report, in end-piness which the allied Sovereigns have less variety. One thing alone is clear, so pompously sounded throughout Europe that the allied sovereigns, who established they were about to confer upon mankind. the late crusade, in the most solemn It remains to say a few words as to our professions of the most pure disinte- own favoured country. In the year 1792, restedness are now adopting the very when the heaven-born minister involved system of Napoleon, even to the expres- us in twenty-two years war, had any man sions he made use of in that system. ventured to assert, that in the year 1815, "In- we should have incurred a debt of nearly The ear is fatigued with the word "demnity," and I was in hopes that, in a THOUSAND MILLIONS, and that the common decency, it would have been left boasted free Englishman," should be out of the vocabulary of the Allies. On subject to a tax by which his most secret the contrary, it appears that the Vienna concerns were laid open to investigation, -Congress is occupied, day and night, in he would have been treated either as a carding out fresh indemnities" for the fool, or a madman. Yet so it is, and sɔ conquerors of their great prototype, the it will continue, unless something like the fallen Napoleon. Russia and Prussia public spirit of former times is revived. are said to be determined on seizing their The operation of corruption has been so defenceless prey, and to possess them general, that it has extended its baneful selves by force of what is denied to them influence, more or less, in every quarter. by reason, justice, and commen honesty. The vile hireling press has had its full Was there a single act in the whole life of share of the mischief. Men's minds, the French Emperor so base and atrociousing the continuance of the late war, were as the attempt attributed to these monarchs too much occupied with foreign politics, to root out the whole family of the King to devote sufficient of their time and atof Saxony? The deposition of Ferdinandtention to what was passing at home. of Spain, was but child's play to this. He signed his abdication, and Joseph had a pretence at least to his throne, not only by this act of Ferdinand, but by the will of at least one half of the population of the country. But, in Saxony, the whole nation, to a man, concur in abhorring this tartar-like usurpation; and it never can be carried but by the loss of much hu- Mr. COBBETT.-I have read with man blood. The same argument precise-culiar attention an account in the Mornly applies to Poland. That ill-fated coun- ing Chronicle, purporting to be a detail try has been ever the prey to lawless of the proceedings of the late Winchester violence and ambition; and the magná- Meeting on the subject of the Property nimous Alexander is accused of following, Tax.I have looked this over in the most with undeviating accuracy, the blood- careful manner, and am of opinion, from stained steps of his ancestor, the immor its internal evidence, that this must be a tel Catherine. But how shall I describe garbled statement, and that Mr. Perry

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The evil, therefore, has taken deep root, and it will require all our energies to root it up. It is a sacred duty every one owes to the country, and I cordially hope that duty may be fulfilled.



has not given it as it really took place. Ivery | but remain there to take care of our friend much lament this, because in the present the Sovereign Prince of the Netherlands, degraded state of the British Press, the or whatever he is called, and to protect Morning Chronicle and Statesman are him and his new dominions from the apthe only daily newspapers in which the prehensions he entertains from his new public has a chance of finding any thing subjects and his old neighbours. It seems like the truth; and if Mr. Perry, no to be totally forgotten also, that Commismatter from what motives, is to be in- sary General Sir Hugh Robert Kennedy, duced to withhold from us any thing of Knight, and Commissary General Sir importance on our side of the question, Charles Henry Dalrymple, Knight, and and Mr. Lovell is to be continued in his Commissary General Sir Charles Edward imprisonment in Newgate, no matter how Eylmir, Knight, (one Scotch, one Irish, or why; in these cases, the only two and one English, to properly represent sources we have of genuine information Mr. John Bull in his triple capacity) are will be completely shut up, and we must at present most actively occupied in, what look to the polluted streams of the Times is called according to the technical phrase and the Courier, for whatever filth and of office, winding up the accounts of the falsehood they choose to cram down Peninsula, where a sum of no less than our throats-However, taking Mr. Perry's thirteen millions, for which bills either account (for we have no other,) to be an are or will be drawn upon the English accurate one, I beg leave to trouble you treasury, remains to be provided for. with a few observations, that occur to me even from so imperfect an account of the proceedings of that day.

The enormous expence which must attend the bringing home of our American army; the unsettled Ordinance accounts; the charges of Transport, and various other branches of the public service, which, supposing the ratification of peace to arrive in the earliest possible time, must of necessity continue so long, that this year will probably expire before any effectual reduction can take place, will obviously create an expence so enormous, that not only will the Property Tax, or some other equally productive, be neces? sary to meet it, but a loan of at least twenty millions will be required for the service of the current year.-The trifling reduction which has taken place in the navy, can hardly be said at all to diminish our expence in that branch of service; and I am quite satisfied that the Prince Regent's week's merry making at Jubilee fair, and the feasting and dancing of the Allied Sovereigns, who honoured us with their company last Summer, will cost a much greater sum than will have been saved by the paying off the few ships that have been placed in ordinary.

The public cannot but be much in debted to you for the manly manuer in which you met the question, and, without reference either to Whigs or Tories, without thinking either of Lord Grey or Lord Grenville, or Mr. Pitt's six per cent. or Mr. Fox's ten per cent. at once declaring openly and above aboard, that in the present state of our expenditure, this tax must go on, or a substitute for it he provided. The fact is, the Government cannot go on without resources to the amount which it produces. It is understood that the war with America cost upon an average a million a month. Speaking from memory only, I believe the Property Tax produced about twenty millions a year. Thus, therefore, at the first blush, it would appear that even during the continuance of the American war, this tax produced a surplus of eight millions, and that, therefore, when the war ceased, of course the Property Tax ought to cease also. But the very opposite is the fact; and although by the fa- No effectual reduction has certainly vourable issue of the negociations at taken place at home. If we except the Ghent, a very considerable saving will no reduction of the Militia, and a few superdoubt be made; yet it appears to be numary officers of the line placed on half totally forgotten, that we have an army pay, nothing that can be called an imin America of from 30 to 40,000 men, portant saving has been made. and another in Holland of nearly twice true, a few second battalions have been that amount. The army in America can- reduced. But how? Why by drafting not be brought home for at least six the men to their respective first batta months to come; and that in Belgium, Itions; and thus the only diminution suppose, will not be brought home at all, of expence is the mere difference between

It is


R. H. M.

the full and half pay of a set of meritorious | paid by the consciousness that the and deserving officers, who are sent to sentiments are the offspring of an hothe right-about now they are no longer nourable feeling, and consequently will wanted; while all the extraordinary and meet your approbation. I am, &c. expensive establishments of the Treasury, and the Horse Guards, remain untouched, Buckinghamshire. and, I suppose, will be untouchable. The third Secretary of State-ship was expressly created as a mere war establishment. A variety of corps of different sorts and descriptions, such as the Royal Artillery Drivers, the Royal Staff Corps, the Royal Waggon Train, and various other similar non-descripts were all war establishments. Sir Digby Hamilton, Knight, Waggon Master General, and temporary rank Major General, was, as his very designation purports, only a war establishment. Yet this colossus, as well in size as in expence, still hovers about the Horse Guards, shedding his baneful influence in all directions.

HAIL! happy land-the blest abode,
Of those, indignant at Oppression'roj sd';
With thee a hospitable home they find;
Where no proud Tyrant dares maintain,
In haughty pemp, his iron reign;
Where no vain titles are conferr'd,
Upon Corruption's servile herd;
But where EQUALITY alone
Has built upon a rock its throne;
They fly, America, to thee,
To taste the sweets of LIBERTY;
Undaunted plough th' Atlantic wave
And buoy'd by Hope, all dangers brave;
They leave the slaves of Courts

How is it possible then that the Income Tax can be dispensed with, while such tremendous draughts as these are made upon the public purse? We begin at the wrong end. Instead of meeting to petition for the repeal of this tax, we should petition for the diminution of the expence which occasions its necessity. In that case we should have reason on To seek the promis'd land, th' Asylum of our side, for it is palpable and apparent that while the present most frightful expenditure is suffered to continue, it is impossible to suppose but that a system of taxation sufficiently productive must be adapted to meet it.I remain, &c.



SIR, The acquaintance 1 consider myself to have formed with you, through the channel of your valuable Register, and feeling confident you will pardon my presumption, induce me to intrude the enclosed on your attention; and if not contrary to your regulations, and you should deem it worthy of insertion in your usefal publication, I can only say it will particularly oblige a young man, who has imbibed from your instruction and example an ardent love, of liberty, and who has witnessed the late efforts of the Americans to maintain their independence, with admiration, and the termination of the contest with the greatest satisfaction. Should my request be thought too presumptuous, I shall at any rate be re


Hail! land of FREEDOM,-Genius there Protected, thrives beneath thy fost'ring


The mind unshackled, and restraints un-
TheRIGHTS OFMANare there display'd,
Of no despotic law afaid;
Religion, heav'nly Maid, is FREE,
And teaches pure Morality;
No subtle Priests with Tyrants join'd,
Endeavour to easlave Mankind;
But free in action as in word,
The voice of JUSTICE there is heard;
Who executes, with even hand,

The equal laws, which WISDOM plaun'd; May thy example, to surrounding Nations shewn,

Hurl Priesteraft to the dust, and Despotism. from his throne.

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