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ged them out by main force, and put them in irons, without experiencing the flightest refiftance from the crew; and fuch was the gallant fpirit and determined courage dif-. played by him on the occafion, that order was immediately reftored, by the remainder of the men retiring to their refpective ftations. The three convicts were next morning hanged at the yard arm, agreeably to their fentence, in the prefence of the repentant crew, whofe conduct from that time was marked with a becoming fubmiffion and fubordination. The two mutinous feamen remained in cuftody, till Friday and Saturday, July 7th and 8th, when, after a moft impartial hearing, they were condemned, and executed the next morning, Sunday, the 9th. The following judicious order was given out by the admiral, on the Saturday night previous to the execu


General order. Every hip in the fleet is to fend two boats, with an officer in each, and two marines or foldiers properly armed in each boat on board his majefty's thip the St. George, at half paft feven to-morrow morning, to at tend a punishment. The fentence is to be carried into execution by the crew of the St. George alone, and no part of the boats' crews of other flips, as is ufual on fimilar occafions, are to afit in this painful fervice; in order to mark the high fenfe the commander in chief entertains of the loyalty, fidelity, and fubordination of the reft of the fleet, which he will not fail to make known to the lords commiffioners of the admiralty, and requeft their lordships to lay it before the king. This memorandum is to be read to the fhips' companies.'

The first lieutenant has fince been promoted to the rank of ma fter and commander, as a juft tribute to his acknowledged merit.

16. Yefterday morning, about eight o'clock, a fpecial jury was aflembled at Warwick, and the caufe of the king verfus Bino, which had excited confiderable at tention, was tried before Mr. juftice Afhhurft. Mr. Percival, affisted by five other counfel, conducted the profecution, under the direction of Mr. White, folicitor to the treafury; Mr. Romiley, affifted by Meffrs. Reader and Fletcher, undertook the defence.

It appeared that the fentences compofing the charge had been abftracted from different parts of the fpeech which Binns delivered, and fo put together in the indict ment as to convey a meaning highly feditious; for it ftated, that he had faid, that force was juftiñable to catain a reform in parliament." But it was fworn by five witnesses, that his words were, If attempts were made to deprive the people of the trial by jury, and the liber ty of the prefs, that then it would be laudable to oppofe it by force.' - Thus,' faid Mr. Romiley, the words were applied to a mere hy pothefis, and not refpecting a reform in parliament. When the words are thus applied, they are far from importing any thing crimi nal; nay, (continued the counfel) to fupport by force the trial by jury, and the liberty of the prefs, against the attacks of government, is juftifiable, according to Blackftone.' Here the learned counfel read a quotation from Blackstone's Commentaries. Mr. Percival re plied.


The trial lafted near eleven hours and a half, when the jury retired, and, after deliberating about two


hours and three quarters, followed the judge to his lodgings, and delivered a verdict of Not guilty.

20. Yesterday, the coroner's inqueft was taken on the body of the right hon. Harvey Redmond vifcount Mountmorres, who, on Friday morning laft, fhot himself at his lodgings, la York-ftreet, St. James's fquare, and brought in their verdict-Lunacy.

It appeared, on evidence, that his lordship's phyfician had been with him the preceding day, when a converfation took place refpecting his lordship's departure for Ireland, when he appeared particularly gloomy, and lamented the miferies of his unhappy country, and the portentous cloud that overhung its politics. So agitated was he at the recital, that his phyfician endeavoured to diffuade him from his intended journey, in the deranged ftate of mind and body he then appeared to experience. This advice had very little weight with his lordship, for, after taking the medicine prefcribed, he dreffed himself for the journey, and had made all things ready. It is fuppofed that the derangement increafing, he did not go to bed, but fat up the whole of the night, and in the morning committed the fatal act of fuicide, by difcharging the piftol in his mouth.

Admiralty-office, Aug. 21. This gazette contains accounts of the capture of La Victorine, French fchooner privateer, pierced for 16 guns, and S2 men, by his majefs ty's hip Santa Margaritta, capt. Parker; alfo, D'Klyne Sperwer, Dutch privateer, of 6 guns, and 28 men, twenty of whom efcaped in their boats, by his majefty's floops Nautilus and Sea-Gull, and King George and Fox cutters;

alfo, the Unity Dutch fchooner

privateer, of 10 guns, and 50 men, with her prizes, an Englifh fhip and brig, by his majefty's fhip Proferpine, capt. Lake; -alfo, Le Lynx, French lugger privateer, of 14 guns, and 50 men, by his majefty's floop Stork, capt. Pearson;

and the recaptures of the Charlotte of Liverpool, and the Neptune of Greenock, by his majesty's fhip Magnanime.

22. This gazette contains accounts of the capture of the Prodigy French brig privateer, pierced for 18 guns, mounting 14, and 87 men, by his majefty's floop Efpeigle, capt. Boorder; alfo, a French lugger privateer, of 10 guns (only 4 of which were mounted), and 34 men, called the Revenge, by the Refolution hired lugger, Mr. George Broad commander.

26. This gazette contains accounts of the capture of the Filbuftier privateer brig, of 12 guns and 104 men, by his majefty's fhip Maidstone, capt. Matthews;-alfo, Le Batave, of 12 guns, and 54 men, by his majefty's fhip Roebuck, capt. Burrows.

29. This gazette contains an account of the capture of Le Tiercelet French fchooner privatcer, of 8 guns, 10 fwivels, and 47 men, copper bottomed, (together with the Profperity of London, which the privateer had captured three days before,) by his majefty's fhip Magnanime, capt. de Courcy.

Bath, Aug. 30. At the yearly conference of the methodist preach ers and delegates from the princi-pal focieties in the kingdom, lately held at Leeds, they came to a refolution, that if any of the members of their focieties fhould maintain and propagate opinions inimical to the civil government and eftablished religion of the country, they fould no longer be confider(I 2)


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I have the honour to inform you, that on the 21ft inftant, in lat. 48 deg. 30 min. north long. 8 deg. weft, being on the larboard tack, with the wind easterly, blowing hard, at half paft eight A. M. faw two fail a-head, ftanding towards us, with every appearance of being cruizers. At half paft nine, having weathered us about a mile, they bore down, the headmoft under English colours, but very foon difcovered themselves to be the enemy, when we opened our fire, which obliged them to haul up

again on the ftarboard tack: wore immediately, keeping under their lee, with a conftant fire at both. At three quarters paft nine the fternmost ftruck, and hove-to, but the fea running too high to take immediate poffeffion of her, and finding the other of much more confequence, who was making every endeavour to escape, I continued the purfuit, when, after an hour and forty minutes running fire, having fhot away her maintop-maft, the ftruck, and at nine took poffeffion of her. Found her to be L'Oifeau French privateer, of 18 guns (pierced for 20), 10 9-pounders, and 2 long French twelves, with 119 men on board. At half paft meridian, wore, and made fail after the other, who by this time was nearly out of fight, endeavouring to get off. At four brought her to, and took poffef fion, finding her to be the Express, of Dartmouth, prize to L'Oiseau, formerly L'Appocrate French pri vateer, of 12 guns, taken a few months ago. L'Oifeau is quite new-built, for a corvette, launched in June laft, and coppered. Her length of keel 73 feet, of gun-deck 87 feet, and breadth of beam 25 feet: her firft cruize from Nantz, out 34 days, and had taken two other veffels. She has been chafed five times before by his majesty's frigates, but always maintained a decided fuperiority of failing; fpares the Penguin at least one-third of her canvas; and we are much indebted to their diforder, and a high fea, for our fuccefs. She had one man killed, and five wounded. I beg leave to exprefs the warmest approbation of the conduct of my firft lieutenant, Mr. Geo. Neat Tremlett, with every officer and man in his majesty's floop I have the honour to command, for their


zeal and steady exertion during the chace, working the guns knee-high in water for upwards of an hour and a half, carrying a great prefs of fail, with a heavy fea making fair breaches conftantly over us.

J. K. PULLING. The fame gazette announces the capture of the L'Eclair, French privateer of 14 guns, and 108 men, by lord A. Beauclerk of the Dryad, and of a lugger and brig by capt. Payne of the Impetueux.

Admiralty-office, Sept. 2, 1797. Captain Waller, of his majesty's fhip Emerald, arrived here yefterday with difpatches from admiral lord St. Vincent to Evan Nepean, efq. fecretary of the admiralty, of which the following are extracts: Ville de Paris, off Cadiz, Auguft 16, 1797.


I defire you will acquaint the lords commiffioners of the admiralty, that I detached rear-admiral Nelfon, and the fquadron named in the margin *, with orders to make an attempt upon the town of Santa Cruz, in the island of Teneriffe, which, from a variety of intelligence, I conceived was vulnerable. On Saturday the 15th of July, the rear-admiral parted company, and on Tuefday the 18th, the Leander having joined from Lisbon, I fent her after the rear-admiral, under inftructions left by him.

The Emerald joined yesterday, with the inclofed difpatch and reports from the rear-admiral; and although the enterprise has not fucceeded, his majesty's arms have acquired a very great degree of luftre: nothing from my pen can add to the eulogy the rear-admiral gives of the gallantry of the of

ficers and men employed under him. I have greatly to lament the heavy lofs the country has fuftained in the fevere wound of rearadmiral Nelfon, and the death of captain Richard Bowen, lieutenant Gibfon, and the other brave officers.. and men who fell in this vigorous and perfevering affault.

The moment the rear-admiral joins, it is my intention to fend the Seahorfe to England with him, the wound captain Fremantle has received in his arm alfo, requiring change of climate; and I hope that both of them will live to render important fervices to their king and country.

I am, fir, your most obedient humble fervant,

ST. VINCENT. Thefeus, off Santa Cruz, July 27, 1797.


In obedience to your orders to make a vigorous attack on the town of Santa Cruz, in the island of Teneriffe, I directed, from the hips under my command, one thoufand men, including marines, to be prepared for landing, under the direction of capt. Troubridge, of his majesty's fhip Culloden, and captains Hood, Thompfon, Freemantle, Bowen, Miller, and Waller, who very handfomely volunteered their fervices; and although I am under the painful neceffity of acquainting you that we have not been able to fucceed in our attack, yet it is my duty to ftare, that I believe more daring intrepidity never was fhewn than by the captains, officers, and men you did me the honour to place under my command.

Inclofed I tranfmit to you a lift of killed and wounded; and a

* Thefeus, Culloden, Zealous, Seahorfe, Emerald, Terpsichore, Fox (1) cutter.

(I 3)


mongst the former' it is with the deepeit forrow I have to place the name of captain Richard Bowen, of his majesty's fhip Terpsichore, than whom a more enterprifing, able, and gallant officer, does not grace his majefty's naval fervice; and with great regret I have to mention the lofs of lieutenant John Gibfon, commander of the Fox cutter, and a great number of gallant officers and men.

I have the honour to be, &c.

Sir John Jervis, K. B.

&c. &c. &c. Lift of killed, wounded, drowned and mifling, of his majesty's fhips undermentioned, in ftorming Santa Cruz, in the island of Teneriffe, on the night of the 24th of July, 1797. Thefeus-8 ftamen, 4 marines, killed; 25 feamen wounded; 34 feamen and marines drowned. Culloden feaman, 2 marines, kiled; 12 feamen, 6 marines, wounded; 36 feamen and marines drowned.

Zealous 3 feamen, 2 marines, killed; 19 feamen, 2 marines, wounded.

Leander feaman, 5 marines,

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killed; faman, 4 marines, wounded; 1 ditto miffing. Seahorfe- -2 feamen killed; 13 feamen and i marine, wounded. Terpfichore 8 feamen killed; 9 feamen, 2 marines, wounded; 4 feamen and marines mifling. Emerald 5 feamen, 3 marines, killed; 11 feamen wounded; 10 feamen and marines drowned.

Fox Cutter 17 feamen and marines drowned.

Total 28 feamen, 16 marines, killed; 90 feamen, 15 marines, wounded; 97 feamen and ma.

rines drowned; 5 feamen and-ma◄ rines miffing.

Officers killed Richard Bowen, captain of the Terpuchore; George Thorpe, first lieutenant of ditto; John Weatherhead, lieutenant of the Thefeus; Wil liam Earnshaw, fecond lieutenant of the Leander; Raby Robinfon, lieutenant of marines, of ditto; lieutenant Batham, marines, of the Emerald; lieutenant John Gibfon, of the Fox Cutter, drowned.

Officers wounded - Rear-admiral Nelfon, his right arm thot off; captain Thompson, of the Lean. der, lightly; captain Fremantle, of the Seahorse, in the arm; lieutenant J. Douglas, of ditto, in the hand; Mr. Waits, midhipman, of the Zealous.

HORATIO NELSON, 5. The gazette announces the following captures: Poiffon Volante, of four guns, and thirty-eight men, captured the 14th of June, 1797, off Defea da, by the Tamer, capt. Mar.


La Barbaroffe, of eight guns, and fixty-one men, captured the 23d of June, 1797, off Defeada, by the Tamer, capt. Martin. Louis Bonfoi, of four guns, and fixty-fix men, captured the 9th of June, 1797, off Barbuda, by the Lapwing, captain Barton. La Legere, of fix guns, and fifty men, captured the 6th of July, 1797, off Marigalante, by the Zephyr, commanded by lieut. G. Reynolds.

Le Va Tout, of two guns, and thirty-two men, captured the Sth of July, 1797, off Martinique, by the Zephyr, commanded by lieut. G. Reynolds.

La Victoire, French lugger priva


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