Imágenes de páginas

---Lients: J. Meyrick (left leg amputated); D. Cam, hell, severely. 44th--Capt 11. Debiz [Lieut.-Col }, " slightly'; Lieuf. R. Smith," Bash, R. Phelan, W. Jones, severely: W. Mackan, shghtly; Ensigns J. White, B. Haydong and J. Donaldson, severely. 85th-1. eut.-Colonel W. Thornton, Lieut. B. C. Uquahar, severely, not dangerously. 93---Ca stains R. "Rylin, Boulger, Mackenzie, and Ellis, sev rely; Lieutenants M'Lean, Spark, and M'Pherson, slightly; C. Gordon, and J. Hay, 95---Captain J. Travers, severely; Captain N. severely: Volunteer Wilson, slightly. Travers, slightly; Lieutenants J. Reynolds, Sir J. Rabton, J. Gosset, J. W. Blackkörse, and R. Barker, severely.

and Major-Generals Gibbs and Keage, were nearly at the same moment wounded. The effect of this upon the troops caused a hesitation in their advance, and though order was restored by the advance of the reserve under Major-General Lambert, to whom the command of the army had devolved, and Colonel Thornton had succeeded in the operation assigned to him on the right bank of the river;yet the Major-General, upon the cousideration of the difficulties which yet remained to be surmounted, did not think himself justined in ordering a renewal of the at-Royal Marines --Captain Gilbert Elliott, slightly;

tack. The troops, therefore, retired to
the position, which they had occupied
previous to the attack.
In that postion
they remained till the evening of the 18th
when the whole of the wounded, with
the exception of 80 (whom it was con-
sidered dangerous to remove) the field
artillery, and all the stores of every
description, having been embarked, the
army retired to the head of the Bayone,
where the landing had been originally
effected, and re-embarked without moles-

Names of Officers killed and wounded
and the missing in the Action of the
8th of January.

KILLED General Staff-Major-General Hon. Sir
F. Pakenham, Commander of the Forces; Capt.
Thomas Wilkinson, 83th, Major of Brigade.
4th Foot-Ensign Wm. Crowe.

7th Ditto-Major George King, Captain George

1st Ditto-Major J. A. Whittaker, Capt. R. Renny (Lieut.-Col.), Lieut. Donald M∙Donald. 44th Ditto-Lieutenant R. Davies, and Ensign M'Losky

Lieutenants I. Elliott and C. Morgan, slightly. 1st West India Regiment- Cap'ain Isles, severely, Lieutenants MDonald and Morgan, severely; Ensign Pilkington, severely; and Meilar, slighẩy. Royal Navy-Capt. Money, his Majesty's ship Trave, severely; Midshipman Welcombe, his Majesty's ship Fonnant, ditto.

MISSING. 4th Foot-Lieut. E. Field, wounded.

21st ditto-Capt. Jas. M'Hame (Major), and A. Kidd; Lients. J. Stewart, A., B. Aunstrong, Jas. Brady, wounded; J. Leacock; R. Carr, wounded J. S. M. Toabham; and P. Qúin, wounded.

434. diuo-Capt. Robt. Simpson, severely wounded. 93 ditto-Lieats. G. Munro, J. M'Donald, wound

44th ditto-Lieut. W. Knight.

ed; and B. Graves wounded; Volunteer B. Johnston.

Names of the Officers killed, wounded,

and missing, in the operations preced-
ing and subsequent to the action of the
8th Jan. 1815.

KILLED Royal Artillery.-Lieut. Alex. Ramsay
Royal Engineers-Lieut. Peter Wright.

4th Foot-Capt. Francis Johnstone, and Lieut.
John Sutherland.
21st. ditto-Capt. Win. Contan.
44th ditto-Lieut. John Blakeney.
85th ditto-Captains Charles Gray, and Charles


1st. West India Regt.-Capt. Francis Collings. WOUNDED. General Staff.-Liep.-Col. Stoven. 28th Foot, A. A. G. severely, not dangerously; Major Hooper, 87th Poot D. A. G. severely (leg amputated; Licut. D lancy Evans, 3d Dragoons, D. A. Q. M. G. severely.

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Royal Artillery-Leuts. James Christie, severely,
and B. S. Poynter, slightly.
4th Foot-Lieut. Thos. Moody, severely.
21st Foot-Lieut. John Levock, slightly.

93d Dino---Lieut.-Col. R. Dale, Capts. T. Hitchins,
and A. Muirhead.
WOUNDED.-General Staff-Major-General Gibbs,
severely, since dead; Major-General Keane, se.
verely; Captains H. E. Shaw, 4th Foot, (Britis!r
Infantry), slightly, and L Delacy. Evans, 3d
Dragoons, D. A. Q. M. G. severely.
4th Foot-Lieut.-Col. F. Brooke, slightly; Major
A D. France, Lieut.-Col. severely. Captains J.
Williamson, J. Jones, J. W. Fletcher, R. Erskine,
severely, and D. S. Craig, slightly; Lieutenants43d
W. H. Brooke, B. Martin, G. Richardson, W.
Squire, C. H. Farringham, James Marshal, H.
Andrews, severely, and E. P. Hopkins, J. Salvin,
P. Baulby, G. H. Hearne, slightly; Ensigns
Thomas Burrell, severely, and A. Gerrard, J.
Fernandez, E. Newton, slightly; Adjutant W.
Richardson, severely.

7th Foot--Captains W. E. Page, severely, J. J. A.
Mullens, slightly; Lieutenants M. Higgins, se-
verely, B. Lorentz, slightly.
21st-Lieut.-Colonel W. Paterson (Colonel), se-
verely, not dangerously; Major E. J. Ross; Lieuts.
J. Waters, and A. Geddes, severely.

ditto-Lieut. Edward D'Arcy, severely (both legs amputated.

95th Foot-Capt. James Knox, Lieats, George
Willings, F. Maunsell, W. Hickson, and Robert
Charlton, severely: Lieut. J. W. Boys, slightly;
Ensign Sir Fred. Eden, severely (since dead);
Ensign Thomas Armsby, slightly.

93d ditto-Licut, A. Pisaup, severely (since dead).
97th ditto-Capt. W., Hallen, and Lieut. Daniel
Forbes, severely; Lieut. J. G. Farmer, slightly.
MISSING.83th Foot---Lieut. W. Walker, and
Ensign George Ashton.
95th ditto---Major Samuel Mitchell.
Grand Total


Pinted and Published by G. HouSTON: No. 192, Strand; where all Communications addressed to the Editor are requested to be forwarded,

VOL. XXVII. No. 11.] LONDON, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1815. [Price 1s.

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upon the subject, my hatred, my abhorrence of this Bill have only been more strongly confirmed. I shall, therefore, continue to do every lawful act in If only one Gentleman from every town, my power to prevent it becoming a law. and from every considerable village, were to attend at Botley, the work of signing Petitions might be very easily and spee dily accomplished.



If ever there was news that struck like a thunder-bolt, this was that news.. Many persons seem to be out of their wits at it. After having seen the deliverance of Europe accomplished, they really appear to be delivered of their senses.

On the 9th inst. I delivered to MR. BOSANQUET, the High Sheriff of this County, a Requisition for a County Meeting, signed by myself and by 581 other freeholders, and others, the place of abode of each of whom was written against his name. MR. BOSANQUET, on the 11th inst. informed me, by letter, that he should not comply with the request of the persons who had signed the said Request. This his letter, together with a proposition for further proceedings, shall be published next week, after I have had an opportunity of consulting personally with some of the Gentlemen who signed the Requisition. And, for this purpose, I beg leave to invite such of these Gentlemen as may have leisure, to meet me at THE DOLPHIN INN, AT BOTLEY, on Saturday next, the 25th inst. at 12 o'clock in the day. It will be as convenient to every body else to go to Botley as to go to Winchester, and much more convenient to me to remain at home, especially as I have already been much from home on the business. When met, we shall be able to adopt some plan for the signing of petitions in all parts of the county. No one will deny, that we have a RIGHT to Petition, that is, to say, to PRAY. The poorest of us may PRAY even to God; and, surely, we may PRAY to the Parliament! In our Church service, in our Common Prayer Book, there are prayers against DEARTH, and thanksgivings for plenty, or cheapness; and, surely, when corn is cheap, we may PRAY to the Parliament not to pass a law, tend-pletely destroyed. Louis the desired ing to make it dear! The moment that the Corn Bill appeared in the House of Commons, that moment I declared, that if there was but one man in all England to petition against it, I would be that man. After very attentively listening to every thing that I have seen or heard

-For my part, I am wholly unable to judge of the probabilities that exist in favour, or against Napoleon's enterprise; but, after viewing what the people of Italy, Genoa, Switzerland, Spain, and even France have experienced, in consequence of his fall, I cannot say, that his restoration would, to me, be matter of surprise, especially when I consider how large a part of the soldiers and of the people of France were, and always ap pear to have continued firmly attached to him.-As to wishes, they avail nothing; but we are now all free to express those which we entertain. Our country is at peace with the Emperor of Elba as well as with the King of France. My wishes are, that the Jesuits, the Dominicans, and the Inquisition may be put down again. I do not care much by whom ; but these "ancient and venerable insti

tutions," as the Cossacks of New England call them, I wish to see com

has not done what was promised. He has not abolished the heaviest taxes; he has not left religion as he found it; he has not adhered to the Cofle Napoleon; he has not left the press free. i do not know, that, surrounded as he has been, that he could have done more than he L

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Farewell Blockheads, unless in cases of actual investiture!--I shall be told, that we have not stipulated with America to refrain from any of these impediments to neutral commerce. Oh, no! There needs no stipulation. The events on Lakes Ontario and Champlain, at New Orleans and Mobile, at Fayal, and on the Ocean itself, will, I am very certain admonish our ministers of the danger of bringing the Republic on our backs, while we have to look France in the face. The war, the war which I so laboured to prevent; that war, which was to divide and subjugate the Republic according to the predictions of our Cossack writers; that war has left the Republic on the tripple pinnacle of military, naval, and political glory: happy for her, if it has also left her with a deep horror for all war, not necessary to the preservation of her independence, rights, honour and liberty! But, seeing what has passed, do our Cossack writers expect to see her again acting the humble and the degrading part which she acted before? Do they not see, that the very first infringement on her neutral rights will be the signal for our seeing her “ Bits of striped

has done; but, he has not done all that was expected, and has done some things which were not expected.-It is quite impossible for me to know, whether, or no, Napoleon, is best calculated to make France happy; but, to him who is most disposed to make her happy and free, I most sincerely wish success.At any rate, with the same earnestness, with the same anxiety, with the same forebodings of evil if my prayer be rejected, which I felt when I so often besought our Government not to embark, and, when embarked, not to persevere, in the war against the Republic of America, I now beseech, I implore them, not, on any account, to draw the sword, to waste the treasure and pour out the blood of our beloved and long suffering country in this new quarrel.-We all now feel the sorrows of a twenty years war, in the taxes and troubles which have trod upon its heels. If a new war were now to be undertaken, and that, too, for the sake of the Bourbons, what must be our fate? The question would now be cleared of all the rubbish of 1792. If the king of France stand in need of no foreign aid, why should we draw the sword to give him aid? If he do" Bunting" flying and our hearing the stand in need of foreign aid, is it not clear, that the people of France are against him? If we, in the former case, interfere, we do it unnecessarily; if it in the latter case, we make war to force upon a foreign nation a Government which it does not like. Therefore, it appears to me, that it is impossible to Justify war against Napoleon upon any ground that, at present, exists.--Besides, have the writers, who already begin to cry for war, considered at all of the consequences? All the taxes hitherto col-gain. Our mercantile marine would have lected must be continued? The Debt little employment. That of the Ameriand the taxes must go on augmenting, can Republic would swell to an enormous till, at last, it will be impossible to go on. amount. Her military marine would inBut, is this all? Is this all? Would not crease in the like proportion. And, at our situation be very different indeed the end of a few years (many would not from what it was during the war? Then, be wanted), it would not be at all won though our expenses were enormous,derful, if she were able to step in and dethey were, in some degree, balanced by cide the war.--Reader; am I talking foolthat nonopoly of trade and commerce, ishly? Am I rattling on? Am I exagge which put our hands into the purse of rating the danger? Look back to the pages all the world, and which, after destroy- of the Register, in the year 1812, while I ing all the military fleets in Europe, we was yet in prison for writing about the so easily maintained. Now, what would flogging of Local militia-men and the prebe the ci se? Farewell Licences! Faresence of German troops on the ocasion, well Order's in Council! Farewell In- and just before I paid the Prince Regent pressments & n board of American Ships!) a thousand pounds fine, in the name and

sound of her cannon in the English
Channel? What, then, would be the
other consequence of war? Why, we
should see the ocean covered with Ame-
rican merchant ships.
The Republic
would carry on half the trade of
the whole world. France would be
supplied with colonial produce. Her
trade would flourish in the midst of
war. We should make few prizes. Our
prize-courts would have nothing to do.
There would be little for our navy to

them to the continuation and augmentation of that force. It will assuredly go on increasing. will be formed. In short, a great navy Dock yards, arsenals, will speedily grow up; and this will produce a great change in our situation with regard to warlike means. If we go to war with Napoleon, he has now seen the vast importance of American friendship. America will keep at peace while we suf fer her unmolested to carry on her trade all over the world. That would ruin us. But, on the other hand, if we attempt to prevent it, we shall have to fight her both by land and by sea. Here is a choice of evils; but I am not like Sir Francis Burdett's gentlemen, who present him, as he most justly complains, with a choice of evils, and nothing else; for, 1 say, that both these evils may be avoided by our remaining at peace, and leaving the French, and the Italians, and the Neapolitans, and the Swiss, and the Belgians, and the Russians, and the Spaniards, and the Prussians, and the Austrians, and the Hungarians, and the Dutch, and the Hanoverians, to settle their own affairs in their own good time and manner. And the Portuguese. I had nearly forgotten the Portuguese; and, faith, they ought not to be forgotten; for they have not been a trifle in the list of our expenses, whether of mo

behalf of the King. Look back to those pages, and there you will find, that I was treated as a fool, or a traitor, because I besought the government not to go to war, and not to proceed in the war, against America; because I asserted that it would be productive of great expense, loss, and disgrace, and would cause America to become a great and formidable naval power. How often did I repeat this. How tired were my readers at the seemingly endless repetition! How many people wrote to me to advise me to desist! How many sincere friends besought me, for the love of my own character as a writer, not to proceed! How many, whose principles were with mine on all points, differed with me on the fact as to this point!--Yet, all I foreboded has already come to pass, and that, too, | to the very letter. Many persons say, and I believe the fact, that I assisted greatly in producing the peace with America. On no act of my life do I look with greater satisfaction than on this. But, how much happier would it have been for my country, if I could have succeeded in preventing the war! The evils of this war, short as it has been, I have no scruple to say, are greater than those of the late wars against France. I mean the evils to our Government particularly. It was a war against freemen. It was a war against a Repub-ney or of men. Let us leave them all to lic. She was pitted single-handed against themselves. Let us leave the Dutch our undivided power. The world were Presbyterians to supply the Portuguese the spectators. They have followed us and Spaniards with wooden Gods, and with their eyes in the contest, and have Virgins and Saints. Let us receive the now witnessed the, to us, lamentable recorn of France when we want it, and the sult.--Ratified the treaty! To be sure wine and oil which we always want; the President and Senate would ratify the and let her receive our steel, copper, tin, treaty; a treaty which covered with im- cloth, and other things. But, let who mortal honour, the President, the Con-will be the Ruler, LET US HAVE gress, the Negotiators, the Army, the PEACE WITH HIM. Navy, every man in the land; and, above all, the Constitution of Government, which the war had put upon its trial, which has come out of it like pure gold out of the fire, and which will now be not only more dear than ever to the hearts of Americans, but will present itself as an object of admiration and attraction to every oppressed people in the world. ——I am afraid I have been digressing. Let me come back, then, to the main drift of the present article by observing, that the events of this war have taught the Republicans the great value of a naval force, while they have encouraged


ALTHOUGH in the present state of matters, with little else to guide one's opinions than the ex parte and partial statements of his enemies, it would not be well advised to speculate on the views and intentions of Napoleon, I cannot permit the opportu nity, which offers itself, to pass, without making a few remarks on the treaty concluded between him and the allied pow ers on the 11th April, 1814; by which treaty, Napoleon, on the one hand, re

His Empress was to be put in possession of three duchies in Italy, which were to pass to her son, and his descendants, The members of his family were to receive an annual allowance of two million five hundred thousand francs; and to Prince Eugene, then Viceroy of Italy, was to be given a suitable establishment, in consideration of his relinquishing all claims upon that country.— It is well known, that Napoleon, and all the members of his house, were strict in their adherence to the conditions incumbent upon them by this treaty It is now said to be equally notorious, that they have been almost all violated by the other contracting party. The annual allowances in money, which were to have been paid by the court of France, have, we are told, been withheld; the Empress Maria Louisa not put in possession of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla; and no establishment provided for the Viceroy of Italy. If all this be true, Napoleon has to complain of a manifest violation of the contract by which he relinquished his former authority; and to me he appears to have a right to reclaim those crowns, which he surrendered on the faith of the treaty being fulfilled in every particular. To say nothing of the wishes of the people of France, who, I have no doubt, are almost to a man for Napoleon,

signed the Crowns of France and Italy, and the allies, on the other, guaranteed the fulfilment of certain conditions by Louis the XVIII, the nonfulfilment of which, it is said, has occasioned Napoleon's return to France. By this treaty, a copy of which I have given below, it will be seen that the island of Elba, which was selected by Napoleon himself as his future residence, was declared by the allied powers, to form "dur"ing his life," a separate principality, "which shall be possessed by him in full "sovereignty and property."-All our newspapers, in servileimitation of the ministers of Louis, have been extremely forward in denouncing Napoleon a "trai"tor and rebel to his country," because he dared to set foot on the territory of France. In this they have shewn themselves utterly unacquainted with the political relations in which Napoleon stood to the surrounding nations.-The moment he relinquished the crown of France, she was no longer his country; he owed her no allegiance because he had sworn no fealty to her. He had made choice of the isle of Elba, for his country. It was declared a separate principality by solemn treaty, subscribed by all the great powers of Europe, and these same powers had guaranteed Napoleon's right and title to reign over it "in full sovereignty."However circumscribed the island of El-it would seem that he has an undeniable ba, however limited the number of its title to assert his claims in the manner he inhabitants, Napoleon was as much an is now doing, I know of no instance, independent Sovereign, as any of the mo- where a sovereign abdicated a throne narchs who entered into treaty with him. with the same inherent right to resume -But this was not the only consequence possession of it. His predecessors were of the recognition of the sovereignty of generally at the mercy of those who exNapoleon. He did not merely owe no pelled them. They were not in a conallegiance to France, or any other power. dition to stipulate for any thing, not even He was entitled, in case of any violation for the safety of their persons. How of treaty on the part of his neighbours, very different was the situation of to punish every infraction of that treaty Napoleon. In place of accepting terms to the utmost of his ability, This is a from his supposed victors, he dictated principle acknowledged by all writers on them; and the prompt manner with which the law of nations. It was upon this the Allied Powers agreed to these terms, principle that the allies justified the was no small proof that they considered? invasion of France, and even defended him still a formidable object, He retired their conduct when they refused to treat from the contest under the faith and sowith Napoleon in the character of Sove-lemnity of a treaty; he returns to it, bereign of that empire. Has Napoleon then done more than attempt to punish the infraction of a treaty? Not only was his title to the "full sovereignty" of Elba acknowledged by solemn treaty, but he was to receive for his own use an annual revenue of two millions of francs.

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cause that treaty, as is said, has been broken. This being the state of the case, Napoleon appears to me to have done nothing more than all other independent sovereigns have a right to do, if placed in similar circumstances. He has appealed to the sword; and as those

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