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Madison tendered us the means of prevent | Monroe, in his instructions to the Commis sioners at Ghent, written in July and August, telling them, that it appears to the President, that the war, or our part, has a new object.

ing our seamen from avoiding our service by serving on board of American ships; but, laying that aside, why did we not make peace as soon as we had made peace with France? We were no longer in danger. There existed no longer any reason to fear, that our men would take refuge on board of American ships. The European peace had taken away all ground of quarrel. The Republic was always ready to treat. Her Ministers, or Commissioners, were in London soliciting audiences. And yet the war continued, and, on our part, with more fury than ever. All danger to us was at an end. The French king was restored; the Pope was re-established in his Chair of St. Peter; regular Government and the Inquisition were happily restored in Spain; and, in short, "social "order and our holy religion," as John Bowles used to call them, were every where become again in vogue.

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But this proclamation of the Admiralty was not all that had a tendency to produce this opinion of our object. On the 2 of June, just after the issuing of this proclamation, the London newspapers published what they called a speech of Sir Joseph Yorke, one of the Lords of the Admiralty, delivered, as it was stated, in the House of Commons, the evening before. This document is of infinite importance, whether we view it as coming from a Gentleman in office, or as to the time of its having been uttered, or, at least, published. It was in these memorable words, às published in the Courier newspaper of the 2d June, 1814. "Sir J. Yorke observed, that although one great enemy of this country, Bonaparte, had been deposed, there was anoThis change took place in the months of "ther gentleman whose DEPOSITION April and May last; and just as I was hug- was also necessary to our interest, he ging myself in the prospect of a speedy" meant Mr. President Madison, and with peace with America, out came a very ex- a view to THAT DEPOSITION a traordinary paper from the Admiralty. It" considerable naval force must be kept was an address to the fleets. It set out up, especially in the Atlantic. But as with expressing thanks to the sailors for" to his Hon. Friend's opinion respecting their services in the glorious cause, which" the reduction of the Navy, he wished it had just been crowned with such signal" to be considered that a number of shipsuccess; it then stated to them, that their " ping were employed in conveying French services would be wanted a little longer, in "prisoners to France, and bringing home order to carry on the war against America, our own countrymen. So much for the which had been guilty of an unprovoked act" occupation of our navy on the home of aggression against our maritime rights; "station. But from the Mediterranean and it concluded by observing, that, with" for instance, several three deckers were the aid of the navy, there was no doubt" ordered home, and he could swear that but such a peace would be procured as no practicable exertion would be remitted would tend to the "LASTING TRAN-" to reduce the expence of our Naval De"QUILLITY OF THE CIVILIZED partment."--This required no interpre"WORLD." There was a great deal of ter. It left no 100m for miscomprehension. meaning in these concluding words. Sup- It went, at once, to the point; and, though pose the war to have gained us an acknow-it might possibly have been a fabrication of ledgment of our right to send press-gangs the Newspaper Editors, it never was, at into American merchant ships on the high any time afterwards, stated to have been seas, what had that to do with " the lasting such; and yet it was of quite importance "tranquillity of the civilized world?" And enough to merit a contradiction, if it could why the word civilized? In short, this have received it. No wonder, then, that novel instrument was, in America, looked Mr. Madison thought, that we had found upon as a new declaration of war against out a new object for the war. It was high them; a declaration of war upon a new time for him to make this discovery, when ground. Jonathan, who heard so much he read in the English newspapers a report about our care for the "civilized world," of the speech of a Lord of the Admiralty, when we began our war against the French stating, in an official way, that a strong Republic, did not fail to interpret these sig- naval force was still necessary with a view nificant words according to John Bowles's to THE DEPOSING of Mr. Madison. Dictionary. Accordingly we find Mr. This speech, as I have often said, may

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have been a fabrication; but the publica- | "sistent with ourselves, we must in like tion of it never was complained of in the manner maintain the doctrine of NO House; the report was never contradicted" PEACE WITH JAMES MADIin the newspapers; and, at any rate, when "SON............

coupled with the Proclamation of the Ad-"Can we doubt, that a vigorous effort on miralty, Mr. Madison could not help look-"our part will annihilate the power of a ing upon it as very nearly proof positive of " faction, alike hostile to Britain, and fatal our Government's determination to depose" to America? Is not the time propitious him; that is to say, to destroy the Consti-" for WINNING AT LEAST THE tution of the Republic. "SOUNDER AND BETTER PART Besides, these documents went to Ame-" OF THE AMERICANS TO AN rica accompanied with the menacing lan-" UNION OF INTERESTS WITH guage of our press; or, at least, all that "THE COUNTRY FROM WHENCE part of the press which was most in vogue, "THEY SPRUNG?".... which was most cherished by the rich, and .......................Again, in the same which was looked upon as speaking the paper of a date a few months later :-"The voice of persons having great influence." ill-organized association, is on the eve The prints of this description, the moment of dissolution; and the world is speedily Napoleon was down, changed, all at once," to be delivered of the mischievous extheir tone with regard to America. They ample of the existence of a Government

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I need insert no more. This was the

had before talked of our maritime rights; "FOUNDED ON DEMOCRATIC they had apologized for the war; they had" REBELLION." called it a war of necessity; they had affected to lament that necessity; they had been ex-language of the favoured and patronised pressing their hopes of the return of peace part of the English press. It is impossible with our misled brethren in America. But no to efface these passages. They speak in sooner was Napoleon put down, than these language which can neither be misundersame prints proclaimed the necessity of con- stood nor misrepresented. tinuing the war for the purpose of subduing the Republic; of bringing her to subjection; of putting down her Government; of bringing to an union with us a part, at least, of the States; of rooting out her democratical principles. They declared, that no peace was to be made with James Madison, whom they called a TRAITOR and a REBEL. But observe well, that the main object constantly kept in view by these prints was the necessity of delivering the world of the EXAMPLE of the existence of a Government founded on DEMOCRATIC rebellion. To quote all, or a hundredth part, of the instances that I am here speak.. ing of, would fill a large volume. I will, therefore, content myself with a few passages from the Times newspaper of the last two weeks of the month of April, 1814.

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"It is understood that part of our army "in France will be immediately trans"ferred to America, to FINISH the war "there with the same glory as in Europe, "and to place the peace on a foundation equally firm and lasting.".

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In addition to these clear unequivocal indications, we must not omit to bear in mind the article, which appeared in all our London prints, some weeks after the peace of Paris, stating, that there was a secret article in that treaty, pledging the Continental Powers not to interfere in the war, or the dispute, between England and America. This was something very remarkable; for the article was given as an ex tract from the Vienna Gazette. How could it get into that Gazette, which, all the world knows, contains nothing disapproved of by the Government? How could the article get there? It related to a matter of very great importance. Uncommonly important it was. The editor, the mere editor of a Paper at Vienna was not likely to think much, or care much, about Ame

rice, or her dispute. Why should be invent the story of such a secret article? Be the cause of this article what it might, the effect certainly was very great. The fact, which was taken for granted by the ene....mies of liberty here, encouraged them to proceed in urging the continuance of the war; they told the people, that there was no danger now that all the Powers of Europe were of one mind; that there was no fear, in the present state of France, of her lending the Americans any assistance;

"The American Government “is, in point of fact, as much a tyranny (though we are far from saying it is so "horrible a one) as was that of Bonaparte: "and as we firmly urged the principle of "no peace with Bonaparte; so, to be con

to see Mr. Madison deposed; therefore they wished to see an aristocratical faction raised up against the Republican Government; they thought, that war, necessarily producing taxes heavier than the Republicans had ever been used to, would furnish the aristocratical faction with a plau

hopes of thus producing, first, violent opposition to the war; next, something like open REBELLION; next, a division of the States; and, last, the conquest or over

that all the maritime powers were exhausted by the war; that they stood in need of long repose to recover themselves; that, in fact, their fleet and seamen were nearly all gone; that now! now! NOW | OR NEVER! was the motto; that, by a good hearty exertion, this Republic, this dangerous example to the world, might besible ground of complaint; they were in for ever got rid of. There were many amongst these publishers and their patrons, who hoped for, who expected, and who encouraged the notion of, a re-colonization of the Republican States. They openly pro-throw of the whole. This was the main claimed this; and, indeed, I verily believe, that, about four months ago, a great part of the nation had been persuaded, that the project would be accomplished very speedily. Thus was the war rendered popular; and so popular, that, even in the city of London, and at a Common Hall, a motion for a petition against the continuance of the Ameican war, though coupled with a call for the discontinuance of the Income Tax, which that war rendered indispensable, could not obtain a moment's hearing. The people were worked up to a senseless spirit of resentment, while those who had so worked them up, had in view the utter subversion of the American Republic, and with her, the last remains of political liberty.

ground of hope with these thalignant publishers; these enemies of real freedom; these sons and daughters of Bribery and Corruption, whose hearts overflowed with gall, whose eye-balls we seared by the sight of a people, who chose their representatives every twenty-four mouths, in the choosing of whom every man paying taxes had a voice, whose chief magistrate even was chosen from amongst his fellow-citizens every four years, without any pecuniary or religious qualification; and whose whole Government, civil, judicial, military, and naval, did not cost above a tenth part as much as the amount of the Civil List alone in England, though the population of the country was nearly equal to that of England. This was an object that blasted their sight. They could not endure it. They were mad at the thought of its being left in existence. They saw that, while this spectacle was in the world, they were over safe. It was useless, in their view of the matter, to have restored the Bourbons, the Pope, the Dominicans, and the Inquisition, while America remained an example and an asylum for the oppressed of all nations.

Here, then, we have the real objects of the friends of tyranny; the sons and daughters of corruption; the race who never can be at heart's case while the sun shines upon one free country; upon one nation happy in the enjoyment of liberty. These people had seen liberty, and the very hope of liberty, destroyed in France; their long existing hopes of seeing that object accomplished had been just fully gratified; Hence these malignant writers left nobut they, who are as cunning as they are thing undone to urge the nation on to a wicked, clearly saw that nothing, and, per- continuation of the war. Every art was haps, worse than nothing, was done, unless made use of to encourage an acquiescence the free Constitution of the American Re-in the project. Mr. Madison was held up public could be destroyed. The sons and daughters of corruption foresaw, that, while this Republic existed, nothing was done; that the "example," to use the words of the Times," of the existence of such a Go"vernment," would keep Bribery and Corruption in constant dread and constant danger; that the example of a people living under a Government such as that of America, without tumults, without commotions, would always be a handle for the friends of reform to lay hold of; and, therefore, they anxiously wished for the overthrow of that Government; therefore they wished

as the basest of men; as a traitor, who, at a moment when England was in great danger from the designs and the power of Napoleon, took advantage of our embarrassment, and declared war with a design to assist him in totally ruining us. But the great inducement, the great ground of hope of final success was, the expected division of the States. It was well known that there was an aristocratical faction in the four States, called the New England, or Eastern States; that some very artful men, in that part of the Union, had stirred up a sort of rebellion. The influence of

these men was magnified; and a belief pay my part of it with a great deal less was created, that a division would take dissatisfaction.-The following is the avplace. This hope, however, has failed; ticle :-"The reports of the intended marand you will have the pleasure to see, in "riage of Mrs. Perceval are, we believe, a short time, this faction plunged into irre- " quite unfounded. They have arisen from trievable disgrace and ruin. "her intercourse with a neighbour's faHaving now endeavoured to place in a "mily, that of the Rev. Mr. Carr, the clear light, the cause of the war, and the" Clergyman of Ealing, where Mrs. Percauses of its continuance after the Euro-" ceval lives. Mr. Carr has some charmpean peace, I shall, in another letter, state "ing daughters, and to them Mrs. Perthe causes of the peace, and its probable" ceval has within the last two months important consequences.

In the meanwhile I remain, with the greatest respect, and most sincere attachment, your faithful and obedient servant,

"shewn particular attention, visiting, and "having them at home with her frequently. "The Rev. Mr. Carr has two sons, one a "Colonel, the other a Major in the Army. WM. COBBETT." The latter, now at home, is a remark


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"ably handsome man, about thirty, and he MRS. SPENCER PERCEVAL. "is the person whom the town tattle has "destined as the bridegroom, merely beYe lovers of cant! Ye hypocrites, 66 cause, on his sisters' account, he has religious, moral, and political! Draw "shewn becoming respect, which has been near and regale yourselves with a treat. becomingly received by Mrs. Perceval. Here is one who surpasses you all." But Mrs. Perceval is twelve years older The following paragraph from the Courier" than he is, with twelve children, the of the 4th instant, on the subject of "children of our late excellent Prime this lady's reported intended marriage," Minister, who fell by the hands of an will make every man of sense and sincerity "assassin. Mrs. Perceval's love of her laugh. It is clearly discernable, that the children, her reverence for the memory of canting fellow believes the report to be " an adored husband, whom she lost under true, and that his object is to frighten the "circumstances so awful, would be sure safelady with the condemnation of public opi-" guards for her conduct, even if it were posnion. Ladies, in such cases, are not so "sible to forget the exalted place she occueasily frightened, let me tell him; and pies in the eve of society. The heavy grief, they would be fools if they were. "The" turning her almost to stone, which she felt 66 Country has voted a large pension." He" for the loss of her husband, the conspimeans the Members of Parliament. But "cuous part she has taken among the most what then? Was it made a condition, that "religious, moral, and amiable class; the exshe should not fall in love with a "hand- 66 ample her conduct has set in all respects, some Major 2" Away, you paltry, snivel-"renders it impossible to believe she will ling bypocrite, whoever you may be ; and," take a step so contrary to the course she perhaps, you may be a rival of the lady." has hitherto pursued. The Country has Things much more unlikely have been; "done every thing kind and honourable tricks more strange have been played off to her, voting her a large pension during through the press of London, which has "life, providing for her children, &c.frequently been made the tool in the hands of those who wished to break off, or to make up matches.--Well, Madam, (for, I am sure, you are no mun) suppose the lady is twelve years older than the Major," could you not have left him to find that out? And suppose she has twelve children, did not the Major know that, think you? No; no; you'll never persuade the lady, that her reputation will suffer from marry-employment of German troops is liable, in ing a handsome young man. The public some cases, to give offence; but a bare rewill pay her pension as cheerfully when she cital of facts, without observations, surely is Mrs. CARR, as if she had remained Mrs. no reasonable being can object to. ImPERCEVAL; and, for my own pait, I shall pressed with this idea, I conceive I may be



Among the children of her late Lord, "she finds the highest consolation for his "loss, and she is the last person who will forget him so far as to throw herself into the arms of any other Gentleman, how"ever deserving."




MR. COBBETT,--To comment upon the

permitted to state, that the people of this | riot in question. And it ought to be furtown did not shew any extraordinary ther recorded, that the sailors confined symptoms of joy, on the arrival here of the their proceedings solely to the objects Brunswick Hussars, who were called in connected with their dispute; namely, the by the Mayor to assist in quelling the late preventing mariners from proceeding to riot; and several very respectable inha-sea at the reduced wages, and the liberatbitants, who had been summoned, and had ing their comrades who had been taken attended, in aid of the civil power, declined into custody; and that, in every other regiving any further assistance when the spect, they avoided offering the slightest foreign troops arrived, assigning, as the insult or molestation; for when, in the reason, their disapprobation of the mea- struggle to effect the release of their comsure. I do not pretend to say, whether panions, they had overcome every effort of these persons thought or acted right or not; the civil power to resist them; when they neither shall I undertake to decide with bad thus become, as it were, masters of the whom originated the several disputes in place, they immediately retired with their which the Germans were engaged whilst rescued brethren, and the town became as here; but shall conclude my narrative by peaceable as if nothing had occurred. It' stating, that some very unpleasant occur- is but justice to make these facts public; rences having taken place in the evening for, though the circumstance of breaking of Tuesday, December 13th, the Hussars open the prison cannot be denied, yet it is hastily and unexpectedly took their final hoped the above considerations may plead, (but very abrupt) departure from the town and plead strongly, in mitigation of punishabout midnight! To the events of that ment.-The writer in the Courier observes, evening is to be ascribed the circumstance that the Mayor and other Magistrates alluded to in the following paragraph which deserve, from every peaceable and wellappeared this day in the Norfolk Chronicle" disposed inhabitant, the most sincere and Norwich Mercury newspapers, under “thanks, as their conduct was greatly to the head of Lynn news:-"The private" be admired.”—Now, Sir, though all "belonging to the 5th Dragoon Guards, "who was seriously wounded here a short "time since, in a fray with the Brunswick “Hussars, we are glad to find is in a fair way of recovery.' -I am, &c. Lynn, Dec. 31st. A BY-STANDER.



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this may be true, and though I believe the mass of the inhabitants of this town to be as peaceable and well-disposed as most people, yet they seem not, at present, to have caught the enthusiasm of the Courier's correspondent. They feel attached to the character of the British seaman, with all his faults, and with all his errors, they enMR. COBBET,-In your second Letter tertain a respect for some political opinions "to the Cossack Priesthood of the State of their ancestors; but the "sincere "of Massachusetts," inserted in your "thanks" for the much-to-be-admired conREGISTER of Dec. 24th, you favoured duct above-mentioned, are yet to come.them, and the world at large, with two ex- Though by no means deficient in the rights tracts from the Courier newspaper, respect- of hospitality, yet no expressions of their ing the late riot in this town. Though admiration have hitherto burst forth at the all due deference should be paid to the jovial entertainment given by the Mayor Courier's Lynn Correspondent, who evi- (at his own house) to the German Officers, dently writes in a tone of dignified hateur, the day after their arrival.Now, Sir, and with a proper contempt for those below as animadverting upon certain local politihim, yet certainly the great majority of the cal occurrences, is sometimes a ticklish inhabitants of this populous town, do not point, which no man can more feelingly deappear to have imbibed his conception of scribe than yourself; and as placards and the subject.-As some of the sailors, or, sarcastic hand-bills are posting and flying (as this writer calls them) " poor deluded about here in various directions, it would FELLOWS," are to be tried for their lives, be friendly in you to act as a Monitor to it should be made known, that the mer- the "deluded" inhabitants of this town, chans and ship-owners have voluntarily lest, peradventure, through any mistaken acceded to the terms which these " deluded | zeal for the constitutional notions of their "FELLOWS" first demanded, and the re- ancestors, they should fall into perilous fusal to comply with which occasioned the error, by murmuring when they should


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