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ADAMS, Mr. His fpeech to the Con-

grefs, Page 339-His meffage refpect-
ing Spain, 382-His meffage upon the state
of the country, 383

Addrefs Of the citizens of Aux Cayes to
the French government for the Leeward
Iflands, 1-Of the Prince of Condé to his
army, refpecting their being taken into the
fervice of Ruffia, 128-Of General Maf-
fena's divifion to the Directory, 129-
Of General Jubert's, ditto-Of General
Bernadotte's divifion, 144-Of General
Vignolles' and Angereau's divifions, and of
the army of the Rhine and Mofelle, 145,
146, 147-Of General Angereau to his
troops, 157-Of the two councils to the
departments and the armies, on the 4th
Sept. 199-Of the diet of Ratisbon, on
the revolutionizing the left bank of the
Rhine, 276、

America, the United States of--Communi-

cation from the Prefident refpecting the
differences with France, 278-Docu
ments accompanying that communication,
280-Speech of the Prefident to the Con-
grefs, 339-Documents referred to in his
fpeech, 346 to 382-Meffage from the
Prefident refpecting Spain, 382-Meffage
from the Prefident refpecting the critical
ftate of the country, 383-Report of the
committee of the fenate upon Mr. Blount,
384-Impeachment of Mr. Blount, 336
-His expulfion, ditto-Documents re-
fpecting the Floridas, 387

Angereau, General-Addrefs of his divifion
to the Directory, 144, 145-His addrefs
to the troops, 151

Anfwer of the court of Rome to General
Buonaparte, 5

Antraigues, M. d', documents found in his
port-folio, 180

Archduke Charles-His reply to General

Buonaparte's letter refpecting peace, 64
Army of the Rhine and Mofelle-Their ad-
drefs to the Directory, 147
Armistice between General Buonaparte and
the Archduke Charles, 65

Arret of the Executive Directory refpecting
neutral powers, 107

Aubry His report to the Council of Five
Hundred, on the marching of troops to
Paris, 123

Audience, public, given by the Directory
to the Danish, Neapolitan, Genevele,
Spanish, and Turkish ambassadors, 78


Barras, his fpeech at the ceremony of
taking the oath against royalty, 35
Bellegarde, General, his letter to General
Buonaparte, 64

Bernadotte, General, addrefs of his divifion
to the Directory, 144

Blount, Mr. report refpecting him, 384-
His letter, note, 384-Impeached, 386-
Expelled, 387

His Britannic Majefty-Treaty with Heffe
Darmstadt, Page i-With Ruffia, .vi→→
His letter to his Imperial Majefty respect-
ing Nuremberg, 131-To his Pruffian
Majefty on the fame fubject, 132
Buonaparte, General--Convention at Mon-
tebello with the deputies of Genoa, xv
letter to General
Rufca on the infurrection at Ferrara, 7.
letter to the Exe
cutive Directory relative to the intercepted
letters from Cardinal Busca, 15

letter to Cardinal
Mattei refpecting the breaking of the ar
miftice with the Pope, 48

his answer to the
letter written to him by the Pope, 49
his proclamation to
his foldiers after the furrender of Mantua,

Archduke refpecting peace, 58

the Carinthians, 59

his letter to the

his proclamation to

his letter to the Exe-
cutive Directory respecting the armistice,

his anfwer to Generals

Bellegarde and Morveldt, 65


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Cherin, General, his proclamation to the
Breft army, 32

Clarke, General, declaration to him by the
court of Vienna, 28
Commiffion of the Batavian affembly to Ci-
tizen Noel, 8

Communication of the Electoral envoy of
Brandenburgh, to the diet of Ratisbon,

Condé, Prince of His addrefs to his army
on their being taken into the fervice of
Ruffia, 128

Congress of Cifpadana to the people of
Bologna, 3

Convention at Montebello between Buona-
parte and his Excellency M. Michael
Angelo Cambrofa, xv

between General Buonaparte and
the Marquis of Manfredini respecting the
evacuation of Leghorn, 48
Council of Ancients-Meffage to, on the
victories in Italy, 14-Meffage to, on the
events of the 4th Sept. 164-Message to,
on the fame.fubject, 172-Their address
to the departments and armies on the
events of the 4th Sept. 199

Council of Five Hundred-Meffage to, on
the pay of the troops, 12-Meffage to,
on the confpiracy, 17-Meffage to, on
the state of St. Domingo, 25-Meffage
to, recommending an oath against royal y
and anarchy, 54-Meffage to, refpecting
the armiftice with Auftria, 66-Meffage
to, on the conduct of Venice, 69—Mef-
fage to, refpecting St. Doiningo, 77-
Meffage to, refpecting Lyons, ditto-
Meffage to, refpecting the perfonal con-
tribution, 83-Report to, upon the
clubs, 89-Refolutions of, refpecting
priests, 94-Meffage to, refpecting, the
finances, 98-Report to, on the approach
of troops, tor-Their refolution re-
Ipecting clubs, 109-Report to, upon
the meffage of the Directory refpecting the
march of troops, 124-Report to, on the

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Wefel, 33

of the Pruffian government at

of the Bishop of Wurtzburg, in
anfwer to the Imperial refcript upon the
quintuple contingents, 47

of the general administration of
Lombardy refpecting Auftrian prisoners
deferting, 50

of the Emperor to the three
colleges, on the opening of the campaign,

of the Emperor, respecting

the defence of Vienna, 63

-- of Count Thurn, relative
to the entrance of the Auftrians into Ve-
netian Istria, 85

of M. Duverne Duprefle, or
Dunant, refpecting the confpiracy, 189
of the British government,
on the rupture of the negotiation, 268
Del Campo, Marquis, to the minister for
foreign affairs, 5

Documents found at Venice in the port-folio
of M. d'Antraigues, 180

Dumas, his fpeech upon the furrender of
Mantua, 22

Duprefle, Duverne, or Dunant, his declara-
tions refpecting the confpiracy, 189


Edict published at Berlin, refpecting the
Aulic council, 82

Embargo in the French ports, 55
Elector of Saxony, his letter to the King.
of Pruffia, refpecting the difputes with
Franconia, 112

Emperor of Germany-Peace with the
French republic, xxi-His declaration to
the three colleges upon opening the cam-
paign, 51

Executive Directory-Their meffage on the
pay of the troops, 12-Their meffage on
the victories in Italy, 14-Their mef-
fage on the confpiracy, 17-Ditto on the
ftate of St. Domingo, 25-On the oath



against royalty, 55-On the armistice
with Auftria, 66-Their communica-
tion to the city of Frankfort, 68-
Their meffage on the conduct of Venice,
69-Their meffage on the drawing by
lot, 72-Their meffage refpecting St.
Domingo, 77-Their message respecting
Lyons, ditto Their meffage respecting
the perfonal contribution,83-Their arret
refpecting neutral powers, 107-Their
meffage refpecting the marching of
troops to Paris, 123 - Their meffage
refpecting the having taken the necessary
fteps to execute the laws refpecting the
conftitutional limits, 126-Their mef-
fage refpecting finance, 130-Their mef-
fage refpecting the peace with Portugal,
136-Meffage refpecting payments, 139
-Meffage refpecting the marching of
troops within the conftitutional limits,
153-Their meffage to the Council of
Ancients on the events of the 4th Sept.
164-Their meffage on the state of the
finances, 171-Their meffages on the
4th Sept. to both Councils, 172-Their
proclamation to the French people on the
fame fubject, 174-Their proclamation
to the Parifians on ditto, 177-Their
proclamation refpecting the conftitution
of 1793 and the Orleans family, 178—
Decree of the Directory refpecting the
Odeon and School of Health, ditto-
Their mandate respecting the Journals,

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of the French commercial towns to the
minifter of finance refpecting banks, 9-
From Buonaparte to the Executive Di-
rectory, 15-From the Duke of Port-
land to the Lord Mayor refpecting the
defcent upon Wales, 27-Of convoca-
tion to the plenipotentiary envoys of
Northern Germany, 38-From Buona-
parte to the Chevalier Azzara respecting
the peace with the Pope, 43. Of
General Buonaparte to Cardinal Mattei
refpecting the rupture of the armistice,
48-Of Buonaparte to the Archduke,
offering peace, 58-Of the Archduke,
in reply to General Buonaparte's letter,
64-Of Buonaparte to the Executive
Directory respecting the armistice, ditto
- Of Buonaparte to Generals Belle-
garde and Morveldt, 65-From the
Elector of Saxony to the King of Pruffia
upon the difputes with Franconia, 112-
From his Britannic Majefly to his Impe-
rial Majefty refpecting Nuremberg, 131

To his Pruffian Majefty on the fame
fubject, 132-Of Buonaparte to the
chief of the Maniotes, 135-Of Gene-
ral Hoche to the American citizen B-,
at Paris, 152-Of the minifter for fo-
reign affairs to Citizen Noel respecting
the Dutch conftitution, 163-Of Gene-
ral Moreau to Citizen Barthelemy, 204
Louis XVIII. His proclamations to the
French, 35.51


Maffei, Cardinal-Letter to General Buo-
naparte, 5

Manifesto of Buonaparte against Venice, 69
Maffena, General, his divifion's addrefs to
the Directory, 129

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Memorial of the Pope's nuncio to the
Prince of Peace, 44
Meffages-From the Executive Directory
to the Council of Five Hundred on the
pay of the foldiers, 12-From the Exe-
cutive Directory to the Council of An-
cients on the victories in Italy, 14-
From the Executive Directory to the
Council of Five Hundred on the con-
fpiracy, 17-From the Executive Di-
rectory to the Council of Five Hundred
on the ftate of St. Domingo, 25-From
the Executive Directory to the Council
of Five Hundred, recommending an
oath againf royalty and anarchy, 55
From the Directory refpecting the
armistice with Auftria, 66 - From the
Directory refpecting the conduct of Ve-
nice, 69 - From the Directory on the
drawing by lot, 72--From the Directory

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refpecting St. Domingo, 77-From the
Directory respecting Lyons, ditto-From
the Directory respecting the perfonal con-
tribution, 83-From the Directory re-
specting finances, 98-From the Di-
rectory refpecting the marching of troops,
123-On the marching of troops, 124
-From the Directory, that they have
taken measures to execute the law re-
fpecting the conftitutional limits, 127-
From the Directory refpecting France,
130 From the Directory refpecting the
treaty figned with Portugal, 136-From
the Directory relative to British mer-
chandife, 137-From the Directory re-
specting payments, 139-Respecting the
marching of troops within the conftitu.
tional limits, 153-To the Council of
Ancients on the events of the 4th Sept.
164-To the Council of Five Hundred
on the fate of the finances, 171-To
both Councils on the events of the 4th
Sept. 172

Meyer, minifter plenipotentiary of the Ba-
tavian republic, to the French minifter
for foreign affairs, refpecting the negotia-
tions with England, 31
Minifter for foreign affairs-Letter from
the Marquis del Campo to him, 5-
Minifter for general police to his fellow-
citizens, 96-Minifter plenipotentiary of
the French republic to the Batavian af-
fembly refpecting the Dutch constitution,
110-Minifter of fiuance to the com-
miffioners of the Directory on the na-
tional domains, 127-Minister of justice
to the commiffioners of the Directory
refpecting British merchandise, 136-
Minifter for foreign affairs to Citizen
Noel reípecting the Dutch conftitution,
163-Of war, to the armies respecting
the 4th Sept. 205-Minifter of the in-
terior to the central adminiftration, upon
the fame fubje&t, 206

Moreau, General, his letter to Citizen Bar-
thelemy, 204

Morveldt, General, his letter to Buona-
parte, 65


Negotiation at Lifle-Official papers relative
thereto, from 207 to 268

Remarks upon the negotiation in the
French official paper, 274
Neutral powers--Papers relative to, 278 to

Noel, Citizen-Letter to him from the
commiffion of the Batavian Affembly,
8-His addrefs to the Batavian Affem-
bly on the Dutch conftitution, 110
Note by the chargé d'affaires of Ruffia to
the Electoral Circle, 34


Order of General Buonaparte respecting the
union of the Romagna with the Cifpa-
dane, and of Modena, &c. with the Cif-
alpine republic, 75

Order of Council to the Bank to ftop pay-
ments in fpecie, 27

Ordonnance published at Verona respecting
George Giufti, 135


Parliamentary Papers, 390


from his Majefty respecting the measure
adopted with regard to the Bank, 390—
Addrefs to his Majefty in confequence of
that meffage, ditto-Mr. Sheridan's mo-
tion against exporting fpecie, 391—Mr.
Whitbread's motion upon the conduct of
minifters to Ireland, 391-The Earl of
Albemarle's motion upon the attempt to
invade Ireland, ditto-The Earl of Moira's
motion relative to Ireland, ditto-The
Earl of Oxford's motion upon the state
of the country, 392-His protest, 393
-Mr. Fox's motion relative to Ireland,
394-Colonel Wood's motion upon the
defence of the country, ditto-Mr. She-
ridan's motion refpecting further advances
to the Emperor, 395-Mr. Potter's mo❤
tion upon the negotiation, ditto-Meffage
from his Majefty respecting remittances
to Ireland, and farther advances to the
Emperor, ditto-The Duke of Bedford's
refolutions refpecting the Bank, 396—
Mr. St. John's motion refpecting the
withdrawing of the British troops from
St. Domingo, 400-Mr. Combe's mo-
tion for the difmiffal of minifters, ditto
-The Duke of Bedford's motion for
the difmiffal of minifters, 401 - His
proteft, 402-Meffage from his Majesty
refpecting the mutiny at the Nore, 405


Addrefs to his Majefty in confequence
of that meffage, ditto-Meffage from his
Majesty refpecting pecuniary afsistance to
Portugal, ditto Addrefs to his Majesty
in confequence of that meffage, 406-His
Majefty's fpeech to both Houfes on pro-
roguing the Parliament, ditto-His Ma-
jelty's speech to both Houses on the
meeting of Parliament, 407-Addresses
of both Houfes, 409

Plan of a general affociation in Great Bri-
tain, 102

Pope, the, his letter to General Buonaparte, 49
Proclamations-The congrefs of Cifpadana
to the people of Bologna, 3

to the second divifion of the

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