Imágenes de páginas

directed the disembarkation, fhewed all the zeal and intelligence which I have experienced from him on former occafions. To lord Craven, who begged to attend the expedition, I am indebted for great zeal and exertion.

Lieutenant-colonel Soter, who is intimately acquainted with this country, has been, and continues to be, of very great ufe to me. I I thould not do juftice to his general character, if I did not take this opportunity to exprefs it. My aidde-camp, captain Drew, 'of the 45th regiment, will have the honour to deliver this letter: he has ferved long in this country, and is capable to give fuch further information as may be required. I humbly beg leave to recommend him to his majefty's favour.

I have the honour to be, &c.

R. ABERCROMBY, K. B. Articles of Capitulation for the furrender of the Island of Trinidad, between his Excellency Sir Ralph Abercromby, K. B. Commander in Chief of his Britannic Majefty's Land Forces; his Excellency Henry Harvey, Efq. Rear Admiral of the Red, and Commander in Chief of his Britannic Majefty's Ships and Veffels of War; and his Excellency Don Jofef Maria Chacon, Knight of the Order of Calatrava, Brigadier of the Royal Navy, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Inland of Trinidad and its Dependencies, Infpector-General of the Troops of its Garrifon, &c.

&c. &c.

Art. I. The officers and troops of his Catholic majefty, and his allies, in the island of Trinidad, are to furrender themfelves prifoners of war, and are to deliver up the territory, forts, buildings, arms, am

munition, money, effects, plans, and ftores, with exact inventories thereof, belonging to his Catholic majetty; and they are thereby transferred to his Britannic majefty, in the fame manner and poffeffion as has been held heretofore by his faid Catholic majesty.

Art. II. The troops of his Catholic majefty are to march out with the honours of war, and to lay down their arms, at the distance of three hundred paces from the forts they occupy, at five o'clock this evening, the 18th of February.

Art. III. All the officers and troops aforefaid of his Catholic majefty are allowed to keep their private effects, and the officers are allowed to wear their fwords.

Art. IV. Admiral Don Sebastian Ruiz de Apodaca, being on fhore in the island, after having burnt and abandoned his hips, he, with the officers and men belonging to the fquadron under his command, are included in this capitulation, under the fame terms as are granted to his Catholic majefty's troops.

Art. V. As foon as fhips can be conveniently provided for the purpofe, the prifoners are to be conveyed to Old Spain, they remaining prifoners of war until exchanged by a cartel between the two nations, or until the peace; it being clearly understood that they fhall not ferve against Great Britain or her allies until exchanged.

Art. VI. There being fome officers among his Catholic majesty's troops, whofe private affairs require their prefence at different places of the continent of America, fuch officers are permitted to go upon their parole to the faid places for fix months, more or lefs, after which period they are to return to Eu rope; but as the number receiving (D 4)


this indulgence must be limited, his excellency Don Chacon will previously deliver to the British commanders a lift of their names, rank, and places which they are going to.

Art. VII. The officers of the royal adminiftration, upon the delivery of flores with which they are charged to fuch officers as may be appointed by the British commanders, will receive receipts, according to the cuftom in like cafes, from the officers fo appointed to receive the ftores.

Art. VIII. All the private property of the inhabitants, as well Spaniards as may fuch as have been naturalized, is preferved to


Art. IX. All public records are to be preferved in fuch courts or offices as they are now in, and all contracts or purchases between individuals, which have been done according to the laws of Spain, are to be held binding and valid by the British government.

Art. X. The Spanish officers of adminiftration, who are poffeffed of landed property in Trinidad, are allowed to remain in the island, they taking the oaths of allegiance to his Britannic majefty; and they are further allowed, fhould they pleafe, to fell or difpofe of their property, and to retire elfewhere.

Art. XI. The free exercife of their religion is allowed to the in


Art. XII. The free-coloured people, who have been acknowledged as fuch by the laws of Spain, fhall be protected in their liberty, perfons, and property, like other inhabitants; they taking the oath of allegiance, and demeaning themfelves as become good and peace

able fubjects of his Britannic ma jefty.

Art. XIII. The failors and fol diers of his Catholic majesty are, from the time of their laying down their arms, to be fed by the British government, leaving the expence to be regulated by the cartel between the two nations.

Art. XIV. The fick of the Spa. nifh troops will be taken care of, but to be attended, and to be un. der the infpection, of their own furgeons.

Art. XV. All the inhabitants of Trinidad fhall, within thirty days from the date hereof, take the oath of allegiance to his Britannic majefty, to demean themfelves quietly and faithfully to his government, upon pain, in cafe of non-compli ance, of being fent away from the island.

Done at Port d'Espagne, in the ifland of Trinidad, the 18th day of February, 1797.


JOSEPH MARIA CHACON, Return of the Spanish Garrifon of the Ifland of Trinidad made Prifoners of War, Feb. 18, 1797.

Royal artillery.-1 captain, lieutenant, 43 non-commiffioned officers, drummers, and privates.

Engineers.1 brigadier, 2 cap. tains, 1 fubaltern.

Trinidad regiment.-2 lieutenantcolonels, 2 captains, 15 fubalterns, 1 adjutant, 2 enfigns, i furgeon, chaplain, 504 non-commiffioned of ficers, drummers and privates.

French officers. I lieutenantcolonel, 3 captains, 1 fubaltern, 2 engineers.

Fifty men fick in general hofpital.

JOHN HOPE, Adj. Gen.

Return of the Naval Officers and Seamen made Prifoners of War at the Capture of Trinidad, February, 18, 1797

1 Chef d'efcadre.

1 Brigadier.

5 Captains of line of battle fhips.

3 Captains of frigates.

7 Lieutenants of line of battle fhips.

74 Officers of all other deferiptions,

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Office of Ordnance, Trinidad, Feb. 20, 1797

Return of Stores and Tools found in the Engineer Arsenal of the

Town of Puerta de Hifpania.

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2739 3461

2385 1979 416



Crow bars, iron


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N.B. No return has as yet been received from the commiffary fent to Gafpar Grande, to take an account of the engineer ftores depofited in that island, but it is understood there are, amongst other articles, intrenching tools fufficient for 500 men.


CHARLES SHIPLEY, major and commandant

royal engineers, windward and leeward


Return of Ordnance, Ammunition and Stores, captured on the Ifland of Trinidad, Feb. 18, 1797.

Brafs Ordnance.

2 Twenty-fix pounders, difmounted.

6 Twenty-fix pounders, 4 twenty-four pounders, 9 fixteen pounders, 6 twelve pounders, on travelling carriages.

3 Sixteen pounders difmounted.

II Four pounders, on travelling carriages, with limbers.
2 Four pounders, on garrifon carriages.

8 Twelve-inch mortars on brass beds.

Iron Ordnance.

10 Sixteen pounders, difmounted.

4 Twelve pounders, on travelling carriages.

4 Short twelve pounders, on garrifon carriages.

2 Six pounders, difmounted.

7 Six pounders, on garrifon carriages.

13 Four pounders, on ditto.

6 Four pounders, difmounted.

Loofe Round Shot.

1,698 Twenty-fix pounders.
2,799 Twenty-four pounders.
200 Eighteen pounders.
4,240 Sixteen pounders.
1,400 Twelve pounders.
450 Ten pounders.
220 Eight pounders.
1,082 Six pounders.
5,092 Four pounders.
200 Three pounders.

125 Six pounders, double headed.
43 Four pounders, double headed.
54 Six pounders, in tin cafes.
50,000 Loose iron balls, 1lb. each.
18,600 Ditto, 4 oz. each.

1,067 Twelve inch fhells, empty.

Canvas Cartridges, filled with Powder.

195 Twenty-four pounders.

193 Sixteen pounders.

201 Twelve pounders.

480 Six pounders.

143 Four pounders.

258 Twenty-four pounders, empty.

85 Whole

85 Whole barrels of powder, HH. of 100lbs. each.
6 Half barrels of ditto.

5,883 Pounds of powder, in cafes, in No. 39 70,800 Mufquet cartridges, in barrels, C. H. 7,718 Ditto, in boxes.

Spare Travelling Carriages.

2 Twenty-fix pounders.

11 Sixteen pounders.

2 Twelve pounders.

3,225 Mufquets, with fteel ramrods and bayonets.

142,000 Mufquet flints.

30 Cwt. flow match.

108 Cartouch boxes, with flings.

400 Spades, with helves.

400 Hoes, with ditto.

200 Felling axes, with ditto.

100 Picks, with ditto.

100 Pickaxes, with ditto.

400 Hand-bills.

62 Covers of leather for mufquet locks.

9,436 lbs. of lead, in pigs.

With a fuitable proportion of fide-arms and small articles in the ordinance department.

N. B. 2 iron fix pounders; 138 cartouch boxes, with flings; 298 fcabbards, with bayonets; 118 thirteen inch fuzees; 1420 tubes; and 227 portfires, unferviceable, and not included.

Note. The fixteen pounder brafs guns are the exact dimensions of English eighteen pounders.


JOHN SMITH, major, commanding royal artillery,
Windward and Leeward Inlands.

Return of Provifions found in the Stores in the Island of Trinidad, delivered over to me by the Commiffary (or Contador) in the Service of the King of Spain.

632 Whole barrels of American flour.

99 Half ditto.

154 Tierces of Rice.

Port of Spain, Trinidad,

Feb. 20, 1797. Admiralty Office, March 27, 1797. Captain Harvey, of his majefty's ship Prince of Wales, arrived at the Admiralty this morning with a difpatch from rear-admiral Henry Harvey, commander in chief of his majefty's fhips and veffels at Barbadoes and the Leeward Iflands, dated off Port d'Espagne, in the Gulf of Pa

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