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and accomplished in form, accordingly, and after the manner that in the said Decree, and in this my Cedula is declared, without consenting or allowing that in the whole or in part, may put or be put any doubt or difficulty, and before you, and not before any other judge, at the first instance shall be brought and followed, all Causes and law suits, which thereupon, or any other thing or part thereof, shall be made, and cause cognizance to be taken of all Causes eivil and criminal, in which they shall be prosecuted or against them shall be attempted, and before you shall be brought whatsoever law suits and Causes which shall concern the said English, between whatsoever persons or whatsoever quality they may be, and the execution and chastisement of those that shall disobey; because that my will is, that the cognizance and determination of all that is contained in the said provision, and in this my Cedula of amplification, specially shall and do concern you, proceeding fully against those that shall be guilty, executing upon them the punishments you shall find by justice due to them, without that any of the tribunals, courts or chancery, or any other Judges or Justices of my Kingdoms and Dominions of Castile, of whatsoever quality they may be, may intermeddle or do intermeddle herein, neither in the use nor exercise of the special jurisdiction in the said first instance, which by this my Cedula I grant you, be it by way of excess, appeal, or any other recourse or manner, to whom, and to each of you, I inhibit, and hold for inhibited their cognizance, declaring you for judges incompetent thereof, as for the whole, and every thing, and part thereof, and I grant you the most full and complete power, and most ample commission, as by law is required and necessary, with their incidences, dependencies, annexities and connexities, and that after you, the said English nation of the said city of Sevilla, may have power to name in the said Commission, one of the judges of this Court, whom the said nation shall think fit, and I command those of my Privy Council, that presenting before them his name, the said Commission being vacant by promotion or otherwise, him who shall be named shall have his dispatches in due form, according as in this my Cedula is ordained, and that it may the better be accomplished all that is contained in the said Decree, and in this my Cedula, I grant you licence, power and authority, that you

la dicha nacion se propusiere, para que substancie hasta la conclusion, y os los remita para determinarlos en la forma que os pareciere, y vieredes vieredes que conviene para la seguridad de la dicha provision, y que todo se guarde en la forma que por ella se dispone, y manda, no embargante qualesquier leyes, y pragmaticas de los dichos mis reynos, y señorios, ordenanças, estilo, uso, ye costumbre, y otra, qualquiera cosa que aya, ò pueda aver en contrario: con todo lo qual, para en quanto a esto toca, y por esta vez dispenso, y lo abrogo, y derogo, caso, y anulo, y doy por ninguno, y de ningun valor, y efecto, quedando en su fuerça, y vigor para en lo demás adelante. Fecha en Zaragoza à 26 Junio,

de 1645.


Por Mandado del Rey nuestro Señor,

Don Phelipe, por la Gratia de Dios, Rey de Castilla, de Leon, de Aragon, de las dos Sicilias, de Jerusalem, de Navarra, de Granada, de Toledo, de Valencia, de Galicia, de Mallorca, de Sevilla, de Cerdeña, de Cordova, de Corcega, de Murcia, de Jaen, de los Algarves, de Algecira, de Gibraltar, de las Islas de Canaria, de las Indias Orientales, y Occidentales, Islas y Tierra firme del Mar Oceano, Archiduque de Austria, Duque de Borgoña, de Bravante, y Milan, Conde de Apsburg, de Flandes, de Tirol, de Barcelona, Señor de Vizcaya, y de Molina, &c.

Por quanto por una mi Carta, y Provision de diez y nueve de Março deste año, hize merced à vos los vassallos del Rey de la Grand Bretaña, que residis en el Andaluzia, de approbar, y confirmar los privilegios, cedulas, y franquezas, que os están concedidos por las Coronas de Castilla, y Portugal, y mandè que se os guardassen, y cumpliessen los capitulos de las pazes hechas entre mi Corona, y la de Inglaterra; y por otra mi cedula de 26 de Junio del mismo año, os nombrè Juez Conservador, para que

may substitute, and do substitute this Commission for matters and law suits that shall offer in the said cities of Cadiz, Malaga and San Lucar, in the person that by the said nation shall be proposed to you, that he may conclude matters, you remitting to him the termination thereof, in the form you shall think fit, such as may be for the security of the said Decree, and that all may be observed in the form, which by it is ordained and commanded, any laws and pragmaticas of my said Kingdoms and Dominions, ordonnances, stile, use and custom, or any thing whatsoever, to the contrary notwithstanding: all which, and for as much as relates to these presents, I dispense with, abrogate, and derogate, make void and annul, count for nothing, and of no value and force, and that these presents remain in full force and vigour for the future. Done in Zaragoza, the 26th of June, in the Year 1645.


By Command of our Lord The King,


Don Philip, by the Grace of God, King of Castille, of Leon, of Arragon, of the Two Sicilies, of Jerusalem, of Navarra, of Granada, of Toledo, of Valencia, of Galicia, of Majorca, of Sevilla, of Sardinia, of Corcega, of Murcia, of Jaen, of the Algarves, of Algecira, of Gibraltar, of the Islands of Canary, of the Indies East and West, Islands and Terra firma of the Ocean Sea, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Borgona, of Brabant, and Millan, Count of Apsburg, of Flanders, of Tirol, of Barcelona, Lord of Biscay, and Molina, &c.

Forasmuch as by my Letter and Decree of the 19th of March, of this present year, I did grant to you, the subjects of the King of Great Britain, who reside in Andaluzia, a Confirmation and approbation of the privileges, Cedulas, and franchises which were granted you by the Crowns of Castille and Portugal, and commanded that they should be kept, and observed to you the said Articles of peace, made between my Crowns and that of England, and that by my other Cedula of the 26th of June of the

conociesse de todas las causas civiles, y criminales, assi en las que fueredes actores demandantes, como en las de reos convenidos, y con otras calidades, ampliaciones, y pre-eminencias en las dichas provision, y cedula contenidas, segun en ellas, a que me refiero, se contiene.

Y aora por vuestra parte me ha sido hecha relacion, que aviendo presentado la ultima cedula en el acuerdo de la audiencia de los Grados de la Ciudad de Sevilla, se mandò dar traslado al Lic. D. Juan de Villalva, mi Fiscal de ella, y le tiene en su poder desde 15 de Julio, sin aver respondido hasta aora, con lo qual se ha embarazado, y detenido el uso, y cumplimiento de las dichas provision, y cedula, y se os causa grave perjuizio, y daño; y aunque segun lo dispuesto por ellas el Juez Conservador podrá conocer de todas las causas civiles, y criminales, assi siendo actores, como reos, con qualquier persona que os tratassedes, vuestro intento es gozar solamente del dicho privilegio, y Juez Conservador, quando los pleytos fueren entre los de vuestra nacion, ora seais actores, ora reos, y las causas quier sean civiles, ò quier criminales; y quando los pleytos fueren con Españoles, d con otras personas de diferentes naciones, el Conservador ha de conocer tan solamente de las causas en que fueredes civil, ò criminalmente reos convenidos, y no quando fueredes actores demandantes; suplicandome, que porque en esta parte os aveis apartado, y desistido del dicho privilegio ante Alonso de Alarcon, sea servido de declararlo assi, con las condiciones, ampliaciones, y pre-eminencias, y las calidades que mas os convengan, y fueren necessarias, para mayor fuerça de lo referido, ò como la mi merced fuesse; y porque para las occasiones que tengo de guerras aveis ofrecido servirme con mil y quinientos ducados en plata doble, pagados a ciertos plazos, lo he tenido por bien; y por la presente quiero, y es mi voluntad, y declaró, que quando los pleytos fueren entre los de vuestra nacion, ora seais actores, d reos, y las causas fueren civiles, y criminales, aveis de gozar solamente del dicho privilegio, y sus calidades; y quando los dicho's pleytos fueren con Españoles, ò con otras personas de diferentes naciones, el Juez Conservador aya de conocer, y conozca sola

same year, you may name a Judge Conservator, that shall take cognizance of all your Causes, civil and criminal, as well in those in which you shall be plaintiffs, as in those in which you shall be defendants, with other conditions, amplifications, and pre-eminences, in the said Decree and Cedula contained, referring myself

to the tenor thereof.

And now on your part, relation having been made to me, that having presented the last Cedula in the assembly of the Court of Degrees of the city of Sevilla, a copy thereof was ordered to be given to Don Juan de Villalva, my fiscal of the said court, who kept it in his possession from the fifteenth of July, without having answered it till now, which hath hindered and deprived you of the benefit and performance of the said Decree and Cedula, to your great prejudice and detriment, although by what is ordained thereby, the Judge Conservator ought to take cognizance of all Causes, civil and criminal, as well being plaintiffs as defendants, with any person whatsoever you shall trade with, your intent being only to enjoy the said privileges and Judge Conservator, when there should be any law-suits between those of your nation, whether you be plaintiffs or defendants, and whether the Causes be civil or whether they be criminal, and when the suits shall be with Spaniards, or with other persons of different nations, the Conservator is to take cognizance so far only of the Causes in which you shall be civilly or criminally prosecuted as defendants, and not in which you shall be plaintiffs, humbly intreating me, that whereas in this particular you have waved and desisted from the said privilege before Alonso de Alarcon, that I would be pleased to declare it, with the conditions, amplifications, and pre-eminences, as may be most convenient for you, and shall be most necessary for the greater force of what is insisted, of what my pleasure shall be; and because that for the service of the wars, you have offered to assist me with 1500 ducats in silver, payable at certain prefixed days, I have thought fit, and by these presents I Will and Declare, that when the Suits shall be between those of your nation, whether you be plaintiffs or defendants, or the Causes shall be civil or criminal, you shall enjoy the said privilege and its conditions: and when the said Suits shall be with Spaniards, or with other persons of divers nations, that the

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